Simmental Country Spring 2013

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Bruce Holmquist General Manager Cell: 403-988-8676

Barb Judd Office Manager Phone: 403-250-7979

Margo Cartwright Marketing Coordinator Phone: 403-250-5255

Darryl Snider Western Sale Representative Cell: 403-803-6532

Jane Crawford Eastern Sales Consultant Phone: 519-287-5286 Cell: 519-317-5263


#13, 4101 19th St. N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-5255 Fax: 403-250-5121 Website: Email:

The official publication of the Canadian Simmental Association

Canadian Simmental Country Deadlines “Queens of the Pasture” 2013 Issue October 2013 Issue November/December Winter 2013 Issue February 2014 “Herd Sire” Issue March/April/May “Spring 2014” Issue

Material Deadline: July 1, 2013 Material Deadline: September 1, 2013 Material Deadline: October 1, 2013 Material Deadline: January 1, 2014 Material Deadline: April 1, 2014

Commercial Country Deadlines September 2013 Issue January 2014 Issue

Material Deadline: August 1, 2013 Material Deadline: December 1, 2013

Mailing Dates - Each issue will be mailed on or about the first of the month. Simmental Country, mailed as second class, assumes no responsibility for actual receipt date. Production & Ad Copy Changes – Special production requests and ad copy changes may be subject to extra charges. Charges will apply on an individual basis. Layouts & Proofs - Requests for special layouts should be in the Simmental Country office by the 21st day of the second month preceding publication. Although every effort will be made to provide proofs on all ads, proofs are guaranteed only if all ad material arrives in the Country office prior to deadline. Advertising Content - The Simmental Country assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy or electronically supplied pictures and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Country containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Simmental Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy - Articles and information in this magazine represent the opinions of the writers and the information that, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate at the time of writing. Users of any information contained in Simmental Country are encouraged to validate that information by independent means. Subscription Rates Canada AB, SK, MB, QC add 5 per cent to all fees for GST USA $40 + applicable taxes per year BC add 12 per cent to all fees for HST $65 per year U.S. funds $75 + applicable taxes for two years ON, NB, NFLD add 13 per cent to all fees for HST Foreign $130 per year (GST included) NS add 15 per cent to all fees for HST Canadian funds

Published for: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Published by:

Emily Grey

YCSA Coordinator Phone: 819-875-3205 Fax: 819-564-4652


4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Office: 306-934-9696 Fax: 306-934-0744 Editor: Bryan Kostiuk Marketing: Ted Serhienko & Chris Poley Accounting: Mina Serhienko & Treena Ballantyne Production: Tiffany Peters, Debbie Thiessen, Jamie Van Cleemput & Kelley Poley

Please Return Undeliverable Copies To: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Publication Mail Agreement #40012794 © 2013 Simmental Country (1997) Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Simmental Association.

High Selling Lots... Sold For $20,000.00

Lot 26 • Donovandale POL Imagemaker

Sold For $9,000.00

Lot 32 • Bar 5 SA Susan 404Z


From the Gate Post

By Bruce Holmquist Canadian Simmental Association General Manager


Moving Forward

he past few months have been a flurry of activity for the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) on many fronts. A record number of Simmental bull sales have been held across Canada and CSA staff has been very busy in support of those events. The sales this year have been an unqualified success in both the number of bulls sold as well as the prices received – without a doubt Simmental is in the mainstream of the beef industry and solidly positioned. However, as is also the case in other breeds we are seeing signs of too many bulls in some Simmental sales. Greatly reduced cow numbers in all areas of the country have created an extremely competitive market resulting in price pressure in some sales from all breeds. Collectively all breeds need to be cognizant of the need for maintaining quality standards and utilizing stringent culling practices. Your CSA staff has also been busy attending industry events which included the Alberta Beef Industry Conference, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association Annual General Meeting in Ottawa and the Canadian Beef Breeds Council Annual General meeting. Simmental’s presence at events such as these does have an impact and we are recognized as an Association that is committed to actively engaging with the rest of the beef industry to discuss the issues as well as opportunities that face us all. These are also opportunities to connect with political representatives and industry leaders who influence decision making on policies that affect our business. March also saw the CSA board of directors and committee members gather in Calgary for a series of meetings. The Promotion Committee, led by committee chair Randy Mader, met and discussed several items including the overall CSA promotion budget and how to most effectively utilize it for the overall benefit of the entire CSA membership in promoting Simmental. Calving books, new advertisement designs, a new edition of the Marketing Made Easy brochure, website updates, a smart phone application as well as the best methods to increase awareness of Simmental through auction marts were all discussed by the committee and are being explored by staff. Breed Improvement Committee Chairman, Fraser


Redpath conducted a very successful meeting which focused on CSA research project reporting which was presented by Project Manager Sandy Russell and Lead Researcher Dr. Steve Miller from the University of Guelph. Our projects are on track and progressing nicely and plans for the Beef Innovations 2013 symposium and the Simmental Innovations Weekend in Guelph were unveiled. These events are a great opportunity for all seedstock producers and especially Simmental breeders to gain a better understanding of the research being conducted and the tools available as a result. Dr. Wade Shafer from the American Simmental Association (ASA) was also in attendance and gave a thorough presentation on ASA’s programming with a focus on genetic improvement and areas of common interest with CSA. This was followed by a thorough discussion on the possibilities for our respective Associations to work more closely together. The conclusion to these meetings is always the CSA Board of Directors meeting which reviews all the committee recommendations and makes the final decisions on the direction moving forward. Financial reports were provided that show the CSA had a successful 2012 fiscal year; these are currently in the audit process and will be presented to the membership at the CSA Annual General Meeting (AGM) in July. Recommendations from the Breed Improvement committee which gained board approval was the move back to a North American genetic evaluation in conjunction with American Simmental as well as to move forward with resolution process that will change the CSA upgrading table to allow the upgrading process to be the same on the female side as it is from the sire. Further details will be provided to the membership and will be voted on at our upcoming CSA AGM. As can been seen the Association continues to be active on many fronts working to position the CSA and the Simmental breed as a leader in the Canadian beef industry. As always we urge the membership to actively engage in the future direction of the Association so please join us at the 2013 Annual Meeting in Calgary on July 17 to receive more updates and take advantage of the opportunity to interact with CSA leadership, staff and Simmental breeders. We hope to see you in Calgary!




Simmental Innovations would like to introduce the first in its Partner Profile series that will showcase the many valuable partners involved in our research initiatives. These profiles will introduce our members and the Simmental Country readership to each of the partners that the Simmental Innovations team is proud to be collaborating with.


askatchewan Research Council’s GenServe Laboratories™ (GenServe) is an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited DNA testing laboratory that has been committed to improving agriculture through the commercial application of advanced DNA technologies for over 25 years. GenServe is focused on the development and delivery of high-throughput, high quality, value-added genomic services that support the interests and needs of industry. GenServe offers a wide variety of genomic services to the livestock sector including livestock parentage testing, DNA diagnostics (coat colour, genetic defects, horned/polled, etc.), genotyping and biobanking. GenServe provides convenient and cost-effective access to the latest genomics technologies. GenServe also manages one of the largest biorepositories of bovine genetic material. Having originally been established as a joint venture with the Canadian Cattle industry, GenServe maintains strong working relationships with several breed associations within Canada – including the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA). GenServe has been providing bovine parentage testing services to the cattle industry (including CSA) since 1987. Originally established as a blood-typing lab, GenServe (or Bova-Can Laboratories as it was known at the time) organized the first North American meeting inviting the major blood typing labs to agree on a parentage microsatellite panel and played a key role in the development and implementation of microsatellite based parentage testing within the Canadian industry. GenServe has been offering microsatellite based parentage to its clients since 1992 when this panel was adopted by the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) as


the international standard for microsatellite parentage. More recently, GenServe has been working closely with a number of its clients through another technology transition from microsatellite technology to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) technology for parentage verification. Over recent years, GenServe has played a key role in supporting CSA’s various genomics initiatives. With regards to CSA’s research activities, GenServe has conducted or facilitated genotyping and/or sequencing on thousands of samples over the past two years. GenServe has also worked closely with CSA to transition its routine parentage testing from microsatellite technology to SNP technology. In making this transition, CSA has also moved to the use of higher density SNP panels (up to 50,000 markers) that enable not only parent verification but also provide significant additional genomic information on the animals. Since moving to SNP parentage in mid-November 2012, several thousand samples have been genotyped to date as part of the transition. GenServe has been collecting and storing DNA samples on Simmental animals within its biorepository for over 20 years. Having ready access to this vast supply of samples in one centralized location has been vitally important to quickly and efficiently accessing the huge volume of samples required by CSA for its genomics research projects as well as those required for the transition to SNP parentage. Within the past year, over 6,000 Simmental samples have been accessed from GenServe’s biobank for testing. GenServe is extremely proud of its work with CSA over the past 25 years and we look forward to continuing this work to support the genomics innovation within the Simmental breed.

´ Avec cette nouvelle série “Profil de nos partenaires”, nous désirons vous présenter et mettre en évidence nos précieux collaborateurs impliqués dans nos projets de recherche désignés par l’appellation « Innovations Simmental ».Nos membres et tous les lecteurs de la revue Simmental Country pourront lire ces profils, ce qui leur permettra de mieux connaître chacun des partenaires offrant une importante collaboration aux projets de recherche « Innovations Simmental.


es Laboratoires GenServe™ du Conseil de recherche de la Saskatchewan (GenServe) sont des laboratoires effectuant des analyses d’ADN, accrédités selon les normes ISO/IEC 17025, et qui s’impliquent activement depuis plus de 25 ans envers l’amélioration du secteur agricole par l’utilisation d’outils technologiques d’analyse de l’ADN. GenServe s’affaire au développement et à la diffusion à grande échelle dans l’industrie de services d’analyse génomique de haute qualité qui sont en lien avec les intérêts et les besoins de l’industrie. GenServe offre notamment au secteur de l’élevage du bétail une large brochette de services génomiques, lesquels incluent la vérification de la parenté, l’analyse diagnostique basée sur l’ADN (la couleur du poil, certains défauts génétiques, le caractère acère/avec cornes, etc.), le génotypage et la conservation du matériel biologique. GenServe favorise un accès pratique et à coût raisonnable aux plus récentes technologies d’analyse génomique. GenServe gère également l’une des plus importantes bio-banques de matériel génétique bovin. Étant issu à l’origine d’un partenariat avec l’industrie bovine canadienne, GenServe a conservé d’importants liens d’affaire avec plusieurs associations de races de boucherie au Canada, notamment avec l’Association canadienne Simmental (ACS). GenServe fournit depuis 1987 des services de vérification de la parenté auprès de l’industrie bovine (incluant pour l’ACS). Bien qu’à l’origine il avait été mis en place à titre de laboratoire d’analyse de la parenté, GenServe (ou encore Les laboratoires Bova-Can tells qu’ils s’appelaient auparavant) a organisé la première rencontre nord-américaine des principaux laboratoires d’analyse de la parenté qui ont été alors invités à adopter l’utilisation des panels / microsatellites pour la confirmation de la parenté. Ils ont ainsi joué un rôle clé dans le développement et l’implantation au sein de l’industrie canadienne de ces nouvelles méthodes d’analyse de la parenté utilisant les microsatellites. GenServe offre depuis 1992 à ses clients la vérification de la parenté par l’utilisation des microsatellites, c’est-à-dire lorsque leur panel fut adopté par la Société internationale de génétique animale (ISAG) à titre

de standard international de référence pour la vérification de la parenté par les microsatellites. Dernièrement, GenServe travaille étroitement avec un certain nombre de leurs clients dans une nouvelle démarche de transition entre la technologie des microsatellites vers la technologie de la vérification de la parenté basée sur le polymorphisme des nucléotides simples (SNP). Au cours des dernières années, GenServe a joué un rôle important pour l’ACS, en supportant leurs divers projets de génomique. Concernant les activités de recherche de l’ACS, au cours des deux dernières années, GenServe a réalisé ou contribué au travail de génotypage et / ou de séquençage de milliers d’échantillons. GenServe a également travaillé étroitement avec l’ACS afin d’assurer une transition au niveau des analyses de parenté, passant de la technologie des microsatellites à celle des SNP. Tout en effectuant cette transition, l’ACS a également décidé d’opter pour l’emploi de panels de SNP à haute densité (jusqu’à 50 000 marqueurs), permettant ainsi de fournir une quantité substantielle d’information génomique sur les animaux, en plus de la vérification de parenté. Depuis le passage au milieu de novembre 2012 à la vérification de la parenté par les SNP, plusieurs milliers d’échantillons ont ainsi été analysés pour déterminer leur génotype. GenServe recueille et entrepose depuis 20 ans dans sa banque de matériel biologique des échantillons d’ADN de sujets Simmental. L’accès rapide à tous ces échantillons au sein d’un même endroit a constitué une raison importante pour favoriser et améliorer l’efficacité d’utilisation d’un volume considérable d’échantillons nécessaires pour les travaux de recherche génomique de l’ACS, de même que pour favoriser la transition vers l’analyse de parenté par les SNP. Au cours de la dernière année, on a testé plus de 6000 échantillons de sujets Simmental conservés dans la banque de matériel biologique de GenServe. GenServe est très fier de travailler depuis 25 ans avec l’ACS et nous visons poursuivre cette collaboration, pour supporter les projets de recherche génomique de la race Simmental.





Red Mountain Semen Package Purchasers... Boundary Ranch Bonchuk Farms Berts NR Simmentals Crossroad Farms

Czech-Mate Simmentals Downey Farms Harvie Ranching Jay Dawn Farms

LaBatte Simmentals Mappin Simmentals McMillen Ranching Scissors Creek Cattle Co.

