Tasburgh Quarterly & Church News

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Photo courtesy of : Gillian Read





Useful Names & Contact Details LOCAL COUNCIL & COUNCILLORS


Jill Casson 01508 470334 Tina Eagle 01508 494569 Michael Edney 07725 971282 Mrs Alison Thomas 01508 530652 Mr Richard Bacon 01379 643728 richardbaconmp@parliament.uk


EMERGENCY Non Emergency Police enquiries@norfolk.pnn.police.uk Non Emergency Medical Power Cuts

GP SURGERY Long Stratton Medical Partnership

999 101 111 105

Swan Lane , Tharston

01508 530781

CHURCH Church News Rev’d Dawn Davidson Parochial Church Council/Yellow Pages Mrs Julia Orpin

01508 498924 01508 470983

VILLAGE HALL Chair Secretary TASBURGH SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL Preston CE Primary School Tas Valley Pre-school & Playroup COMMUNITY GROUPS Community Speed Watch The Tasburgh Society Tasburgh Carers Group 1st Tasburgh Scout Group Social Club Eurolink Tasburgh Allotment Society (TAS)

Dave Moore 01508 471041 admin@tasburghvillagehall.org.uk bookings @tasburghvillagehall.org.uk 01508 470454 Victoria Johnson chair.tvplaygroup@gmail.com Willie Crawshay Adrienne Watts Rachel Mahoney Graham Pates Don Proudfoot Mr Alan Jones Mr Simon Orford

01508 471650 01508 470217 01508 471271 01508 471518 01508 471408 01508 470092 01508 471539

Tasburgh United Football Club Andy Whyte 07384 231207 Coffee Pot and Crafts Julia Fowler 01508 471833 St Mary’s Guild Mrs Ann Crawshay 01508 470634 Fitness Club (Over 50's) Mrs Ann Gibbins 01508 470225 Fat Dad’s Football Mr Bill Wheeler 01508 471633 Martial Arts Mr Andrew Gillingwater 07775 890359 Tasburgh Tea Room Mrs Valerie Cook 01508 470298 Inaccuracies or omissions? Please contact tasburghpc@btinternet.com. 3

Tasburgh Parish Council, Serving the Village of Tasburgh

Meetings Parish Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Committee Room of the Village Hall at 8pm (refreshments available from 7.30pm). Planning Meetings, if required, are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month, in the Village Hall Committee Room at 8pm. Agendas are posted on the village notice boards and the website at least three days beforehand. Public are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings; this is your opportunity to speak or ask questions. Due to Covid-19 restrictions on social distancing some of the meetings below may now be held remotely. If you wish to access the meeting please email the Clerk who can provide you with an invitation link. Meeting Dates 2020 21st January 18th February 17th March 21st April

19th May 16th June 21st July 18th August

15th September 20th October 17th November 15th December

Please note, if you would like an item to appear on the agenda, details must be sent to the Clerk at least eight days before the meeting. The Council is unable to make a decision on anything not included on the agenda but can discuss newly raised matters and refer them to the next meeting. Minutes of meetings are posted on the website or are available from the Clerk. Parish Council Surgeries Councillors are still willing to discuss any issues you may have with you; their contact details can be found opposite on page 5. 4

Tasburgh Parish Council, Serving the Village of Tasburgh Contacting the Parish Council If you would like to know more, have any comments about Tasburgh Parish Council and its work, or you have any issues you wish to be raised, please contact one of the Councillors or the Parish Clerk. YOUR COUNCILLORS Jill Casson 12 Hastings Close chair.tasburghpc@gmail.com


Willie Crawshay

The Grange, Low Road willie.crawshay@btconnect.com


Brian Hill

8 Harvey Close brianhill.tasburghpc@gmail.com


Geoff Merchant

14 Orchard Way geoffmerchant@btinternet.com


Andrew Patrick

Jasmine Cottage 07775 898301 andrewpatrick.tasburghpc@gmail.com

Keith Read

Thornly Barn, Saxlingham Lane k.a.read@btinternet.com


Matthew Read

1 Harvey Close matt.read@taspc@gmail.com


Adrienne Watts

Grove Cottage Awatts.tas@hotmail.co.uk


Preston Thomas

4 Church Road 07730 049077 prestonthomas.tasburghpc@gmail.com

Parish Clerk Tina Eagle 17 Alder Close Poringland, Norfolk, NR14 7LY 01508 494569 Email: tasburghpc@btinternet.com Website https://tasburghpc.wixsite.com/tasburghpc 5

Tasburgh Parish Council Many of the previous lockdown measures have now been eased (at the time of writing), although nervousness about the virus and its possible return still remain. We now realise that in Norfolk we have been very lucky and escaped the high levels of the virus suffered by other parts of the country. However it has not gone away and we do have to remain vigilant and “alert”. A big thank you as always to all of our keyworkers, and also to all of those who pulled together and helped the community in other ways during the worst of the crisis. Remember that if you do need assistance of any sort during this time, the Early Help Hub at South Norfolk District Council is still running (0344 8008020) along with our very own community Covid-19 support group. Contact details can be found on page 11. Also, if you run a small business and are experiencing financial difficulties help is again available from South Norfolk District Council. Gradually normal life is beginning to resume around the village. Among other things, the Village Hall and Social Club have re-opened, and the playing field and tennis courts have never seemed so busy. The playground and outdoor gym at the Village Hall is also open again, with various Covid-19 protection measures in place – see notices for details. Most of you will have seen the wonderful “rock snake” on Grove Lane near the village hall, where children and other residents have placed their creatively painted stones. The Parish Council think that it would be a great shame to lose these and therefore are investigating ways in which the stones could be preserved as a memento of this unusual year. One benefit of the lockdown, was that the amount of traffic on roads within the village decreased considerably, and walking and cycling around were much more pleasurable. Unfortunately, traffic levels seem to be returning to normal, and speeding is once again a problem. The Parish Council continue to monitor this via the SAMS machine. One traffic-calming scheme that seems to have worked well in some other villages, is large “Slow Down” stickers, that can be stuck to the sides of wheelie bins for display on the days that bins are collected. We are also looking into the costs of acquiring some with 30mph on them. 6

