T2 Paper Winter Edition

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Dream Big Baby, now’s your time to shine/Whimsical brews, bold ambitions & sips to inspire. What’s Brewing?

Gifts to give!

T2 Tea Dreamers

Black, Oolong, White, Green… We explain the ins, outs, ups and dunks of the tea types you should know.

Gear up for the gifting season with our T2 How To Gift It Guide – full of all the tea, teaware, tea tools and tea goodies you’ll need these holidays.

We serve up inspiration for your holiday season with a few words of wisdom from our resident T2 Dreamers. Dream Big Baby!

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T2 Treat Inside In the spirit of Xmas, it’s time to give a little back! Tear out the little voucher inside to save £ on your next T2 purchase.

Xmas 2015

We are tea. Over a cup of tea in the mid 90’s, T2 came to life. It was simple: do what you love and share it with the world.

Share we did, and it turned out there was a lot of love out there for the humble leaf. In 2015 alone we shared over 203 million cups of tea with tea lovers from around the world! Every store we create aims to introduce our tea lovers to a theatrical world of tea like they’ve never experienced before. Our stores are a melting pot of exotic smells, taste sensations and eye-popping displays. And with over 200 tea varieties and counting, we’re constantly brewing up new formulas in the T2 laboratory.




With a few years under our belt we decide to spread our wings a little and open our 3rd store in Sydney, Australia.

We expand a little more, this time jumping on a plane and opening stores in Shoreditch, London and Soho, New York!

July 1st 1996



We open our first store at 340 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. It’s a huge moment for us, and we’re excited to share our tea with the world!

We continue to open stores, meet new tea lovers and focus on growing in Australia and across the ditch in New Zealand.

We grow to more than 70 stores across four countries! And with more and more T2 stores in the works, we’re excited to meet many more tea lovers from right around the world!

We enjoy the art of disruption, we’re travellers by nature, and we’re on a mission to put only the very best teas to our name. Over the years and through the people we’ve met, we’re bringing tea into today, sip by sip.

Xmas 2015

This Xmas we’re bringing you the fantastically whimsical, the wildly surreal and the wonderfully inspirational. Enjoy the ride, celebrate with a few sips, and Dream Big Baby!

Xmas 2015

Marigold, Marigold, Marigold. This beautiful blossom is all the inspiration we need when it comes to any tea party.

Get your friends around, line up a few good tunes and let’s get this party started. This year is all about being inspired by the colourful, whimsical and highly detailed Portuguese tile work, with a splash of vibrant designs. Our Magical Marigold range brings together a wild assortment of blooming

patterns, intricate flower detail and shines with shimmering gold and silver trimmings that sparkle on any tea table.

herbal tisanes, and you’ve got a recipe for a fresh tea party with all the right ingredients.

Since any tea party is all about how you sip, feel free to lay these ones out, and mix and match – this goes with that! Add a few brews from our garden party collection of wild floral and

Been dreaming of adding a touch of Marigold to your tea collection? Now’s a good time. One sip from these and you’ll be the talk of the town. You’re very welcome!

T2 16 Garden Party

Small Teapot – Pink

Small Teapot – Green

Large Teapot – Purple

Large Teapot – Blue

T41 – Yellow

T41 – Green









Xmas 2015

Tall Cup – Pink

Tall Cup – Red

Tall Cup – Blue

Tall Cup – Purple

Sugar Bowl – Yellow

Sugar Bowl – Blue

Milk Jug – Blue








T41 – Purple

T41 – Blue

Cup & Saucer – Pink

Cup & Saucer – Yellow

Cup & Saucer – Purple

Cup & Saucer – Blue

Milk Jug – Yellow









Xmas 2015

Fire me up. Ahh, wintry days. The crisp air, wrapping up in a scarf, and the perfect excuse to stay indoors with a hot cuppa. If you think about it, winter’s the perfect time to relax, unwind and take just a few minutes to yourself – especially partnered with a warm brew. Let the pitter patter of rain on the roof, howling winds and cool temperatures set the scene for a comfy afternoon near the fire. Winter’s also the perfect time to brush up on your brew skills too – who knows how many you’ll need to make this season! Our Fire Me Up pack pretty much has your cool months covered. With five hottie teas to choose from, you’ll serve up the spicy and the sweet without stepping foot outside - each one bringing their own signature flavour and hand - picked to beat any wintry chill that comes your way. These also serve as a little reminder to always aim high when it comes to your next big dream. So fire it up! These teas are worth every single sip.

