S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2021 - 2025
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INTRODUCTION F R O M T H E C H A I R O F C O U N C I L A N D P R I N C I PA L Since 1897, Tara has had a long and significant history of providing outstanding education and personal development informed by Christian faith for young women. This legacy has created a culture of excellence and care for every girl which is woven into the culture of the School. We continue to plan an exciting future for our School and the Tara Strategic Plan 2021-2025, signifies our vision and strategic direction for the next chapter for the School. Our Strategic Plan supports Tara’s expressed Purpose and Vision and is a thoughtful, research informed response that includes the domains of pedagogy, Christian faith, wellbeing, professional expertise of outstanding educators and continued provision of excellent learning spaces, facilities and experiences for girls. The Strategic Plan allows us to apply our resources to achieve our vision for the benefit of students, staff, and the Tara community. At the heart of our strategy is the Tara student. Young women who have been educated in a school with values based on our Christian faith and who embody our purpose and vision for them. Young women who are confident, articulate, and well prepared to thrive as they take their place in the world beyond Tara. The world our students enter demands skills of increased global awareness, empathy, resilience, collaboration, adaptability and innovation, as well as being able to think critically, solve problems and be future focused. It is an increasingly complex world and the Strategic Plan seeks to develop the educational environment and experiences that will allow Tara girls to be well prepared to succeed in it. This sense of purpose can be seen in our programs for our very youngest girls in Early Learning through to Year 12 and every year in between. Our approach allows us to implement programs that support the learning of every girl, reflect on practice, and respond to the changing expectations of the world that Tara girls will not only participate in, but lead. We are pleased to present the Tara Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 and look forward to using this plan to continue the story of Tara into the future. D AV I D B R A G A Chair of Council
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OUR PURPOSE Tara is a Christian learning community, characterised by excellence which encourages, equips and empowers girls to achieve, serve and thrive in a dynamic world.
O U R VA L U E S INTEGRITY Tara cherishes trustworthiness. Aligning with God’s word, all in the Tara community are relied upon to act with moral and ethical principles.
A F F I R M AT I O N Tara accepts, nurtures and respects every individual. Girls thrive in our safe and encouraging environment. The Tara community seeks to model kind and inclusive behaviours. SERVICE Tara girls exhibit gratitude and understand their responsibility to serve others within the Tara community and the wider world.
OPPORTUNITY Tara girls embrace the broad range of experiences provided at School and in the wider world to explore their passions and broaden their horizons.
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A H I S T O R Y O F TA R A T H E E A R LY Y E A R S Tara was founded on 5 June 1897 in Parramatta by Mary Elizabeth Waugh. Driven by a strong desire for the education of the children of the Parramatta district, Miss Waugh conducted morning lessons to sub-primary and primary aged boys and girls. The School was known as ‘Miss Waugh’s School’ and later as ‘Tara’, the same name as Miss Waugh’s grand family residence which also served as a home for the School and for a small number of boarders. Given Miss Waugh’s Irish roots, the School’s name is connected to the famous Hill of Tara in Ireland.
“ THE CEDARS” W E S T E R N R D PA R R A M AT TA 1 8 9 7 - 1 9 0 2
In 1958, the Tara Council approved the purchase of the Smith Family Hospital for Children with Rheumatic Fever property at Mount Arcadia, the School’s current location at Masons Drive in North Parramatta. In 1959 Tara’s Senior School was officially opened at Masons Drive. Tara’s Junior School remained at Ellangowan until it was officially opened at Masons Drive on 14 November 1970. A R I C H H I S T O R Y I N PA R R A M AT TA For 123 years, Tara, through the combined efforts of its Headmistresses and Principals, Council members, staff and parents, has evolved into a vibrant School community based on Anglican tradition and values. Tara’s diverse locations within the Parramatta district have added a rich complexity and a wealth of interest and variety to its history as well as to the broader history of The Cradle City of Australia, Parramatta.
“ T H E E N T R A N C E G AT E S ” M A S O N S D R PA R R A M AT TA 1908-1911
“I have been given priceless opportunities, experiences and friendships here, and know that Tara has grown me in every possible way. I cannot wait to witness the generation of independent women who progress throughout the years.� PRISCA - HEAD GIRL FOR 2019-2020
Continued leadership in girls’ Christian education with research informed teaching and learning and an emphasis on the holistic development of each student. A Tara girl has a global mindset, is balanced and resilient. She is included and heard, cared for, challenged and equipped to live out Tara’s distinctive values.
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T H E TA R A E X P E R I E N C E GOALS • Tara teachers are committed to holistically knowing their students, enabling every girl to develop and thrive in a learning environment that encourages individuals to successfully engage with a dynamic and rigorous curriculum. • Tara offers outstanding cocurricular opportunities that foster development beyond the classroom and encourage positive student wellbeing. • Each Tara girl is equipped with the skills to make positive choices and feels empowered to voice and advocate for informed opinions.
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CHRISTIAN IDENTITY GOALS • Tara’s compelling Christian learning community celebrates Christian identity, encouraging Tara girls and staff to pursue engagement with and growth in Christian faith. • All Tara girls and staff are equipped with a Christian framework to understand themselves, others, the world and the nature of God and to make personal faith decisions through authentic inquiry. • Consistent with the Christian ethos of the School, each Tara girl understands her responsibility to serve others with empathy and make a sustained positive difference in the world. 8
“Tara’s approach to Christianity has shaped my faith and encouraged me to want to know Christ more, continually seeking to be more like Him in all that I do and I am so grateful to have grown up in such a nurturing educational environment.” ZOE, CLASS OF 2018
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LEADERS OF LEARNING GOALS • Tara promotes staff excellence by having a teaching and leadership culture that is characterised by perpetual learning, and evaluated against clearly articulated standards, utilising individual and collective development plans. • Tara is an innovative leader in Australian education by virtue of its research informed best practice, ongoing evolution of pedagogy and contributions to the education sector. • Tara has a comprehensive program in place to develop, equip and sustain leadership of the School. • Staff at Tara consider the influence of the Christian worldview on learning, teaching and leadership.
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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT GOALS • Tara has an extensive program, facilitating authentic and enriching engagement with all members of the Tara community - future, current and alumni. • Tara has strategically diverse and mutually beneficial educational partnerships. • Tara’s communication is effective and reaches a broad audience.
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RESOURCING OUR FUTURE GOALS • Tara’s reimagined Masterplan reflects the evolving needs and expectations of the Tara community. • Tara maintains an ongoing program of improvement to learning spaces and facilities. • Tara’s facilities are actively utilised by Tara students through a variety of programs, as well as by staff and families and the broader community. • Tara’s use of new and emerging technologies enhances the experience of Tara girls, their families and Tara staff. • Tara’s commitment to improved sustainability outcomes is owned by the Tara community and is embedded in learning and practical experiences. • Tara continues to be financially secure in order to resource the School into the future.
MASONS DRIVE N O R T H PA R R A M AT TA NSW 2151 TEL 02 9630 6655 www.tara.nsw.edu.au