Sunny Valley Simmentals Sunrise Simmentals Swan Lake Farms Workman Farms

-----------------------------------------------------------------------2013 Bull Buyers... CR Freeman Farms Rainalta Simmentals Doug Goudy Crocus Simmentals Dean Meyers Casey Claffey Waverley Farms

Kevin Teske Tiszauer Farms Ltd. Rodney Reid B & L Farms FCL Land & Cattle Don Dayman Roger Clay Farms Ltd. McKenzie Stock Farm

Rick Williams BJ Cattle Co Berg Stock Farms Terry Young Brian Czerwonka Kelly Schulhauser Dylan Williams Clayton Breault

7L7 Ranch Fradette Land & Cattle RJS Ag Ltd. Blooming Enterprises Jason Durr


Appuye sur le poteau de cloture

Par Bruce Holmquist Directeur General – Association Canadienne Simmental


Poursuivant sur nos avancées

es activités ont été florissantes et variées ces derniers mois au sein de l’Association canadienne Simmental (ACS). Un nombre record de ventes de taureaux se sont tenues partout au Canada et le personnel de l’ACS a été très occupé afin de supporter plusieurs de ces ventes. Les ventes de cette année ont connu un immense succès, tant par rapport au nombre de taureaux vendus qu’au niveau des prix reçus – la race Simmental occupe une position très solide et, sans contredit, elle domine l’industrie bovine. Toutefois, comme c’est également une réalité chez les autres races, on remarque parfois que certaines ventes Simmental offrent un nombre trop élevé de taureaux. En fait, les effectifs de vaches en diminution dans toutes les régions du pays ont fait en sorte que cela exerce une pression sur les prix pour quelques ventes de taureaux de toutes races. Toutes les races doivent collectivement être bien conscientes de la nécessité de maintenir de hauts standards de qualité et des pratiques de réforme rigoureuses. Votre personnel de l’ACS a également été fort occupé en participant à certains évènements de l’industrie tels que la Conférence de l’industrie bovine de l’Alberta, l’Assemblée générale annuelle de la « Canadian Cattlemen’s Association » à Ottawa, ainsi qu’à l’Assemblée générale annuelle du Conseil canadien des races de boucherie. Notre présence à de tels évènements entraîne un impact certain et cela fait en sorte que la race Simmental est reconnue comme étant solidaire avec le reste de l’industrie, en prenant part aux discussions relatives à nos défis communs et aux nouvelles opportunités. Ces évènements nous permettent aussi de rencontrer divers représentants politiques ainsi que des leaders de l’industrie, lesquels possèdent une influence significative sur notre industrie par leurs décisions et les politiques qu’ils mettent en place. Les membres du conseil d’administration et de nos divers comités se sont également réunis au cours du mois de mars à Calgary. Le comité de promotion, sous la présidence de M. Randy Mader, a discuté plusieurs éléments, notamment en ce qui concerne le budget global de promotion de l’ACS, afin de s’entendre sur les moyens les plus efficaces de l’utiliser pour la promotion de la race et pour le bénéfice de tous les membres. De nombreuses idées furent discutées par les membres du comité et elles sont présentement étudiées par le personnel. Celles-là incluent des idées telles que des carnets de vêlage, un nouveau design pour nos annonces, une nouvelle édition de la brochure “Marketing Made Easy”, des mises à jour sur notre site internet, une nouvelle application pour les téléphones intelligents, ainsi que d’autres moyens intéressants afin d’attirer l’intérêt des producteurs bovins dans les divers marchés d’animaux. Le président du comité d’amélioration de la race, M. Fraser Redpath, a mené avec brio les délibérations de son comité, lesquelles

concernaient principalement les divers projets de recherche de l’ACS, lesquels furent présentés par Mme Sandy Russell, responsable des projets, ainsi que par le Dr Steve Miller, chercheur principal de l’Université de Guelph. Nos projets avancent très bien et ils respectent les échéanciers. On a profité de la rencontre pour dévoiler les détails du Symposium « Beef Innovations 2013 » et de la fin de semaine « Innovations Simmental » à Guelph. Ces évènements fourniront une excellente opportunité à tous les éleveurs de bovins, et plus spécialement aux éleveurs Simmental, d’acquérir une meilleure compréhension des recherches courantes et des outils en développement. Le Dr. Wade Shafer de l’Association américaine Simmental (AAS) était aussi présent et celui-ci a expliqué en détails les programmes de l’AAS, en particulier en ce qui concerne l’amélioration génétique et les zones d’intérêts communs avec l’ACS. Une bonne discussion a suivi, portant sur les possibilités pour nos deux associations respectives de travailler plus étroitement ensemble. La conclusion de toutes ces rencontres s’effectue toujours lors de la rencontre du conseil d’administration de l’ACS, au cours de laquelle on étudie toutes les recommandations des comités et on prend les décisions qui traceront la voie aux orientations choisies. Les rapports financiers furent présentés et ceux-ci démontraient bien que l’ACS a connu une bonne année financière en 2012 ; ces rapports sont présentement à l’étape d’être vérifiés et ils seront ensuite présentés à tous les membres en juillet prochain lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle de l’ACS. Le conseil d’administration a entériné certaines recommandations provenant du comité d’amélioration de la race, notamment celle demandant de revenir à une évaluation génétique nord-américaine, en collaboration avec l’Association américaine. De plus, on a entériné la demande à l’effet de procéder par voie de résolution en vue d’une modification envisagée des exigences de l’ACS par rapport au croisement d’absorption, afin que le processus appliqué soit le même dans le cas des femelles qu’il l’est présentement chez les taureaux. Les membres recevront plus de détails à cet effet et ils seront appelés à prendre un vote lors de la prochaine Assemblée annuelle de l’ACS. Tel que vous pouvez le constater, l’Association continue d’être très active dans plusieurs domaines, en travaillant constamment à placer l’ACS et la race Simmental à l’avant-scène de l’industrie bovine canadienne. Enfin, comme d’habitude, nous encourageons tous les membres à s’impliquer activement dans les futures orientations de l’Association, en participant en grand nombre à l’Assemblée annuelle à Calgary le 17 juillet 2013. Vous pourrez alors y recevoir d’autres mises à jour et vous pourriez profiter de l’occasion pour interagir avec le personnel de l’ACS, les autres éleveurs et les membres de votre conseil d’administration. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer à Calgary ! 14

CMS/BMD Paparazzi 205Z Crossroad Farms, Shell Lake, SK

CMS Dougay 221Z Westgold Farms, Minburn, AB

CMS Simmer 217Z Homestead-T Simmentals, Notre Dame De Lour, MB

CMS Ferguson 208Z Soderglen Ranches, Airdrie, AB

Diamond K Cattle, SK (2) Dale Martinson, AB Swantewitt Simmentals, AB Handhills Colony, AB Miller Ranches, AB Baseline Land & Cattle, AB S-7 Ranch, AB Dave & Bev Rasmussen, AB Huxley Colony, AB (2) D. Moranda Simmentals, AB Sunberry Valley Ranch, AB Willow Creek Colony, AB Peter Hunt, AB RJA Ranch, AB SAJ Simmentals SK Kerry Verbonac, AB JVS Farms, AB Rick & Val Leibel, AB

“If you are attending BEEF 2013 in Calgary this July - stop in, we would be glad to show you around!” (we are a quick 30 minutes north of Calgary right off the QE2 highway)




Canadian Simmental Association Annual General Meeting Wednesday, July 17, 2013 – 2 p.m. Calgary, Alberta

13, 4101-19 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Tel: (403) 250-7979 E-mail: website:

Rick McIntyre

Is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and will be receiving all CSA Director nominations. Any nominations should be sent to him at / Est le Président du Comité de Nomination et recevra toutes les nominations de directeur de l’ASC. Toutes les nominations devraient lui être envoyées à : PO Box 440, Churchbridge, Saskatchewan S0A 0M0 Tel: 306-896-2888 (H) • 306-896-2899 (F) E-mail:


Association Simmental Canadienne Assemblée annuelle Mercredi, le 17 Juillet, 2013 – 14 :00 h Calgary, Alberta

13, 4101-19 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Tel: (403) 250-7979 E-mail: website:




The undersigned member of the Canadian Simmental Association hereby appoints ___________________________________________________________________ (Name) Canadian Simmental Association Member Number ________________ of _____________________________________________ (Address) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Town/City) (Province) (Postal Code) as the nominee of the undersigned to attend, vote and act for and on behalf of the undersigned at the meeting of the members of the Association to be held on the 17th day of July, 2013 and at any adjournments thereof in the same manner and to the same event and with the same power as if the undersigned were present at the said meeting or such adjournment or adjournments thereof. The said proxy is authorized and directed to vote for the election of officers of the Canadian Simmental Association, if any. If any amendments or variations to matters identified in the notice of meeting are proposed at the meeting or if any other matters properly come before the meeting discretionary authority is hereby conferred with respect thereto. __________________________________________________ Signature of Person Making Declaration

__________________________________________________ Date

__________________________________________________ Name of Membership __________________________________________________ CSA Member Number

Fax copies are accepted provided they are received 10 days prior in advance of the AGM at the CSA office.

FORMULAIRE DE PROCURATION ASSOCIATION SIMMENTAL CANADIENNE 45ième ASSEMBLÉE ANNUELLE 2013 Le membre soussigné de l’association Simmental canadienne nommé par la présente ______________________________________________________________________ (Nom) numéro de membre de l’association Simmental canadienne ____________________ de ____________________________________ (Adresse) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Ville/Village) (Province) (Code Postale) En tant que délégué de la part du membre soussigné, pour assister, voter et agir en son nom à l’assemblée annuelle des membres de l’association qui aura lieu le 17 juillet 2013 et à n’importe quel ajournement de l’assemblée, de la même façon et dans la même capacité et avec le même pouvoir d’agir que si le membre soussigné était présent à la dite assemblée ou à tel(s) ajournement(s) de celle-ci. Le mandataire est autorisé à voter et enjoint de le faire pour l’élection des membres du conseil de l’association Simmental canadienne s’il y a lieu. Si à la réunion il y avait proposition d’amender ou de varier les sujets de discussion tels qu’identifiés dans l’avis de convocation de l’assemblée ou si d’autres questions étaient conformément présentées à l’assemblée, un pouvoir discrétionnaire à ce sujet est en outre conféré au mandataire. __________________________________________________ Signature du mandataire __________________________________________________ Nom sous lequel il/elle est membre de l’ASC __________________________________________________ No. de membre de l’ASC


_________________________________________________ Date Les copies envoyées par télécopieur ‘‘fax’’ sont acceptées pourvu qu’elles soient reçues à notre bureau de l’Association au moins 10 jours avant la Réunion générale annuelle de l’Association Canadienne Simmental.

Join the excitement in Calgary!

Canadian Simmental Association

Annual General Meeting ~ July 17, 2013

A week of celebration for the Summental Breed  July 14 - Calgary Stampede Showdown Sunday July 15&16 - Beef Innovations 2013 July 16 - 6:00 pm: CSA Banquet July 16 - 7:30 pm: Garth Sweet Simmental July July July July

Foundation Auction 17 - 8 am - 12:00 pm: Ranch Tour At Mader Ranches (Transportation Available) 17 - 1:00 pm: CSA AGM Registration 17 - 2:00 pm: CSA Annual General Meeting 16-18 - YCSA National Classic, Okotoks, AB

 Sheraton Cavalier Calgary 2620 32nd Ave NE Calgary, AB P: (403) 291-0107

A block of rooms has been set aside under the name of the Canadian Simmental Association at a group rate of $149.00/night. Guests are responsible for making their own reservations and must do so before June 21st to qualify for this rate.

For complete agenda and further details please visit: or


Young Canadian Simmental Association Newsletter 2013 YCSA National Classic Schedule ~ July 16-18th, 2013

We invite all youth to participate in the 2013 YCSA National Classic in Okotoks, AB. This event is being hosted by the Alberta YCSA and is being held in conjunction with the CSA Annual General Meeting.

Monday, July 15

YCSA Contacts YCSA Coordinator

Emily Grey (819) 835-0284

President • SK

Tiffany Peters (306) 948-8044

Vice-President • ON

Kaylea Donovan (819) 434-5632

Executive Officer • NS Danielle Stewart (902) 890-5167

9:00am–5:00 pm • Beef Innovations Genomics Symposium 6:00–9:00 pm • Beef Innovations Banquet

Tuesday, July 16

8:30am–4:00 pm 10:00am–1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 6:00–10:00 pm

• Beef Innovations Genomic Symposium • Move In & Registration • Orientation • Herdsman Quiz • Senior Sire Summary • Scavenger Hunt • CSA Banquet, GSSF Auction

7:30 am 8:15 am 9:00 am 9:45 am 11:30 am

• YCS Breakfast • Orientation • Grooming Demonstration • Grooming Competition • Lunch on your own

Wednesday, July 17



Scott Gaunce C: (506) 227-4820


Emily Hickson C: (204) 570-1969


Danielle Sullivan (705) 872-2173


Krista Whalen (819) 679-7964

CSA Director

Lacey Fisher (902) 661-0766 (506) 536-8454


• Novice/Junior/ Intermediate Calving Demo & Quiz • Shuttle leaves with Senior & Executive Members to attend AGM • Novice/Junior/ Intermediate Show Team Judging • CSA AGM • Novice/Junior/ Intermediate Marketing • BBQ&Cow Pie Olympics • YCSA AGM • AYCSA AGM

Thursday, July 18 8:00 am 9:00 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm

• YCS Breakfast • Sr. Show Team Judging & Showmanship • Catered Lunch • 2013 YCSA National Classic Show

• Commercial animals show first • Awards Ceremony following show


Kolby Heaven (780) 778-1435

12:30 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00–4:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:30 pm

Provincial Junior Simmental Shows accross Canada Find a show near you and be part of the action.

Quebec Junior Beef Show

July 5-7, 2013 - Brome, PQ Contact: Krista Whalen - (819) 679-7964

Alberta YCSA Wildrose National Classic July 16-19, 2013, Okotoks, AB Contact: Kolby Heaven - (780) 778-1435

American Junior Simmental Association Summit Leadership Conference July 29-August 1, 2013 - Sillwater, OK Contact: Emily Grey - (819) 835-0284

Saskatchewan YCSA Tiger Lily Classic July 30-August 1, 2013 - Prince Albert, SK Contact: Tiffany Peters - (306) 948-8044

Maritime YCSA Classic

August 22-24, 2013 - Truro, NS Contact: Scott Gaunce - (506) 227-4820

Ontario Trillium Classic

November 2013 - Toronto, ON Contact: Danielle Sullivan - (705) 872-2173

Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up

August 2-4, 2013 - Neepawa, MB Contact: Emily Hickson - (204) 570-1969

Thank You to Wheatland Cattle Co...

Thank you to Wheatland Cattle Co. for their generous donation to the YCSA program. The semen lots were sold in their 2013 Focus on the Future Bull Sale and all proceeds went to the YCSA program. These two lots raised $4,350.00. The Lafrentz Family has been involved with junior breed associations for many years and we thank them for their continued involvement and support of the YCSA program.

Date: Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 Time: 7:30 pm Where: CSA Banquet,

Sheraton Cavalier Hotel, Calgary, AB This year the Annual Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation Auction will be held as part of the CSA AGM Banquet on Tuesday, July 16th in Calgary, AB. Funds are raised to support the Young Canadian Simmental Association program, youth scholarships and Simmental Research and development projects. R Plus Hard Rock

Items Up For Auction


• Bred Heifer, Sired by Hard Rock - R Plus Simmentals • 4 Nights Condo Accommodations for Two at the National Rodeo Finals in Vegas - Bouchard Livestock International • $100.00 Gift Certificate - Ultra Beef Ultrasounding • Four Blue Jay Tickets - Bar 5 Stock Farm n Heifer • Four Toronto Maple Leaf Tickets - Bar 5 Stock Farm Sire of Donatio • Semen Package - Mader Ranches • Semen Package and Semen Tank - Ashworth Farm & Ranch • Club Cadet Riding Peddle Tractor - Selmac Sales • Quilted Wall Hanging - Pearson Simmentals • Arbonne Basket - Rebecca Beechinor • Pencil Sketch - Bill Peters • Clipping and Fitting DVDs - Stierwalt Cattle and Clinics • $500.00 Catalogue Credit - Today’s Publishing • Children’s Riding Toy - Martin Farm Equipment Monday, July 15, 2013 • Children’s Riding Toy - Pentagon Farm Centre Beef Innovations 2013 Symposium


Tuesday, July 16, 2013 8:00 - 4:00 pm - Beef Innovations 2013 Symposium 6:00pm - CSA Banquet 7:30 pm - Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation Auction Wednesday, July 17, 2013 CSA Annual General Meeting & YCSA National Classic Thursday, July 18, 2013 YCSA National Classic Show

Donations are always welcome.


Ken Lewis (780) 818-3829 or Deanne Young (780) 696-3643





Everett Olson RR 1, Rapid City, MB R0K 1W0 Phone: 204-826-2643 Email:

 

1st Vice President:

Todd Collins RR 2, Darlingford, MB R0G 0L0 Phone: 204-246-2166 Email: 2nd Vice President:

Jacquie Downey General Delivery, Coulter, MB R0M 1G0 Phone: 204-649-2260 Email: Secretary/Treasurer:

Donalee Jones Box 142, Cartwright, MB R0K 0L0 Phone/fax: 204-529-2444 Email: MSA Directors:

Lesley Hedley RR 1, Rapid City, MB R0K 1W0 Phone: 204-826-2765 Shannon Carvey Box 60, Alexander, MB R0K 0A0 Phone: 204-752-2285 Email: Craig Davidson Box 2680, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Phone: 204-748-2545 Email: Rick Dequier Box 1673, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Phone: 204-771-0280 Email:

Front row: Wes Hill , Shannon Carvey , Darryl Perkin (Past President), Andrea Arbuckle Back row: Todd Collins, Terry Woychyshyn, Everett Olson (President), Trevor Peters, Rick Dequier and Fraser Redpath (CSA Director)

Keystone 2013 Commercial Producer Creekside Cattle Company Ad & Debbie de Koning Eden, Manitoba

Trevor Peters Box 385, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 Phone: 204-328-7458 Email: Andrea Arbuckle Box 307, Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204-483-0319 Email:

Pembina Triangle 2013 Commercial Producer Ken & Bill Knaggs Carman, Manitoba

YCSA President:

Emily Hickson RR 2 Box 24, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y2 Phone: 204-725-0621 Email: CSA Director:

Fraser Redpath Box 121, Mather, MB R0K 1L0 Phone/Fax: 204-529-2560 Email:


•  


Women in Simmental Country


hen asked to be featured in Women in Simmental Country, Barb Vance replied, “What an honour and a privilege to be asked to present my story in our Canadian Publication. To the rest of the women in this Simmental cattle business, I applaud you. I am only one tiny fragment of the material that weaves the fabric of Simmental together.” Barb comes from a long line of agriculture pioneers as her grandfather; Thomas was one of the original settlers in Huntley Township, Ontario, in the 1820’s. Barb was one of five children to grow up on the family farm and she later married her husband, Bennie Vance, in 1961. Bennie’s great grandfather, Irwin emigrated from Ireland in 1840 and purchased some land outside of the Village of Carp, Ontario. After Bennie’s father, Oscar, retired from farming, Barb and Bennie wanted to see that land being used and started to build their commercial based cowherd in 1961.

