Southern Cross JULY-AUGUST 2022

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General Synod wrap • Church under a mango tree A pastor ’s burnout journey •The servant Queen

Church fiamiy im Who said Christians have to be serious?: Staff team silliness at a Wild Street weekend away.

Hannah Thiem If your parish isn’t planning a says. “People loved it, the Bible interviewing new people during weekend away, chances are teaching was encouraging, each session and celebrating you’ve just had one, you’re the kids had fun – it had an that they had the opportunity thinking about it, or members awesome feel of time together.” to join the church. are letting leaders know how While it initially took more “People can sit down and they long for quality fellowship effort to recruit and persuade talk for an hour or two, which time together. The pandemic has people, the benefits have been is very different to standing put many holes in our communal well worth it. “People have and chatting for 15 minutes at time as a family of faith, so been very happy to be back church,” Russell says. “You get we’re keen to regain it – and the together,” he says. “It was a to go deeper because you are sooner the better. really encouraging time with talking more, and longer, in a At Northmead and Winston people focused on God’s word, different context. You connect Hills, rector the Rev Adrian enjoying each other’s company with each other in a way that Russell says congregations have and investing in each other.” would otherwise take six months.” had three weekends away over This was particularly true At Cabramatta, the English the past few months. The most for people new to church, who c o n g r e g a t i o n ’ s M a r c h recent one, in May, “was the best had the first opportunity in houseparty was a powerful weekend away we’ve had for a two years to go deeper with way to unite a s a chu rch decade”. the congregation. The team community and hear their new The vibe was excellent,” he made sure to capitalise on this, senior minister, the Rev Joseph

SouthernCross July-August 2022

volume 28 number 5

Thiem, preach for the first time. Assistant minister the Rev William Quach says this was “invaluable for the transition process”. “It was an opportunity to meet the new pastor in a more relaxed environment, with time for the congregation to get to know each other,” he says – adding that while there had been some hesitation about coming back to church post-lockdown, by the time the weekend away arrived people were ready for it. “There was a sense of how good it was to be together, and the importance of making the most of it, especially among the kids,” he says. “They missed out

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Saturday night fun at a Wild Street houseparty.

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July–August 2022

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Bring the family: (from left) recent weekends away for congregations from Cabramatta, Yagoona and Condell Park, and Clovelly. on seeing each other for months The Rev Rod Cocking from and got to play together again.” Wild Street says members have It wasn’t just the kids that had “always been convinced of the a great time. The young adults incredible value of gathering also flourished, with one group together, a s a church, for staying up until 2am, playing an extended period of time, games and enjoying each other’s because of the value it provides company. There was also a that a normal Sunday can’t. woman new to the church, and A weekend away is worth a the weekend was instrumental month of Sundays because of in her decision to stay. the relational value!” Last year the church’s evening BUILDING COMMUNITY service also squeezed in a While not all houseparties can – houseparty before lockdowns or should! – involve fellowship returned. A full parish getaway until 2am, other churches have is planned for September but, reported similar benefits of Cocking says, “no one seems getting away together. concerned. We’ve been very Clovelly is one of a small thankful for it, and people have n u mb e r o f p a r i s h e s t h a t been glad that we’ve been able managed a weekend away last to be back together”. year, enjoying its biggest-ever The parish of Yagoona and houseparty with an almost 30 Condell Park enjoyed its own per cent spike in attendance. weekend away in May, even “In God’s providence, if our though several attendees tested dates had been a week earlier positive to COVID afterwards. we wouldn’t have been able to Says rector the Rev Ray sing, and if they were a month Vassallo: “If I knew what was later we would have been locked going to happen I’d still have down,” says rector the Rev Dave the weekend away. We had Rogers. “We found a sweet spot several new people join us who and God was very kind.” were finding their way into the This year’s May weekend was community, and it was a great an excellent time of community opportunity for strengthening building. “While we did have relationships.” some people who preferred to One man, who was relatively stay away, we also had several new to the church after moving new families and individuals – from Nigeria to study a PhD, it was their first weekend away, felt so welcomed that he wrote and that is always really special a song, which he performed on and powerful in terms of getting the weekend, celebrating how he to know people at church and felt he had found a family who feeling like you belong.” welcomed him. 4

A couple of families that had been very careful throughout the pandemic began to get sick during the weekend and had to go home early. One group later tested positive to COVID – and Vassallo himself was not exempt, testing positive by the end of the following week. Everyone was only mildly affected, however, and he considers the cost of catching COVID was worth it. “Under present circumstances, there is always a risk,” he says. “Our Lord does not call us to follow him into a risk-free life, but to build his church. In my opinion, it’s worth it.”


