Weekly Newsletter Apr 3 2012

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Social Netwo S orks April 3, 2012

MEETING A AT TAMPA, FL 33 3607. 813‐28 88‐8828 IHOP Restaurantt on 4910 Sprruce Street, T

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ub Coming E Events Clu

April. 3: Group p 2 Speech C Contest. han: Accelera ated Assets Accumulatiion. Brought By Luis April 10: Watsson & Callah Aponte.

Ap pril 14: D District Asssembly/D District Sp peech Con ntest at R Rotary’s Ca amp Florid da.

April 17: Club Assembly. e Jacoby: Customer Serv vice in the N New Econom my. Brought by Lacy Fon nseca. April 24: Mike If you h have any sugg gestions for p programs, ple ease commun nicate with David or Mary yann to sched dule them.

Disttrict 6890 Gov vernor: Alan Feldman – Bran ndon, FL

Rotary Interrnational Pressident: Kalyan n Banerjee, Ind dia

Food for Ronald MacDonald’s Hom me: For at le east 20 perrsons. IT HA AS TO BE B BOUGHT an nd delivered NL LT 6pm. Dav vid is your contact. *IIf you can’t make it, pllease call h him.

R Ray / Evelynna – Apr 3 30

Billl / Frank – M May 20

Irrving / José é F. – Jun 10 0

Fo ood for tthought

Leet deeds match h wordss. ‐ Plau utus A llittle hum mor to brig ghten you ur day! You u’re Drinkingg Too Much Coffee Whe en: You u ski uphill. You u speed walk in your sleep. You u answer the e door beforre people kn nock. You u sleep with your eyes o open. You u just completed your th hird sweaterr today, and you don’t k now how to o knit. You u grind your coffee bean ns in your mouth. You u have to waatch videos iin fast‐forwaard. Thee only time yyou’re stand ding still is in n an earthquake. You u lick your co offee pot cle ean. You ur eyes stay open when you sneeze.. Thee nurse need ds a scientifiic calculator to take your pulse. You u can type siixty words a minute with h your feet. You u don’t sweaat, you perco olate. Peo ople get dizzzy just watch hing you. Peo ople can testt their batte eries in your ears. You ur birthday is a national holiday in B Brazil. You ur Thermos is on wheelss. You u can outlast the Energizzer Bunny. You u don’t even n wait for the e water to b boil anymore e. You u don’t tan, you roast. You u soak your dentures in coffee overn night. You u think CPR sstands for “C Coffee Proviides Resuscittation.”

Whaat if we could preevent just ONE child from sufferingg from POLIO? How w much would th hat be worth? Click below and d contact Dennis or José to learn more. http://w www.rotary.org/en/ServiceAndFello o wship/P Polio/HelpEradicattePolio/Pages/ride e fault.asspx

Birthday/A Anniversa ary


An nniversarie es

Raay and Gloriia A.: Apr. 1 1st Fr ank and Carrmen I.: Aprr. 1st

Ray: Apr. 15 Iraid da C.: Apr. 2 25

Rootary In nternatio onal sig gns projeect partner agreeement with Sh helterBo ox By R Ryan Hyland Rotaary International News N – 30 March 2012 2

Rottary Internatio onal and ShellterBox, a graassroots disastter relief orgaanization, signned a project partner agreeement this mo onth, allowing g the two orgaanizations to colllaborate moree closely to prrovide relief and a temporary shelter to suurvivors of natuural disasters. “Prroject partner”” is a special status RI givees to groups started s or mannaged by Rottary clubs. Th he agreement will build on n the strengthss of both orgaanizations in respponding to diisasters all over the world. “Ouur Rotary frieends have alw ways been therre ready to asssist – from geenerous donnations to direect operationaal support on the ground Rotary R has alw ways been parrt of our DNA A,” said Tom Henderson, H ShelterBox S CE EO. “I feel likke we have 34,000 ShelterBox offices aro ound the worlld working to ogether to helpp those who hing when theey need us thee most.” havve lost everyth Savving lives RI General Secretary John Heewko said thee agreement will w enable Rootary club mem mbers to havee an immediaate, lifesaving g impact in co ommunities hiit by natural disaasters. “ShelterBox will bee able to ensu ure that local Rotarians R are provided an oppportunity to participate in the t distributio on of ShelterB Box containerrs,” he said. Eacch ShelterBox x typically pro ovides a tent designed to withstand w extrreme weaather conditio ons, stove, waater purificatio on kit, blankeets, tools, andd other neccessities to help a family su urvive for six months or more m after a di saster. Hennderson, a civ vil engineer and a former seaarch-and-resccue diver for tthe British Royyal Naval, fou unded ShelterrBox in 2000. Its response teams of traiined vollunteers have brought lifesaving suppliees to victims of o more than 175 disaasters in nearly 80 countriees. Mu utual goals “Foor more than 10 years, SheelterBox has given g light to over one hunndred thousannd families woorldwide in thheir darkest hour,” saidd Hewko. “Th his project paartner agreemeent representss our mutual ggoal of helpinng those in neeed. It gives R RI a forward-ffacing appproach to imm mediate disastter relief.” Notted Henderso on: “This partn nership with Rotary R Intern national is a foormal recogniition of our good work oveer the past 12 yeaars. It will hellp Rotarians get g a better un nderstanding of o what we doo. I hope Rotaarians worldw wide will see us as a coherent andd able disasterr relief organiization.” Earrlier this montth, a ShelterB Box team distrributed more than 550 tentts to communnities in Madaagascar wheree powerful cycclones left mo ore than 250,0 000 people ho omeless. Forr more inform mation:   

Learn more m about Sh helterbox Learn more m about wh ho Rotary worrks with Donate now n to suppo ort the humanitarian effortss of The Rotaary Foundationn

H Historic Moments -- Roots R off Rotarry's pollio efforrts By Susan Hanf Rotaary International N News ‐‐ 18 Novemb ber 2011

Onn 29 Septemb ber 1979, Ro otarians and delegates off the Philippiine Ministryy of Health loooked on as volunteers adm ministered drops of the lifesaving Saabin polio vaaccine to chiildren in the Manila barrrio of Guadalupe Viejo. Whhen James L. Bomar Jr., then RI pressident, put th he first drops of vaccine into a childd's mouth, hee ceremonially lauunched the Ph hilippine poliomyelitis immunization effort, andd Rotary's firrst Health, H Hunger and H Humanity (3-H) Graant project was w underwaay. Bomar jo oined Enrique M. Garciaa, the countryy's minister oof health, in signing the conntract comm mitting Rotary y Internation nal and the government g oof the Philipppines to a jooint five-yearr effort to imm munize abou ut six million n children ag gainst polio at a a cost of aabout US$7660,000. In a 1993 interv view, Bomarr reminisced d about the trrip. He recallled how thee brother of oone of the chhildren he haad imm munized tug gged on his pant p leg to geet his attention, and saidd, “Thank yoou, thank youu, Rotary.” Thee success off this project set the stagee for Rotary''s top priorityy to rid the w world of pollio. As a resuult of Rotary y’s effo forts, more th han two billiion children have receiveed the oral ppolio vaccinee. Since Rotaary launchedd its PolioPlu us cam mpaign in 19 985, the num mber of polio o cases world dwide has drropped 99 peercent, and tthe virus rem mains endemic in onlly four counttries -- Afgh hanistan, Ind dia, Nigeria, and Pakistann. Forr more inform mation:   

Read mo ore about polio and what you can do to o help Learn ho ow child healtth needs will be addressed d under the FFuture Vision Plan See Rotaary History an nd Archives

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