Tasburgh Parish Council If any residents would like some – especially if you live in Church Road, Grove Road or Low Road where we know there are problems with speeding – then please contact the Parish Clerk who will arrange to get some delivered to you. We do have some with hedgehogs on! A reminder to please keep hedges trimmed back where these are next to public footpaths. This is especially important with more people walking round the village and the need for social distancing. Parish Council meetings continue to be held virtually for the time being. Details of meetings are advertised on Facebook, website and noticeboards. There is still the opportunity for members of the public to participate in our meetings. If you would like to join one, please email our clerk and she will send you the necessary link. You can easily join from your computer, tablet or phone, and the process is very easy. The Neighbourhood Plan group has also resumed monthly meetings see below for their latest report . During this time, we continue to use the website https:// tasburghpc.wixsite.com/tasburghpc and especially our Facebook page to circulate all of the essential information that we receive from different sources and relevant Agencies. You can also use the website or our Facebook page to forward comments or questions to the Parish Council. Jill Casson, Chair *************** NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE The Advisory Group has been able to hold two virtual meetings in July and August with the intention of starting any work on the Neighbourhood Plan that was possible whilst not being able to hold public meetings. Although producing a Plan will take a few years, it has become especially relevant now since the Prime Minister announced major changes to planning regulations, which could have a long term effect on villages like Tasburgh. We are currently looking at putting together a survey for residents and businesses and are working towards including this in the next edition of the Quarterly which will be distributed at the end of November . There will be more publicity about the survey in the Autumn months so please keep an eye out for that. A new section of the Parish Council website is also currently under construction, which in time will contain all our agenda’s, minutes and other documents which will relate to the progression of our Plan. Adrienne Watts, Chair 7

Tasburgh Village Hall Tasburgh Village Hall Is Coming Out of Lockdown! It’s been an unprecedented time since Lockdown began in March, clearly impacting on our hall as to what we could and couldn’t do, and how to manage it all. Thanks to a oneoff and very welcome grant from South Norfolk District Council, our financial concerns were softened as we still had regular outgoings but no income to meet them. We also had to furlough our staff though I’m pleased to say all have returned. Whilst some of our regular User Groups have managed to start again, others are taking an understandably more cautious approach and some others [at the time of writing] are still subject to government mandate as to when they can start again. Before the hall could re-open, a number of safety checks had to take place. Firstly, the hall was subject to a full Deep Clean undertaken by our cleaners and secondly, we had to undertake a legionella test of the water system which we passed. Despite lockdown, a lot has happened: With thanks to TSSC who funded the construction, the 1st phase of the new entrance at the rear into the small hall was completed having been planned for some years. As well as being more attractive, it’s now much easier for those who are wheelchair-bound to enter the small hall. Thanks to villagers James Hanton and Eddy Cook who did much of the work. At the same time, the TSSC cellar was expanded enabling it to carry more stock to meet demand, especially at big VH events. The 2nd phase of a glass lobby outside the new entrance doors will be completed at a later stage. The Tennis Courts were allowed to open early and have been much used. The Annual ROSPA Inspection of the children’s play area and skateboard park was undertaken, and it’s good to see young children having fun on them again. The main hall roof drapes are always in demand at big events, so they’ve been thoroughly cleaned and refurbished whilst the side curtains were both cleaned and re-proofed with fire retardant. We believe this is the first time they have been cleaned since being purchased more than a decade ago, so they should now be good for another 10 years! 8

Tasburgh Village Hall We made time to thoroughly review our Health and Safety Procedures and Policies. Four Village Hall Trustees had a meeting with a retired Health & Safety Officer who proundly praised us for what we do. The few minor areas requiring attention have now all been addressed, and I have agreed as an interim measure to be the designated Heath & Safety Officer. With regards to Covid-19, our secretary/administrator has done considerable research into our obligations to enable us to safely reopen. Using a plain English document we went through the recommendations. Not all requirements were mandatory but we decided to adopt all as necessary. Village Hall Bookings is now a separate role which has now been taken on by our Cleaner in addition to that of their cleaning role. Following some concerns received, a site meeting was arranged with local Police Officers who will give passing attention to the hall at night. CCTV is also in operation and available to Police where necessary. If you are aware of any future problems please inform the Police as well as informing our Administrator. Finally, I again ask for more residents to volunteer their time and become Trustees. We are lucky to have those we have got but we need more help. It has helped considerably having made both the administrator and bookings roles paid appointments in addition to our 2 cleaners and caretaker.

Dave Moore, Chair



Tasburgh Eurolink A few very brief words from us this time as we, like everyone else, have done very little since the last Quarterly and all our plans are now for next year. We were, of course, unable to have our AGM, but the accounts have been prepared and verified and the majority of the committee were able to meet on Zoom to comment on them and attend to what little business there was. What would we do without technology? The committee members have agreed to continue in post until we are able to hold a general meeting. It was agreed that we should formally thank Gayle Austin who has done such a lot towards keeping our balance sheet looking very healthy. Although we don’t really have any expenses at present, this will be important when we next host our Belgian friends, hopefully next year. The arrangements are all in place so we have our fingers crossed that the situation will allow it to go ahead. Some of us have been in touch with our friends in Linden and they are very much in the same situation as us. No-one has been badly affected as far as we know. Ironically the weather was perfect on the evening we should have been holding our Safari Supper on Saturday July 18th.

