2020 Taiwan-America Student Conference in Review

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Taiwan-America Student Conference 2020 Final Report

Table of Contents (pt 1) Introduction Letter to the Friends of TASC (English) - 5 Letter to the Friends of TASC (中文) - 6 Delegates’ School Origins - 7 Demographics Breakdown - 8 Preparation for a Virtual Conference - 9 Speakers (Dr. ) William Stanton - 11 (Dr. ) Li Bingying - 12 Audrey Tang - 13 (Dr.) Paul Katz - 14 Yang Yuting (Sunny) - 15 Rupert Hammond-Chambers - 16 (Dr. ) Alexander Fernandez - 17 2

Table of Contents (pt 2) Roundtable Projects Virtual Lennon Wall - 19 Tech-Startup App - 20 Social Media Campaign - 21 Digital Platform - 22 Other Activities Panel Discussions - 24 Alumni Chats - 25 Freetalk Bonding - 26 Post-Conference Overall Feedback - 28 Taiwan Meetup - 29 Summary - 30 TASC 2020 Supporters - 33


Introduction Welcoming statement and delegation information


To the Friends of TASC Dear Friend of TASC, From July 29th through August 14th, TASC delegates from the U.S. and Taiwan had the chance to engage in debate, cultural exchange, and academic and professional enrichment. Due to the recent events of Covid-19 in Taiwan at the beginning of 2020, TASC made the hard decision to make this year's conference virtual in the interest of public safety. The virtual format did not stop our determination to provide a satisfying experience for everyone! This year we had an array of speakers that both Taiwanese and American delegates learned from: from previous speakers such as the former director of the American Institute in Taiwan, William Stanton, and the Taiwanese Cabinet minister, Audrey Tang, to new speakers such as the president of the US-Taiwan Business Council, Rupert Hammond Chambers, and the CEO of Taiwan's progressive education NGO called City Wonder, Yang Yuting. In addition to speakers, delegates expanded their knowledge and cultural awareness through panel discussions and roundtable projects that focused on social issues pertinent to both the U.S. and Taiwan. These projects were inuenced by a more digital world that has been accelerated by Covid-19. Overall, having this year's conference online was a challenge that we have all overcome together, and we are glad that virtual TASC proved to be just as enjoyable and meaningful as in-person TASC. From delegates to ECs, we all completed TASC with our understanding of Taiwanese and American cultures deepened, our minds more open to new ideas, and our bonds strengthened as forever a part of the TASC community. - TASC 2020 Executive Committee


致台美學生會議的各位摯友 今年7月29號到8月14號,來自台灣和美國的學生們本有機會來台互相交流、體驗文化以及獲 取新知識。但由於新冠狀肺炎的襲擊,考量到代表們的安全,我們忍痛決定將今年的會議改為 線上形式。儘管如此,本會議並無因移至線上而降低代表們的會議收穫。 這次我們邀請了台美雙方的講者,包括前任美國在台協會處長司徒文、台灣政務委員唐鳳、美 台商業協會會長韓儒伯和城市浪人執行長楊御廷等。 另外,雙方代表們藉由小組討論和圓桌會議更深入了解攸關台美的社會議題。其中這些議題也 與新冠肺炎疫情之影響有所對應。 舉辦線上會議是一個巨大的挑戰,但在我們共同努力下圓滿結束。很慶幸本次的線上會議跟實 體的一樣有意義和刻骨。參與者跟執行委員會也因此更深層的了解台美的文化,彼此的視野也 更廣闊了,而我們的關係也因為台美學生會議牽起一條永恆的線。 - 台美學生會議執行委員 6

TASC 2020 Delegate Schools American ● Columbia University ● Florida International University ● National Chengchi University ● University of California-Los Angeles ● University of Delaware ● University of Hawaii ● University of Rochester ● Utah State University Taiwanese ● MCPHS University ● Ming-Chuan University ● Nation Taiwan University of Science And Technology ● National Changhua University ● National Cheng Kung University ● Soka University of America ● University of Melbourne *Some of the universities’ logos


Demographic Breakdown

Most of this year’s delegation are female undergraduate students. 8

Preparation for a Virtual TASC


*Screenshot of the welcome delegate package

Steps the 2020 executive committee took to make sure the ďŹ rst virtual TASC goes smoothly: examples include establishing a facebook group to promote community (left) and a detailed delegate packet to help guide the delegates this year (right). These two components were especially helpful for delegates to navigate the virtual experience.


Speakers Speakers were experts in diverse ďŹ elds that encouraged delegates to open their minds


Dr. William Stanton

The ďŹ rst speaker of TASC 2020 was Dr. William Stanton. He was able to talk about his experience in U.S. diplomacy. As the former Director of the American Institute in Taiwan and given his experience in Taiwanese academia, Dr. Stanton delivered an introduction seminar about Taiwan regarding its history, culture, diplomacy and economy. From this overview, delegates, particularly American delegates, acquired a foundation of knowledge regarding Taiwan to build upon throughout the conference.


李秉穎 Dr. Li Bingying

Dr. Lee gave a speech on Covid-19 responses in Taiwan and the U.S. Delegates learned the key elements of prevention and control in Taiwan: from immediate and rapid response, to contact tracing, to effective prevention of both droplet and contact transmission. The speaker's comparison between the approaches in Taiwan vs the U.S. also prompted delegates to reflect on their personal experiences and how both sides approach this pandemic.


