Synergy Training Catalog

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Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Relevant. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Experienced. Trusted. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Experienced. Trusted. Effective. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Effective. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Relevant.for Effective. Tailored Training Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge.institutions Innovative. Relevant. financial Effective. Trusted. Experienced. Knowledge. Innovative. Effective. Innovative. Relevant. Effective. Trusted. Experienced.

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The advisory firm

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owing the course. d. Kn Com a e h pe a tin ng i t gt ir n o p S

Yet, we all perform better with training.

Just ask the many finance professionals who turn to Synergy for training that is dynamic, relevant and effective. From our experience as accountants, attorneys, appraisers, auditors, workout experts and former bank examiners, we truly know what it’s like to hit the ground running in your shoes. That’s why attendees frequently give Synergy the highest marks on their course evaluations.

financial institutions trust to manage risk and optimize performance. “Ancin’s demeanor is upbeat and easy to listen to, not what you might expect from the stereotypical examiner personality. He presents information in a way that is easy to grasp for those with all levels of experience. He is a speaker my colleagues enjoy listening to and learning from— I definitely recommend Ancin.”

We believe success in training often comes down to effective communication. Synergy differentiates its training experience by taking complicated content and communicating it in ways that are clear, compelling and, sometimes, comedic. It’s a combination that is hard to beat for professionals trying to stay competitive in this tough environment. So, when you’re looking for tried-and-true trainings that may be tailored for your next conference, seminar or workshop, I hope you’ll consider Synergy for your professional development needs.

See you on the course.

Lisa Helton Vice President, Prairie National Bank

Ancin Cooley Principal Synergy Bank Consulting, Inc. For more information, visit

TABLE OF CONTENTS ALLL for the Non-Accountant


Appraisals for the Non-Appraiser


Credit Risk Management for CFOs


Developing Your TDR Identification and Management Process


Global Cash Flow Analysis for Community Banks


Loan Reviewer for a Day


Optimizing Your Loan Review Process


Project Management for Financial Institutions


Review, React, Remediate: A Framework for Responding to Problem Loans


Seven Habits of Highly Effective Audit Committees


Seven Habits of Highly Effective Loan Committees


Stress Testing 101 for Community Banks


What Your Board Packet Is Really Telling You


Instructor Profile


Synergy At-A-Glance


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appraisals for the non-appraiser

Value for attendees

Value for attendees

With problem loans increasing, profits sagging, and new capital hard to find, getting the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) right is more important than ever. Learn what you need to know now in this comprehensive course designed for the non-accountant.

Knowing the fundamentals of the appraisal process is critical to successfully managing the real estate lending process. This course not only takes participants ‘back to basics’ to refresh their understanding of appraisal principles, it offers insight about what’s on the horizon and how your institution can gain value from the appraisal process beyond just going through the motions of fulfilling regulatory requirements.

Who should attend CEOs, Board Members, Credit Administrators, Senior Credit Officers, Loan Review Officers, Compliance Officers, Senior Loan Officers, Loan Operation Officers and Loan Administrators.

Who should attend Consumer Lenders, Mortgage Bankers, Private Bankers, Small Business Lenders, Commercial Lenders, Credit Analysts, Loan Review Specialists, Special Assets Officers, Lending Managers and Credit Officers.

Synergy session highlights Conference or half-day seminar. Through engaging content tailored for the non-accountant, segments of the course include:

Synergy session highlights

• Background and review of 2006 Interagency Policy Statement as well as recent regulatory developments

Conference session or half-day seminar. Key topics addressed include:

• The ALLL: Let’s Make it Plain: addresses ASC 450, (formerly SFAS 5), historical loss data, qualitative factors (“Q-factors”), ASC 310 (formerly SFAS 114), identifying loans and measuring impairment

• Closer look at appraisal review: more than just checking the boxes

• Overview of the appraisal process • Techniques for identifying appraisal deficiencies • Overview of the updated appraisal and evaluation guidelines

• Pulling it ALLL Together: covers documentation, historical loss data and peer data

• Three steps to improve your appraisal management process today

• Garbage In – Garbage Out: explains why a strong loan review process is important to your ALLL and the key components and benefits of a strong loan review process • Frequently asked ALLL questions



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credit risk management for cfos

developing your tdr identification and management process

Value for attendees

Value for attendees

CFOs constantly grapple with an endless barrage of new regulatory credit risk management requirements. The additional costs of addressing these mandates present a concern as loan growth slows. In this session, participants will learn how financial institutions are responding to these changes without weakening operational effectiveness. We will provide a framework that enables management to develop a credit culture that will permit risk to be managed in a cost effective and efficient manner. We will also facilitate an open discussion to allow for benchmarking best practices with peers.