In 1975 the Vances purchased a couple of cows that were bred Simmental, one of them producing a set of twin heifers. The Vances received some advice on how to register those twins and V5 Simmentals was started.“The name V5 Simmentals comes from us,” explains Barb. “Bennie, myself, our sons Murray and Trevor, and Bennie’s MotherKatie, who was lovingly known as Granny Vance to everyone.” The Vances purchased their first Fullblood Simmental in 1977. “We wanted heavier calves and were so pleased with the results of Simmental genetics that we papered the offspring through the upgrading process from half-bloods to 26

Barb Vance Purebred Simmentals. “ That fall Barb and Bennie drove across part of Canada in their old pick-up with the intention of purchasing Fullbloods at Agribition. They window shopped the night before the sale and picked out what they were going to bid on. Barb says, “There was standing room only and we sat high in the bleachers. I still have that catalogue, Lot #221 and Lot #230. They sold for $15,000 and $15,200. We felt we had good taste but our truck went home empty that day. With the exception of the bale of straw we found on the road on the way home.” That year was a dry one in Western Canada and the Vances eventually purchased 10 domestic purebreds. The Vance family never looked back after they started on their Simmental journey. They built their herd up to 80 Fullblood cows and over the years gradually eased down to a manageable few. The Vances were pioneers in testing bulls in Ontario and helped establish breed sales as well as loaned many Simmental calves for 4-H projects. “We tried to help promote Simmental in every possible way,” says Barb. “While I find good traits in any breed, I feel we have everything in the Simmental breed. I cannot say enough about these wonderful animals and I have worked with many.” While Barb explains that her herd was not completely Fleckvieh the animals are strongly influenced that way and most A.I. sires that she uses are Full Fleckvieh. “I feel that the Fleckvieh cattle have been instrumental in bringing closer ties between the Purebred breeder and the commercial cattleman, with lower frame size and high yielding carcass, which ideally suits the Canadian Beef industry.” As a family the Vances showed Simmental cattle at local fairs and provided continual support to their two boys while they were members of the 4-H program. “We did the usual activities,” says Barb. “Bennie was on the Ontario Cattlemen’s Association, a director on the Ottawa Valley Farm Show, we were judges at fairs. We both served terms on the Ottawa Valley Simmental Club with Bennie doing a term on the Ontario Simmental Association and I was a 4-H leader for 21 plus.” “I was a member of the Ontario Simmental Belles from the very beginning,” continues Barb. “I held almost every executive position includingPresident, Vice-President, and Secretary.” The Vance’s have sold cattle through the Ottawa Valley Spring and Fall Club Sales for many years and they held their

own Production Sale with Guest Consignors for 21 years. Barb contributed her talents in numerous fields of agriculture such as beef, dairy, sheep and field crops. A May 24, 2002 newspaper article featured Barb when she was presented with the “Ottawa Civic Appreciation Award” in the rural agricultural category and community activism with youth. Barb taught, coached and encouraged children to never give up and try and try again. To this day Barb still has 4-H members come to her farm to work with her calves and use them as 4-H projects. After 4-H Murray was not involved with the cattle operation as he pursued a career in heavy machinery. In the summer of 1995 tragedy struck the Vance family when Barb and Bennie’s son Trevor was killed in a farm accident. Trevor was involved in the V-5 operation from the time he was bornand he would do chores and take care of the herd every day after school. He joined 4-H at the age of 12 and completed 25 projects during his 8 years of involvement. He loved to show V-5 Simmentals and was an active YCSA member. After his passing, a memorial scholarship was set up in his honour by the Canadian Simmental Belles. Over the years many youth have gone on to continue their educations with the assistance of this scholarship. “He would be so thankful and proud,” says Barb. “I received a sales catalogue this year and the young man who received this year’s scholarship was involved in a sale with another gentleman who was in one of my 4-H clubs when he was younger. It is amazing how this world brings us together.” Over the years the Vances have been recognized for their dedication to their community. Barb has received the “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II the Golden Jubilee” award for contribution to Canada, to their community or to their fellow Canadians; the Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions; the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Meritorious Service to Agriculture Award; and 21 Years Total Dedication to 4-H Award from Straw Fest. The Vances received the “Outstanding Community Involvement” for donating parkland in Trevor’s Memory and Bennie and Barb were inducted into the Canadian Simmental Hall of Fame in 2004 for their contributions and dedication to the Simmental Breed. Bennie Vance passed away in August 2008. “We were proud of the herd we had built but I was left with some 70 head and decided to downsize. We had our own production sale so I parted with quite a few favourites however I still maintain a small herd.” Over the years the Vance’s were well known for encouraging youth, coaching and guiding them through the 4-H program, and always willing to lend a hand to a neighbor or friend. “When one door shuts, another one opens,” say Barb. “My husband had noticed Dylan Foley, a young man who wanted to ownand show Simmental cattle, at the time he was only 11 years old. Bennie spent time talking to this young fellow, guiding with a little gentle wisdom while helping him with some purchases. Today Dylan

houses his cattle with me in exchange for tractor work, haying and assistance around the farm and he has grown into a Simmental breeder that we are very proud of.” While Barb stays true to her traditional Simmentals, “Dylan Foley bringsme up to speed by introducing good reds and blacks to our stable.” Barb shared with Simmental Country some of the interesting things that her family has been asked to do over the years. In 1986 the Vances were asked to be part of a CBC Marketplace series as they were looking for a family that was active in the community and had young children at home. The Vances had to use products for a month and then report on if these products were suitable to farm life. An excerpt from the newspaper article that Barb provided reads ``Eighteen year old Murray decided that low-cal dinners may be delicious but are decidedly not suitable for the working man engaged in farming, his mother recalls. He had one of the dinners and then that evening made a whole loaf of bread into tomato sandwiches. They`re not for us.” Barb’s time with Simmentals has been rewarding and one she would not have wanted to miss. When asked about her favorite Simmental memory, “There are so many,” Barb replied. “The people are like a family, Simmentals are about people and cattle. The people that we have met over the years have touched our hearts in so many ways. The Ottawa Valley Simmental Club is a very strong club with wonderful dedicated people. They hold a very special place in my heart. They organized a 45th wedding anniversary for Bennie and I and always made sure we were able to travel to different sales and events a cross the country. We have made so many wonderful friendships,” says Barb. “Having come from times when people were more involved and connected with people on a one to one basis, I worry thatsomething is missing in our technical age. Nothing can replace the warmth of people interacting.” Barb continues to be involved with her local Simmental clubs, the Carp Fair committee, the Ottawa Valley Seed Growers and Farm Show committees, “there is always something on my to-do list,” says Barb. She comments that her herd is small however she will keep loaning calves to 4-H members, will continue to show a bit and will continue to work to organize classes for people to bring their animals to the 150th Annual Carp Fair in the Ottawa Valley. “Dylan, along with his Father David help me BIG TIME,” says Barb. “Life in our barn is interesting and I hope in some small way I am keeping Bennie’s dream alive by giving a hand up to youth – our future.” The Simmental Country would like to thank Barb Vance for her and her family’s contributions to the Simmental Breed. Thank you for all your years of involvement and dedication to not only the Simmental breed but to the agriculture industry.


Breed Improvement

The Taxing Job of Selection By Sean McGrath


s I write this it is tax time and I am trying to sort through one of my least favourite jobs of the year. The first question that probably comes to mind is what does this have to do with beef cattle in general and Simmental genetics in particular. Well, tax time is one time of the year where we are forced to reflect on our balance sheet including income and expenses. In the context of beef cattle genetics this balance sheet concept is pretty important. No matter what the production system, one of the goals is usually to have to top number be larger than the bottom, thus creating a positive end result. There are a lot of different ways to accomplish this. One way is to push performance and productivity. This has the effect of raising the top or income number. It also generally comes with some added expense. Performance is not usually achieved on a diet of dust and tumbleweeds. At the opposite end of the spectrum is the option to drive expenses into the ground. This generally comes at the expense of performance or income. If we choose not to feed or supplement calves we are unlikely to achieve rapid gains and may even suffer unacceptable losses. Most of us choose to try a balancing act that lands somewhere in the middle of these two approaches. The variation in approaches is huge and is, or should be, largely resource dependent. For a simple example, consider that a mixed farm may have more feed resources available than a straight cattle operation. Even distance from sources of nonconventional feeds such as distillers’ grain or screening pellets can make a big difference in paying business structures. In order to fit cattle into these various scenarios that are likely to be profitable, or at least have a chance of success, we need to describe the genetic potential of the cattle. We often focus on the actual performance of seedstock, such as their own weaning weight or scrotal number or even their appearance without realizing that what we are really interested in is what they will pass on to their offspring. The whole reason behind EPD development and now genomics is to describe this portion that we don’t readily see, but that actually impacts profitability in offspring. We are getting very good at measuring and describing growth and carcass traits with EPD. These traits are easily seen and are best at describing the top line of our Income & Expense Statement. More performance (bigger numbers) results in generally higher gross income. In areas with lots of resources available you can see this naturally occurring just by driving down the backroads and looking at the cowherds which will tend to have larger cows and higher production levels than areas with fewer resources available. Faster growing cattle also make a big difference in the feedlot, allowing


them to turn over more cash flow in a quicker time frame. We are less fantastic at measuring and describing the bottom half of our balance sheet. This is in part because there are a lot of expenses that we have a hard time measuring and also because we have a nearly infinite variety of ways to run a cow herd, and thus an equal number of cost structures. For example on the income side a pound of weaning weight that sells for $1.50 is worth $1.50 on the income side regardless of how it was produced, but the expenses to produce that pound may range from less than $0.50 to well over $2. One of the first ways we try to deal with this expense issue is to trim back a bit on the overall performance of the cattle. For example, selection of bulls with average milk EPD, rather than numbers in the top 5% of the breed. By giving up production the idea is that the requirements to support the daughter of that bull will also decline. Other approaches include reviewing sires used in the past that were successful and targeting similar bloodlines or DNA profiles in sire purchases. Another approach that is extremely effective is planned cross-breeding. Longer term approaches to address evaluating the expense part of the equation include Total Herd Reporting, where fertility and longevity can be objectively assessed, genomics and feed efficiency research to target feed costs and adapting production systems at the ground level to reduce costs. This process takes time as it requires data collection, evaluation and development of effective selection tools. Further it requires education and a desire among breeders to adopt the technologies. Most cattle operations are run by folks who are used to multi-tasking to the extreme. They regularly consider a multitude of factors in making decisions about complex interactive systems on the go. Because of the complexity involved, and the variation between operations it is likely that the evolution of selection indexes will also play a part moving forward, in order to encompass the variety of factors involved and provide useable evaluations for differing management scenarios. This industry complexity stands the Simmental breed on good ground. The vast diversity within the breed allows for selection of cattle that can fit a variety of systems and environments. The investment in research and development also provides background to tackle the harder side of expenses. The often hotly contested debates about selection direction and what is “right” indicate that there are differing opinions on what the “best” looks like and this is important as the best varies depending on the customer. Selection is a taxing job, but matching the right cattle to the customer is the recipe for long term success.


Amelioration de la Race

Les impôts et le travail de sélection! Par Sean McGrath


’écris cet article durant la période de déclaration annuelle des impôts et je tente de me dépêtrer avec ce qui est probablement ma pire tâche de l’année. Je me demande vraiment qu’est-ce que cela peut avoir affaire avec les bovins de boucherie en général, et la génétique Simmental de manière plus spécifique. Et bien, lors de la période des impôts, on doit se pencher sur nos états financiers de la dernière année, tant au niveau des revenus que des dépenses. Le concept d’état des résultats est très important en parallèle avec le contexte de la génétique des bovins de boucherie. En effet, peu importe le système de production considéré, notre objectif est de toujours faire en sorte que le chiffre du haut soit plus gros que celui du bas, ce qui nous laisse alors avec un résultat positif. Il y a plusieurs façons différentes d’arriver à ce résultat. L’une de celles-là est de viser la performance et la productivité. Ceci viendra augmenter le chiffre du haut ou les revenus. Une hausse des dépenses vient généralement avec cela. On n’atteint pas souvent de hautes performances avec une ration composée de poussières et de mauvaises herbes. À l’autre extrémité du spectre, on a également la possibilité de diminuer les dépenses jusqu’à la limite. Toutefois, cela se ferait au détriment des performances ou des revenus. En choisissant de ne pas alimenter ou de ne pas offrir de suppléments aux veaux, on s’expose à ne pas atteindre une croissance très rapide et même à enregistrer des pertes inacceptables. La plupart d’entre nous optons pour un équilibre qui nous positionne entre ces deux extrémités. Il existe en effet une multitude d’approches, et celles-là sont ou devraient être grandement dépendantes des ressources disponibles. À titre d’exemple, on peut présumer qu’une ferme faisant de l’élevage et des céréales devrait disposer de ressources alimentaires plus abondantes qu’une ferme consacrée uniquement à l’élevage des bovins. Également, la distance nous séparant de sources d’approvisionnement en aliments non conventionnels telles que les drèches de distillerie ou les criblures de grains peut faire une bonne différence au niveau du paiement de nos coûts d’opération. Si on veut s’assurer que nos animaux puissent bien produire selon les conditions favorables de ces divers scénarios, ou au moins espérer connaître un certain niveau de réussite, on doit d’abord obtenir une description du potentiel génétique de nos animaux. On se préoccupe souvent des performances brutes des animaux, telles que leur poids au sevrage, la circonférence scrotale ou encore leur apparence phénotypique, sans vraiment réaliser qu’on est davantage intéressé à savoir ce qu’ils transmettent à leur descendance. La raison fondamentale justifiant le développement des EPD et maintenant de la génomique consiste à pouvoir mieux décrire la portion qu’on ne voit pas tout de suite, mais qui a en fait

une grande influence sur la rentabilité de la descendance. On est devenu très bon pour mesurer et bien documenter avec des EPD les caractères liés à la croissance et aux qualités de carcasse. L’influence de ces mêmes caractères est facile à voir et ils nous permettent d’expliquer la première ligne des états des revenus et dépenses. De meilleures performances (de plus gros chiffres) nous amènent habituellement des revenus bruts supérieurs. Cette tendance peut être observée dans les régions possédant plus de ressources alimentaires disponibles, si on se promène sur les routes secondaires et qu’on jette un coup d’oeil aux divers troupeaux, lesquels auront naturellement tendance à être composés de vaches plus grosses qui démontrent une production supérieure à celles se trouvant dans les régions moins favorisées par rapport aux ressources fourragères. De tels bovins avec une croissance plus élevée peuvent aussi faire une bonne différence dans les parcs d’engraissement, en leur permettant de générer plus d’entrées de fonds dans une période plus courte. On n’est pas très génial pour mesurer et caractériser la section du bas de notre état des revenus et dépenses. Cela est en partie dû au fait qu’il y a plusieurs dépenses difficile à mesurer et également parce que nous utilisons une variété importante de manières de gérer notre troupeau ce qui, par le fait même, nous donne un nombre équivalent de structures spécifiques de coûts. Par exemple, au niveau des revenus, une livre de poids au sevrage vendue pour 1,50 $ vaut en fait 1,50 $, peu importe de quelle façon elle a été produite. Par contre, la dépense effectuée afin de produire cette livre de poids de veau pourrait avoir coûté de 0,50 $ à plus de 2,00 $. Par rapport à cette même dépense, l’une des premières façons qu’on semble adopter consiste souvent à sacrifier un certain niveau de performance globalement chez nos animaux. Par exemple, on sélectionnera des taureaux possédant un EPD moyen pour l’aptitude laitière, au lieu d’y aller pour des individus se situant dans le premier 5 % de la race. En laissant de côté une telle production, on applique un principe visant à ce que les exigences demandées par les filles d’un tel taureau soient également diminuées. D’autres approches peuvent inclure l’analyse des taureaux utilisés par le passé et avec lesquels on a eu du succès, puis on vise à acheter des taureaux possédant des lignées similaires ou encore des profils d’ADN comparables. Un programme de croisement bien planifié représente également une approche extrêmement efficace. Des approches à plus long terme existent si on souhaite mieux évaluer la partie de l’équation correspondante aux dépenses, qu’on pense au programme de l’Enregistrement du troupeau complet, lequel nous permet d’évaluer objectivement le niveau de fertilité et de longévité. On peut aussi compter sur la génomique et les recherches touchant l’efficacité alimentaire Continued on page 67