WE DO HAVE A PROVISIONAL DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES! THE WINE TASTING HAS BEEN BOOKED FOR SATURDAY 27TH FEBRUARY 2021 TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT EUROLINK Helen Burnett: helenmburnett@gmail.com (Chair) Alan Jones: jonesa@talk21.com (Secretary) or any other member of the group 10

Tasburgh COVID-19 Support Group


Kerry Blackett has been collecting and co-ordinating foodbank donations throughout the lockdown. Paula Foster has also been making masks for donations of food or money. Between them they donate (almost weekly) tins, packet food, nappies and toiletries to South Norfolk District Council Early Help Hub and Leeway.

Thank you Kerry, Paula and the residents of Tasburgh 12

South Norfolk District Council

COMMUNITY AWARDS 2020 South Norfolk District Council has extended the deadline until 4 September 2020 to nominate your local stars for a South Norfolk Community Award. This is your chance to give volunteers the recognition they deserve and say thank you! Winners will receive ÂŁ250 to spend in their community. Find out more and nominate easily online at: www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/champions 13

Norfollk County Council Key Messages from Norfolk County Council Keeping Yourselves and Others Safe Coronavirus is still with us. Cases in Norfolk are low and we want to keep them that way. The best thing to do to protect ourselves and others is to continue to wash your hands regularly, keep your distance from others and wear a face covering in shops and on public transport. To protect others, you and everyone living in your house should isolate straight away if you show symptoms. The symptoms are: a new continuous cough; fever; or a loss or change in your taste and smell. As soon as you isolate, visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119 to book a test. Everyone is eligible to get a test if they have symptoms. You can choose either a drive-through test or a home test kit. Stay in isolation until you receive your results, which will include instructions on what to do next. NHS Test and Trace will contact people who test positive for Covid-19. They will ask you about who you have been in contact with from two days before onset of symptoms to seven days after. This will identify people at risk who could pass on the virus before (or without) showing symptoms themselves. For more information about how to stay safe and how to get support if you need it whilst isolating visit: norfolk.gov.uk/coronavirus ____________

FRIEND AGAINST SCAMS By completing the online learning, you can learn about the different types of scams and how to spot and support a victim. www.norfolk.gov.uk/friendsagainstscams You can also report scams to the Citizens Advice consumer helpline using their online report form or 03454 040506 14

Preston Primary School Since the start of lockdown, our school has been busy whilst having lots of fun. At the start of the pandemic, we were joined by children from Saxlingham School whose parents were key workers; it was fun making new friends. We have completed lots of great activities since March. One of our first tasks was painting a massive rainbow. Some of us made rainbow poems and carried out rainbow experiments. During the Easter holidays, some of us made Paper Mache hot air balloons – lots of us have them hanging in our houses. We also made origami When some of the year groups came back, we had to move from the hall, where we were, to the one of the classrooms. Then, as more children joined the ‘key kids’ club, we had to move back to the hall so we could stay a safe distance from one another. After we moved back to the hall, we started our new topic: the Olympics. Some of us made medals out of clay and then painted them gold or silver. Later in the week, we designed mascots. Then we made bungee jumping spiders out of paper and origami frogs. We have done some gardening. We planted sunflowers, beans, carrots, wild flowers and poppies. It was really fun to plant things and take care of the flower beds. The ‘key kids’ have really enjoyed being in school. It has been a strange time but by working together, we have kept smiling! Article written by two of the keyworker children in Year 5



Tas Valley

P r e -S c h o ol &

Pl ay gr o up

After many weeks away due to the pandemic we were able to open our doors again for the last few weeks of the summer term. All of the children adjusted really well to the changes that we’ve put in place, and it certainly did not hinder the fun and laughter! We were also very glad to get the opportunity to say goodbye and good luck to all of our school leavers. We shall miss them all! We are looking forward to seeing everyone again when we re-open on Monday 7th September. PRE-SCHOOL FUNDRAISING As with so many charities we have sadly had to postpone or cancel many of our fundraising events. In these uncertain times there are easy ways that you in the community can help us and other local charities… Many large companies allow you to raise funds for charities when you shop online. AmazonSmile - is a simple and automatic way for you to support a charity of your choice every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.co.uk, you’ll find the exact same prices as amazon.co.uk, but Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your selected charity. To support us please register your support with ‘Tas Valley PreSchool And Playgroup’ at https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ Easyfundraising – Shopping doesn’t cost you a penny more, but as you make purchases online, retailers automatically donate to preschool. All you do is register (it’s good to click the “Donation Reminder” button when registering) and start shopping. There is an app that can be downloaded for mobile phones. Please give it a go and encourage others to do so too – it’s effectively free money. All support would be hugely appreciated! Please search: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/tvpp/ Thank you! We also have our permanent PAPER SKIP – situated in the fenced recycling area at the village hall. Thank you to all of you who bring their papers/magazines here for recycling – it all really helps with our fundraising efforts! 16

Tas Valley Pre-School and Playgroup WE ARE ENROLLING! We now have places available in nearly all of our sessions from September. Tas Valley Pre-school & Playgroup is a small, committee-managed, term time setting, providing quality childcare in a safe and friendly environment. Established over 50 years ago, the pre-school is run by dedicated and qualified staff who help and support children to learn and develop their full potential through stimulating and imaginative play. For more information or to register a place for your child please email Paula Simmons: enquiries.tvplaygroup@gmail.com

SESSION TIMES (TERM-TIME ONLY): Monday to Friday 9am – 12pm Tuesday 12pm – 3pm (Monday 12pm – 3pm: Focussed session for those due to start school)

FUNDING & FEES: Free Entitlement All 3-4 year olds (and some 2 year olds) are entitled to up to 15 hours of pre-school education per week funded by the Government. The entitlement begins the term after your child’s third birthday.