Fire me up £15


Xmas 2015

Recipes. Ready to get firing on all cylinders? Just follow the steps and you’re well on your way to keeping cosy. Pop the kettle on – there’s no time like the present! 1

Place teas in infuser of 1L Tea Pot - our Marigold Tall Teapot is perfect for this (Adjust ratios according to size of teapot).


Fill up to top with water (100°C).


Top up with your milk of choice.


Add honey to desired sweetness & garnish!

Lamington Latte.

Apple Honey Crumble.

A slice of lamington and banana cake in one? The answer is yes. This brew’s so good you’d be excused for thinking Christmas came early. Think desert in a cup and you’re halfway there.

Two of our favourites come together into the ultimate winter warmer. It’s crumbly goodness in a cuppa delivered with every sip - no ice cream required, this ones sweet enough!

5 scoops Lamington 5 scoops Banana Bake Top up with milk Garnish with a sprinkle of chocolate

• 6 scoops Apple Crumble • 3 scoops Honey Honey • Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon

• • • •

Nuts About Ginger.

Salted Caramel.

We’ve gone ginger nuts! A ginger kicker with our favourite Melbourne Breakfast – plus a little spice and a touch of orange to top it off.

Salt is the hero here! This brew will have you doing jigs all the way to the kettle and back. Serve it up with a touch of honey, milk and a pinch of salt to taste!

• • • • •

3 scoops Just Ginger 2 scoops Ginger Spice 2 scoops Orange Zing 1 scoops Melbourne Breakfast Top up with milk


Brew for five minutes then remove infuser.

• 8 scoops New York Breakfast • Top up with milk • Add a pinch of salt to taste

Hot brews that hold their own. If you’re after a warming brew that’s good to go from the get-go, then look no further than these teas. From the spicy, to gingery, to the taste of New York and beyond, each one of these T2 brews needs no additions – they’re fine doing their own thing!

Indian Spice – Gift Cube

Sweet Spice – Gift Cube

Creme Brulee – Gift Cube

Lemongrass & Ginger – Gift Cube

Jade Mountain – Gift Cube

New York Breakfast – Gift Cube








Xmas 2015

What’s in a brew? Black, oolong, white and green teas. Herbal, fruit and rooibos tisanes. Which brew’s right for you? We explain the ins, outs, ups and dunks of each brew type. Tea or tisane? Let’s talk tea for a moment. There’s hundreds of different varieties, but every single one comes from the same plant: Camellia Sinensis. Nature’s good like that. In general, some brews have a bit of bite, while others are smoother on your palate. Some pack a bit of kick with caffeine, while others are a more quiet affair.

Some teas like it hot, and some prefer a splash of cold to bring out their best. Selecting the right brew to suit your mood is all about knowing which leaf does what, and what state of mind you want to be in. Ready? Let’s get this show on the road…

A few helpful hints to make your brew shine every time: 1

Boil water in a kettle, but make sure it’s fresh, and never use a microwave to heat water.


Pour a little of the boiling water into your teapot to warm it up, then discard.


et the tea brew for a few L minutes (or according to directions on back of pack).


Discard leaves and add milk if desired.



Add the tea leaves to the pot (one teaspoon per person and one for the pot) and pour the water over the tea leaves.

Xmas 2015

White tea.

Black tea.

Oolong tea.

One of the most revered of all teas, white tea is the least processed and the closest tea comes to its natural state. You might have even tried the two varieties: Pai Mu Tan and Silver Needles. Delivering a yellow brew that’s smooth, sweet and refreshingly elegant – this type can be brewed again and again. You needn’t add milk or sugar either. And with little caffeine, you can sip away all day.

Mention the word tea and this is what most people think of. Arguably the world’s most popular drink, black tea has origins in China, where it is known as ‘red tea’. Today, black tea is mostly cultivated in the former British and Dutch colonies of India, Sri Lanka, Africa and Indonesia. With a touch of milk or sugar, black tea brews shine bright.

One of the world’s most famous Chinese teas, oolong means ‘black dragon’. This semi–fermented tea means is a little like black tea and a little like green. Oolong leaves are processed directly after picking; undergoing sun drying, partial oxidation and firing in a hot wok. Often the second infusion is better than the first, as the leaves have had time to unfurl.

Green tea.

Herbal & fruit tisanes.