The CEO of Youthworks, Canon Craig Roberts, says the feedback they have mirrors the parishes. “We’ve heard the saying that a weekend away is worth six to 12 months of Sunday attendance in terms of community building and relationship enrichment,” he says. “This is even more relevant as we come out of two years of lockdown. “We’ve seen churches return to weekends away who have benefited from relationships b e i n g de e p e n e d b e t w e e n people – but especially between people and God their Saviour as they come around God’s word together.” He agrees there has been some hesitancy around group getaways, but says extensive

COVID safety measures are taken at all Youthworks sites, and “if a group has good COVID hygiene and isolation practices, the risk of transmission is greatly reduced”. For some parishes, the most difficult element of getting people to a houseparty hasn’t actu ally been C OVID, but wider issues such as increased accommodation costs, the cost of living and stretched budgets – particularly for larger families. Clovelly had four families pull out of its May weekend because someone got COVID but, mindful of the expense, the church was able to refund them half of the cost. At Northmead and Winston Hills, members thought up a range of fundraising initiatives so as many people as possible could get away. Adrian Russell says that while, like Clovelly, sickness prevented some from attending, there was great joy for those who came. “We’re expressing our identity as church – we love to be together,” he says. “It’s who we are. We are the gathering….The highlight was that level of engagement in a way that people were relaxed, open and inclusive.” Dave Rogers agrees. “There is a craving for those ‘weekend away’ moments. We love having the time to slow down, have conversations and enjoy life together. The mood [at church] now compared to February is worlds apart!” SC SouthernCross

July–August 2022

“When you have a God-given gift, God expects you to use it until you can’t”.

oH nourfid or osfiring ovfi and David Stedman, who have fostered 74 children, are among several Sydney Angli cans recognised in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours. The list, released amid the Q u e e n ’ s P l at i n u m Ju bil e e celebrations, honoured people from all walks of life who have made a contribution to the community. The Stedmans were awarded the medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to children, particularly as foster parents. The couple have six children of their own, including Sydney Anglican ministers Matt and Pete Stedman. They began fostering children after Mrs Stedman heard a radio appeal. At one point they had nine children (including their own) under their roof. Appearing on Channel Seven’s Sunrise the morning the honours were released, Mr Stedman said, “It’s about giving them a chance in the first couple of years of their life to know what love is all about, and stability”. Most of their foster children h ave been newborn s and, because of a shortage of carers, the couple intends to continue despite being in their 70s. “I think when you have a Godgiven gift, God expects you to use it until you can’t,” Mrs Stedman told The Sydney Morning Herald.

Mr Staveley, a parishioner of St Andrew’s, Roseville, has served in leadership roles in the 120-year-old organisation since 1997.

CARE FOR OTHERS Another Sydney Angli can recognised was Janet Harrison of Strathfield, given an OAM for service to the Anglican Church of Australia, and to women. Her various roles include leading women’s groups since the 1960s, teaching Sunday school, and a significant role with Mothers’ Union. Mrs Harrison has been a volunteer visitor at children’s courts, and volunteered at the Mothers’ Union shop in Sydney for 40 years. Robyn Emery, 78, a member of Lower Mountains Anglican Parish, also received an OAM for service to the community of the Blue Mountains. Mrs Emery has managed the Bibles for Missions Op Shop in Blaxland for more than 20 years. “Serving the district through the op shop, as well as helping communitie s and mission work in Africa and other parts of the world, seemed like the least we could do to repay the many blessings we have living in such an amazing part of the world,” Mrs Emery told a local newspaper.

EDUCATION AND LEADERSHIP Dr Timothy Wright, who has DISABILITY CARE held senior positions at three Tony Staveley, chairman of Royal Anglican schools including as Rehab, was made a member of headmaster of Shore for 16 the Order of Australia for his years, was made a member of significant service to community the Order of Australia (AM). health, and to p eople with T he c i t at io n re a d s : “ Fo r disability. significant service to primary SouthernCross

July–August 2022

“It’s about giving them a chance”: Foster parents and Queen’s birthday honour recipients David and Carolyn Stedman on Sunrise.

and secondary education, and to professional associations”. Dr Wright has held various roles at Trinity Grammar School, and was headmaster of Scots All Saints College in Bathurst before his present role at Shore. Former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, well known as a Christian – particularly in his

local diocese of Armidale – was made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) for eminent service to rural and regional development, to leadership in international agricultural research and food security, to social commentary, and through contributions to not-for-profit organisations. SC