There is a plethora of information about troubled debt restructures (TDRs) floating around in various places. However, there are very few places where you can find insights on how to properly implement and manage your TDRs. In this session, we will take your understanding of TDR a step further and discuss various identification and implementation strategies.

Who should attend

Who should attend

Chief Financial Officers, Chief Credit Officers, Controllers, and other personnel from financial reporting and credit risk management.

Chief Financial Officers, Controllers, Cashiers and Treasurers.

Synergy session highlights

Synergy session highlights

Conference session or half-day seminar. With extensive experience from years spent helping creditors implement an approach to TDR, course highlights include:

Conference session or half-day seminar. Synergy offers pragmatic tactics and best practices for managing credit risk. Course topics include:

• Address how a formal TDR program will affect your earnings and current problem management processes

• Discuss the interdependency of traditional risk disciplines and credit management

• Gain the knowledge needed to ensure your institution is accounting for TDR appropriately

• Understand how to effectively integrate new risk management controls

• Understand the relationship between TDRs and your ALLL

• Discuss new technologies to identify, quantify, and monitor your credit risk exposure

• Address the common TDR questions

• Identify and monitor emerging regulatory credit risks on the horizon

• Provide policies, procedures, and process maps that you can implement

CFOs will leave with an understanding of the benefits gained from reducing exposure to this risk and implementing these routine practices within their institution.


“We came away with not only a better understanding of how to identify a TDR, but were given the tools needed to better manage these types of credits.”

Laurie M. Burkholder Commercial Loan Officer, IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union


for more information please visit

Global Cash Flow Analysis for Community Banks

LOAN reviewer for a day

Value for attendees

Value for attendees

Successful banks and lenders must maintain their understanding of how to calculate and interpret global cash flow. This seminar efficiently and effectively provides a substantive refresher of global cash flow for experienced lenders and a comprehensive introduction for those new to lending operations.

This introductory session is ideal for learning the fundamentals of the loan review process, a key component of your credit risk management program. Participants will learn through a mix of practical instruction, case studies and role playing, leaving with a better understanding about how to detect weakness and support their institution’s loan review process.

Who should attend

Who should attend

CFOs, CEOs, Loan Officers, Senior Lenders, Loan Reviewers and Credit Analysts.

Loan Officers, Credit Analysts, Loan Administrators, CFOs and Loan Committee Members.

Synergy session highlights

Synergy session highlights

Conference session or half-day seminar. This seminar is for lenders who need to refresh their understanding of global cash flow analysis. Participants will learn:

Half or full-day seminar. Participants will learn how to: • Identify key elements of a loan review system • Recognize the ideal frequency, scope and depth of reviews

• Why personal tax returns can be difficult to analyze and how to target relevant information consistently

• Analyze a credit facility • Identify and classify potential credit weaknesses

• The most frequent applications of global cash flow

• Prepare for and conduct a loan discussion

• Proper techniques of developing global cash flow

• Assign an appropriate loan classification/disposition

• Pros and cons (strengths and weaknesses) of global cash flow

• Prepare an appropriate loan write-up

• How to avoid double-counting income

• Identify administration weaknesses on individual loans • Practice through interactive case studies “I engaged Synergy to provide training for lending and credit personnel at my institution and it was relevant, timely, and comprehensive. The feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive.”


Brian Hawes, Chief Credit Officer, Resource Bank N.A.


for more information please visit

optimizing your loan review process

project management for financial institutions

Value for attendees

Value for attendees

Loan review is a key component of your bank’s credit risk management program and your loan review process serves as an early warning system. Although, no one can predict exam findings, a strong loan review process enables management to proactively address weakness in the various levels of an institution’s credit initiation, underwriting, and classification. In this seminar, we outline the common loan review shortfalls and provide best practices to enhance your program.

Poor project management can cost financial institutions wasted time, money, and resources. Precise execution of projects and programs is imperative to cost containment, sustainability, growth, and profitability. This seminar uses relevant and timely project examples, such as fixing regulatory findings and implementing regulatory changes, and helps participants strengthen their project management competency.

Who should attend

Who should attend Loan Review Officers, Credit Analysts, Compliance Officers and other personnel involved in the loan review system.

