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Working with Rich will be Sam Gracy, Don Hartman, Lloyd Hubbard and Bill Merrigan. Lloyd Hubbard is Chairman of TARPA's Award of Merit program. The deadline date for such nominations can be no later than 90 days prior to the convention, That would be March 4, 1985. Tom Kosta, Chairman of the TWA MEC Professional Standards Committee, sends some disturbing news about misuse of the Class 7R pass, and he enclosed one report which bears out his observation that there have been abuses. The failure of retired pass riders to list the R, or, as has happened, when the R is specified by the lister, and is somehow deleted or ignored, it leads to hard feelings between retirees and those still working, and at times, causes confusion. The company advises that instructions will be forthcoming that all Form 810's must be machine imprinted with the retiree's term pass. It is our responsibility to follow the rules when listing ourselves for a flight by telephone and with the proper follow-up at the airport whether the 810 is handwritten or by machine imprint. Any violations of the proper procedures can hurt us all. We know there are other carriers (both major airlines and feeders) who have a different concept for retiree passes. It is our hope that TWA will establish pass privileges for all retired TWA employees that are fair, equitable, and commensurate with industry practices. As many of you are probably aware, a Captain Dennis Maloney recently circulated a petition among TWA's active pilots advocating a settlement option which would provide a lump sum distribution of the Company's contributions to our Pilot's B Plan trust annuity, which are presently available only as monthly annuity payments after retirement. The latest information we have indicates that said petition had approximately 1500 signatures. On October 22nd, 1984, Roy Van Etten, Dave Richwine, and I met with Mr. Joe Koch in New York. Mr. Koch was our B-Plan actuary for many years prior to his retirement. The purpose of this meeting was to gather as much information and background on our B Plan as possible in order to assist us in protecting our interests if it becomes necessary to do so. I think that the above meeting with the actuary was quite successful and we will continue to research the facts and monitor the situation closely. We intend to be in a position to take whatever action may become necessary and open to us to protect our retired members if their interests should appear to be in jeopardy. GOOD NEWS FROM ROY VAN ETTEN. Roy advises us that the results of the third quarter are now in and the index of change is .98565 and, when the 3% adjustment is made, we will have a unit value of $29.79?, which means that on January 1, 1985, you will receive a pay increase of 4.962%. Roy joins us all in wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Russ Derickson President's message

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