The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

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Four-time National Champion and two-time Reserve National Champion, Julia Roberts, won 2014 AQHA Cup High Point Rider, a ďŹ rst for WT.



The Intercollegiate Horse Show Association National Show was held 0D\ WKURXJK LQ +DUULVEXUJ 3HQQ 7KH WHDP FRPSHWHG ZHOO DQG ÂżQLVKHG ÂżIWK RYHUDOO ,QGLYLGXDO ULGHUV GRPLQDWHG the competition. National champions LQFOXGH -XOLD 5REHUWV IURP &ORYLV 1 0 LQ ,QGLYLGXDO 5HLQLQJ DQG 7HDP 2SHQ +RUVHPDQVKLS Âą $4+$ &XS +LJK 3RLQW 5LGHU DQG .D\OD :HOOV IURP &KLFDJR ,OO in Individual Advanced Horsemanship. 5DFKHO )RVWHU IURP &XED 0R SODFHG second overall in Individual Beginning Horsemanship, and Cana Fitzgerald from 3HQQ /DLUG 9D SODFHG ÂżIWK LQ 7HDP Beginner Horsemanship. “I am so proud of WT equestrian,â€? said head coach Amanda Love. “They rode

It was business as usual at the 2014 IHSA National Championships when Roberts led WT Equestrian into the history books again.

fantastic and to walk away from the weekend with three National Champions DQG RQH 5HVHUYH 1DWLRQDO FKDPSLRQ LV phenomenal. What a legacy they have upheld.� 5REHUWV DQG :HOOV DUH ERWK UHSHDW 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQV 5REHUWV LV DOVR WKH ¿UVW :7 (TXHVWULDQ PHPEHU WR ZLQ WKH SUHVWLJLRXV $4+$ &XS +LJK 3RLQW 5LGHU an award given to the overall highpoint ULGHU DIWHU ULGHUV FRPSHWH LQ ERWK 2SHQ +RUVHPDQVKLS DQG 2SHQ 5HLQLQJ 5REHUWVœ WKUHH QDWLRQDO FKDPSLRQVKLSV in one weekend put her into an elite JURXS RI :7 DWKOHWHV 5REHUWV HQGHG KHU career as a Lady Buff with four National &KDPSLRQVKLSV DQG WZR 5HVHUYH National Championships making her one Brand 2014.indd 15

of the most decorated athletes in WT Equestrian history. 'XULQJ WKH HYHQW 5REHUWV ZDV DOVR given the Equestrian Coach Achievement of Excellence Award. With the award, VKH ZLOO UHFHLYH D VWLSHQG WRZDUG a six-day apprenticeship at McQuay Stables along with a lifetime membership to Âł:KDW D ZD\ WR ÂżQLVK RXW P\ VHQLRU \HDU ´ 5REHUWV VDLG Âł7R DFFRPSOLVK every single goal I’ve ever worked for is such an unbelievable feeling. Hard work and dedication truly pays off. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my coach, Amanda Love, and founder of IHSA, Bob Cacchione. God has blessed me beyond belief.â€?

14 5/19/2014 12:56:55 PM

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