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Conference Chair’s Message

Welcome to the New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association’s 63rd Annual Conference! This year’s theme, “A Night With the Stars,” was chosen by our President Chris Keeley and as always the tradition is for Conference goers to dress for the theme if they wish; this year we’re trying something new, and costume night will be on Saturday instead of Sunday. For this year’s theme, attendees are encouraged to dress up as their favorite celebrity, whether it be from film, TV, sports - there are so many possibilities!

Our Conference this year kicks off on Friday, April 22nd at 1pm in the Granite Room with Lisa Chuchara’s “Wabi Sabi,” a program that “explores the beauty of imperfect and/or unconventional subjects” and how to “slow down and appreciate the beauty of everyday life.” After Lisa’s program, attendees can get dinner on their own in town and then join us for the kick off of the Image Competition, which can be viewed live in Club 79, and is held in the Blackstones Lounge. Join your fellow NHPPA members to encourage and celebrate each other through the competition while enjoying refreshments provided by Hospitality in a relaxing and fun atmosphere.


On Saturday, Image Competition continues to its conclusion, followed by Image Critique with the judges in the Blackstones Lounge, then the Pizza Party, a few words from PPA President Jeff Dachowski, and the live Auction. New this year for Auction - the live portion will be shorter this year, as many items will be available for bid as Silent Auction items. Be sure to check the items out in the Blackstones Lounge and place your bids on the bidding sheets prior to the start of Auction. The evening concludes with Hospitality in the lounge. Don’t forget to come dressed as your favorite celebrity! This is optional, of course, but so much fun! The prints of everyone’s competition images will be on display in the Belknap room from 10:00 pm until midnight. Many thanks to American Color Imaging (aci) for printing the images.

Sunday’s full day program in the Granite Room from 9am-4pm is Kristy Steeves with “Embrace the Light;” how to see light, manipulate it and use it to your advantage. Lunch will be on your own, and after the program you’ll have time to dress for the Banquet (anything from business casual to dressy is appropriate). Plan to meet in the Margate’s lobby at 5:15 to be in the group photo, which will be taken at 5:30 pm sharp. Don’t be late or you’ll miss out! A cocktail social begins at 5:45 in the Mariah Room, which kicks off an evening of dinner from Hart’s Turkey Farm, the swearing in of the 2022/2023 Officers, and the highly anticipated Awards portion, after which the dance floor opens, with music provided by DJ Entertainment and followed by Hospitality in the Blackstones Lounge.

We hope you booked your room for Sunday night as well, because Monday’s program is Colby Brown with, “Diversifying Your Photographic Interests Through Passion Projects & The Art of Storytelling” which takes place in the Granite Room from 9am-12pm and that wraps up the 2022 Conference!

I wish to thank everyone who helped make this Conference this year possible; first and foremost is Jean Wozniak, who was an immense help and worked tirelessly with the myriad tasks and details that go into making Conference happen and also for her role as Treasurer. Thank you, Jean! Thank you to President Chris Keeley for your leadership this year, and for doing an additional term next year; Jean Camire, for your role as Controller, we are grateful for you each and every day; our Board of Directors for all they do for Conference and throughout the year; our Committee Chairs and members for all they do for Conference and throughout the year; Allison McGrail and Tracy Philips for all of your hard work on everything to do with Image Competition, and for decorating for Banquet; John Malboeuf, for running the presentation at Banquet; Candace and Fred Stiteler, for preparation of and running Auction; our very talented Speakers and Judges; PPA President Jeff Dachowski for making time to be with us; Ray Peeples, for your technology skills and for providing the photo booth; Hospitality Chair Shawn Pierce and his Committee members Pat Corlin and Jared Plante for providing a great hospitality experience each evening; Dennis Spaziano, for running Club 79; Roland Lemire, for always being available to help with whatever is needed; vendor members ACI and Hunt’s Photo & Video; Richmond Labs for the raffle prizes; Saralyn Carlen, for designing our Conference Book; Jim Carlen for putting together the Animoto video with a collection of member photos; Tim Coutemanche for doing photography at Banquet, Caroline Snyder and the Margate Resort for always being so accommodating to us, and of course all of the NHPPA members who continue to support us with their membership, and especially to those who expand their member experience by taking a role and helping behind the scenes. It takes much effort by many people to run a Conference and an association throughout the year; we are very grateful for their support.

Tanya Hervey, A.C.Ph. NHPPA Conference Chair