30 HOURS FUNDED CHILDCARE If you and your partner work, earning at least the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the National Living Wage and less than £100,000 per annum, then you could be entitled to 30 hours per week funded childcare for 38 weeks a year if you have a child aged between 3-4 years. Tas Valley Pre-school and Playgroup currently open for 21 hours per week. Funding can be split between two settings. For instance, 21 hours with us and 9 hours with another nursery or childminder.

FEES From September 2020, fees for non-funded sessions are £13.00 per 3 hour session for 2 year olds, and £13.50 per 3 hour session for 3-4 year olds. HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO DEVELOP NEW SKILLS? HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO VOLUNTEER FOR A CHARITY? Tas Valley Pre-school and Playgroup is a registered charity and is managed by a committee of volunteer trustees. If you have some free time, and would like to support a local community group, please consider helping to run our pre-school/playgroup, or help support our fundraising efforts. Please email chair.tvplaygroup@gmail.com if you would like to know more! 17

1st Tasburgh Sea Scout Group It has been an unusual spring for Tasburgh Scouts, as all face to face scouting was suspended in March in response to the coronavirus threat. Since then, scouting has continued in a virtual way, with online meetings,and activities. We marked St George's Day, a traditional day in the scouting calendar by joining together to take the scout promise and we marked VE day with a quiz about scouting in the 1940's. Other activities have included scavenger hunts, crafting and there is even a new badge to earn - the 'Scout in the House'. Looking forward, planning is underway to restart face to face meetings in the autumn, all being well. With guidance from the national organisation and support to help us undertake new risk assessments, we hope to be able to resume meetings in September. Initially meetings are likely to be held outdoors and in small groups with activities designed to minimise the risk of virus transmission. As ever, we would love more adult support to help us deliver our new programme and ensure the young people have the best experience that we can offer. Volunteers of all ages and with any experience are welcome, and whether you can offer only a few hours a term, or can come along every week, we can find a role for you. Our motto is 'Skills for Life' and we are committed to helping the youngest, oldest and all members have fun and learn new skills, for life.

If you can offer us some of your time, or want to find out more about volunteering with Tasburgh Scouts, please email trudy on trudymus@gmail.com or call Graham on 01508 471518 Trudy Musgrove, Assistant Group Scout Leader 18

Autumn 2020

Summer is here after lockdown, many of the people will be taking the opportunity to take a break and enjoy a holiday, and as I write this, my family and I are packing up, ready to go to Holland. Rest and recreation are an essential part of our lives. Our bodies need sleep and rest to survive; because it is only when we are properly rested that we can perform to the best of our abilities, and it is only when we are relaxed that we can fully enjoy the things that we like to do. In one of the Psalms it says, ‘It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for God gives sleep to his beloved’ (127:2). We can often get consumed by the pressures of work, by the chores needed to maintain a home, or by looking after family. We can all be very busy; but when we are busy, we can forget that we need time to rest. It is important for us all to think about how much we do, and to recognise that there are times when we may need to step back, relax, and spend time with our friends and family. It is through our hobbies and spending time with others, that we can renew and invigorate ourselves. Sometimes, taking a moment to rest and relax is more productive than madly trying to complete that never-ending to do list. We also need to make sure that we look after each other, to ask those around us who are most vulnerable or indeed whether there is anything we can do to help lighten the load that they are carrying. We all need that rest and giving people rest can be one of the greatest gifts we can give others. So, remember whatever sort of break you have, be it in the garden or the Gran Canaries, enjoy the sunshine and enjoy God’s blessing in times of rest and relaxation, ready for whatever lies ahead. Likewise, I am delighted to let you know that St Mary’s church will be opening for a service of worship on the 6th of September. All are invited to come and join us to praise God for all his blessings on us. Please check our website tasvalley.org and Facebook Tas Valley Team Ministry for the time of the services. Rev Austin 19

Why not colour this in and stick it in your window for all to see!

Contact: Rev Dawn Davidson

498 924

I would like to thank all those residents who supported our Pandemic appeal for financial support during these worrying times which had caused us to cancel our annual Fete. The response has been very rewarding and so far, including Gift Aid we have nearly reached the sum of ÂŁ1,500 which has almost made up for the loss of the Fete Income. If you have not supported this appeal it is not to late for you to do so and in case you have mislaid the letter my contact details are shown below. Once again many thanks for your support

Chris Lawson on 530 055 or email@chrisandhelen.co.uk

These activities continue during the lockdown: Zoom Sunday Service 10.00 am Zoom Tuesday Cell Fellowship and Bible study at 7.30pm Zoom Wednesday Morning prayer at 9.30am To join the Zoom meeting, please contact Andrea Tel: 471 529 The Church will now be open once per week on a Wednesday from 10.00am to 4.00pm for private prayer and reflection commencing from August 26th. There will be some restrictions and requirements, these will be listed at the Church.

please note:

At the current time, it is advisable to check the Tas Valley website: www.tasvalley.org for any news, as Government guidelines may change.