Senior Management, Internal Auditor/Loan Review, Human Resources, “accidental” project managers, individuals from any area of your bank who contribute to projects, and managers responsible for projects.

Synergy session highlights

Synergy session highlights

Half or full-day seminar. Through role playing, case studies and other dynamic content, Synergy addresses all the key elements of an effective loan review system, including:

Conference session, half or full-day seminar. Upon completion, participants will:

• Regulatory perspectives about loan review

• Learn how to create project teams that can quickly address regulatory findings

• Know the purpose and process of project management

• The expanding role of loan review • Common mistakes, including: improper segregation of duties; improper frequency; scope and depth of reviews; ineffective communication; incorrect risk rating assigned to Credit Facility; insufficient analysis to support the risk rating

• Ensure that your projects are set-up for success from the start • Develop an integrated project plan including realistic scope, schedules, budgets, and risks—and turn that plan into successful action • Learn how to effectively track and report on project progress

• Recommended best practices, including: Effective Targeted Reviews; accuracy and timeliness of risk grade, including NPA, impairment, TDR, charge-off status; involvement in the workout process and decisions impacting ALLL; entity level reviews of centralized functions (e.g. appraisal, workout, OREO); loan review’s role during a regulatory exam


• Learn how to improve your appraisal management, ALLL, and TDR processes


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Review, React, Remediate: A Framework for Responding to Problem Loans

seven Habits of Highly Effective Audit Committees

Value for attendees

Value for attendees

A clear, concise, and organized approach to dealing with problem loans is essential to minimizing credit risk. This session will provide you with the conceptual framework and templates needed to identify and develop a plan to remediate or exit problem relationships. This session provides real-time, pertinent information based on actual experiences that help institutions prepare for their next regulatory exam. The discussion includes: TDRs, appraisal processes, nonaccruals, and impairments.

The Audit Committee sets the ‘tone at the top’ for risk management in your institution, but staying current on new regulations and legislation can be daunting. Audit Committee members will learn key strategies for cultivating a responsible risk management culture and how to get the most value from their audit and auditor relationships.

Who should attend

Audit Committee members, Board Members, CFOs, Compliance Officers, other senior finance and legal personnel responsible for risk management and financial reporting.

Who should attend

Loan Officers, Workout Specialists, Loan Reviewers, Loan Administrators, and other personnel involved in portfolio management.

Synergy session highlights

Synergy session highlights

Conference session, half or full-day seminar. Synergy shares practical knowledge gained from working with Audit Committees as both auditor and risk management advisor. This course provides Audit Committee members with practical guidance to perform more effectively. Topics include:

Conference session or half-day seminar. Using helpful case studies and examples from first-hand experience as a former loan examiner, participants will learn: • A trusted framework for problem loan management

• The purpose, roles and behaviors of an effective Audit Committee

• Various loan workout strategies and impairment calculations

• Ensuring a comprehensive audit planning process

• Ways to reduce regulatory scrutiny by implementing consistent workout and risk management processes

• Communicating effectively with management, auditors and regulators • Applying project management techniques to correct audit and regulatory findings

• How to implement a TDR process specific to the institution’s needs and considerations for optimizing an effective loan review system

• Establishing quality control processes • Current regulatory hot buttons

“I have attended multiple loan related training sessions presented by Ancin Cooley. With his experience as a previous examiner, he presents pertinent material that regulators specifically look for and shares what he has seen first hand.”


Lisa Helton, Vice President, Prairie National Bank


for more information please visit

seven Habits of Highly Effective Loan Committees

Stress Testing 101 for Community Banks

Value for attendees

Value for attendees

The purpose of the Loan Committee is to oversee the lending and credit risk management strategies of the institution. This course helps Loan Committee members hone key habits that will help them perform and fulfill their duties with ease and confidence.

As regulators place greater emphasis on risk management frameworks and overall corporate governance, proactive community bank leaders employ stress testing methods to evaluate the impact of key risk factors, such as increased credit losses, declines in collateral values, illiquid markets, and strains on liquidity. Therefore, bank leaders should evaluate a variety of ‘what-if’ scenarios to understand the potential risks in their institutions.

Who should attend Loan Committee members, Board members, CEOs, Senior Lenders, Commercial Lenders.

Who should attend

Synergy session highlights

CFOs, CEOs, Loan Officers, Senior Lenders, Loan Reviewers and Credit Analysts.