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Baffmain cflffflbrafls in COVID cach-up

photos: Amy Davies

Russell Powell It was a wet morning in May

when the people of St Mary’s, Balmain came together to celebrate 175 years of Christian community. “At this church in the village, since 1846 you as a Christian community of faith continue to welcome with wide arms and wonderful smile,” NSW Governor Margaret Beazley (right) told the congregation. “The mathematicians amongst you will already know that I haven’t miscalculated because there’s actually been 176 years of service here at St Mary’s, but these days we put it down to… the COVID catch-up syndrome.” A self-confessed history buff, the Governor was surrounded by historical photographs and artefacts as she addressed the congregation in the pandemicdelayed service. I t w a s he r p re de c e s s o r , Governor John Hunter, who granted 550 acres of land on the west side of Cockle Bay in 1800 to the colony’s principal surgeon, Dr William Balmain. As the suburb emerged, the foundation stone for a parish church was laid in 1845 by Bishop William Grant Broughton. The next day The Sydney Morning Herald reported that it had been so windy only a few people had heard the words of dedication. Governor Beazley remarked on the good PA system that allowed her to be heard over the rain almost two centuries later. “But as you know, it’s not the 6

throwing firecrackers into the A rch bi s h o p Ra ffe l , w h o church and rocks onto the roof! also attended the celebration, A s a d n o t e d u r i n g t h e referred to the congregation’s incumbency of the Rev John histor y, includin g the 113 Howell-Price (1910-1915) is parishioners who served in the also one of Australia’s most Great War – 29 of whom died remarkable stories of wartime in battle, among them the three sacrifice. Five of his six sons Howell-Price brothers. served in World War I. All “As you know, it became the were decorated – winning policy of the Government to three Military Crosses, four ask the local Anglican minister Distinguished Service Orders to deliver the shattering news and one Distinguished Service of men killed in action to their building that we really celebrate Cross between them. Only two families, making the arrival today,” she said. “It’s the 175 returned. The youngest three of the vicar at your gate an years of continuous Christian died in action in France. ominous and unwelcome sight,” community and worship, a place Owen Howell-Price, who rose he said. “Like virtually every provided for contemplation, for to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, church, St Mary’s grieved with celebration. For everything that served at Gallipoli and then on Balmain from the inside out.” goes with sustained pastoral the Somme. When mortally He added that its story had care.” wounded in France his final been written not only in historic Former rectors John Cashman, words were, “Give my love to moments but in ordinary ones. Ed Vaughan and Barry McGrath the battalion”. “Thousands of interactions and former lay minister Belinda and kindnesses, conversations, Burn watched as new rector, the SHARING GOD’S GRACE prayers, moments of shared Rev Matt Davies, recounted the The existing building is the tears, and silence, and comfort colourful history of St Mary’s. second church on the site. The and prayerful hope. These are The parish’s longest-serving first was found to be too small ordinary things for Christians. rector was the Rev Mervyn and was demolished after only “Anniversaries give us the Archdall, and in 1891 he and his 10 years. Matt Davies reminded opportunity to remember with wife set aside a quarter of their the gathering that St Mary’s thanks the ordinary goodness of income to create the Deaconess has always been more than a God that is poured out upon us Ministries Institution in a house building. through the gospel… which is, in next door to the church. The “While it was initially set the end, all that we have to offer institute was the first of its up to be a place for Christian the world. The grace and hope kind in Australia – training and c o m m u n i t y , C h r i s t i a n and love of God that we have equipping women for ministry. community always seeks to be known in Jesus Christ. It later became Mary Andrews faithful to the command to love “For 175 years, the College. [in Jesus’] name,” he said. congregations of St Mary’s Less glorious was 1926, when “That’s what we seek to do at St have shared in God’s grace in the then minister banned jazz- Mary’s. Love our neighbours, be Jesus and offered him to this age dancing in the church hall. a blessing to our community and community, and that is entirely The community responded by it is our vision to be the heart of something for which to give trying to storm a parish meeting, the village here in Balmain.” thanks.” SC SouthernCross

