Tandoori clay ovens for the mouth watering dishes!

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Tandoori Clay Ovens for the Mouth Watering Dishes! People survived by cooking their meals over fires in long before the time of use of microwaves. The majority of us will admit to having a love for food cooked by oven, but we rarely have the time for them, in its place we go for a fast and usually tasteless TV dinner. But it is good to know that in some regions of the world, long established culinary traditions like cooking in tandoors nonetheless survive. There are some modern changes also to make it to fit the clay oven work in your kitchen.

What is a tandoor?The clay cooking pots, formed like a drum or barrel are called Tandoor and these pots are used in Middle Eastern and Eastern foods. The heat comes from inside and this work like an oven, from a small spot lit within the bottom. The meal in this Clay oven is cooked over glowing embers, but not like a barbecue, the meat is cooked by the warmth which surrounds it, resulting in a quicker and hotter cooking practice. It is said that tandoors actually originate from ancient Persia, or as the country is now recognized in Iran, but they are perhaps most famous for their use in Indian delicacies. Apart from India and Iran. Read More:-

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