Vet’s Advice

Common Young Calf Problems


very calving season veterinarians are called on to examine calves with a multitude of problems. Some are herd related but many are individual problems of no concern to the rest of the herd. Most cases fall into a few broad categories. Each category has a much different treatment regime. This article will break out these different categories and hopefully make it easier to determine the course of treatment. With calves clinically we need to differentiate between whether the condition involves the lungs (pneumonia), intestines (scours), navel (Omphalophlebitis) or involves a multitude of miscellaneous conditions. The two main diseases, scours and pneumonia, often are treated much differently and may not be as easy to tell apart as one thinks. Scours may initially present as a very dopey, heavy breathing calf. The calf may be quite acidotic and is attempting to blow off the acid through an increased respiratory rate fooling you that he has pneumonia. A calf born selenium deficient may have heart issues if the heart muscle is affected. The lungs will start to fill with fluid because of the heart failure and again respiratory rate will be increased. While specific antibiotics have been developed for pneumonia they often are not the same ones we use to treat scours. Also, the best initial treatment for scours is to give replacement fluids as the dehydration is what kills the calf. Many causes of scours are viral in nature against which antibiotics don’t work. You can see making the distinction between which organ system is involved can be a difficult one and one your veterinarian may even struggle with at times. As mentioned numerous other times before, we can never stress enough the importance of good quality colostrum in giving calves a head start in life. Their ability to fight off disease challenges is much greater. Many cases of pneumonia, scours and septicemias (blood born infections) can be attributed to not receiving adequate colostrum so try and insure the colostrum is received in the first six hours of life. The navel area is another area to pay close attention to as it is a common source for entry of infectious organisms into the body. Again we need adequate colostral uptake. Watch the area for signs of swelling and an arched back and tucked up calf. If you palpate the navel area and it is painful that is a telltale sign infection is present. Backwards calves or those derived by c-section have their navels rip off short and are much more susceptible to navel infection. At our clinic any calves born by c-section we purposely separate the navel by hand further down the cord so the calf has a decently long navel cord when it is born. Some producers if they have a problem will even 32

give metaphylactic antibiotics at birth under the supervision of their veterinarian to counteract navel ill. If the navel spreads internally it has a good chance of landing in the joints and a severe arthritis ensues. Make sure and differentiate between navel infection and a simple hernia which may require surgery. Lame calves are another common condition with young calves. Again, you need to differentiate whether it is arthritis from a navel infection, trauma causing a sprain strain or trauma causing a broken leg. Each condition requires different treatment. The navel infection must be treated with drugs, which will get into the joints, the sprains are just left to convalesce and the broken legs need immediate attending by your veterinarian. If breaks are caught soon enough and are lower on the legs the prognosis and chances for recovery are very good. The lower the break the better. Young calves that are growing heal fast and put down bone very quickly so in three to four weeks we often have a complete recovery. Calves commonly will get stepped on by cows in heat so having creep areas where they can separate themselves from the cow herd will pay dividends in fewer calf injuries. Creep areas are also very good at getting calves started on creep feed so preventatives for coccidiosis such as deccox can be added to the feed. Calves are naturally inquisitive so products such as diatomaceous earth give calves something to lick on rather than dirt, roughage and stagnant water where their odds of picking up something harmful is much greater. Cryptosporidiosis, another diarrhea disease of calves, spreads very similar to coocidiosis so management changes to prevent one may help in prevention of the other. Older calves become stronger and more resistant to picking up the common calf hood diseases such as scours or pneumonia. The four to eight week age is where the intestinal accidents and stomach ulcers develop. These conditions were gone into detail in a previous article but suffice it to say they are generally individual fluke type cases. It is probably most important to have a postmortem done on sudden deaths to rule out infectious causes which could spread to other herd mates. Otherwise you can rest assured if it was one of these fluke intestinal conditions you really have no control over. This spring try and differentiate these different categories of problems with young calves. You will then be treating the right problem and your success rate will improve and if contagious possible steps can be made for prevention of further cases. Always check with your veterinarian to make sure you are diagnosing things properly and this will keep you abreast of new treatments and/or management practices.


Sale Results TNT Simmentals 28th Annual Bull Sale Almont, ND February 8, 2013

Sale Summary


Purebred Black Bulls 3/4 Black Simm 1/4 Angus 1/2 Black Simm 1/2 Angus 1/4 Black Simm 3/4 Angus Purebred Red Simmental 3/4 Simm 1/4 Red Angus 1/2 Simm 1/2 Red Angus 1/4 Simm 3/4 Red Angus Purebred Red Angus Total Sale


13 16 18 5 17 6 2 4 9 90

High Selling Lots

Lot 65- Z268 S: DCR Mr Moon Shine X102 DS: TNT Gunner Buyer: Trade Wind Ranch, Jeff and Elly Moe, Tioga, ND

Average Lot 64- Z266


$42,500.00 S: DCR Mr Moon Shine X102 $9,173.00 DS: TNT Top Gun $8,469.00 Buyer: Lazy S Simmentals, Stewart Ainsworth, $7,528.00 Mayerthorpe, AB $6,800.00 $15,574.00 Lot 54- Z203 $26,000.00 $7,708.00 S: DCR Mr Moon Shine X102 $8,000.00 DS: TNT Gunner $4,813.00 Buyer: Lazy S Simmentals, Stewart Ainsworth, $6,583.00 Mayerthorpe, AB $9,219.00

M & J Farms Simmental & Angus Bull Sale Russell, MB February 9, 2013 Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Consultant: Bohrson Marketing Services

Lot 3- MJ Loadliner 7Y S: Scissors Wide Load 16W DS: BH Black Express 019K Buyer: Smolinski Farms, Arborg, MB

High Selling Simmental/Angus Bulls

Sale Summary


2 Year Old Simmental Bulls Two Year Old Simm/Angus Two Year Old Angus Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Bred Commercial Heifers

20 9 14 43 15


High Selling Simmental Bulls

Lot 33- MJ Red Sting 41Y S: BLCC Mr Sting 298W $3,965.00 DS: IPU Red Medallion 57K Buyer: A & C Huberdeau, St Lazare, MB $3,622.00 $4,142.00 Lot 35- MJ Black Loadliner $3,950.00 S: Scissors Wideload 16W $1,523.00 DS: MJ Black Arapahoe 55L Buyer: Boris Procyk, Montmartre, SK


High Selling Angus Bull

Lot 1- MMJB Red Loadliner 4Y $10,500.00 S: Scissors Wide Load 16W DS: LFE Mark Enforcer 811N Buyer: Lawrence & Janette Shorey, Boissevain, MB

Rendezvous Farms 9th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale Ste. Rose du Lac, MB February 11, 2013 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Simmental Heifers Sale Total

78 23 101





$4,144.00 $2,141.00 $3,688.12




Lot 47- MJ Pionerr 10Y S: S A V Pioneer 7301 DS: MVF Widespread 273P Buyer: Mark Strutynski, Wroxton, SK


Lot 77- Rendezvous 565Z S: IPU 680S Shamrock 176X DS: LFE Bombshell 508N Buyer: Gene & Pat Brown, Ross, ND


Lot 43- Rendezvous 416Z S: CMS Red Polled Icon 16P DS: Virginia’s Mania 960M Buyer: David Remmick, Robinson, ND



$ 7,500.00

Lot 48- Rendezvous 618Z S: CMS Red Polled Icon 16P DS: MFI Jahari 505 Buyer: Glen Aldentaler, Britton, SD


Lot 28- Rendezvous 469Z S: Double Bar D Legend 705X DS: MFI Supreme 4037 Buyer: Tyler Farms, Cut Knife, SK

Lot 45- Rendezvous 542Z S: CMS Red Polled Icon 16P DS: MFI Supreme 4037 Buyer: Zdan Farms, Alonsa, MB


Lot 10- Rendezvous 71Z S: IPU Nero 274X DS: Tryon Mainz Buyer: Jarret Bieber, Wolseley, SK

High Selling Lots


Sale Results Janzen Ranches 20th Annual Red Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Rosemary, AB February 14, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total







High Selling Lots

Lot 11- AEDJ Fire 42Z $7,800.00 S: Great Dame Red Fire DS: Bar 15 Copper 21M Buyer: McCormack Family Ranch, Grenfell, SK Lot 31- AEDJ Fire 117Z S: Great Dane Red Fire DS: Bar 15 Copper 21M Buyer: Trevor Liboiron, Jenner, AB


Double Bar D Farms 13th Annual Bull & Female Sale with Guest Consignor Swan Lake Farms Grenfell, SK February 16, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg & Dan Skeels Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 95 42 22 159




$4,071.00 $4,948.00 $5,568.00 $4,862.00

Lot 1- Double Bar D Boom 307Y S: LFS POL Balboa 40U DS: LS Legacy M565 Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: Butch Haugland, Ambrose, ND


Kopp Farms Simmentals 9th Annual Bull & Female Sale Amaranth, MB February 18, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 77 7 46 130




$5,881.00 $4,078.00 $2,718.00 $4,665.00

Lot 40- KOP Walkerson 136Z S: Twin-Chief Walker 21W DS: R Plus 2169M Buyer: SKOR Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB


Lot 1- JJJS Specialist 10Z S: Remington Specialist 32W DS: JJJS Red Label 9T Buyer: Trevor Liboiron, Jenner, AB


Lot 12- AEDJ Label 43Z S: JJJS Red Label 9T DS: Beech Bros Shenanigan 11S Buyer: R & V White Ranches, Jenner, AB


Lot 20- AEDJ R Label 68Z $5,900.00 S: Remington Red Label 137W DS: LBR Red Beacon L405 Buyer: Cronkhite Cattle Co. Ltd., Warner, AB Lot 16- AEDJ Border Patrol 59Z S: Sun Star Border Patrol DS: Bar 15 Copper 21M Buyer: Hillview Colony, Rosebud, AB

$ 5,700.00

Lot 33- Double Bar D Baxter 606Z S: LFS POL Balboa 40U DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: Sunset Simmentals, Edgerton, AB


Lot 54- Double Bar D Fabio 2Z S: MFI Foundation 7094 DS: Double Bar D Adonis 603N Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: Jeff McKerr, Boissevain, MB


Lot 187- Double Bar D BB 471Z S: TNT Tanker U236 DS: Double Bar D Driftwood 83 Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: Hannah Simmentals, Didsbury, AB


Lot 4- KOP Crosbyson 57Z S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: IPU Red Touchdown 32S Buyer: Beechinor Bros, Bentley, AB


Lot 99- KOP Trackerson 190Z $15,500.00 S: CG Tracker 45T DS: Wheatland Bull 655S Buyer: Parview Stock Farms, High River, AB & Pioneer Simmentals, Nanton, AB Lot 57- KOP Best Westernson 111Z S: WTW Best Western 5X DS: IPU Red Touchdown 32S Buyer: GB Farms, Lacombe, AB


Lot 93- KOP Trackerson 92Z S: CG Tracker 45T DS: Muirhead Like A Rock 1R Buyer: Twin Brae Simmentals, Inglis, MB


Sale Results Lot 62- Crossroad Vintage 125Z $18,500.00 S: Solway Adonis DS: Bar 5 SA Evan 440L Buyer: Wolf’s Fleckvieh & Clearwater Simmentals, Sundre, AB

Crossroad Farms 7th Annual Bull & Female Sale

Shell Lake, SK February 20, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Consultant: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Bulls Heifers Total Sale

High Selling Lots

Lots 88 22 110




$6,616.00 $2,839.00 $5,860.45

Lot 31- Crossroad Nascar 45Z S: IPU Newsmaker 102W DS: WS Beef Maker R13 Buyer: Wapiti Consulting, Turtleford, SK


Robb & Hoegl 8th Annual Simmental Bull Sale Lloydminster, SK February 21, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Sale Total




67 67


$7,180.00 $7,180.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 1- LRX The Godfather 141Z $40,000.00 S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: Wheatland Red Ace 747T Consignor: Robb Farms Ltd. Buyers: Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB; Pioneer Simmentals, Nanton, AB and

Genetic Edge Simmental Bull Sale

Sale Total







High Selling Lots Lot 45- Anchor D Churro 21Z $22,000.00 S: Anchor D Venom 111W DS: Bar 5 Stride 413P Buyer: XRC Simmentals, Meadow Lake, SK Lot 36- Anchor D True Grit 520Y S: Anchor D Venom 111W DS: Anchor D Remington 154J Buyer: Blushrose Simmentals, Unity, SK 36


Lot 1- Crossroad Warden 36Z $14,500.00 S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: Peltons Powercat Buyer: Spring Lake Simmentals, Daysland, AB Lot 45- Crossroad Chevalier 163Z S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: BH Right Time 520E Buyer: Tri K, Beaver Lodge, AB


Lot 7- LRX Blaze 55Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: Erixon Red Rustler Consignor: Robb Farms Ltd. Buyer: Currie Farms


Lot 26- LRX Wallbanger 73Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: SGCC Red Stabilizer 9S Consignor: Robb Farms Ltd. Buyer: Westgold Farms, Minburn, AB


Lot 67- NGDB New Sensation 11Z S: Wheatland Bull 914W DS: TNT Dynamite Black L137 Consignor: Hoegl Livestock Ltd. Buyer: Westgold Farms, Minburn, AB


Lot 20- Anchor D Mr. Gibbs 20Z $14,000.00 S: Bar 5 Stride 413P DS: South Seven Razzmatazz 7R Buyer: Tony Sanderson and Anchor D Ranch

Rimbey, AB February 8, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Raffan Sale Consultant: Bohrson Marketing Services & Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary

Lot 60- Crossroad Investment 33Z S: MF Mr. Evan 14P DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Buyer: Hairy Hill Cattle Co., Hairy Hill, AB


Lot 71- Anchor D Eucher 343Z S: KS Bravado DS: PRL Terminator 237T Buyer: 4D Simmentals, Glasyln, SK


Lot 56- Anchor D Capone 243Z $7,500.00 S: Shawacres Jahari 50L DS: Dora Lee Jake Buyer: Bear Canyon Colony, Cherry Point, AB Lot 43- Anchor D Zambuca 61Z S: FCAF Barbossa 707X DS: Richmond Regis Buyer: Dwayne Patterson


Sale Results Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Westlock, AB February 22, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Sale Total

Lots 12 14 26




$3,758.33 $4,407.14 $4,107.69

Lot 4- Lone Stone Limo 68Y S: Champs Limo DS: Jack Pine Cujo 96H Buyer: Sunrise Farms Corp.