‘Calling all walkers, cyclists and car drivers !‘ You are invited to join in a fun day out in Norfolk, visiting as many Churches/Chapels as you can, whilst raising much needed funds. Saturday 12th September is the annual Norfolk Churches Trust fundraising day. Over 600 Churches and Chapels will be open on the day from 9am to 5pm. You can be sponsored for each building you visit or a set amount for the day. Half the money raised goes to The Norfolk Churches Trust and the other half to a Church of your choice. In Tasburgh, this has been one of our major fundraising events but has dwindled over time. Please take part, to raise some funds to help preserve our beautiful Church and other beautiful churches and chapels in our county. For more info and a sponsor form contact: Vivienne on 471 790

ce i t o n r e h rt u f l ti n u d e l l e c Can

We have been running for over 25 years, and would love to be here for another 25. But, we can’t do it without you, so if you are alone, or lonely why not join us. Coffee Pot, held in the church room can provide you with some company. We are a friendly group who meet every Wednesday from 2-3.45pm, for a chat with tea or coffee & cake. So come along, meet some old friends and make some new ones. All ages most welcome. Contact Julia on 471 833

ce i t o n in the Christian Freedom Café is an informal church for those interested r e h faith. Our doors open 10.30 every 1 Sunday of the month at Preston t r u f Primary School. Join us for brunch,ilcraft activities, plenty of chat or just t n u read the newspaper. Everyone is welcome from 0 to 100 years old, no ledalong. l need to book just come e c n For more call either Sarah 470 413 or Andrea 471 529 Cainformation st

Tasburgh Church Warden:

Julia Orpin 470 983

What strange and difficult times we are all having to cope with! With the church not being able to hold our normal “in house Sunday Services” as a regular worshipper I have missed my usual visits very much. Thankfully we were able to reopen for private prayers a few weeks ago and I know from your comments how uplifting you have found it being able to find peace and serenity in our beautiful building in your quiet times. Just being able to call in for a few minutes peace and quiet prayer makes me feel so much more able to cope! Next time you are passing take a few minutes and try it. We have been greatly encouraged by our regular “Zoom” Service and I know that a lot of you have given it a try and joined in to worship together. The great news is that from 6th September we can meet again in St. Mary’s for regular services. Of course there will be a lot of safety rules to observe and there are still plenty of restrictions to cope with but I am sure we can cope in order to worship together in our beautiful church again. I look forward to seeing you there.

Sept 6th

9:30am Morning Praise

Sept 13th

9:30am Holy Communion

Sept 20th


Sept 27th

9:30am Holy Communion

Morning Worship

Depending on Government guidelines we hope to continue offering services for the following months. These activities continue during the lockdown: Zoom Sunday Service 10.00 am Zoom Tuesday Cell Fellowship and Bible study at 7.30pm Zoom Wednesday Morning prayer at 9.30am To join the Zoom meeting, please contact Andrea Tel: 471 529

We do hope you will join us at one or more of our events once lockdown is over! Thank you for all your support at fundraising events.

Take some time out of your day, relax and colour this in.

Cells are vital units of the body - and cells in church life are small groups, which contain the DNA of what it means to be church. We meet to grow in faith, to pray and support each other, to learn from the bible and to join in actively sharing our faith and serving the wider community. New members are welcome to get in touch. Cell Contacts: Rev. Austin Uzoigwe Kate Cakebread Lesley Cox Richard Bond Andy Cox Vicky Ball Wayne Doman

Freedom Cafe Cell, Tuesday evenings 470 901 Wednesday evenings in Tasburgh 471 356 Wednesday evenings in Newton 471 334 Wednesday evenings in Saxlingham 578 093 Thursday evenings in Tharston 471 334 Thursday evenings in Newton 471 506 Saturday Special Me Group for people with special needs and their families 471 933

Youth Cells (JAM) meet on Monday evenings 7-8.30 to explore faith and have fun together. Contact: Austin on 470 901 Parent and Toddler Alpha Group meet on alternate Thursday mornings at Newton Flotman. Contact: Andy on 471 334

Remember there is a confidential telephone ‘prayer chain’ to offer prayer for any situations that arise in life, which you would value the prayers of others. Contact Kate on 471 356

Bible Study Group - Meets on Tuesday afternoons at 2.15pm. New people would be very welcome. Please contact Philip Simmons 499 041 Emmanuel Group. Local House of Prayer - Meeting weekly, at 10am on Fridays. For more details phone Mary Davidson 470 426 Music in Worship - If you’d like to sing in Tasburgh Church Choir or explore learning the organ, phone Sarah Norman on 471 505 Prayer - for the parishes takes place every day. Please give prayer requests to a churchwarden, clergy person, prayer box or board in church. On Wednesdays we meet to pray at Tasburgh Church at 9.00am Tasburgh Craft Group - Come and try new skills in a relaxed atmosphere. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, 10am – 12noon in the Church Room, Tasburgh. Contact Jane on 470 692 Tasburgh Coffee Pot - Come and make new friends at the Coffee Pot. We meet every Wednesday from 2 - 3. 45pm in the Church Room, Tasburgh for a chat with tea or coffee & cake. All ages most welcome. Contact Julia on 471 833

til n u led l e c Can

ce i t o n r e h furt

Team Rector Rev’d Dawn Davidson: dawn@tasvalley.org 01508 498 924 The New Rectory, The Street, Saxlingham Nethergate, NR15 1AJ Team Vicar Rev’d Austin Uzoigwe: revaustinuzoigwe@aol.co.uk 01508 470 901 The New Rectory, Church Hill, Tasburgh NR15 1NB Team Curate Rev’d Coryn Stanforth: cstanforth@btinternet.com The Rectory, Church Road, Newton Flotman NR15 1QB Contributions for the next Church Newsletter by Friday November 6th 2020 to juliadmcn@tasvalley.org

The Tasburgh Society

Picture this! Due to current restrictions, it will be impossible for us to hold this event which was planned for Saturday 19 September so please note it is postponed for the time being. We hope to resurrect it again as soon as we are allowed.

