How to make lip smacking tandoori chicken tikka using a tandoor!

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Tandoori chicken Tikka is world famous among the foodies. Food lovers of this planet give their discontinued love to this dish as Russians have given their heart to Vodka and Americans have given their heart to Hamburger. Once your tongue tastes it, you will find it difficult to hold yourself back from tasting it again.

This wonderful dish is believed to be originated in the Punjab –a reason of south Asia. But its popularity is very high in all of the world. Some say that this dish was originated in the Scotland (region of Britain) and very much popular in Glasgow. There might be dispute over the origin of this delicious dish but people of England like this dish very much and the prime minster of Britain proclaimed Tandoori chicken Tikka as the national dish of the Britain in 2001 to glorify the inclusive and welcoming culture of Britain. So leave that topic that where it is originated or whosoever owns the birthright on it, but the metal tandoor is used to make it. Tandoors have many sizes according to the need and the chicken is cooked in it along with many dishes. Tandoor and its typesTandoors have many varieties and there are many foods which can be cooked using them. There are deluxe big size and residential small size Tandoors according to the diverse needs. These are made of the stainless steel and easily movable due to the wheels. There are double layers for the better insulation. But never mistake yourself to think that it is just the steel box. This is the key to make delicious foods. For More Details:-

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