Rooibos & honeybush.

As the world’s first processed tea, green tea is either steamed or pan fried, unlike black tea, which is fermented or fully oxidised. Ideal without milk, and best to drink on a full tummy – this brew’s low on caffeine but will still perk you up, no problemo.

Tisane is the French word for herbal infusion. Enlivening, invigorating, calming or soothing, from the simplicity of a single leaf infusion to the complexities of many blends, each tisane is designed to inspire the body and mind, and is the perfect caffeine–free fix.

Hailing from South Africa, these earthy brews are two of a kind. Rooibos is Afrikaans for ‘red bush’ and is cultivated from a native shrub that produces long, slender leaves, similar to pine needles. Honeybush comes from a closely related native shrub and gets its name from the strong honey fragrance that comes from its yellow flowers. The perfect thirst–quenching, caffeine–free drop which can also handle milk!

A splash of cold or scorching hot?



Greens, Whites, Oolongs To achieve a lower temperature, fill your pot with 1/5th cold or tap water and 4/5ths boiling water, then add your infuser. Green and white teas are pretty delicate, so to avoid the astringent taste, don’t pour boiling water directly on them!

Herbal & Fruit Tisanes, Blacks, Oolongs, Rooibos & Honeybush Certain teas need to be brewed at 100°C. That’s why we recommend heating your teapot with hot or boiling water before adding the water you’ll use to brew, so your tea doesn’t drop in temperature.

Sometimes it’s how you brew that makes all the difference. So to get the most out of the tea you’ve chosen – make sure to check the back of the pack for the right brewing temperatures. It’s all in the heat!


Xmas 2015

An out of the box experience. Nobody loves wrapping gifts as much as we do. So when it comes to dressing up your selected tea goodies, we’re making sure that every inch of space is used to send out a message: Dream first. Do second. And take time for tea in-between. We’re kind of known for our gift wrapping abilities – so much so that we’ve made a handy little app to help you out during the busy periods. So once you’ve selected your tea gifts, we’ll send you on your way to finish the other shopping you have to do. Then once your gift is ready, we’ll give you a shout when it’s good to go.


Xmas 2015

Wraps, badges & tags to inspire. Know someone who could do with a little pick– me–up or kick–up–the–bum to follow through on their big idea? We’ve got just the badge, wrap, and swing tag to do the job. Every single piece of our complimentary wrapping experience reminds you that any dream is worth putting into practice! *Dream Big Baby Badges available in–store from 23rd November until stocks last.


Xmas 2015

T2 How To Gift It Guide. All big dreamers know one thing’s true: dreaming’s not enough. You have to back up big ideas with action. So here’s a fool-proof plan of attack for you to go from dreamer to doer in no time at all. There’s something here for everyone, be it blue–sky thinkers who know the world’s their oyster, to the little dreamers whose next big goal is to get something special for their loved ones.

Xmas 2015

Rich Fruity Booty Cast Iron Teapot

Dream Big Baby Rare & Special – Collectable Cup & Saucer New Zealand Black




Cotton Collective – 80 Cotton Teabags

Tiny Tin – Matcha

Silver Needles




Every tea dreamer likes to fantasise about the fancier things in life. For those occasions, there’s this collection. Perfect for any posh tea party, after–dinner event or high–browed high tea, these tea cups, tools, bags and brews let you take a minute or two in the lap of luxury.

Double Wall Flask – Gold

White Luscious Tea Pot

White Luscious Cup & Saucer




Marigold Magic Cup & Saucer

Tiny Tin – Buddhas Tears

Marigold Magic T41

Raspberry Licky Legs

T2 2 China Jasmine & Just Rose






Gorgeous Geisha – 20 Cotton Teabags

Tea Tales Bundle

Cosmic Collection – Deliciously Dreamy




Drink More Tea Spoon

Dream Team – French Earl Grey

Generous Cup & Saucer – Flo Flamingo




Available 1st December.

These one of a kind tea bags, tins, and little tools will help every lady, lass or girly girl get in touch with her sipping side. Use them for a pause during a busy day, then storm into action with an assortment of brews, tools, and teaware that’s got inspiration written all over it.


Xmas 2015

We all know it to be true – dudes like brews. So what do you get for the man who has everything? The opportunity to sit back, take a moment, and blue–sky for a while! Here’s a few slick tea items, teas and tools that’ll suit his taste. You never know, one sip out of these might be just the thing he needs to brew up something special.