Summer History Walk With numbers restricted by social distancing requirements, the first two of this summer's Village History Walks along the Low Road were fully booked.

A few spaces still remain for Sunday 20th September 2020 If you are interested in attending please contact Ben Goodfellow on 470668 for further details. If there is sufficient demand Ben will put on a fourth one in October. 27

Hethersett & Tas Valley Cricket Club After a somewhat pessimistic last update, the summer has taken a very positive turn since July. Cricket has now returned, with some limitations, including regular hygiene breaks, closure of the changing rooms and limited pavilion access, but this is a small price to pay for the ability to enjoy the sport. Whilst the Norfolk Alliance, Norfolk Cricket League and the Mid Norfolk Sunday League have all been cancelled this year, Norfolk Cricket Board have created a friendly mini league in which we have entered all four of our Saturday teams. Our junior section has yet again been a great success and our U9s, U11s, U13s, U15s and U17s have all played several friendly matches and held several training sessions. Our Ladies team are looking forward to a full league campaign starting in August and running through into September. Despite uncertainty earlier in the season, we have been able to provide cricket to all of our members and over 150 members have chosen to sign up for the reduced season, which is amazing considering that over half the season has been lost to COVID-19. We have been able to provide cricket to all members who have signed up and hope to extend this as long as the weather allows. The restrictions placed upon us with numbers at training has led us to purchase a new mobile batting cage, which has enabled us to support demand. This allows our senior teams to train on grass and supports our artificial net surfaces which are due for renewal next year. In response to COVID-19, our club is now entirely cashless, with all membership and match fees being collected via our membership app, Spond. Our well stocked bar, which is open for all home games is also cashless and allows contactless payments. As we look to extend our season into September, why not pop and give us a visit? https://htvalley.play-cricket.com If you’re interested in becoming a playing or social member, please drop me a line Matt Bird Club Development Officer matthew.bird@me.com


Burrfeld Park The vegetation has grown considerably this year, and unfortunately, due to Covid, we have not been able to hold the normal work days. We have held an on-site meeting to decide future maintenance. It was agreed to request that some areas be cut by a contractor, which will be discussed at a Parish Council Meeting. In the meantime Preston and Brian McGuire spent some time clearing the blanket weed from the pond, unfortunately after a few days it returned, this will be something that needs further attention. The level of the pond is now the lowest that we have seen since our involvement with the site. The area around the Hazels, has also been cleared together with an area near to the bug hotel by the pond, thanks to Geoff’s efforts with the strimmer. If you visit the park, it is worth looking under the green corrugated sheets, there are quite a few grass snakes and slow worms and an occasional field mouse to be seen. There are of course the resident rabbits, birds, bees and butterflies and occasionally small deer pass through. Generally we feel that the area is a valuable asset to the village, appreciated by all those who visit the area. Unfortunately though we do have inconsiderate dog owners, who do not clear up and use the bin provided. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG Brian Hill 29

Tharston & District WI It is quite a while since our last meeting in March but we are trying to keep in touch with members by phone, email and post. Many have sent information and photos to Jo Rawlins, who has then produced and printed newsletters to send out. Each month, those on committee are phoning a group of members to have a chat and check their wellbeing. The NFWI and Norfolk WI websites and Facebook pages have lots of ideas, recipes, crafts and information for all to access. I hope members are finding this helpful and interesting. We are now planning activities so that we can safely meet up but it is impossible to have all our members together at present. Committee members held their meeting via zoom but not all were able to access this. Next month we hope to meet outside but may need to raise our voices, not too difficult for some of us on committee. We would normally have an outing for our August meeting but this year it has to be different. We hope to arrange an afternoon tea outside, which would allow about half our members to meet, hopefully in the afternoon of our August meeting. We are trying to find other ways to meet up but the safety of members must come first. We ordered 65 plants from the Foundry nurseries and these have now been delivered as a gift for our members. These hardy geraniums will grow larger each year and produce lots of blooms so should be a good choice for our members gardens. I hope they will be enjoyed and I look forward to seeing them in bloom. Several committee members undertook the deliveries and most managed to have a good chat with the recipients, socially distanced and outside of course. h.jeary@gmail.com

What's On and Where Hopefully a date for your 2021 diary Saturday 27th February 2021

Eurolink - Wine Tasting Event Details nearer the times

If you would like your event listed on this page just let us know at tasburghpc@btinternet.com 30

Healthy Planet - Healthy Communities I’m sure you’re aware that saving energy not only reduces the amount of carbon dioxide we emit, It can also save you money. But how much? Here are some tips from the Energy Saving Trust’s website: •

Switch off appliances at the wall to save £30/year

Draft-proofing windows and doors saves £20/year

Switch to LED bulbs to save £35/year

Only boil as much water as you need in a kettle and save £6/year

Turn down your thermostat by 1°C to save £75/year

Use a bowl when washing up to save £25/year

Shave 1 minute off your shower to save £7/person/year

The government announced a Fix Your Bike Voucher scheme to encourage people to get bikes back on the road. The first wave of vouchers was fully subscribed within minutes of being released at the end of July. More should be available soon, see https://fixyourbikevoucherscheme.est.org.uk/ Now it’s autumn you may be thinking about your heating and improving it. Heating of homes, businesses and industry is responsible for a third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. A new Green Homes Grant scheme will be available soon helping home owners and landlords make our homes more energy efficient through installing insulation or low carbon heating. This will run along with the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme which has been extended until 2022. Amy Prendergast 31

