Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

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24. If two, or all of Bhava, Hora, Ghatik Lagnas are receiving a Drishti from exalted Grahas, a Raj Yog is formed. 25. If Bhava, Hora and Ghatik Lagnas, their Dreshkanas and Navāńśas, or the said Lagnas and their Navāńśas, or the said Lagnas and their Dreshkanas receive a Drishti from a Grah, a Raj Yog is formed. 26-27. If Arudh Pad is occupied by an exalted Grah, particularly Candr in exaltation, or by Guru and/or Śukr (with, or without exaltation), while there is no Argala by a malefic, the native will become a king. If the Arudh Pad is a benefic Rāśi, containing Candr, while Guru is in Dhan Bhava, the same effect will prevail. 28. Even, if one among Ari’s, Randhr’s and Vyaya’s Lords, being in debilitation, gives a Drishti to Lagn, there will be a Raj Yog. 29-31. The native will become a king, if a Grah, ruling Bandhu, Karm, Dhan, or Labh, gives a Drishti to Lagn, while Śukr gives a Drishti to the 11th from Arudh Lagn, as Arudh Lagn is occupied by a benefic. The same effect will be obtained, if a debilitated Grah gives a Drishti to Lagn and is placed in Ari, or Randhr Bhava. Again similar result will prevail, if a debilitated Grah, placed in Sahaj, or Labh Bhava, gives a Drishti to Lagn. 32. I now tell you of the Raj Yogas, based on the Grahas with different dignities and on the Drishtis and Yutis of the Grahas. 33-34. Dharm’s Lord is akin to a minister and more especially Putr’s Lord. If these two Grahas mutually give a Drishti, the native will obtain a kingdom. Even, if these two are yuti in any Bhava, or, if they happen to be placed in mutually 7th places, one born of royal scion will become a king. 35. The native will attain a kingdom, if Bandhu’s Lord is in Karm Bhava and Karm’s Lord is in Bandhu Bhava and, if these Grahas give a Drishti to Putr’s and Dharm’s Lords. 36. If the Lords of Putr, Karm, Bandhu and Lagn are yuti in Dharm Bhava, one will become a ruler with fame, spreading over the four directions. 37. Should the Lord of Bandhu, or of Karm Bhava join either the Putr’s Lord, or Dharm’s Lord, the native will obtain a kingdom. 38. If Putr’s Lord is in Lagn, Bandhu, or Karm Bhava, yuti with Dharm’s Lord, or Lagn Lord, the native will become a king. 39. Should Guru be in his own Rāśi identical with Dharm Bhava and yuti with either Śukr, or Putr’s Lord, the native will obtain royal status. 40. Two and a half Ghatis from mid-day, or from mid-night is auspicious time. A birth during such an auspicious time will cause one to be a king, or equal to him. 41. Should Candr and Śukr be mutually in Sahaj and Labh Bhava and receiving Drishtis from each other, while they are placed elsewhere, a Raj Yog is obtained. 42. Should Candr, endowed with strength, be Vargottāńś and receives a Drishti from four, or more Grahas, the native will become a king. 43. One will become a king, if Lagn in Uttamāńś receives a Drishti from four, or more Grahas, out of which Candr should not be one. 69

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