T2 5 Tops

On The Run

Dream Catchers – 20 Cotton Teabags




T2 Teaset Cup & Saucer

Liquorice Legs – 20 Cotton Teabags

Cosmic Collection – Geisha Getaway




Available 1st December.

Dream Catcher Mug with Infuser

T2 Teaset Glass Mug with Infuser

Melbourne Breakfast – Tall Tin

English Breakfast – Gift Cube

Red – Tall Tin






French Earl Grey – Cotton Teabags

Dream A Little Dream Cubes

T2 Teaset Mug with Infuser

Tops Selfies – 10 Pack

Dream Catcher Mug with Infuser






Tea Genie

Merrier Infuser

T2 2 French Earl Grey & Melb Breakfast




Pretty Fandangle Mug

Refresh – Gift Cube

T2 5 Rise & Shine




Available 1st December.

Available 1st December.

Available 1st December.

Ahh the 9–5. Some of us can’t wait to get to work – others... it depends. One thing’s for sure, it’s the people we work with that make all the difference. So we’ve rounded up our favourite teas, teawares and tools for those in the cubical next to you. Whether it’s giving them a chance to brew, sit and ponder their next big project, or taking time for a friendly cuppa – we think your office buddy will be all over these quicker than you can say break time. 14

Available 1st December.

Xmas 2015

Licence to Chill £15

Glitter Flasks £13.50

Dream Catchers – 20 Cotton Teabags £16

Fire Me Up £15

Pretty Fandangle Mini Teapot £16 Available 1st December.

T2 Tea Maker £18

Nics & nacs. Bits & bobs. Holiday season is the perfect time to load up on stocking fillers and tea gifts to spark something big. These aren’t your everyday tea goodies though – every single gift from our Kris Kringle selection has the potential to put a pause in your day, trigger big thoughts and send you off to a far away place. They’ll also be there for when you walk the walk and put your plans in motion – serving as inspiration every step of the way.

A little gift of our own.

Tiny Tin – Buddahs Tears £10

Feeling inspired to pop in and grab something you’ve seen here? In the spirit of Xmas, it’s time to give back! Tear out this little voucher, take it into any T2 store and you’ll get £10 off when you spend £40 on tea and teaware goodies!


*Offer available in store only from 1st December until 24th December 2015. One voucher per transaction. Customer must surrender the voucher upon redemption.

Xmas 2015

T2 16 Garden Party

Generous Cup & Saucer – Chaz Cat

Dream Team – Jade Mountain




Available 1st December.

Where’d we be without our mates? They’re there for us, help us through thick and thin, and come in handy when you need a sounding board for your next big idea. Whether it’s as a thank you, or a gentle reminder to follow through on a dream of their own – this collection is all about encouraging your buddies in the best way possible.

T2 5 Good Vibes

Double Wall Flask – Aqua

T2 2 Monk Pear & Madagascan Vanilla




Fruit Selfies 10pk

Licence to Chill

Turkish Apple Chunky – Gift Cube

T2 2 Lemongrass & Ginger + Ruby Red Rosehip

Glitter Flask – Mermaid






Apple Crumble – Gift Cube

Generous Cup & Saucer – Iggy & Floyd

Dream Big Baby – Limited Edition Tins




Dream a Little Dream Cubes

Sip Sip Away



With these colourful, vibrant and flavour-filled brews, cups, teawares and tools, we’re putting our dreaming into practice and walking the walk, helping you to do the same. Let these wild, bold and flavourful tea goodies inspire you – no dream’s to big and no sip’s too small!

A little gift of our own.

Available 1st December.

Available 1st December.

Feeling inspired to pop in and grab something you’ve seen here? In the spirit of Xmas, it’s time to give back! Tear out this little voucher, take it into any T2 store and you’ll get £10 off when you spend £40 on tea and teaware goodies!


*Offer available in store only from 1st December until 24th December 2015. One voucher per transaction. Customer must surrender the voucher upon redemption.

Xmas 2015

Traditionally, green tea has been used to honour the art of sitting still, sipping and taking some time to yourself. Judged on its aroma and length of flavour, the highest quality green teas are said to fill the palate with a lasting, aromatic and slightly sweet flavour. To date, there are over 1,500 different varieties of green tea, most of them stemming from Asia. The leaves are picked when young, and depending

on the process, they may or may not be dried or ‘withered’. The tea is then either steamed or pan–fried, which preserves the green colour and rolled into a twisted, flat needle or bead shape in order to stabilise the aromatic oils. Over the years, we’ve come to know green tea as a bit of double–

edged drop. On the one hand it can serve to calm your nerves and keep you relaxed – on the other its reviving qualities can spark something big. Ready to go on a green journey of your own? Here’s a little introduction to a few of our favourites…

Green dreams.