唐鳳 Audrey Tang

As Taiwan’s Digital Minister, Audrey Tang has again chosen to speak at TASC 2020. She used Slido as an innovative way to conduct her speech. Delegates learned about her work trying to push for digitally and technologically driven approach for all nations. Topics delegates were interested in varied from her background, to Taiwan’s economy and education system, to her being transgender and so much more. 13

康豹 Dr. Paul Katz

Dr. Katz discussed Taiwanese popular religion. Delegates were exposed to the main religions in Taiwan and their customs: from Taoism to Buddhism. For a vast majority of delegates, it was their first time gaining an in-depth understanding of the nature of Taiwanese temples, ghostbusters, and performances, as well as how these components have influenced Taiwanese society. Everyone at this lecture learned something new. 14

楊御廷 Yang Yuting (Sunny)

Yang Yuting (Sunny), the founder of City Wanderer, came to discuss how the Taiwanese education system can become more liberal likening a western approach. The speaker’s varying experiences in the U.S. and Taiwan highlighted the distinct learning styles on the two sides and enabled delegates to compare the pros and cons of each. 15

Rupert Hammond-Chambers

Rupert Chambers, the President of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council, introduced the importance of Taiwanese industries, especially in terms of semiconductors.Delegates learned about the reasons why the United States should be more supportive of Taiwan and posed questions that assessed how future collaboration could be best achieved particularly given the current political climate.


Dr. Alexander Fernandez

Dr. Fernandez's talk provided an additional opportunity for delegates to learn about American culture. In particular, he touched on a unique part of American culture - the Yoruba culture. Delegates learned about this topic for the ďŹ rst time: the enslavement of the Yoruba population, the connection between Yoruba and Cuban culture, and their linguistics and pop culture inuences. Then, the speaker shared his personal connections with Cuban culture. This lecture gave delegates, especially the Taiwanese delegates, the chance to challenge stereotypes about the United States and Americans.


Roundtable Projects Delegates leveraged what they have experienced during TASC to develop applicable solutions to pertinent social issues


Virtual Lennon Wall

For this year’s Cultural Conict and Resolution (CCR) Roundtable, delegates decided to create a Lennon wall to bond people internationally. This project was inspired by the experience of a CCR roundtable delegate who was in Taiwan last year and noticed how there was a Lennon Wall near National Taiwan University supporting Hong Kong during the Hong Kong protest. 19

Tech-Startup App

The Business and Politic Roundtable delegates proposed an app to help reduce environmental waste by targeting young international students that tend to move around. The app is called “U Style� and enables people to conveniently exchange old furniture or apparel using augmented reality and social networking.


Social Media Activism

For this year’s Environment and Public Policy Roundtable, delegates created an intuitive Instagram account and a website to provide facts and tips on environmental issues. The main idea was a small change results in a big impact. The individual posts on Instagram provide basic information on environmental protection as well as guide users to a more detailed website if they are interested.


Digital Media Platform

For the Education and Social Justice Roundtable, delegates proposed founding a media startup on YouTube as well as an Apple podcast to discuss problems in education around the world. The group stressed the importance of diverse learning styles, drawing inspiration Yang Yuting’s talk on education. In addition, they stressed the importance of telling stories of people in education to enhance impact by making the problems discussed more personable. 22

Additional Activities Panel discussions, alumni chats, and freetalk bonding time


Panel Discussions

In the tradition of TASC, Taiwanese and American delegates gathered to explore ideas and questions that are crucial yet often left undiscussed due to the challenging and uncomfortable nature of such conversations. In the inclusive, safe space of TASC, everyone was able to jump in and engage in insightful dialogue. 24

Alumni Chats

We piloted Alumni Chats this year. Delegates had the chance to connect with past TASC delegates and ECs as well as see how TASC has impacted their lives. 25


At the end of nearly every conference day, TASC hosted a session where delegates had the opportunity to chat freely. Through “Freetalk,� delegates further bonded on a personal level and formed deeper connections. 26

Post-Conference Feedback, lifelong friendships, and summary


Overall Feedback

To provide the best experience for delegates, we actively solicited feedback. Based on daily feedback, we iterated real-time to personalize the experience for this year's delegates. Overall, the post-conference survey demonstrated that the majority of the delegates rated the overall conference experience as "excellent" and expressed that they are now more conďŹ dent in addressing social issues they are passionate about because of TASC. In addition, TASC will continue to enhance future conference experiences based on collected surveys.


Taiwan Meetup

With the Covid-19 situation under control in Taiwan, many 2020 TASC delegates met up for the ďŹ rst time. Delegates were extremely enthusiastic and interested in further connecting with each other. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the night ďŹ lled with excellent food and drinks, fun activities, and most importantly, new friendships.


Summary The first TASC virtual conference was successful. We rose to the challenge of unforeseen circumstances and leveraged this opportunity to learn and innovate. Through speakers, bilateral discussions, and additional activities, delegates gained new perspectives about each culture and people and bonded on a personal level. This enlightening and empathic exchange speaks to one of the core missions of TASC- to promote mutual understanding and friendship between American and Taiwanese youths. Furthermore, delegates are now more comfortable expressing themselves and more confident tackling issues they are passionate about. This reflects the other core mission of TASC- to empower students to become future social changemakers. Last but not least, participants greatly enjoyed the experience and many are committed to helping to plan the next TASC (2021). We the TASC 2020 Executive Committee wish the TASC 2021 Executive Committee the best of luck.



See You Next Year!


Thanks again to people and organizations that help make TASC possible!

This Final Report was authored and designed by the TASC 2020 Executive Committee and edited by the TASC Board of Directors. Copyright Š Taiwan-America Student Conference, Inc. All rights reserved.


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