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54 世界首映 World Premiere


07.06 S AT 中山堂 19:40 ★ 07.08 MON 華山一 21:00 ★


藍正龍,2000 年參演王小棣導演的 《大醫院小醫師》後陸續參與多部電 視 劇 及 電 影 演 出,2015 年 憑 藉《 妹 妹》的精彩演出,成功奪下第 50 屆 金鐘獎戲劇節目男主角獎,《傻傻愛 你,傻傻愛我》是個人首部自導自演 電影作品。

Blue LAN began his career as an actor in 1999. In 2015, he won Best Leading Actor in a Television Series at the 50th Golden Bell Awards with Apple in Your Eye. A fool in love, love like a fool is his directorial debut feature, in which he also plays a part.

傻傻愛你,傻傻愛我 A fool in love, love like a fool

台灣 Taiwan | 2019 | DCP | Colour | 95min 入圍獎項:編劇、女主角

小維出生於富有家庭,最愛看作家可夫畫的美人魚繪本,他的家庭生活 看似非常幸福,媽媽對他悉心教育,讓喜憨兒的他能夠自己運行每一 天。直到一次他坐錯了公車,在海邊邂逅了一條他心目中的美人魚小 爛,他視她為繪本中主角化身,對小爛呵護備至,這次的意外,讓小維 「接近正常的生活」開始變得不再「正常」了。

Born into a wealthy family, Xiao-wei lives a carefree life with his loving mother's care. He likes to read picture books written by his favorite author Kauff, especially those works featuring mermaids. One day, he accidentally takes the wrong bus, arrives at the seacoast and meets a mermaid, Blue. He believes Blue is the embodiment of the character in those picture books. Since then, Xiao-wei's "normal life" has become not "normal."

DIRECTOR 藍正龍 Blue LAN PRODUCER 梁宏志 Eric LIANG, 曾瀚賢 TSENG Han-hsien SCREENPLAY 徐譽庭 Mag HSU CINEMATOGRAPHER 廖敬堯 LIAO Jing-yao EDITOR 李運傑 Joe LEE, 林政宏 LIN Cheng-hong MUSIC 張學瀚 CHANG Hsueh-han SOUND

杜篤之 TU Duu-chih, 江宜真 CHIANG Yi-chen CAST 郭書瑤 KUO Shu-yau, 恬妞 Tien Niu, 藍正龍 Blue LAN, 張庭瑚 ZHANG Ting-hu, 蔡佳宏 Leo TSAI PRINT SOURCE 華映娛樂股份有限公司 SKY FILMS Entertainment Co., Ltd.

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