Lot 8- Lone Stone Hugo 6Y S: Prostock Hugo 7052T DS: Wells’PLD Stampeder 19S Buyer: Gerig Farms



Lot 11- Lone Stone Bravo 73Y S: LFE Prime RealEstate 850U DS: Lonestone Morely 13M Buyer: Pibroch Colony


Lot 6- Lone Stone Hugo 40Y S: Prostock Hugo 7052T DS: Riverbend Pacific 10P Buyer: Bernard Chamberland


Lot 12- Lone Stone Bravo 64Y S: LFE Prime RealEstate 850U DS: Kuntz Point Blank 3P Buyer: Don Petryshan


Lot 2- Lone Stone Evan 37Y S: Wolfes Titan FF 51T DS: Lonestone Eisenherz 6M Buyer: Robert Garnier

Lot 214- LFE RS Lewis 813Y S: LFE Stubby 322U DS: Wheatland Red Ace Buyer: Boundary Ranch, Robsart, SK


Lot 404- LFE FS Lewis 552Z S: LFE Justified 7328X DS: Anchor D Samurai 87P Buyer: Westman Farms, Vermilion, AB


Lot 134- LFE BS Lewis 3150Y S: LFE Entourage 337U DS: LFE Mr Lewis 514N Buyer: Double F Farms, Kirriemuir, AB


Lot 300- LFE RS Lewis 3079Y S: LFE Stubby 322U DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Buyer: Anchor D Ranch, Rimbey, AB


Lot 9- Rust Bull 79Z S: R Plus Ribeye 1134L DS: TNT Impact H21 Buyer: Kaelberer Ranch, Bismarck, ND


High Selling Lots

Lewis Farms 28th Annual Bull Sale Spruce Grove, AB February 23, 2013 Auctioneers: Dan Skeels & Brent Carey

Sale Consultants: Bohrson Marketing Services & Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary


Black Simmental Yearlings 45 Red Simmental Yearlings 49 Full Blood Simm. Yearlings 47 Extra Age Bulls 111 Black Angus Bulls 23 Red Angus Bulls 16 Sale Total 291

High Selling Simmental Lots




$5,607.00 $5,239.00 $5,788.00 $5,372.00 $4,697.00 $4,009.00 $5,369.00

Lot 1- LFE BS Lewis 811Y $29,000.00 S: LFE BISS Black Advance 423U DS: LFE Mr Lewis 462P Buyer: Anchor Lazy U Cattle Co., Killam, AB

Rust Mountain View Ranch 2nd Annual Production Sale

Turtle Lake, ND February 25, 2013 Auctioneer: Jared Shipman Sale Management: Allied Genetic Rsources

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Red Angus Bulls







High Selling Simmental Bulls

Lot 21- Rust Zane 56Z $8,500.00 S: MR MLC Complete X0080 DS: TNT Knock Out R206 Buyer: Stangeland Simmentals, Glenfield, ND Lot 5- Rust Bull 32Z S: R Plus Red Ribeye 1134L DS: TNT Impact H21 Buyer: Dustin Klimpel, Velva, ND


Lot 65- Rust Zodiac 1Z S: Soo Line Power Eye 161X DS: 5L Tradition 203-6145 Buyer: Wiersch Farm, Drake, ND


Lot 53- Rust Zip Line 6Z $6,500.00 S: FCC Rambo 502 DS: Brown Vacation H7106 Buyer: Lodoen Cattle L83 Ranch, Westhope, ND Lot 55- Rust Bull 7Z S: Badlands Net Worth 23U DS: Brown Vacation H7106 Buyer: Darwin Chesrown, Turtle Lake, ND



Sale Results Simmental Summit Bull & Female Sale Bentley, AB February 25, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Bulls

Lots 51 3 7 61




$5,566.66 $4,400.00 $5,871.00 $5,544.00

Lot 1- BEE Octance 3Z S: Anchor D Viper 103W DS: Anchor “T” Legend 7H Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Buyer: Triple K Simmentals, Vegreville, AB


11th Annual Muirhead Cattle Co. Simmental Bull Sale

Shellbrook, SK February 25, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Sale Total

Lots 41 20 61




$5,448.00 $6,530.00 $5,802.00

Lot 24- BEE Rebel 96Z S: IPU Revolution 172U DS: LRS Red Reality 33J Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Buyer: T-F Simmentals, Sundre, AB


High Selling Female

Lot 47- Bee Angel Eyes 201Y $17,000.00 S: Anchor D Viper 103W DS: BHR Three Sixes SA Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Buyer: Starwest Simmentals, Chilliwack, BC

Lot 9- Muirheads Thriller 102Z S: Wheatland Bull 680S DS:TNT Top Gun R244 Buyer: Leask Colony


Lot 37- Muirheads Red Bull 6Z S: KNK/CRSR Red Bull 53T DS: NUG Red Dog 7J Buyer: Lost River Farming Co.



Lot 16- Muirheads Timeout 13Z S: HTP SVF In Dew Time DS:Bar 15 Cabello 123L Buyer: Wannabe Ranch


Lot 64- Muirheads Kosmo 208Y S: Muirheads Kosmo 27N DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder Buyer: Leo Cadrain FFP


Lot 14- Muirheads Odin 46Z S: OLF Odin U5 DS: ACCI Hustler 2N Buyer: Jaydawn Farms


Lot 60- Muirheads Kosmo 214Y S: Muirheads Kosmo 27N DS: TNT Gunner N208 Buyer: Lost River Farming Co.

Lot 70- RF Nitro 219Z S: JF/AJE Rendition 738T DS: Kenco/MF Powerline 204L Consignor: Rancier Farms Buyer: Wilcox Simmentals, Therherne, MB


Lot 12- NUG Starbuck 270Z S: NUG Toby 219U DS: Anchor “T” Metro 4E Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals Buyer: DaleRay Stock Farms, Minburn, AB


Lot 68- RF Blitz 213Z S: Wheatland Stout 930W DS: Kenco/MF Powerline 204L Consignor: Rancier Farms Buyer: Mappin Simmentals, Btemoor, AB


High Selling Lots

18th Herd Master Bull Sale

Camrose, AB February 27, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Consultant: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Lots







Lot 45- NUG General 269Z S: SVS Scout 25X DS: SLE Mr Red Select 106P Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals Buyer: Don Kathol, Rockyford, AB


Lot 23- BEE Revolt 65Z $10,000.00 S: IPU Revolution 172U DS: LRS Red Reality 33J Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Buyer: Willow Creek Simmentals, Crooked Creek, AB


Sale Results Lot 2- Erixon Game On 42Z $15,500.00 S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: LFE Red Northern 376T Buyer: Lake Bottom Cattle Co., Smoky Lake, AB

Erixon Simmentals Bull & Female Sale Saskatoon, SK February 27, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock

Sale Summary


Yearling Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

48 14 62

High Selling Lots




$6,095.00 $2,286.00 $5,235.00

Lot 22- Erixon Pit Boss 21Z $35,000.00 S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: COTT-GFI Fullback 0038N Buyer: LaBatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK; Circle 7, Shaunavon, SK, and Semex

LaBatte Simmentals 33rd Annual Bull & Female Sale Moose Jaw, SK March 1, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Bulls Open Heifers Total Sale

69 40 109


$5,967.00 $5,276.00 $5,713.00

Lot 13- Erixon Top Card 86Z S: KNK/CRSR Red Bull 53T DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Buyer: R & F Livestock, Warman, SK


Lot 64- IPU Wally 88Z S: Champs Wallace DS: Anchor “T” Legend 7H Buyer: Steve Graveley, Helmville, MT


Lot 74- IPU Ms. Radium 44Z S: Crossroad Radium 789U DS: Champs Romano Buyer: Steve Graveley, Helmville, MT




Lot 6- IPU Hot Iron 60Z S: LFE Hot Iron 182W DS: IPU Red Touchdown 32S Buyer: South Seven Farms, Vegreville, AB


Lot 82- IPU Ms. Vivian 137Z S: Anchor D Viper 103W DS: CEN Laredo 519L Buyer: Bar M Simmentals, Gillette, WY

Lot 44- IPU Advance 144Z S: LFE BISS Black Advance 426U DS: Golden OpportunityHR R851 Buyer: Brian McCarthy, Moosomin, SK


Lot 75- IPU Ms. Franchesca 47Z S: Anchor D Viper 103W DS: PRL Houston 005H Buyer: Clearwater Simmentals, Olds, AB

High Selling Bulls

Cutting Edge Bull Sale Rimbey, AB March 2, 2013 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels

Sale Summary Simmental Yearling Bulls Simmental 2 Year Old Bull Angus Yearling Bulls Angus 2 Year Old Bulls Total Sale

High Selling Lots

Lots 23 1 34 6 64




$5,048.00 $5,100.00 $4,266.00 $4,633.00 $4,594.53

Lot 1- LHVS Johnny Be Good 18Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: LHVS Mr. Lockhart 16L Consignor: Lockhart Valley Simmentals Buyer: Leedale Colony, AB



Lot 19- Erixon High Society 101Z $11,500.00 S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: LBR Crocket R81 Buyer: Scott & Ann Clements, Wellwood, MB

High Selling Heifers Average


Lot 24- Erixon Dealer 63Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: CNS Dream On L186 Buyer: Bonchuk Farms, Solsgirth, MB

Lot 2- LHVS Low Ryder 26Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: MTV Broadway 2nd Consignor: Lockhart Valley Simmentals Buyer: Leedale Colony, AB


Lot 27- Little Valley 683 Rito 28Z S: S A V 707 Rito 9969 DS: Stevenson Bruno 561G Consignor: Bar 17 Little Valley Angus Buyer: MWC Investments, AB


Lot 6- LHVS Super Freak 21Z S: LBR Crocket DS: Anchor T Legend 7H Consignor: Lockhart Valley Simmentals Buyer: Sargeant Farms,



Sale Results Westgold’s 5th Annual Bull Sale Vermilion, AB March 2, 2013 Auctioneer: Les Trach

Sale Summary


Sale Total


High Selling Lots

Lot 46 - Westgold Standout 42Z S: KHG Gold Nugget 132X DS: KHG Montana 6T Consignor: Westgold Farms Buyer: Tyler Farms, Cut Knife, SK


Lot 54- Westgold Wyatt 113Z S: DESS Sahara 73S DS: MFI Supreme 4037 Consignor: Westgold Farms Buyer: Triple K Simmentals, Vegreville, AB


Ashworth Farm & Ranch & Guests 10th Annual Bull Sale

Oungre, SK March 4, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Live Lots Sale Total




62 66


$5,773.39 $5,423.48

High Selling Lots

Lot 1- KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z S: IPU Red Western DS: KWA Red Rock 6T Consignor: Ashworth Farm & Ranch Buyer: Tessier Simmentals, Gladmar, SK


Charolais Black Angus Red Angus Limousin Polled Hereford Horned Hereford Simmental Sale Total


19 23 4 6 6 1 40 99



Lot 24- Westgold Denver 131Z S: NGDB Wet Dream 6W DS: NCB Right On 8L Consigned by: Westgold Farms Buyer: Dean Smigeski, Oyen, AB


Lot 16- KHG Hellraiser 77Z $8,000.00 S: NGDB Wet Dream 6W DS: LFE Three Acres 564P Consigner: Westgold Farms Buyer: Howard & Blair Jackson, Mannville, AB

Lot 3- KWA Rock 78Z S: KWA Red Rock 5T DS: SAS/ASF All Star Consignor: Ashworth Farm & Ranch Buyer: Rainalta Simmental, Rainier, AB


Lot 46- Tess Miller 18Z S: Tess Black Rampage 71W DS: Wheatland Red Ace 747T Consignor: Tessier Simmentals Buyer: Tableland Cattle Co., Estevan, SK


Lot 53- Tess Black Titan S: Wheatland Bull 786T DS: PVF-CW Rapid Fire 0195K Consignor: Tessier Simmentals Buyer: Crossroad Farms, Shell Lake, SK


Lot 13- SAJ Frigid 5Z S: SHS Enticer P1B DS:SSS-SCF Chuckwagon 008J Consignor: SAJ Simmentals Buyer: Westgold Farms, Minburn, AB

Lloydminster, SK March 4, 2013 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels



High Selling Lots

94th Annual Pride of the Prairies Bull Show & Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 7- Westgold Ranger 43Z S: NGDB Wet Dream 6W DS: NCB Right On 8L Consignor: Westgold Farms Buyer : Shaun & Ryan McLaughlin

Average Lot 21- TFL 13Z

$3,374.00 $3,039.00 $2,575.00 $3,033.00 $3,617.00 $5,400.00 $4,433.00 $3,720.71

S: Remington Red Label HR DS:WS Beefmaker R13 Consignor: Tyler Farms Buyer: Bar Crossroad Ranch, Edam, SK



Sale Results Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale

Innisfail, AB March 5, 2013 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Lots







Lot 1- CMS/BMD Paparazzi 205Z S: Virginia Red Texas DS: ER Red Deck 639D Consignor: Czech Mate Livestock Buyer: Crossroad Farms, Shell Lake, SK


Lot 41- Virginia Radison 5Z S: Crossroad Radium 789U DS: Smithbilt Molson 21M Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Kopp Farms, Amaranth, MB


Mar Mac Farms & Guests 9th Annual Bull Sale Brandon, MB March 6, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer

Sale Summary Red Angus Bulls Black Angus Bulls Simmental Bulls Sale Total






$4,178.00 $3,462.00 $3,430.00 $3,703.00

High Selling Simmental Lots

Lot 62- Perks Zeus 1421Z S: Wheatland Bull 680S DS: HC Power Drive 88H Consignor: Perkin Land and Cattle Co. Buyer: Dana & Megan Johns, Kenton, MB

Saskatoon, SK March 6, 2013 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Bulls Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Bulls

Lots 36 10 46



Lot 20- CMS Dougary 221Z S: Erixon Wllington 133W DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: Czech Mate Livestock Buyer: Westgold Farms, Minburn, AB


Lot 3- CMS Simmer 217Z S: LBR Crocket R81 DS: THSF Freedom 300N Consignor: Czech Mate Livestock Buyer: Homestead-T Simmentals, Notre Dame De Lourde, MB


Lot 66- Perks Kid Rock 61Z S: R Plus Hard Rock DS: Remington On Target 2S Consignor: Perkin Land and Cattle Co. Buyer: Ellingson Simmental, Dahlen, ND


Lot 73- Perks Chisel Rock 115Z $4,900.00 S: R Plus Hard Rock DS: WLB Mr. Nugget 132N 355R Consignor: Perkin Land and Cattle Co. Buyer: Northern Paradise Ranch, Portage, MB


Sunny Valley Simmentals 23rd Annual Bull & Female Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 25- Virginia Rangeland 180Z S: Champs Romano DS: Little Guns Eric Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Robb Farms, Maidstone, SK


Lot 19- SVS Nashville 17Z S: ACS Everready 970W DS: LBR Crocket R81 Buyer: EDN Simmentals, Maple Creek, SK


Lot 6- Sunny Valley Patriot 60Z S: Wheatland Bull 680S DS: RLA Redstream 152S Buyer: Graham Kathol, Drayton Valley, AB


$10,268.00 $2,930.00 Lot 10- Sunny Valley Radium 34Z $398,948.00 $8,672.78 S: Crossroad Radium 789U DS: Crossroad Benchmark 150M Buyer: Cliff Barnett $190,000.00

Lot 1- SVS Captain Morgan 11Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: RLA Redstream 152S Buyer: Double Bar D Farms, Grenfell, Sk Lot 11- Sunny Valley Dakota 9Z S: Anchor D Viper 103W DS: Eagle-Ridge Universal 31U Buyer: 5 Corner Cattle, Miami, MB


