Primary First Issue 32

Page 24

Imagine this scenario Soli Lazarus

It is a rainy and windy day in a typical town in England. The pupils rush into their Year Three class at the start of the day. Zane is late. He could not get up as he had a bad night’s sleep as his brain would not turn off. He is grumpy and missed breakfast. Eva is late. She forgot where she put her homework. She cried all the way to school as she spent two hours doing it the night before as she wanted it to be perfect. She is now worried the teacher will tell her off. First lesson is maths. Zane cannot keep still on the carpet. He knows the answers as it is easy. He keeps shouting out but is being told by the teaching assistant to sit on his bottom and stop calling out. This is making him angry. He is now getting bored. Eva does not get it. She keeps thinking about her cat who had a scratch on her paw. What if she has to go to the vet? What if she dies? She realises she has missed the teaching and all the instructions and does not know what to do. She follows what her friend is doing and thinks she can pretend that she understands. She is starting to get a tummy ache. Soon it will be breaktime.


Zane finished the sums quickly as it was so easy for him. But the teacher said his work was messy and she could not read it. She asked him to write it out again neatly. Zane got cross and thought that was a silly idea. He started to fiddle with his friend’s equipment and felt that he needed to move around. His name goes on the board which he thinks is embarrassing and unfair. The teacher told him if he did not finish his work he would not go out to play. Zane is getting crosser. Eva is stuck. She does not understand the maths but does not want to ask for help as she is worried her teacher will realise she was not listening. So she asks to go to the toilet and hope she can waste enough time until break. She stays in there too long and the assistant comes to look for her. She is embarrassed. Now it is breaktime. Zane is kept in. He is now fired up with anger at how unfair this is. He needs to run around and feels like his muscles are being squashed. He does not feel like eating his snack as he is too upset. Eva goes out to play but she does not like the feel of the wind and the rain and she is cold. So she sits by herself. She keeps thinking whether the teacher will tell her off for being in the toilet too long. She hopes someone will notice and come

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