Green Rose.

Sencha Peach.

Matcha is fine, powdered Japanese green tea traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies. Traditionally made using bowls and bamboo whisks, it can also be made into a super delicious matcha latte by adding a touch of frothy soy to the mix.

We’ve thrown all our favourite fruits into one tropical oasis inspired brew, then grounded it with a scattering of rose petals just for that floral touch. The grassy Sencha base keeps the sweet and savoury balance, and works well straight from the teapot, or iced with rose petals and slices of over–ripe mango.

All the benefits of green tea with the added fruitiness of fresh peaches. This one’s a little on the fresh side, so if you’re after a sweet brew to satisfy your fruit craving – take a sip of this!

Gorgeous Geisha.

Buddhas Tears.

Sip on the wonderful flavours of strawberries and cream and be transported to downtown Kyoto, where pretty geishas sit and laugh under the sun with strawberry– stained hands and creamy skin.

Buddha’s Tears are individually hand– rolled green tea leaves that have been tumbled with beautiful jasmine flowers. Their delicate flavour means they don’t become bitter and can stand long periods in hot water and (best of all) multiple infusions.

Xmas 2015

It doesn’t take long to see why people go a little crazy over chai. Look a little closer and you’ll find a brew steeped in history while providing the perfect switch-a-roo for your regular morning wakeme-up.

Chai tea is officially the granddaddy of spicy brews. The word chai means tea, while the spicy part is derived from masala chai – masala meaning ‘mixture of ground spices’. This brew is usually made with milk, spices, and often has honey added. With its origins in India, it’s first said to have been created as a healing brew in the tradition of Ayurvedic medicine. In ancient times, it was thought that it could naturally heal the body and soul.

Chai Intervention. What you’ll need: • Saucepan (or Chai Pot) • Milk (Regular/Soy) • T2 Chai • Scoop • Strainer • Spoon to stir • Honey • Cup!

Today’s chai compared to years gone by is a much more complex, rich, sensory blend of exotic herbs and spices. And you’re never too short on varieties either. As a result, we’re a little crazy about chai ourselves. Our T2 Chai Gift Cube and Chai Pot are the perfect combo to get you fired up on those cold mornings, and lets you bring a bit of the traditional into today. With a dash of milk, a touch of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon here and there – you’ll be surprised how fast chai works its magic on you. Never tried chai? Now’s the time to give it a go. Brew it at home or pop in for a sip, you’ll be hooked for life. Consider this a chai intervention!

Let’s chai! 1

Place 500mls of milk into saucepan


Add in 4 scoops of T2 Chai


Stir the chai continuously through the milk and bring to boil


Turn off the heat and allow to sit for ten minutes


Add 2 tsps of honey (or less/ more depending on your taste!) and stir through


Place strainer over cup, pour and enjoy!

Chai – Gift Cube

Chai Pot – Red




Xmas 2015

Black on black. For some, fun is about getting the most out of every brew you make. We can’t argue with that. For those out there that take tea a little more seriously, there’s our T2 Fundamentals range.

It’s only after you try a perfectly made brew that you realise what’s been missing all your life. We won’t lie, a cuppa done well can transform any day or idea and take you from zero to hero in an instant. If it’s precision and perfection you’re after, our range of tea timers, infusers, jugs, scoops and tea warmers are the

T2 Fundamentals £30


no fuss approach to making your daily drop. It’s every tea tool under the sun to help you make the perfect brew, right down to the nano–second before that first sip. These essentials mean you can experiment at will, ensuring you not only conquer the basics, but start to take your tea drinking, brewing and sipping to a whole new level.

Double Wall Flask – Black

Orange Pekoe – Tall Tin

Lemongrass & Ginger – Tall Tin

Perfect Scoop

T2 Teaset Pot – Small






T2 The Jug – 2L

T2 Teamaker

T2 Timer

Merrier Infuser

Tea Warmer

T2 Stirrer







Xmas 2015

White. The colour of new beginnings, wiping the slate clean and a blank canvas to be written upon. Perfect for us to talk about when you’ve got big plans brewing…

This year we’re bringing our very best crisp whites on whites and layers of diverse textures to tea tables the world over. With teapots, flasks, hand-painted Moroccan–inspired glassware and clean as a whistle teapots, you needn’t look far for that simple but sophisticated look.