Tasburgh Allotment Society News from down on the Allotments We don’t own a dog. Which is surprising, as I believe my wife would trade me in for one given the chance. I mention this as, through the current heatwave (definition - at least three consecutive days more than 27 0C - for East Anglia) you need to get to the Allotments either early or late to do your watering. When I do the early run, I notice the dog walkers and I appreciate the attraction in having that ‘something in life’ that gets you out of bed early and with purpose. So, this report is a quick allotment visit snapshot, from an early Sunday morning, in August. It’s an overcast morning with the promise of heat later in the air. The cloud is low and grey, and considering the high temperature promised by JR or AD, it’s a bit breezy. As I near the Allotments, I get a fleeing blackbird outburst, then doves calling and crows cawing in the trees, all to welcome me to the site. Lovely. Not so lovely though, the sight of a rabbit enjoying illegal tenancy on site, which darts down a plot side path. A riot of colour hits the senses on entry with dahlias, sunflowers and lavender proudly in bloom. Net cages keep cabbages in, pigeons and butterflies out. In the distance I can see flocks of Greylag Geese from TAS Lakes, pigeons and crows feeding on the spoils scattered amongst the fresh cut stubble down in the lows. Raspberries are ripening, but strawberries now look sad. The maize tassels are now dropping pollen some 7 feet tall, others just 18 inches. Orange pumpkins, now getting fatter, and in turn, threatening to muscle out, less aggressive plants. Onions have recently collapsed and are ready to dig, hang and dry. Blackberries ready to pick already. These particular markers of time remind that autumn is closing in. The runner beans look weather beaten. No matter how much water they get, they just need a cooling off period. Beans are dangling but threaten to get old before they get long. Sprouts are just forming in the axis and still have a long journey ahead; to their final goal of being pushed around the Christmas plate. The Fat Hen is preparing to release its seed. Get rid of a parent now and it will save weeding out hundreds of offspring next season. And, so I head home, with a few beans, some pom pom dahlias and some seeded spinach for the chickens. 32

Tasburgh Allotment Society Not the greatest haul but the value of an allotment visit goes further than just the produce rewards. And my target is accomplished; a report without the C word.

Although I should at least mention; sorry to say NO FLOWER AND PRODUCE THIS YEAR Simon Orford, TAS Secretary


Tasburgh United Charities Tasburgh United Charities have a certain amount of money available each year to use in assisting residents of the Parish who, regardless of age and for whatever reason, find themselves in need of financial help. We know that in these very difficult times, many of you will be facing great uncertainty as to your futures, and may therefore be experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties beyond your control. We are only a small charity and have only limited funds, but we would like to stress that we are here for ALL inhabitants of Tasburgh. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you do find yourself in need of help, as that is the reason the Charities exist. Assistance can be given by outright grant towards general expenses, by contribution towards a particular expense, a temporary loan or by purchases of equipment for use. We also give distributions to residents over the age of 18 who are in fulltime education. If you are heading off to university this September, even if you may be living at home or studying online to begin with, we can help towards purchases of books and other equipment. you may need. If you would like assistance, or to be considered for a distribution, please contact one of the trustees below. All applications are considered in the strictest confidence. Mrs Jill Casson 12 Hastings Close 470334

Mr Keith Read Thornly Barn, Saxlingham Lane 470229

Mr Geoff Merchant 14 Orchard Way 470606

Mr Roger Burnett 22 Orchard Way 471031

HIGHWAY PROBLEMS CAN STILL BE REPORTED From pot-holes to pavements and more It couldn't be easier! You can report anonymously, or you can register. If you register you will receive updates on the steps taken to resolve the problem www.norfolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/roads/report-a-problem 34

Tasburgh Poets Corner MASKED It used to be so natural to visit any place, It didn’t seem to bother me that all could see my face. Now I hear that we are being told - not being asked, To make sure on public transport that we always wear a mask. To cover up our faces seems an alien thing to do, We’ll all lose our identity - can’t tell me from you. We will look like wild west bandits, as we board the train or bus, To join a load of others who all look just like us. A facemask can be anything, a bandana or a scarf, You could even wear a pair of pants, give everyone a laugh, But if it offers more protection, then it’s the only way, To ensure that we can all survive -breathe fresh air again one day Robert Buttle

TASBURGH PHOTOGRAPHERS Remember if you enjoy taking seasonal photographs and would like one of them to be featured on the front cover of a future Tasburgh Quarterly & Church News

THEN WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE THEM! All photographs will be credited and may be held for future issues

Email your photographs for consideration to tasburghpc@btinternet.com 35

Tasburgh Treats Sweet potato and halloumi curry Another tasty alternative to a meat curry, which is still enjoyable and satisfying.Preparation time less than 30 mins . Cooking time 10 to 30 mins Serves 2–4 For the roasted vegetables and halloumi 250g/9oz halloumi, cut into chunks 1 sweet potato (or potato), peeled and cut into chunks 1 aubergine, cut into chunks 6 sprouting broccoli spears 2 tbsp vegetable oil salt and freshly ground black pepper For the curry sauce 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 carrot, peeled and roughly chopped 1 onion, finely chopped 3 garlic cloves, chopped 1 knob fresh root ginger, peeled and grated 2 celery sticks, chopped 2 tbsp Madras curry powder 1 eating apple, peeled, cored and finely chopped 500ml/18fl oz vegetable stock (or chicken stock) For the dressing 2 tomatoes, finely chopped 1 red or green chilli, chopped knob fresh root ginger, peeled and grated 1 tsp coriander seeds, toasted and crushed 1 lime, juice only salt and freshly ground black pepper Method 1. To make the roasted vegetables and halloumi, preheat the oven to 220C/200C Fan/Gas 7. Place the halloumi, sweet potato, aubergine and broccoli spears in a roasting tin and toss in the oil. Season with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 25 minutes or until coloured and softened. Keep an eye on the halloumi and cover lightly with foil if necessary. 2. To make the curry sauce, heat the oil in a saucepan and sweat the vegetables for 10 minutes, or until softened. Add the curry powder, apple and stock and simmer for 20 minutes until all the vegetables are softened and the sauce is reduced. Blend to a smooth sauce with a blender or in a food processor. Pass the sauce through a sieve if you prefer a very smooth texture. 3. To make the dressing, mix the tomato, chilli, ginger, coriander seeds and lime juice together in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Toss the roasted vegetables and halloumi in this dressing. Place the curry sauce in the bottom of a serving bowl and top with the roasted vegetables and halloumi. Serve immediately. Sprinkle with chopped fresh coriander if liked. Julie Lawrence 36

