Portfolio tfc maier study

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PREFACE | Welcome to my portfolio. This portfolio shows my passion for architecture and its related disciplines, my interests and some extra cirricular activities. Some projects are done during my Bachelor and Master track of Architecture at the Technical University in Eindhoven. My portfolio shows a lot of diversity, in which my personal view and interest field plays an important role throughout as can be seen in the pavilion design based on water sports, studios for artists that fit within the image of Eindhoven, but also my graduate project where the combination is found between theoretical research and an design proposal for two residential buildings. Next to my passion for architecture I have always shown a great interest in photography and graphic design. I use both disciplines to show and explain my architectural designs. They give the opportunity to show your personal frame of reference. Next to that you can keep developing within these fields, which keeps stimulating my learning process.

Personalia |

Tim Frederik Christian Maier Gagelstraat 97 5616 RP Eindhoven Heerlen, 13 oktober 1984 +316 - 52563294 Technical University Eindhoven @ timmaier@hotmail.com w ww.timmaier.com


Exterior | View of the characteristic facades of the back-to-back dwellings in Amsterdam

WOONGEBOUW [2] OP EEN BREUKVLAK | This project conveys my graduation project, and covers the disciplines Architecture & Engineering [AE], Architecture History & Theory [AHT] and Architecture Urban Culture[AUC]. The graduation started within a studio ‘NEXT’ of 13 people and resulted in a publication of an encyclopedia with a collection of buildings that are (non) physical standing next to each throughout the whole Dutch architectural history. From the theoretical approach of the publication the individual research started with a literature study. This resulted in an essay about the relationship between the intermediate sphere of the private house and the public domain and a design proposal of two residential buildings. The design of the two residential buildings is based on a vision in which the urban morphological systems Plan Kalff (1876) and Plan Zuid (1920) (H.P.Berlage) are reinterpreted. In the design the living culture is restored. The materiality and the the intermediate sphere of the private house and the public domain all refer to the characteristic small streets with the the living block as urban microcosm.

Exterior | View of the characteristic facades of the back-to-back dwellings in Amsterdam

Exterior | View of the facades of residential building A

Exterior | View of the facades of residential building B

Interior | View of the foyer in the residential building A

Interior | View of the studio in the residential building B

Exterior | Section model 1:50


Exterior | Photo facade of the”Vleeshal” from the Amsterdam archive

MEtripolitaan Amsterdam | This project conveys the first project in de master track Architecture & Urban Culture [AUC]. The assignment was to design a metripolitaan building near the Dam in Amsterdam. It should consist of a diversity of functions. This resulted in a morphological and typological research and a list of requirements that would increase the number of shopping customers and that would connect the Rokin with the upcoming North-South line in Amsterdam. The masterplan consists of a mix of retail and culture in six different buildings. The architecture grammar refers to the the canal of Amsterdam with the individual plot structure and canal houses of the 17th century.The whole masterplan is connected with a public route that opens the curtains of the enclosed cultural mix of the backside of the Rokin. I especially focussed myself on the renovation of an old meat factory and transformed it in a public exhibition building with a mix of working spaces and studio`s. The silhouet of the building remained and forms the face the enclosed cultural activity.

Exterior | Compilation of the masterplan

Exterior | Perspectives towards the approach of the public building

Exterior | Axo isometric of the”Vleeshal” & interior artistic route

Exterior | Model


Exterior | Strolling decks of the new pier

Scheveningen | This project conveys my final bachelor assignment, and covers all disciplines to be found within building engineering/ architecture. The assignment was to design a pier that will replace the currently existing one, which includes the whole area surrounding the Kurhaus. The primer function of the integral design is offering a musical basis for ‘North Sea Jazz’. The design is based on a vision in which the breakers of schEVENINGen are translated into all disciples. Entertainment is added to the pier and the architectural context of the areas. The pier is defined by the layered pattern en the contact with the sea surrounding it. The functionality is mixed with the different level, which eventually excesses in a port of call for local boat owners. I was responsible for the construction technique. Within this discipline the transformation from day to night was the central focus. Details and materials are used which make it possible to have a transformation in appearance and character. This project is part of a design competition, and is currently part of an exhibition on the current pier in Scheveningen