High Selling Female $10,000.00

Lot 43- SVS BLK Reection 44Z $4,000.00 S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: Springcreek Tank 60S Buyer: Maple Lake Stock Farms, Hartney, MB


Sale Results Skor Simmentals Red & Black Bull Sale Camrose, AB March 6, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Lots







Lot 12- Skors Red Enticer 48Z S: SHS Enticer 91B DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Buyer: Kopp Farms, Amaranth, MB


Lot 78- Skors Black Crocket 234Z S: LBR Crocket R81 DS: PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Buyer: Bonchuk Farms, Solsgirth, MB


In Pursuit of Perfection Bull Sale Moosomin, SK March 4, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran

Sale Summary Simmental Bulls Bestbeef Bulls Black Angus Bulls Red Angus Bulls Sale Total






$5991.00 $3972.00 $5071.00 $5868.00 $5675.00

High Selling Simmental Lots Lot 1- Springcreek Anchorman 82Z $47,500.00 S:Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS:Lazy S Red Sky 50T Buyer: Deeg Simmental, Strathmore, AB and Muirhead Simmental, Shellbrook, SK

Westway Farms & Deeg Simmentals Bull & Female Sale Olds, AB March 7, 2013 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Bulls Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Bulls

Lots 62 13 75




$5,634.00 $2,300.00 $5,056.00

Lot 1- WFL Mr. Westway 79Z $21,250.00 S: R Plus Regde 8018U DS: Dusty’s Dirty Harry 42P Consignor: Westway Farms Buyer: Pheasantdale Cattle, Co, Balcarres, SK


Lot 13- Skors Crocket 57Z $14,000.00 S: LBR Crocket R81 DS: CNS Dream On L186 Buyer: Rendezvous Farms, Ste Rose Du Lac, MB Lot 37- Skors King Ranch 287Z S: YR King Ranch 13S DS: LBR Crocket R81 Buyer: Bar CL Farms, Sundre, AB


Lot 44- Skors Enticer 171Z S: SHS Enticer P18 DS: CNS Dream On L186 Buyer: Circle G Simmentals, Lacombe, AB and Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB


Lot 69- Skors Powerline 179Z $11,000.00 S: Kenco/MF Powerline 204L DS: GFI Magnum K52 Buyer: Boynecrest Stock Farm, Stephensfield, MB

Lot 6- Springcreek Wallbanger 115Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: RCC/TCF Line Drive M181 Buyer: Clear Water Simmentals, Milan, IN


Lot 4- Blacksand Mind Games 27Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: Springcreek Liner 104S Buyer: Ja-Lynn Farms Ltd., McAuley, MB


Lot 65- Springcreek Crosby 2Z $14,000.00 S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: Springcreek Tank 63P Buyer: Traxinger Simmental, Claremont, SD Lot 12- Blacksand IBull 49Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: MSR Kansas Tank 235M Buyer: M & J Farms, Russell, MB


Lot 8- WFL Mr. Westway 10Z S: LFE Tomcat 38X DS: R Plus Redge 8018U Consignor: Westway Farms Buyer: Mappin Simmentals, Byemoor, AB


Lot 2- WFL Mr. Westway 70Z $9,750.00 S: R Plus Redge 8018U DS: LFE Mr Lewis 327K Consignor: Westway Farms Buyer: Mandan Lake Simmentals, Wade Staigle, Center, ND

High Selling Heifer

Lot 41- WFL 2041Z S: R Plus Redge 8018U DS: Wheatland Bull 440P Consignor: Deeg Simmentals Buyer: Mader Ranching, Carstairs, AB


Sale Results Genetic Destination 3rd Annual Bull Sale Grenfell, SK March 8, 2013 Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls 30 Maine-Anjou Yearling Bulls 5 Open Heifers 4 Sale Total - Bulls 35




$4,208.00 $3,200.00 $2,766.00 $4,040.00

High Selling Lots:

Lot 28- MFR Cyclone 76Z S: RLA Eye of the Storm 721T DS: HRC Red Power 40M Buyer: Flying F Ranch


Lot 31- MFR Powerhouse 57Z S: RDD Mr Black 1X DS: Branded Beef LCC L397L Buyer: Terry Young


Lot 42- LSCC Toro Gordo S: WLC Cigar DS: Donaro Mr. Business 420S Buyer: Chad Fenske


Lot 1- MFR Power Up 36Z $13,250.00 S: DMF 9136W DS: Kenco/MF Powerline 2014L Buyer: Rendezvous Farms, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB

Lot 20- Sibelle Pol Stark 5Z $9,700.00 S: Dayton’s Pol Newmann DS: PRL Houston 005H Consognor: Ferme Sibelle Flack Buyer: Ranch Leblanc Simmental, Becancour, QC

Vente de Taureaux Synergie Bull Sale Sainte-Sophie-de-Levrard, QC March 9, 2013 Auctioneer: Rene Houde

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Angus Bulls Charolais Bulls Sale Total


High Selling Lots

Lot 21- Sibelle Trooper 36Y $6,700.00 S: Virginia Walker 97W DS: Bar 5 SA Stimulation 415P $4,237.93 Consignor: Ferme Sibelle Fleck $3.261.54 Buyer: Normand Therrien, Saint-Andre Avellin, QC $2,784.62 $6,300.00 $201,500.00 $3,663.64 Lot 14- FSMB Legend 1Z S: Anchor “T” Legend 7H DS: BEL Western Union 5Z $20,500.00 Consignor: Boisvert Simmental Buyer: Norwood Family Farm, Wesport, ON



Lot 19- Sibelle Harry 25Z S: Virginia Walker 97W DS: PRL Houston 005H Consignor: Ferme Sibelle Flack Buyer: Prospect Hills Simmental, Granton, ON

Rebels of the West

Virden, MB March 10, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 58 8 66

Lot 27- TSN Predator 45Z S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: STF Starquest N114 Consignor: TSN Livestock Buyer: Stoughton Farms




$3,389.47 $1,562.50 $3,071.74


Lot 1- ACS Justice 235Z S: Wheatland Headline 872U DS: PVF-CW Rapidfire 0195K Consignor: Arrow Creek Simmentals Buyer: Fairlane Farms


Lot 63- Roendas Red Answer 50Y S: MRL Red Force 12U DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Consignor: Roenda Stock Farms Buyer: Margaret Donohoe


Lot 28- TSN Predator 77Z S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: Remington Red Lable HR Consignor: TSN Livestock Buyer: Ken Huxley



Down The Road With Darryl


There is no substitute for

EXPERIENCE. ank you to all of the breeders and clients who I have had the privilege to work with over the past three decades. I look forward to working with you for many years to come. Now booking for fall 2013 and spring 2014 sales. Steve Dorran 760-972-7736 Box 10100 • Airdrie, AB • T4A0H4


Sale Results Genetic Source Simmental Bull Sale Brandon, MB March 11, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Lots







Lot 45- Oakview Zahari 203Z S: Crossroad Brigade 210X DS: Grinalta’s Superb DP106R Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Mark Land & Cattle, Irma, AB and Borderline Contracting, Provost, AB


Kuntz Simmental Farm/Stoughton Farms/ McIntosh Livestock 14th Annual Bull Sale Lloydminster, SK March 12, 2013 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Lot 42- Oakview Zetterberg 19Z S: TTU Canyon DS: Champs Romano Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Grinalta Farms, Holden, AB


Lot 65- Tri-R Montana 28Z S: R Plus Blackout DS: KWD Mr Nophalt 4M Consignor: Triple R Simmentals Buyer: Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB


Lot 53- Oakview Zinger 73Z $8,250.00 S: Crossroad Solution 446X DS: Remington Red Label HR Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK

Lot 54- Kuntz Whistler 2Z S: Kuntz Whistler 11W DS: Bar 5 SA Stride 413P Consignor: Kuntz Simmental Farm Buyer: Paul Murray Farms, Provost, AB


High Selling Purebred Yearling Bulls

Lot 9- McIntosh Cash 29Z $8,500.00 S: Wheatland Red Hummer 608S Sale Summary Lots Gross Average DS: Sunny Valley Porter 8P Consignor: McIntosh Livestock Fullblood Yearlings 7 $5,850.00 Buyer: Ash Berwest Farms, Bittern Lake, AB Purebred Yearlings 39 $3,866.67 Sale Total 46 $191,750.00 $4,168.48 Lot 1- McIntosh Titanium 18Z $7,500.00 S: NCB Red Suspect 30S High Selling Fullblood Yearling Bulls DS: SF What A Dream Lot 58- Kuntz Impression 7Z $10,7500.00 Consignor: McIntosh Livestock S: Anchor “T” Impact 2H Buyer: Kulyk Simmentals and Diamond J Simmentals, DS: LRX Justice 33U North Battleford, SK Consignor: Kuntz Simmental Farm Buyer: Jeff Sorenson, Garretstown, SD

Premium Beef Bull Sale

Neepawa, MB March 13, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Lots







Lot 47- NAC Mr Trustin 14Z $13,200.00 S: 3D Trustin 47T DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Consignor: Northern Light Simmentals Buyer: North Hill Simmentals, Bruderheim, AB Lot 45- NAC Mr Rashad 5Z $12,000.00 S: Springcreek Rashad 12W DS: ACS Outlaw 430P Consignor: Northern Light Simmentals Buyer: Lazy Rainbow River Ranch, Minnedosa, MB 46

Lot 41- Foxy Manford S: MRL Red Force 12U DS: LFE March Enforcer 811N Consignor: Foxy Lady Cattle Co. Buyer: Russell Crockatt, Argyle, MB


Lot 6- SBSF Senator 74Z S: IPU Romano 90X DS: DDD Broadway G534 Consignor: Schweitzer Simmentals Buyer: Creekside Cattle Co., Eden, MB


Lot 31- CDP Milhouse 128Y $6,750.00 S: LFE Bring Down the House DS: Anchor T Reflection 60H Consignor: Pizzey Simmentals Buyer: Yellow Rose Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB

Sale Results Rocky Mountain Bull Sale

Olds, AB March 14, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Sale Total







High Selling Lots

Lot 3- MRC Broker 6Z $9,250.00 S: MR Hoc Broker DS: PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. Buyer: City View Simmentals, Moose Jaw, SK

Northern Alliance Bull Sale Spiritwood, SK March 15, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer

Sale Summary Simmental Yearling Bulls Charolais Yearling Bulls Sale Total

Lots 36 32 68

High Selling Simmental Lots




$3,346.00 $4,167.00 $3,732.00

Lot 49- Bar KR Copenhagen 16Z S: Destiny Buckeye DS: HS Alta’s Topline K57 Consignor: Aumack Simmentals Buyer: Leask Colony, Leask, SK


Family Tradition Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale Dropmore, MB March 15, 2013 Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




Simmental Bulls Sale Total

8 33


$4,400.00 $4,153.00

High Selling Simmental Lots

Lot 34- EGC Black Jack 18Z $7,000.00 S:Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: STF Much More K300 Consignor: EGC Simmentals Buyer: Johnson Stock Farms, Windthorst, SK

Lot 44- WCC Zeke 10Z S: PHS X-Pansion DS: Bel Hadrian 2nd Consignor: Well’s Crossing Buyer: Granum Colony, Granum, AB


Lot 32- Chub’s Bull 3Z S: 3C Macho M45 DS: WFT Mr Westway 200M Consignor: Lundago Livestock Buyer: Starland Farming Co.


Lot 1- MRC Broker 183Z S: MR Hoc Broker DS: LFE Mr Lewis 462P Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. Buyer: M & R Cattle Co., Wimborne, AB


Lot 39- Bar KR Wrangler 42Z S: Bar 5 Harrach 801P DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: Aumack Simmentals Buyer: Leask Colony, Leask, SK


Lot 63- Bar KR Grizzly 65Z S: Wheatland Red Ace 747T DS: SRN Bold Arnold 1X Consignor: Aumack Simmentals Buyer: Kendall Gaboury, Spiritwood, SK


Lot 62- Bar KR Ace 47Z S: Wheatland Red Ace 747T DS: Muirheads Red Dog 122R Consignor: Aumack Simmentals Buyer: Cleveland Farms, Canwood, SK


Lot 35- EGC Record Breaker 35Z $5,500.00 S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: STF Much More K300 Consignor: EGC Simmentals Buyer: Rocky Ridge Farms, Langenburg, SK Lot 37- EGC Blackstone 22Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: TNT Dynamite Black L137 Consignor: EGC Simmentals Buyer: 3 K Holdings


Lot 40- EGC General Lee 25Z S: Remington Generallee 106T DS: STF Much More K300 Consignor: EGC Simmentals Buyer: Christopher Schwartz



Sale Results Lot 17- JT Intrigue 53Z $6,750.00 S: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 DS: HTP SVF In Dew Time Consignor: JT Livestock Buyer: Alberta Dreams Ranch, Innisfail, AB

Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale

Red Deer, AB March 18, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Lots







Lot 45- APLX Axel 5Z S: Gidsco Appollo 3F DS: PRL Porterhouse Regent Consignor: Applecross Cattle Buyer: MI Simmentals, Okotoks, AB


Lot 28- Champs Richlar S: LRX Jiro 5T DS: JB CDN Hennessy 5005 Consignor: Champ Simmental Buyer: Big Sky Simmentals, Treherne, MB


City View Simmentals & Ivanhoe Angus & Guests 3rd Anuual Bull Sale Moose Jaw, SK March 19, 2013

Sale Summary Simmental Bulls Two Year Old Angus Bulls Yearling Angus Bulls Hereford Bulls Sale Total

Lots 22 5 21 12 60




$4,109.00 $3,380.00 $3,071.00 $3,354.00 $3,533.95

High Selling Simmental Lots

Lot 12- City View Universal 44Z S: CMS Universe 838U DS: TH Red Limit Up 47M Buyer: Meyers Simmentals, Minton, SK

Lot 41- Starwest POL Gravity 172Z S: JNR Gravity DS: DFM Marcus 14M Consignor: Starwest Farms Buyer: Clearwater Simmentals, Olds, AB


Lot 9- OH Kay Zeus 31Z S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: Wild-West Trail-Breaker Consignor: OH Kay Farms Buyer: Dart Simmentals, Glendon, AB


Lot 1- City View General 20Z S: Remington General Lee DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Buyer: Horse Creek Ranch, McCord, SK


Lot 16- City View Universal 17Z S: CMS Universe 838U DS: LFE Bombshell 508N Buyer: Cactus Hill Farms, Moose Jaw, SK


Lot 17- City View Universal 41Z S: CMS Universe 838U DS: Grintalta’s Pol Klyber Buyer: Glen and Janice Ritter, Silton, SK



Early Sunset Bull & Female Sale

13th Annual On Target Bull Sale

Edam, SK February 22, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Raffan Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.

Barrhead, AB March 19, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.