Tasburgh Carers Group New members are always welcome at our Carers group. Please also pass our information on to any friends, neighbours or relatives from Tasburgh or surrounding villages who may be interested in connecting with us. We are not meeting face to face as a group at the moment but we are continuing to keep up with our members on a regular basis. We are planning to have a coffee morning / Zoom meeting in August to see if this could be a preferred and a safe way of having a monthly catch up for now. It will be nice to see people’s faces and it should be a bit of fun in trying to connect this way. For further information you can contact the secretary of the group (Rachel Mahoney) Tel 01508 471271 email rachel.mahoney71@gmail.com

Do you, or someone you know, needs extra support during a power cut? @UKPowerNetworks provides FREE services to vulnerable customers. Visit https://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/powercut/priority-services-register for more information


Long Stratton Medical Partnership As everyone is very aware the COVID situation is still very much with us, and our thoughts in Primary Care are now also turning to our usual flu season. The difficulty that we face is to deliver the flu vaccine in a far more controlled environment and include social distancing and PPE within our planning. We have been informed by NHS England that we are to plan to deliver our usual vaccines in the first instance to everyone aged 65 and over, and also those that fall into the under 65 “at risk” population. Once these have been completed there will be a review of stock levels across the whole of the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) area to determine a risk stratification for everyone aged from 50 – 64 years old. This cohort of patients will be invited depending on levels of risk from November onwards. Please do not contact us beforehand, as we must ensure our priority patients who are “at risk” are offered the vaccine first. The clinics will have to run very differently this year as we won’t be able to have long queues as we normally do so, please bear with us, if you are eligible for a flu vaccination you will be contacted for an appointment slot. Obviously many symptoms of flu are very similar to those of COVID therefore it is very important to look after yourselves over the forthcoming winter period. Healthy eating, fresh air and exercise will all help build your immune systems. If you are in any doubt about a sudden onset of cough, high temperature, rash, or loss of taste / smell, please arrange to get yourself booked for a COVID test using 119 as an easy to remember phone number. If your test returns a positive result you need to isolate for 7 days, and any direct members of your family / anyone who has been in close contact with you identified via track and trace needs to isolate for 10 days. Working together we will help to stop / slow the spread of this disease and, if in any doubt, isolate and book a test.

Keith Burnett – Practice Manager 38

Tasburgh Sports & Social Club

CHAIRMAN’S BLOG What a funny old year this is turning out to be, in my last blog I was telling you all the forthcoming events we had planned, but as you know along came the big lockdown so as we are still in uncertain times, apart from some solo musical artists entertaining you, weather permitting, on the patio outside the club room, and with social distancing in place, our 2020 events will be 2021 events. Keep a watchful eye for our adverts and of course the newsletter, if you’re a member, as things could change over the coming weeks and months. Yes, the club is up and running again our opening hours is 7pm till 11pm Tuesday evening, 6.30pm till11pm Friday evening, 2pm till 6pm Saturday and Sunday afternoons, the room is marked out as per Covid 19 Guide lines for social distancing etc. Those of you who have visited the club will have noticed the new entrance and changes to the staff area behind the bar, this is something the Club arranged to do for the Village Hall under the Clubs CIC Constitution. The work so far was carried out over the last month or so when the Village Hall and Club was closed, it’s not finished yet, but will be completed as and when funds allow.. I did miss the Club during lockdown, and still do, at present I cannot work at the bar it’s something to do with {my age} which brings me to the advert for bar staff if you or know of anyone who would be able to do a few unpaid hours at the Club ring myself or Ian The Club bar is as always well stocked with all drinks at very competitive prices, with Local and National Real Ales and 3 Lagers 12 Malt Whisky s and numerous Gins as well as a variety of Nonalcoholic beverages and soft drinks to choose from, Well that about wraps it up this time, Cheers from me Don ‘The Don ‘ 39

If you are a local business who does not advertise in the Quarterly, then why not consider doing so. The Quarterly is published every quarter and is delivered free of charge to residents in Tasburgh COST OF ADVERTISING If you wish to advertise in the Quarterly please contact tasburghpc@btinternet.com. prices as follows: Greyscale: full page £34.00, half page £24.00, quarter page £12.50 Colour: full page £65.00, half page £45.00, quarter page £25.00. Discount of 10% available to those living and trading in Tasburgh, and a further 5% when four issues are booked and paid for in advance.

Sessions will start again very soon! If in the meantime you would like to volunteer, please contact the Scheme Co-ordinator Willie Crawshay willie.crawshay@btconnect.com https://www.communityspeedwatch.org



NEXT EDITION The Winter edition of the Quarterly and Church News will be distributed by the end of November Contributions from local organisations are always welcomed and can be emailed to the Parish Clerk for inclusion. We would be particularly pleased to receive suggestions for regular articles. All articles to the Parish Clerk, tasburghpc@btinternet.com by 6th November 2020 41


A large print version of the Tasburgh Quarterly and Church News is available upon request Please contact 01508 494569





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