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The Fever


06.25 THU 華山 2 12:00 06.27 SAT 華山 2 21:1 0 07.06 MON 華山 1 21:00

瑪雅.達林,1979 年出生於里約熱內 盧,電影工作者、視覺藝術家。畢業 於法國 Le Fresnoy 當代藝術學校、巴 黎第三大學碩士,曾參與古巴電影學 校的電影工作坊。紀錄片《Terras》 入選全球超過 40 個影展。

Maya DA-RIN is a filmmaker and visual artist. She earned a master's degree in Cinema and Art History from Sorbonne Nouvelle. The Fever premiered and won Best Actor and the FIPRESCI Prize at the 2019 Locarno Film Festival.

巴西、法國、德國 Brazil, France, Germany 2019 | DCP | Colour | 99min

為生計而棲身都市的中年巴西原住民,在妻子去世後,與小女兒相依為 命。日復一日的工作、有形無形的種族歧視,都令他身心俱疲,常在吵 雜的鋼鐵叢林中陷入瞌睡,做著故鄉雨林的美夢。城市裡出現了野獸出 沒的傳說,昔日的亞馬遜獵人卻已被文明同化,當小女兒告知將離家學 醫,嘴上說著支持的他,身體卻神秘地發燒了。 曾執導兩部亞馬遜原住民紀錄片的巴西導演瑪雅.達林,首部劇情長片 耗時六年。她拒絕常見的獵奇視角,將紮實的田調成果轉譯成一齣敘事 沉緩、卻有豐富層次的文化失根寓言。強烈的沉浸感設計,讓觀者有如 深陷一場熱帶幻夢。男主角本人為巫師,初次演戲就奪得盧卡諾影展最 佳男演員。

Manaus is an industrial city surrounded by the Amazon rainforest. Justino, a 45-year-old member of the indigenous Desana people, works as a security guard at the cargo port. Since his wife's death, his main company is his youngest daughter, who is leaving for her studies soon. As the days go by, Justino is overcome by a strong fever. During the day, he fights to stay awake at work. During the night, a mysterious creature follows his footsteps. Meanwhile, his brother's visit makes Justino remember the life in the forest, where he left twenty years ago. Between the oppression of the city and the distance of his native village in the forest, Justino can no longer endure an existence without place.

2019 盧卡諾影展最佳男演員、國際影評人費比西獎 Best Actor, FIPRESCI Prize, Locarno IFF 2019 芝加哥影展最佳導演 Best Director, Chicago IFF 2019 平遙電影節臥虎單元羅塞里尼榮譽最佳影片 Best Film of Roberto Rossellini Awards, Crouching Tigers, Pingyao IFF DIRECTOR 瑪雅.達林 Maya DA-RIN PRODUCER 瑪雅.達林 Maya DA-RIN, Leonardo MECCHI, Juliette LEPOUTRE SCREENPLAY 瑪雅.達林 Maya DA-RIN, Miguel SEABRA LOPES, Pedro CESARINO CINEMATOGRAPHER Bárbara ALVAREZ EDITOR Karen AKERMAN SOUND Felippe Schultz MUSSEL, Breno FURTADO, Romain OZANNE CAST Regis MYRUPU, Rosa PEIXOTO, Johnatan SODRÉ, Kaisaro JUSSARA BRITO, Edmildo VAZ PIMENTEL PRINT SOURCE Still Moving

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