Sale Summary

Lots Gross

Average Sale Summary

Yearling Bulls Sale Total

88 88

$3,523.00 $3,523.00

High Selling Lots


Lot 92- BLI Red Addiction 224Z S: R Plus 20X DS: LFE Dreaming Red Consignor: SIBL Simmentals Buyer: Jayshaw Simmentals, Two Hills, AB


Angus & Simmental Bulls Angus & Simmental Heifers Total Sale

High Selling Bull

Lots 33 18 51

Lot 7- Early Sunset First Class 64Z S: S A V Net Worth 4200 DS: Southland Free Ride 68R Buyer: Lock Farms, Macklin, SK

High Selling Female

Lot 52- Early Sunset Erelite 81Z S: S A V Net Worth 4200 DS: HF Supreme 37T Buyer: Nordal Angus, Simpson, SK 48




$3,933.00 $2,167.00 $3,376.00



Sale Results High Selling Yearling Bulls

Spruce Grove Annual Bull Sale Tisdale, SK March 19, 2013 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary


2 Year Old Simmental Bull Yearling Bulls Heifers Sale Total

1 18 12 31




$3,600.00 $3,463.88 $1,966.66 $2,888.71

High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 1- SGCC Red Ace 7Y S: Wheatland Red Ace 747T DS: Parkhill 38S Buyer: 3L Cattle, Naicam, SK


Provost, AB March 20, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Hewson

Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Open Heifers Bred Cows Sale Total

Lots 5 41 119 21 186




$5,100.00 $4,699.00 $937.00 $1,563.00 $1,948.84

High Selling Lots

Lot 4- BJA Mr Yip 846Y S: D Bar C Whoop-Up 90W DS: TNT Top Gun Buyer: Five O Feeders


The Advantage Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK March 20, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total

High Selling Lots



Lot 8- SGCC Screamin’ Black 13Z S: Kappes Trailblazer S516 DS: MRL Tap Out 39U Buyer: Calvin Wilkinson, Tisdale, SK


High Selling Heifers

Lot 39- SGCC BLK Della 21Z $3,000.00 S: Erixon X-Caliber 74X DS: SGCC BLK Powerline 43T Buyer: X-T Livestock Ltd., Greg Kornfeld, Val Marie, SK Lot 42 - SGCC BLK Serena 46Z $2,300.00 S: Erixon X-Caliber 74X DS: SRS J914 Preferred Beef Buyer: X-T Livestock Ltd., Greg Kornfeld, Val Marie, SK

Adair Ranch Bull & Heifer Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 3- SGCC Red Peterbuilt 3Z S: Erixon Xplosive 19X DS: SGCC BLK Hard Drive 24N Buyer: Wally LaClare, Melfort, SK


Mountain View 59 $241,664.00

Lot 28- W2 Mr Ya-Man 108Y S:Springcreek Red Tank 55S DS: Double Bar D Bolt 13P Consignor: W2 Simmentals Buyer: Bonchuk Farms, Solsgirth, MB

Average $4,096.00


Lot 16- Double G Zepplin 21Z $11,700.00 S: Springcreek Ted 41U DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Consignor: Double G Simmentals Buyer: Mitchell Cattle Co. Inc., Barriere, BC

Lot 3- BJA Mr Yogi 838Y S: D Bar C Whoop-Up 90W DS: TNT Top Gun Buyer: Stacey Fuller


Lot 11- BJA Mr Yardman 457Y S: Red Beckton Hustler S426 DS: Shawacres Keir 23K Buyer: Morlock Farms


Lot 26- BJA Yieldmaster 607Y S: TNT Tanker U263 DS: GFI Magnum K52 Buyer: Five O Feeders


Lot 18- BJA Mr Zeb 734Z S: MRL Red Force 12U DS: TNT Top Gun Buyer: Keith and Lynn Barnes


Lot 21- Double G Zest 36Z S: Beech Bros X-Factor 910X DS: Springcreek Ted 41U Consignor: Double G Simmentals Buyer: Rolling JN Farms, Alix, AB


Lot 14- Double G Zeus 13Z S: Springcreek Ted 41U DS: Mr Ishee Precision Red Consignor: Double G Simmentals Buyer: Murray B. Dyck, Borden, SK


Lot 18- Double G Zap 26Z S: Springcreek Ted 41U DS: Mr Ishee Red 600Unique Consignor: Double G Simmentals Buyer: William Hosegood, Radisson, SK



Sale Results Mountainview Angus, Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale Innisfail, AB March 23, 2013 Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total







High Selling Lots

Lot 76- Gerrard Pastor 35Z S: Gerrard Preacher 31U DS: RPJ Impressed 121L Consignor: Gerrard Cattle Co. Inc. Buyer: McLeod Charolais, Balzac, AB


Lot 112- CML Aces Wild 1Z $25,000.00 S: KCM Prowler 2X DS: Sparrows Sanchez Consignor: McLeod Livestock Buyer: Hutterian Brethren Church of Whitelake, Barons, AB

Source for Success V Bull & Female Sale Indian River, ON March 23, 2013 Auctioneer: Carl Wright

Sale Summary



Lot 63- BMD Mr. BLK Milehigh $16,000.00 S: JF Milestone 999W DS:Triplec EL Pondersoso Rey Consignor: Outlaw Cattle Co. Buyer: Leedale Colony and Lockhart Valley Simmentals, Rimbey, AB Lot 80- Gerrard Monzonite 34Z S: Gerrard Montezuma 6T DS: SVY Bedrock PLD 816H Consignor: Gerrard Cattle Co Buyer: Rainalta Cattle Co., Rainier, AB


Lot 62- BMD/RF Magnaflow 16Z S: Wheatland Bull 680S DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: Outlaw Cattle Co. Buyer: R Plus Simmentals, Estevan, SK


Lot 2- IRCC Zorro 217Z S: CMS Nickleback 922W DS: CNS Dream On L186 Consignor: Indian River Cattle Co. Buyer: Bristolview Farms, PQ


Lot 3- IRCC Yardboss 150Y


Average S: Remington Red Label HR

DS: Hook’s Red Quorum 55H $4,102.00 Consignor: Indian River Cattle Co. $2,866.00 Buyer: Brandlee Simmentals, ON $93,100.00 $3,800.00 Lot 4- Blackriver Odin High Selling Lots S: OLF Odin U5 Lot 1- IRCC Zephyr 222Z $10,500.00 DS: IPU Black Label 156S S: SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Consignor: Black River Farms DS: GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Buyer: Ian Howes, ON Consignor: Indian River Cattle Co. Buyer: (1/2 interest) Genesource, TX Oattes Show Cattle, ON and Moorefield Simmentals, ON Yearling Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

18.5 6 24.5

Best of The Breeds 9th Annual Bull Sale Leross, SK March 24, 2013 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary

Red Angus 2 Year Old Red Angus Yearlings Black Angus 2 Year Olds Black Angus Yearlings Charolais Yearlings Simmental Yearlings Gelbvieh Yearlings Sale Total


Lots 1 9 3 9 17 14 8.5 61.5




$6,600.00 $2,644.44 $4,800.00 $3,433.33 $3,332.35 $4,825.00 $3,935.00 $3,794.00


High Selling Simmental Fullblood Yearling Lot 43- Fairview Zeus 57Z $12,000.00 S: Double Bar D Legend 87W DS: DFM Marcus 14M Consignor: Forden Fairview Farm Buyer: Oak View Simmentals, Darlingford, MB High Selling Simmental Purebred Yearling Lot 47- Fairview Redwater 80Z $5,750.00 S: SVS Redstream 60X DS: Lazy S Red 236P Consignor: Forden Fairview Farm Buyer: Barry Martenson, Nokomis, SK

Sale Results Lot 93- Mores Zeke 203Z $6,250.00 S: Wheatland Red Ace 747T DS:KBSR Easy Money R3 Consignor: More Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Routledge Stock Farms, Lenore, MB

13th Annual Cattleman’s Classic Multi-Breed Bull Sale Virden, MB March 24, 2013 Auctioneer: Brent Carey

Sale Summary


Charolais Simmental Hereford Black Angus Sale Total

20 14 10 4 48

High Selling Simmental Lots




Lot 91- Mores Young 115Y S: TNT Dynamite Black L137 DS: PVF-BF BF26 Consignor: More Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Twin Brae Simmentals, Inglis, MB

$4,077.00 $4,050.00 $3,125.00 $2,438.00 $3,734.00

Alameda, SK March 25, 2013 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

Sale Summary

Lots Gross


Simmental Yearling Bulls Hereford Yearling Bulls Charolais Yearling Bulls Charolais 2 Year Old Bulls Charolais Semen Sale Total (Live Lots)

17 23 32 4 1 76

$5,079.00 $4,457.00 $4,113.00 $4,950.00 $1,000.00 $4,477.00


Lot 28- Harvie Wallbanger 32Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Buyer: Kopp Farms, Amaranth, MB


Bonchuk Farms Female Production Sale Virden, MB December 18, 2012 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Bred Heifers Semen Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 83 1 84




$2,892.77 $6,000.00 $2,929.76

Lot 35- BLCC Miss Porsche 172Y S: Virginia’s Porsche 64P DS: Exodus Buyer: Wells Crossing, Calgary, AB


Lot 29- Harvie Sweet Talker 6Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: R Plus Blackedge Buyer: Ian Mitchell, Barriere, BC


Lot 30- Harvie Bullseye 2Z S: Destiny Buckeye DS: Remington On Target 2S Buyer: RPS Livestock, Hussar, AB


Lot 27- Harvie Mile Marker 25Z S: SHS Enticier P1B DS: Remington On Target 2S Buyer: L Jewell, York, PEI


Lot 33- Harvie Prime 34Z S: Erixon Wellington 133W DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Buyer: TJ Kubinec Farms, Three Hills, AB


Lot 73- BLCC Miss Red Rock 351Y S: KWA Red Rock 5T DS: TNT Sting M377 Buyer: Swan Lake Farms, Stoughton, SK


Lot 7- BLCC Miss Red Rock 29Y S: KWA Red Rock 5T DS: Lazy S Black 823P Buyer: Wells Crossing, Calgary, AB


Lot 89- BLCC Miss Red Rock 126Y S: KWA Red Rock 5T DS: Remington Red Label HR Buyer: Wells Crossing, Calgary, AB



Harvie Ranching 4th Annual Bull Sale

High Selling Simmental Lots

Lot 68- Downey 204Z S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: Remington On Target 2S Consignor: Downey Farms Buyer: Gary McCannell, Pierson, MB



Sale Results Rainalta Simmental & Charolais Bull Sale Brooks, AB February 26, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewicsher

Sale Summary


Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Sale Total

34 12 46




$3,408.00 $3,608.00 $3,460.82

High Selling Lots

Lot 26- Rainalta Stubby S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: LFE Dreaming Red 503S Buyer: Turin Colony

Lots 2 18 18 38




$6,400.00 $5,145.00 $4,100.00 $4,816.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 33- WLB Winchester Anser 90X 10Z S: WLB Lego 83T 90X DS: Harvie Traveler 69T Buyer: Larry Crane, Mitchell, SD


Alameda, SK March 28, 2013 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.




Polled Herefords Yearlings 11.25 $4,071.11 Simmental Yearling Bulls 22 $13,670.45 Synergy Yearling Bulls 6 $5,150.00 Semen Units 6 $725.00 Open Simm. Influence Heifers 24 $1,206.25 Sale Total 69.25 $410,750.00 $4,816.00 High Selling Simmental Yearling Bulls Lot 22- Wheatland Bull 202Z $102,000.00 S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: 3C Macho M450 BZ Consignor: Wheatland Cattle Co. Buyer: Diamond M Simmentals and The 202 Breeders, Estevan, SK 52

Lot 38- WLB Bull 980 88Z $10,750.00 S: CRR Helton 980 DS: WLB Global 72M 50S Buyer: Malone Hereford Farm, Emporia, KS and McMillen’s Toothacre Ranch, Walnut Grove, MO Lot 31- Hi-Cliffe WLB Sammy 13X $8,000.00 S: DTHF Tank 64T DS: Hi-Cliffe 20X Jasper 5J Buyer: (possession only)Topps Herefords, Grace City, ND and Abrakadabra Cattle Company, Columbia, MO Lot 35- WLB Bull 90X 15Z $7,500.00 S: WLB Lego 83T 90X DS: Remitall Nation Wide ET 93N Buyer: Erwin and Marc Lehman, Lashburn, SK

ANL Polled Herefords/Wheatland Cattle Co. Focus on the Future 9th Annual Bull Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 43- Rainalta Online 100Y $5,600.00 S: JIL Online DS: SCR Mr Magic 640 Buyer: Ron Schmidt

Lot 34- WLB Easy Street 90X 100Z $11,750.00 S: WLB Lego 83T 90X DS: WLB Quaker 10H 21T Buyer: Glenrose Polled Herefords, Camrose, AB and Crone Herefords, Hardisty, AB

Douglas, MB March 26, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer

Mature Hereford Bulls Hereford Yearling Bulls Simmental Yearling Bulls Sale Total



WLB Livestock 9th Annual Bull Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 14- Rainlata Identity 84Z S: WFL Identity 23X DS: Raintalta Scout 52S Buyer: Bone Creek Angus Ranch

Lot 29- Wheatland Bull 215Z $30,000.00 S: Wheatland Nitro 64X DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Consignor: Wheatland Cattle Co. Buyer: Trevor Walls and Terry Wood, Alameda, SK

High Selling Polled Hereford Yearling Bull

Lot 5- ANL DM 719T Victor 76S ET 47Z $6,250.00 S: TH 122 71I Victor 719T DS: HF 4L Beyond 36N Consignor: ANL Polled Herefords Buyer: Doug Troop Hereford Farm, Brandon, MB

High Selling Synergy Yearling Bull Lot 46- Wheatland Bull 2051Z S: Wheatland Bull 680S DS: Dwajo Dutch 65P Consignor: Wheatland Cattle Co. Buyer: Dwayne MacKenzie, Estevan, SK


Sale Results Proudly Western Bull Sale

Whitewood, SK March 30, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 49 10 59




$4,158.00 $2,450.00 $3,868.00

Lot 61- KBR Black Bull 231Z S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: NAC Master 24M Consignor: KBR Kattle Kompany Buyer: Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB


Southwest Simmental Showcase

Swift Current, SK April 1, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Peacock Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Sale Total

High Selling Lots




55 54


$4,360.00 $2,964.11

Lot 7- X-T Red Turbo 99Z S: Twin-Chief Turbo 41T DS: D Bar C Lottery 54L Consignor: X-T Simmentals Buyer: Spring Creek Cattle, Walsh, AB Lot 23- Boundary Odin 103Z S: OLF Odin U5 DS: Remington Storm 70X Consignor: Boundary Ranch Buyer: Jaydawn Farms


Carievale, SK March 2, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer


Simmental Bulls Angus Bulls Open Heifers Sale Total

96 33 16 129

High Selling Simmental Lots


Lot 10- JHSN Wide Load 136Y S: Hooks Shear Force 38K DS: BISS Toby 818P Consignor: Johnson Stock Farms Buyer: R Plus Simmentals, Estevan, SK


Lot 67- TCCO Mr Tableland 221Z S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: TCCO Herner 327N Consignor: KBR Kattle Kompany Buyer: 4B Ranching and M & S Cattle Co., Lloydminster, SK


Lot 48- EDN Force 63Z S: MRL Red Force 12U DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: EDN Simmentals Buyer: Chris Schneider


Lot 29- Boundary Upgrade 72Z S: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 DS: TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640 Consignor: Boundary Ranch Buyer: DGR Cattle Co.