Conference session, half or full-day seminar. Synergy provides Loan Committee members with a strong understanding of how to increase their effectiveness through the following topics:

Synergy session highlights Conference session. In this session we will:

• The purpose of the Loan Committee

• Define stress testing and examine the pros and cons of different stress testing methods

• Elements of an effective charter • Maintaining a safe and sound “Credit Culture”

• Identify practical implementation techniques and best practices

• Obtaining and capturing meaningful information for reviewing loan requests

• Determine how to properly analyze the output from a stress testing model to determine your risk appetite and integrate into your strategic planning framework

• Looking ahead: what to keep on your radar Synergy is also able to customize aspects of the training content to address the unique needs of your institution.

• Effectively communicate results to management and the board • Explore the challenges of developing a stress testing program including incorporating results into managing the bank • Develop a checklist with takeaways for immediate application at your institution



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What Your Board Packet is Really Telling You


Value for attendees Board Reports help Directors assess their bank’s condition and determine if the level of risk taken by the bank conforms to the board’s policies and risk appetite. To understand the true picture, Directors must ask the right questions and be able to look at the trend and level of individual measures, and the inter relationships among capital, asset quality, earnings, liquidity, market risk, and balance sheet growth—all key focuses of this course.

ANCIN COOLEY, CIA, CISA Mr. Ancin Cooley, CIA, CISA, is the Founder and Principal of Synergy Bank Consulting, Inc., the advisory firm financial institutions trust to optimize their risk management processes and business performance.

Who should attend Board Members.

Through Synergy, Ancin provides a suite of risk management services, including loan reviews, information technology audits, internal audits, directors’ exams, and regulatory compliance reviews.

Synergy session highlights Conference session, half or full-day seminar. Segments include:

Ancin brings deep, first-hand experience gained from working for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) as an examiner. During his tenure at the OCC, he performed safety and soundness examinations at community and mid-size banks that ranged from $100 million to $8 billion dollars in total assets. After leaving the OCC, Ancin worked for a regional accounting firm where he led loan reviews and internal audits.

• Director Liability: Understanding your bank’s risks • Details…Details: Your committee minutes • Are you getting the right reports? Is less really more? • Loan Committee Best Practices, including loan approvals, Watch Reports, and exceptions tracking • Asset/Liability Committee Best Practices, including liquidity reports, IRR model reports, and appropriate oversight • Audit Committee Best Practices, including internal audit reports, Loan Review Reports, and examination findings

When not advising clients, training for triathlons, or hanging out with his young son, Ancin designs and conducts trainings for financial institutions.

• Critical conversations with Management

Education & Associations

• Case studies with mock Loan Committee, Audit Committee, ALCO, and Post-Exam Meetings

• Master of Accounting and Financial Management, Keller Graduate School

• What Board Reports won’t tell you

• Bachelor of Science, Business, Morehouse College


• Member of the Risk Management Association, Appraisal Institute, Institute of Internal Auditors, and Information Systems Audit Control Association


synergy at-a-glance

The Synergy Difference


Synergy Bank Consulting, Inc. (Synergy) is the independently owned advisory firm financial institutions trust to optimize their risk management processes and business performance.

Synergy serves dynamic financial institutions across the United States, primarily focusing on community banks, credit unions, and thrifts in the Midwest and Southern regions. Synergy also collaborates with industry associations to provide educational opportunities for their members. References available upon request.

Convenient connection point to credible resources Synergy takes an innovative approach to traditional risk management. We believe better results come through synergy—that’s why we bring together only veteran, industry specialists who work collaboratively with our clients.

SUITE OF SERVICES Our multi-disciplined approach combines the expertise of attorneys, workout specialists, appraisers, IT and compliance auditors. We handpick teams to meet your needs. A former bank examiner leads and manages all services to ensure solutions are communicated with a regulatory perspective in mind.

From attorneys to appraisers to auditors, from workout experts to former bank examiners—they’re all in our think tank and ready to collaborate. Whether you’re a community bank, credit union, thrift, or industry association, the Synergy model readily connects you with expertise that is current, comprehensive, and credible.

Risk Management


• Loan Reviews

• Compliance Reviews & Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)

• ALLL Process Improvement • Outsourced Credit Analysis

• Loss Share Compliance

• Problem Loan Management

Professional Development

• Internal Audit

• Skill building for finance professionals involved in all aspects of risk management

• IT Audit • Exam Preparation • Appraisal Review

Performance Improvement • Process Improvement

• Specialized courses for Board of Directors, Loan and Audit Committee members, CFOs, compliance personnel and non-accountants

• Project Management

For more information, visit



Š2012 Synergy Bank Consulting, Inc.

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