Raintree Nursery 2012 Catalog

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Raintree’s Exclusive Curl Resistant Peaches Shout Out... “Bite Me”. Curl Resistant Peaches Enjoy delicious peaches from your own tree. Peach leaf curl has always been a major problem for backyard peach growers. Raintree is the leader in introducing good tasting, resistant varieties. On Lovell rootstock unless noted.

AVALON PRIDE™ (Patented Cultivar Croft) Discovered as a chance seedling in 1981 in Issaquah, WA. by Margaret Proud and named in honor of her father Donald Croft. The highly flavored, yellow fleshed, semifreestone fruit is good for canning, pies or eaten fresh. Fruit ripens in mid July. #C525A $23.95


& Nectarines: (Prunus persica) Nothing beats the flavor of a fresh peach or nectarine ripened in your own backyard. Our disease resistant varieties now make it easy for you to succeed. Now you can grow great peaches and nectarines in the Northwest as well as in most of the nation. We offer self fertile varieties, unless noted, which are of excellent quality. Many are resistant to leaf curl. A Nectarine is a Peach without fuzz. We offer sturdy well rooted 3'-5' tall trees. On Lovell rootstock unless noted. USDA Zones 5-9 unless noted.



Baby Crawford

The longest tested, curl resistant tree, Frost is still unsurpassed. In mid-August, it produces reliable crops of semi-freestone, yellowfleshed peaches that have a rich, sweet flavor. Wonderful for both canning and fresh eating. #C500 Each $22.95

Q 1-8 This semi-freestone, white-fleshed peach has wonderful sweet flavor that is great for fresh eating. Showy blossoms in spring predict ripe fruit in early August. #C530 Each $22.95


MARY JANE™ Reliable, colorful and delicious, this tree produces showy pink flowers and sets fruit even in frosty springs. In mid-August, a crop of flavorful, red skinned, yellow-fleshed peaches are ready for fresh eating, drying, canning or freezing. A chance seedling selected by Louie Strahl in Steilacoom, WA. #C552 Each $24.95

INDIAN FREE This heirloom variety was grown by Thomas Jefferson, who prized it for its rich color, flavor and size. Naturally resistant to peach leaf curl, the tree produces heavy crops of large, aromatic clingstone peaches that have red skin and white flesh marbled with crimson stripes. When fully ripe in mid to late season, the sweet, distinctive flavor is excellent both eaten fresh and in preserves and chutneys. Plant another peach or nectarine as a pollinizer. On Citation rootstock. #C524 Each $24.95

BETTY PEACH A sweet flavorful leaf curl and split pit resistant peach. It is self fertile and ripens late in the season, at the end of August. It has a deeper color than the variety Frost and is more productive. It was a seedling found near Ferndale in Western Washington and was tested at the WSU Mt. Vernon Station. #C503 Each $26.50

RESISTANT PEACH/ Nectarine COMBO Enjoy Frost, Q 1-8, Mary Jane curl resistant peaches and Hardired Nectarine on one beautiful, self-fertile tree 15’ tall tree. On Lovell rootstock. 4x1 Peach Combo #C5004A Each $42.50 3x1 Peach Combo #C5003A Each $32.50 Combo with Harken, Frost, Q 1-8 and Hardired #C5004 4 x 1 Combo Each $42.50; #C5003 3 x 1 Combo Each 32.50; #C5002 2 x 1 Combo Each $25


This heritage peach cultivar has an intensely rich, flavor. The medium size freestone peaches are yellow with golden-orange flesh and a slight blush. Fruit connoisseurs rate it at the top for flavor eaten fresh, preserved, dried or canned. #C504 Each $23.95


This hardy, late blooming peach escapes spring frosts and sets fruit in much of the nation: it thrives in the East, in Colorado and in the Northwest. It has a high chilling requirement (1050 chill hours), and isn’t good for the Deep South. The beautiful, large fruit is bright red over yellow, is firm, sweet and delicious. Since it resists browning and is freestone, it is great for fresh eating, freezing or canning. Introduced from the North Carolina Experiment station in 1988. It ripens in August. USDA Zones 4-9. #C505A Each $24.95

Genetic Dwarfs Genetic Dwarf peaches and nectarines grow 4-5’ tall and are great in a pot on the patio, deck or in the ground. Each is grafted about 18” high to make a beautiful dwarf bush like the one pictured. All ripen in June in central California to early August in the Pacific Northwest. All genetic dwarfs are very susceptible, but avoid leaf curl when they are grown in a special, easy to accomplish way. Cover the tree so it stays dry from mid Dec. to Feb. and it won’t get leaf curl. Each is on Lovell rootstock.

Grow Genetic Dwarfs in a pot.

ELDORADO PEACH A richly flavored genetic dwarf with a pretty red blushed skin. It is early ripening, freestone and self-fruitful and makes a beautiful fruiting bush. Needs 500 chill hours. Zones 6-9 #C540 Each $24.95

EMPRESS PEACH Enjoy the delicious juicy sweet flavor. This productive dwarf tree is the hardiest of the genetic dwarf peaches to USDA Zones 5-9. The fruit is a beautiful glowing pink color and the flesh is yellow. It needs 850 Chill Hours. #C518 Each $24.95

2x1 NECTARINE - PEACH COMBO Enjoy two great varieties on a small tree. The Nectar Babe nectarine has large sweet yellow freestone fruit and the Pix Zee peach has sweet flavorful orangered clingstone fruit with yellow flesh. Zones 6-9. #C5802 Each $29.95

Genetic Dwarf in Bloom Nectazee

NECTAZEE NECTARINE Enjoy the flavorful yellow fleshed, red skinned fruits on this beautiful, freestone dwarf tree. #C585 Each $24.95

Genetic Dwarf Peach In A Pot, Perfect For Patio!

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