Lot 25- Boundary Temptation 96Z S: TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640 DS: WFL Black Buddy 931K Consignor: Boundary Ranch Buyer: Prairie Wind Farms, Estevan, SK



McMillen Ranching 19th Annual Bull Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 65- KBR Black Bull 239Z S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: BH Black Express 019K Consignor: KBR Kattle Kompany Buyer: Blaine Molstad, Estevan, SK




$6,796.00 $5,970.00 $3,809.00 $6,585.00

Lot 51- MRL 52Z $61,000.00 S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: MRL Blackbear 79S Buyer: LaBatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK and Oberle Bros., Shaunavon, SK

Lot 4- MRL 70Z $38,000.00 S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: KOP Stockman 134S Buyer: Come As U R Simmentals, Storthoaks, SK and Curtis Simmental, Bethune,SK Lot 24- MRL 112Z S: IPU Red Western 49X DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Buyer: Bata Bros., Adams, ND


Lot 38- MRL 17Z S: Wheatland Predator 922W DS: TH Black Edition 8R Buyer: X-T Simmentals, Eastend, SK


Lot 64- MRL 121Z S: MRL Hammer 125X DS: ACS Black Jack 758T Buyer: Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB










BARRY & BRENDA LABATTE Box 72 Gladmar, Sask. S0C 1A0 Ph: (306)969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900





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Member Survey


2012 Membership Survey Summary

n the summer of 2012 the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) circulated a survey to all its members designed to gather feedback on operations and programming of the CSA. We would like to share with our members a summary of the information gathered from this survey. The strengths of the Association are numerous with CSA registration, transfers and customer service coming in at the top of the list. CSA Total Herd Enrollment and Breed Improvement programming were also mentioned as strengths from a large number of respondents, many of who are enrolled in the THE program and have a good understanding of EPDs and their usage. Respondents reported that the CSA is strong in the area of promotion of Simmental genetics as well as in its support of the Young Canadian Simmental Association program. The online animal search website was also listed as a strength. It was suggested by some that the CSA needs to continue to do member education on our EPDs and how these can be better used in our herds. It was evident that with the advancement of technology the CSA needs to provide continued education and updates to our membership. The respondents of the survey were aware that there are challenges facing the CSA and the agriculture sector as a whole. Members indicated that they have limited funds to increase support of various initiatives on their own and challenge the CSA to direct funding to areas that will best benefit the breed. With the advances

CSA Executive

President Ron Nolan Markdale, ON P: (519) 986-2450 C: (905) 330-5299 First Vice-President Fraser Redpath Mather, MB P/F: (204) 529-2560 C: (204) 825-7401 Second Vice-President Randy Mader Carstairs, AB P/F: (403) 337-2928 C: (403) 660-1123

CSA Directors

John Sullivan Kazabazua, PQ P/F: (819) 467-2713 Wes Mack Estevan, SK P: (306) 634-4410 C:) 306) 421-1853

Lacey Fisher Amherst, NS P: (902) 661-0766 C: (506) 536-8454 Kara Enright Tweed, ON P: (613) 478-3404 F: (613) 848-8149 Deanne Young Breton, AB P/F: (780) 696-3643 C: (780) 542-0855 Kelly Ashworth Oungre, SK P: (306) 456-2749 C: (306) 861-2013

Provincial Accosiations British Columbia President Lorne Webster Abbotsford, BC P/F: (604) 823-6797 Secretary: Jan Wisse P: (604) 794-3684

of technology, online magazines and alternative ways to advertise, the CSA will need to continue to work hard to provide value to its membership and other clients who support our programs and magazine. The CSA has made great strides in the advancement and promotion of the Simmental breed and there continues to be opportunities to strengthen our programming and services to the membership. The financial investments that the CSA has made in research will provide valuable material for promotional and marketing campaigns; continued member and commercial producer education along with support through our YCSA program will create the environment to grow our membership. The CSA does and will continue to build on its relationships with other industry partners as well as its members to promote the Simmental breed and its many strengths. Thank you to all of the members who took the time to share their thoughts and feedback on our programs and services. The CSA appreciates the feedback we received and welcome additional comments from our members which provides great value in the strategic planning of the Association.

#13, 4101 19th St. N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 P: (403) 250-7979 • F: (403) 250-5121 • E:

Alberta President Maureen Mappin-Smith Byemoor, AB P: (403) 579-2175 Office Contact Heather Saucier Airdrie, AB P: (403) 861-6352 F: (403) 948-2059 Promotion / Fieldperson Chuck Groeneveld High River, AB P: (403) 938-7843

Ontario President Keitha Harris Donovan P: (613) 257-2617 donovandale_simmentals@

Quebec Président Philippe Bellavance Ferme Sibelle Fleck SENC St-Sophie-de-Levard, QC P: (819) 288-5005 Secretaire: Sandra Berthiaume Saint-Garmain, QC P/F (819) 395-4453

Saskatchewan President Manitoba Dave Erixon President Clavet, SK Darryl Perkin P: (306) 270-2893 Elgin, MB Secretary: Carolyn McCormack P/Fax: (204) 769-2159 P: (306) 697-2945 Secretary: Donalee Jones P: (204) 529-2444 Email: Maritimes President Peter Gaunce New Scotland, NB Secretary: Ralph Taylor P/F: (902) 895-2117

CSA Staff

General Manager Bruce Holmquist C: (403) 988-8676 Office Manager Barb Judd P: (403) 250-7979 Breed Improvement Sean McGrath P: (780) 853-9673 and Dr. Bob Kemp Marketing Co-ordinator Margo Cartwright Tel: (403) 250-5255 YCSA Coordinator Emily Grey P: (819) 835-0284 Processing Department Perry Welygan Beth Rankin


3D Simmentals ........................................................60 ABC Cattle Co. ........................................................60 Adair Ranch .............................................................54 Afri-Can Simmentals................................................57 Alameda Genetics Ltd. ............................................64 Alliance Simmental Farms .......................................58 Alta Genetics ...........................................................64 Anchor D Ranch Simmentals ..................................54 Applecross ...............................................................54 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd. ............................13, 60 Aumack Simmentals ................................................60 Bar 5 Farms .........................................................3, 58 Beagle Simmentals..................................................54 Beechinor Bros. Simmentals ...................................54 Big Rock Simmentals .............................................57 Black River Farms ...................................................58 Black Sand Cattle Company....................................57 Blushrose Simmental Farm .....................................60 Bohrson Marketing Services....................................64 Boisvert Simmental..................................................33 Bonchuk Farms .......................................................57 Bouchard Livestock International ............................64 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. .........................................64 Boynecrest Stock Farm ...........................................57 BS Ranch ................................................................54 Canadian Bull Congress ..........................................63 Canadian Cattlemen ................................................63 Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. .............................64 Carey, Brent.............................................................63 Car-Laur Simmentals...............................................58 CC Simmental Ranch ..............................................54 Circle 3 Genetics .....................................................58 Circle G Simmentals & Angus .................................54 City View Simmentals ..............................................60 Crawford, Jane ..................................................60, 64 Crimson Tide Fleckvieh ...........................................58 Crossroad Farms .....................................................60 Czech-Mate Livestock .............................................15 Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplant Ltd.....................64 Deeg Simmental ......................................................54 Delta Rho Farms .....................................................58 Destiny Simmentals .................................................59 Diamond T Simmentals ...........................................54 Diana’s Monogramming...........................................62 Don Heggie Simmentals ..........................................54 Donovandale Farms ..........................................16, 59 Dora Lee Genetics...................................................59 Dorran, Ryan ...........................................................63 Dorran, Steve ..........................................................63 Double Bar D Farms ........................................IFC, 60 Double G Simmentals..............................................60 Downey Farms ........................................................57 DP Sales Management............................................64 Dunc’s Cattle Co......................................................59 Dwayann Simmentals ..............................................59 Eagle Ridge Simmentals .........................................54 East Poplar Simmentals ..........................................61 Edge, Dean..............................................................63 EDN Simmentals .....................................................61 Elm Tree Farms .......................................................59 Erixon Simmentals...................................................61 Fallen Timber Farms................................................57 Ferme BMS .............................................................33


Ferme Gagnon ........................................................60 Ferme Saro..............................................................60 Ferme Sibelle ..........................................................33 Flying N Cattle and Feed .........................................63 Genex Cooperative Inc. ...........................................64 Get-A-Long Stock Farm...........................................63 GJR Simmentals......................................................61 Grant Rolston Photography .....................................64 Gravandale Simmentals ..........................................59 Grinalta Farms .........................................................54 H.S. Knill Company Limited .....................................63 Hairy Hill Cattle Co. .................................................54 Hallridge Simmentals...............................................59 Hannah Simmentals ................................................54 Harvie Ranching ......................................................54 High Bluff Stock Farm..............................................57 High Country Cattle Services ..............................7, 54 Highway 5 Simmentals ............................................61 Hi-Tech Farms .........................................................59 Hoegl Farms ............................................................61 Indian River Cattle Co. ............................................59 Janzen Brogan Embryo Services Ltd. .....................64 Janzen Ranches ......................................................55 Jetstream Livestock .................................................59 JNR Farms ..............................................................55 Jo-Dreen Farm ........................................................58 Keato Meadow Simmentals .....................................55 Kelara Farms ...........................................................61 Kin Kin Cattle Co. ....................................................55 Kopp Farms .............................................................57 Kuntz Simmental Farms ..........................................61 LaBatte Simmentals ................................................61 Lazy Bar-B Simmentals ...........................................61 Lazy S Ranch Inc. ...................................................55 Lewis Farms Ltd. ..............................................BC, 55 Little Willow Creek Ranch........................................61 Lobster Point Farms ................................................58 Lone Stone Farms ...................................................55 M & J Farms ............................................................58 MacKenzie Cattle Co. ..............................................55 Mader Ranches .......................................................55 Maple Key Farm ......................................................59 Mappin Simmentals .................................................55 Mar Mac Farms .......................................................57 Masterfeeds .......................................................12, 62 Maxwell Land & Livestock .......................................10 Maxwell Simmentals ................................................55 McCormack Family Ranch ......................................61 McIntosh Livestock ..................................................61 McMillen Ranching Ltd. ...........................................61 MI Simmentals .........................................................55 Mitchell Cattle Co. ...................................................57 Muellers Nossa Terra...............................................60 Muirhead Cattle Co..................................................61 New Holland Agriculture ............................................1 North Hill Simmentals ..............................................55 O Double E Simmentals ..........................................55 O’Grady, Linden.......................................................62 Okotoks Fleckvieh Embryo Group ...........................55 Oslanski Simmental Farms......................................55 Parkhill Ranches..................................................6, 55 Parview Stockfarms .................................................55 Pearson Simmentals ...............................................56

Pheasantdale Simmentals .......................................61 Philips Farms Simmentals .......................................62 Poley, Chris .............................................................63 Porter Ranches........................................................56 Prospect Hill Simmentals.........................................59 Rainalta Simmentals & Charolais ............................56 Rancier Farms .........................................................56 Rattray Livestock .....................................................56 Redpath Simmentals ...............................................58 Rendezvous Farms .................................................58 Rimac Simmental Fleckvieh ....................................60 River Point Cattle Co. ..............................................59 Riverbank Farm .......................................................58 Robb Farms .............................................................61 Robson Acres ..........................................................59 SAJ Simmentals ......................................................62 Saugeen Acres ........................................................56 Schatz Simmentals ..................................................56 Simmeron Fleckvieh Simmentals ............................56 Skeels, Dan .............................................................63 Skor Simmentals .....................................................56 Snider, Darryl ...............................................61, 62 ,63 Southpaw Cattle Company ......................................56 Spring Creek Simmentals ........................................62 Spring Lake Simmentals..........................................56 Spruce Grove Cattle Co. .........................................62 Starwest Farms .......................................................57 Steen Agencies........................................................64 Stewart Simmentals.................................................59 Stock, Mark..............................................................63 Stockmens Insurance ..............................................64 Stone Simmentals ...................................................56 Stoughton Farms .....................................................62 Sullivan Simmentals ................................................60 Sun Star Simmentals ...............................................56 Sunny Valley Simmentals ....................................5, 62 Sunrise Simmentals.................................................62 Swan Lake Farms....................................................62 Swantewitt Simmentals ...........................................56 T Bar Invitational......................................................68 TD Simmentals ........................................................62 The Register ............................................................62 Timberland Auctions ................................................63 Transcon Livestock Corp. ................................IBC, 64 Trevor’s Cowpix .......................................................64 Tryon Simmentals ....................................................58 TSN Livestock .........................................................58 Twin Brae Simmentals .............................................58 Twin Butte Simmentals ............................................56 Tymarc Livestock .....................................................56 Virginia Ranch .........................................................56 W2 Farms ................................................................62 Weldehaven Farms .................................................60 Wells’ Crossing ........................................................56 Westway Farms Ltd. ................................................57 Wild Oak Farms .......................................................59 Windy Knoll Farm ....................................................58 WJ Simmentals........................................................57 Wolfe Farms ............................................................57 Wolfe’s Fleckvieh .....................................................57 Xcel Livestock..........................................................59 Yankee Creek Ranch...............................................62

What’s Happening June June 7-8 Livestock Markets Association of Canada Competition and Annual Meeting, Calgary AB June 8 Agriculture Youth Engagement Foundation; Agricultura-Count It, Farm Education Workshop,, Red Deer, AB June 15 Queens of the Pasture Photo Contest Deadline June 25-26 6th Annual T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament,, Saskatoon, SK

July July 5-7 Quebec Junior Beef Show, Brome, PQ July 10 Beef 2013; International Livestock Congress,, Calgary, AB July 15-16 Beef Innovations 2013, Calgary, AB

July 16 CSA Banquet and Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation Auction, Calgary, AB July 17 CSA Annual General Meeting,, Calgary, AB July 16-18 Young Canadian Simmental Association National Classic, Okotoks, AB July 16-18 Alberta YCSA Wildrose Classic (in conjunction with the National Classic), Okotoks, AB July 29 - August 1 American Junior Simmental Association Summit Leadership Conference, Stillwater, OK July 30 - August 1 Saskatchewan YCSA Tiger Lily Classic, Prince Albert, SK


August 3-4 Guelph Beef Innovations 2013 Field Day, Guelph, ON August 16 Anchor D Ranch Simmental Pasture Treasures Female Sale, Rimbey, AB August 22-24 Maritimes YCSA Classic, Truro, NS August 23 7th Annual Salt Water Classic Elite Sale, Truro, NS August 24 Nova Scotia’s Provincial Exhibition Simmental Show, Truro, NS


October 1 Dr. Allan A. Dixon & Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship Deadline October 5 Bar 5 Extravaganza Sale, Markdale, ON

August 2-4 Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up, Neepawa, MB

Breed Improvement la réduction des coûts d’alimentation, et de pouvoir à la base mieux adapter et réduire les coûts de nos systèmes de production. Tout ce processus exige du temps, car il faut effectuer la cueillette de données, les analyser et ensuite développer des outils de sélection efficaces. De plus, cela nécessite un travail d’éducation et une volonté des éleveurs d’adopter ces nouvelles technologies. La plupart des entreprises bovines sont gérées par des individus habitués à s’occuper de plusieurs tâches en même temps. Ainsi, dans le feu de l’action, ils vont régulièrement considérer une multitude de facteurs et ils prendront des décisions concernant des systèmes plutôt complexes et inter-reliés. En raison de cette complexité et des différences existant entre les divers élevages, on peut s’attendre dans le futur à ce que les indices de sélection jouent un rôle important, en particulier afin de pouvoir tenir compte de la multitude de facteurs en jeu et aussi pour offrir des

évaluations utiles pour tous les divers types de styles de gestion. La complexité de l’industrie fait en sorte que la race Simmental demeure tout de même en bonne posture. La vaste diversité présente au sein de la race nous permet de sélectionner des bovins qui rencontrent les besoins d’une multitude de systèmes et de conditions d’environnement. Les investissements réalisés en recherche et développement nous fourniront les bases requises pour continuer de s’attaquer à la réduction des dépenses. Avec tout ce chaud débat souvent contesté touchant l’orientation de la sélection et de ce qui est “vrai”, cela nous indique bien qu’il existe des divergences d’opinions quant à ce que le “meilleur” doit être. En fait, le meilleur devrait varier selon le client considéré. La sélection représente un travail semblable à votre déclaration d’impôts, toutefois la recette gagnante à long terme demeure pour vous de bien associer les bons animaux avec les besoins de votre client.

Contents Gatepost..........................................................................4 Project Partners................................................................8 Profil de nos partenaires..................................................9 Ontario News..................................................................10 Appuye sur le poteau de cloture......................................14 Annual General Meeting Notice.....................................17 Proxy................................................................................18 YCSA Newsletter............................................................20 Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation Auction..................21 Alberta News...................................................................22 Saskatchewan News........................................................23 Manitoba News...............................................................24 Maritime News................................................................25

Women in the Simmental Country...................................26 Breed Improvement.........................................................28 International Livestock Congress....................................29 Breed Improvement (French)..........................................30 Queens of the Pasture Photo Contest...............................31 Vet’s Advice.....................................................................32 Sale Reports.....................................................................34 Down the Road with Darryl............................................44 Membership Survey.........................................................65 Canadian Simmental Association Contacts.................... 65 Advertiser’s Index...........................................................66 What’s Happening...........................................................67



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