University of San Francisco Bicyle Transportation Plan

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and Ashbury at which point bicyclists should follow The USF Wiggle described above. Riding to campus from the east side of the city, one can take The Wiggle from Market St. and then follow the route described above to get to The USF Wiggle. McAllister provides a more direct but hillier route. Fulton and Page have bicycle lanes, but also involve even steeper hills than McAllister. The northern routes to campus can be treacherous for new riders. Polk is the main recommended thoroughfare for cyclists, but riders need to be aware of heavy traffic and hills. From Polk, riders are able to connect to Market St. and the Wiggle to get to and from campus. Although many of the surrounding streets have bike arrows marking a bike path, the safest and easiest route to campus is always going to be the Wiggle. From the Presidio and Pacific Heights, there are few options other than Park Presidio and Masonic, neither of which are recommended for bicyclists uncomfortable in heavy traffic. Many students, faculty and staff live in the Richmond and the Sunset Districts. From the Sunset it is recommended that bicyclists enter Golden Gate Park and use JFK Drive to The Wiggle ends upon entering the Panhandle

three blocks west on Fell and enter the Panhandle. Continuing along the Panhandle and then using the crosswalk at Ashbury brings the bicyclist to the intersection of Hayes Change the World from Here (by Bicycle)!

get to the Panhandle. Continue through the Panhandle and use the crosswalk at Ashbury to join the USF Wiggle. This route avoids the traffic and elevation gain of Fulton, McAllister and Turk, the other main options coming from the west. From the Richmond it will usually be quicker to use


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