Exterior | Transformation during te day into the evening

Exterior | Transformation during te day into the evening

Exterior | Different views seen from the decks

Section | Technical drawings of the decks

Article newspaper | Exhibition final bachelor project 2009

Scheveningen | TU-studenten doen een Koolhaasje Nog meer nieuws vanaf en over de Pier van Scheveningen. Het houdt niet op! In dertien teams van zes werkten 76 derdejaars studenten Bouwkunde van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven het afgelopen jaar aan hun eigen ontwerp voor een nieuwe Scheveningse Pier. Met succes. Woensdag presenteerden zeven teams op de bestaande Pier hun tekeningen en maquettes. De Haagse wethouder Marnix Norder (Bouwen en Wonen) - ja, daar hebben we hem weer - gaf bij die feestelijke gelegenheid grif toe dat de schets voor een nieuw te bouwen pier die hij onlangs aan de buitenwereld presenteerde wel erg mager afsteekt tegen de ontwerpen van deze studenten. ‘Maar onze schets was dan ook niet meer dan een artist impression’, verontschuldigde Norder zich. Volgens de begeleidende docenten Bouwkunde is het beste Eindhovense ontwerp (foto boven) zo puur en karaktervol dat Scheveningen met een dergelijke nieuwe Pier een even sterk beeldmerk zou krijgen als Rotterdam heeft met zijn Erasmusbrug. De TU Eindhoven laat bezoekers van de Pier kiezen welk ontwerp ‘de Publieksprijs’ verdient. Ook de artist impression van de gemeente Den Haag mag worden aangevinkt. ‘Daar ga ik in ieder geval niet op stemmen’, wist de wethouder al. Ik had mijn eigen favoriet: de hiernaast afgebeelde foto van de Pier bij nacht. Sfeervol!


Interior | refreshing spaces

Between the Walls | This project conveys my second master project in the track Architecture & Theory [AHT] and the track Architecture & Engineering [AE] at the KTH (Kungliga Techniska Hogskolan) in Stockholm. The assignment was to design a workers building on the Woodland Cemetary that will replace the currently existing one with due observance of the surroundings. The woodland cemetary is an Unesco World Heritage side , is located in Stockholm and is designed by Gunnar Asplund & Sigurd Lewerentz. The site is described as a natural landscape where the architects an extraordinary environment of tranquil beauty created that influenced cemetery design throughout the world.The architects tried empathize with the mourners. From a theoretical approach I formulated the concept that they architects try to ‘frame’ the site and the existing buildings are mostly designed primairly to relief the mourners. The design is based on a private working space that is oriented towards the innerside. The workers can find their relief here and do not disturb the proces of mourning.

Location | “The Woodland Cemetary” (Skogskyrkogården) in Stockholm 1_500

Interior | Floor plan 1_50 refreshing spaces and semi public conection joints

Interior | Section 1_50 connection interior and exterior spaces

Exploded view | the assembly of the construction of local materials

Perspective | “The Woodland Cemetary” (Skogskyrkogården) in Stockholm

Perspective | “The Woodland Cemetary” (Skogskyrkogården) in Stockholm


Interior | Photo interior of the”Priest van Arskerk” in Eindhoven

SML| This assignment comprised the redesigning of the ‘Pastoor of Arskerk’ located in Eindhoven. Since a few years many churches, always located in centre areas, are abandoned and as a result left empty. The social function becomes part of discussion. When entering the church the structure and archways are very distinctive, which emphasizes the height of the building, with a very spacious inner area. The choice for the new facilities was elderly homes or studios. Because of the art and cultural identity of Eindhoven I chose to go for studios, which fits my personal preferences better also. The studios are built up out of working space and exposition space. The diversity of art resulted in a basic studio that expands in different levels after getting wider and higher. By dividing the units and linking then to primary colours, a strong intensity appears that changes the complete space. The division will change every time new artists enter, which keeps the play of light and division alive.

Interior | Photo interior of the”Priest van Arskerk” in Eindhoven


Exterior | view of the segmented facade

Beach House | The assignment consisted of the design of a wooden pavilion and to draw all the construction details. I chose to desgin a beach house because of my watersport activities. I was inspired by the outside houses of Scandinavian people.


Exterior |View of the residential building “De Negende� in Eindhoven

INTERNSHIP | I followed an internship at the architecture office Architecten | EN | EN in Eindhoven. The office has a poetic and pragmatic vision on architecture. Their portfolio consists of a broad range of different projects from urban planning to interior projects. A well known project of them is the theatre in Eindhoven: Parktheater. The office is also very active in the urban planning of the previously Philips area Strijp S. I was part of several facets in the architecture office. I worked together with a senior architect on private housing, residential housing, master plans and different concept ideas. During my internschip the architecture office was subject to a renewal in the acquisition of the office. I participated in rearrangement of the office with new interior furniture.

Exterior |View ‘thatched elderly houses’ neraby Eindhoven

Exterior |Vision of tyhe masterplan for for the ‘Timmermansfabriek’ in Maastricht


curricular activities | Next to my passion for architecture I have always tried to challenge myself in combination with the interest in photography and graphic design. I was member of several boards, organized lectures, discussion with professors and students and studytrips to Berlin, Venice and Stockholm.

www. timmaier.com

Copyright Š Tim Maier 2011

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