White on white. White Jasmine – Gift Cube

Pai Mu Tan – Gift Cube

White White Cocoa – Gift Cube




White teas also hold a special place in our hearts. Their subtle flavour and exceptionally refreshing qualities deliver a tender, sweet, ethereal brew that’s as fascinating as it is complex. As the least processed of all tea leaves, white tea is a great low–caffeine alternative and is said to have a host of antioxidants to boot. White tea’s subtle floral notes also go well with our white on white collection of tea goodies, providing more than a few layers of texture goodness to the mix. Our white Rich Fruity Booty cast iron teapot does a great job of this – made in Japan and featuring stylish weaved trivets – it brings a touch of tradition to any tea ceremony. Whether you’re shelving an existing teaware collection, trying a new brew, or adding a touch of simplicity, any and all of our white teawares and teas tend to bring out your pure and simple side.

Rich Fruity BootyCast Iron Teapot

T2 Teaset – Large

Azure Glass

Silver Needles

T2 Teaset Cup

Double Wall Flask – White

T2 Teaset Cup & Saucer









Xmas 2015

T2 Tea Dreamers. It takes a lot to make your ideas go from dream to reality. We hit the streets and had a chat with those who’ve persisted in their passion from the word go. Here’s what they had to say…

Dena Amy. From acting to dancing to DJing, Dena Amy can do it all. Quickly becoming a familiar face on TV screens, stages and underground music venues all over the world. What does dreaming big mean to you? Allowing my ambition and goals to be bigger than my insecurities! Taking risks and jumping in without looking back! My biggest dream is to continue doing what I love, travelling the world performing and creating, and one day being able to give back to the people and places that have inspired and supported me. 22

Christine Manfield. World–renowned Australian chef, author, food and travel writer, food manufacturer, presenter, teacher and gastronomic traveller. Talk about multi–talented! What does dreaming big mean to you? Having a vision and seeing it come to fruition, not being afraid to take a giant leap into the unknown and trusting my gut instinct. In my case it was establishing a successful business and the fulfilment that comes with it, relishing the challenges and reaping the rewards as well as nurturing a team of like–minded people.

PATTERNITY. Formed in 2009 by Anna Murray and Grace Winteringham, PATTERNITY was born from a drive to use pattern as a tool to inspire, explore and innovate. What does dreaming big mean to you? Dreaming big means thinking about the bigger picture, thinking about how your most ambitious dreams can positively shape the world around us. Dreaming big is asking how we can use our creative energy to add more wonder and joy to everyday life. To inspire and connect people in real and meaningful ways.

Xmas 2015


To play footy at the MCG on grand final day.


My next holiday, with a cocktail in hand.







To follow the sun‌ endless summer.

Jen Continue to build the T2 Generation in the UK.

Michaela Baby!

To return home to NZ.

To be the lead on a broadway show.

Sarsha Saturday platter day! All about cheese boards.

My first cuppa in my new house!

To be big in Japan.

To open a cafĂŠ.

Jacinta To be an inspiration to someone.


From creative brew combos to a little something for yourself, these dream tea bundles leave no leaf unturned!

Where you can find us Taste the T2 experience for yourself. Just head to T2tea.com or visit one of our stores.

T2 Cheltenham 74 Promenade Cheltenham GL50 1NB

T2 Bath 7 New Bond St Bath, BA1 1EE T2 Bentall Centre Kingston Bentall Centre Unit G17, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 1TP

T2 Richmond 50 George St Richmond, Greater London, TW91HJ

T2 Tottenham Court Walk 25 Tottenham Court Rd London, W1T 1BJ

T2 Kings Rd 96 Kings Rd, Chelsea, London SW3 4TZ

T2 Shepherds Bush Shepherds Bush Westfield London Shop 1172 Ariel Way, London W127GF

T2 Windsor 13 Peascod St Windsor, Berkshire SG4 1DU

T2 Regent Street 292 Regent St London, W1B 3AP

T2 Shoreditch 48-50 Redchurch St Shoreditch, London E2 7DP

Wholesale Enquiries T2UKsales@T2tea.com

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