pages 4 & 5 - The Pappyshow

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Sitting in what could be described as a little gingerbread house, chatting over coffee, Wendel Manwarren shared his journey through life growing up in Belmont and living next door to a Mas Camp. With both parents heavily involved in different facets of Carnival, including the steel pan, he spent his childhood breathing and observing what our country is globally renowned for. Wendell's instinctive ability to understand the issues facing society and the world at large was the platform from which 3 Canal was formed - a group who became famous for their 'raspso' styling. Wendell mastered his talent as a singer, songwriter and producer over the years, and along with other members of the group, went on to create what most Trinidadian and foreigners look forward to as one of the greatest productions during the Carnival season. As a patron and supporter of the TallMan Foundation, Wendell has taken a keen interest in youths and over the years TallMan has been a part of the show, performing both minor and major roles within the pre-show, flash mobbing in the front lobby and in 2012 performing with 3 Canal in 'The Pappyshow'. Speaking to Wendell was both rejuvenating and engaging. He spoke fondly of TallMan and specifically mentioned Lifa Morean, Shemarki Thomas and Bryan Blackman, whom he felt took the leap and risk by auditioning for the show; securing places in the dance production. From Wendell's point of view, “It was amazing!” Reflecting on what many people, especially the youth of today face on a daily basis in moving on in life, Wendell believes that, “doubt, lack of encouragement and lack of belief” are the missing ingredients. His advice? “Don't Stop Believing!” The song “Believe” that was performed at the 'Pappyshow' was produced with TallMan students, Tonya, Bryan, Johanna and Shemaki, who were privileged to sing parts of the chorus on the track. Others joined in with the rest of the cast as it was sung at the end of the show. One of the songs gathered its inspiration from Anya Ayoung Chee's story and victory in the recent Project Runway Season 9 competition. Her story was about the power of belief, committing one's self to the moment and going for it. The powerful song “Believe” embodied this message.When asked what advice he would give to the developing TallMen, he said: “In order to not still your voice, you have to find it. It's a process of development. Jump in! Grab life! Doh Fraid! Make mistakes and learn from them. Listen to your elders, seek them out. Be patient. Understand that you don't know everything. Challenge yourself to grow, to know and once you know, you have to show it too.”

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