July–August 2022

Commfinary chifi passfis hfi baon If you’ve used a commentary provide commentaries “based from the Reading the Bible on scholarship but written Today series over the past three accessibly and briefly”, adding: decades, you can thank Bishop “I envisaged pastors being able Paul Barnett for it. Yep, you read to consult these, as well as that right: 30 years. other resources, and for Bible O ve r t h at t i m e a g ro u p Study leaders being given the Reading the Bible Today: Bishop Barnett’s “handover” to Dr Thompson. of wise and knowledgeable confidence to lead their groups”. Australian theologians have As he hands over the editor’s trust that as new volumes appear The CEO of Youthworks, written commentaries for the pen to the principal of Moore in this series God will continue the Rev Canon Craig Roberts, Youthworks CEP series but it College, the Rev Canon Dr Mark to use them to grow his people added that “Paul Barnett has is Bishop Barnett who has had Thompson, it is estimated that as disciples of Jesus”. entrusted us with a great legacy the hand on the tiller, editing, clergy and lay leaders across the In his sign-off as editor at in accessible scholarship of the guiding and also writing seven globe own 30,000 of these hard a special handover event at highest order that helps busy of the 26 books himself. copy and e-book commentaries. Moore College, Bishop Barnett preachers and lay leaders alike He observes that, even today, Says Dr Thompson: “It is an expressed his gratitude and bring the Bible to bear on their many commentaries for just one enormous privilege to continue thanks to past and present hearers. book of the Bible can be well the work that Paul Barnett began Youthworks leadership, to his “I am thrilled that Dr Thompson over 1000 pages long, and are on this series of commentaries. wife Anita for her support has accepted the baton of series aimed more at academics than Paul’s vision has meant that throughout his 30-year stretch editorship. I look forward to an “hardworking pastors who are many people all over the world at the helm, and to the series increasingly close relationship typically time poor”. have been enriched in their authors, “for whom contributing between Moore College and Bishop Barnett’s plan was to understanding of the Bible. We has been a great sacrifice”. Youthworks.” SC

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How grandparchnshs makch a diststchrchncch The Rev Ian Barnett could not w i t h g r a n d p a r e n t s h a v e

have imagined the snowball effect of founding the National Grandparent Conference, but the resulting ministry is continuing to expand – even overseas. The aim is simple: “to engage, equip and encourage grandparents and ministry leaders to be intentional in leaving a faith legacy for others to follow, especially our grandchildren”. But why has it struck such a chord? “Many grandparents feel powerless,” Mr Barnett says. “They feel like as soon as you hit 60, all you do is just have lunch together and don’t impact anyone. Or that they have nothing to say – which is not a biblical issue, because the Bible actually says the grey-haired ones are full of wisdom. “There are things that they know. They have gone through seasons of heartache and pain and suffering. They understand what it’s like to either forgive or not to forget. So they are just saying more and more, ‘How do we get involved?’” In October, Mr Barnett will speak at the Legacy Coalition’s Grandparenting Summit in Florida – part of a global movement that includes Greece, Spain, Taiwan and South Africa in addition to North America. “It is really becoming a movement around the world, which I was completely unaware of when we started our own conference five years ago,” he says. A former senior minister in Sydney and the Illawarra, Mr Barnett is also running (and encouraging others to run) g ra nd p a re nt i n g s e mi n a rs at churches in Sydney and Wollongong. His discussions SouthernCross

July–August 2022

also informed the choice of speakers for the next National Grandparent Conference on September 17, which will be at Figtree Anglican Church and online. “Grandparents want to keep t h i n k i n g a b o u t h ow t he y share their faith with their grandchildren,” he says. “Mental health issues are growing and the challenge they’re facing is how do they persevere and stay strong to the end? That’s why we are having Keith and Sarah Condie [counsellors and Bible teachers] come and speak this year. Other speakers include Colin Bale, Kel Richards, Tim Costello, and Danny and Leila Abdallah, whose three children were killed by a drunk and drugged driver in Western Sydney.” While the Abdallahs are not grandparents, Mr Barnett says, “I’ve connected with Danny and Leila, who’ve experienced pain that many, many haven’t experienced, losing three kids in an instant. They want to talk about forgiveness and especially how adults and grandparents pass the value of forgiveness on to future generations.” This is important to include as the issue of forgiveness has come up over and over again at previous conferences when g rand p a re nt s h ave a s ke d questions. “They talk about their suffering. They talk about, ‘How do I forgive my son-in-law’? Or ‘How do I forgive my daughter?’ I think the Abdallahs will have a very, very particular way of expressing that.” SC


grandparent conference Leaving a Living Legacy

17th September 2022

Grandparents are the footsteps for future generations

The National Grandparent Conference (NGC) seeks to engage, equip and encourage grandparents and ministry leaders to be intentional in leaving a faith legacy for others to follow, especially our grandchildren. The 2022 NGC will once again bring together a diverse range of inspirational speakers, who in sharing their insight and experience, will seek to encourage grandparents to grab hold of the possibilities that exist for seeing the generations that follow us grow both spiritually and emotionally.



17th September 2022 9am-4:30pm

Figtree Anglican Church 4-10 Gibsons Road, Figtree NSW 2525

REGISTER In person, online (live stream) plus discount option for large live stream group registrations. For more information or to register visit or call Figtree Anglican on 02 4272 1322 Early Bird Discount ends 12th August 2022 Registrations close 12th September 2022 or once maximum capacity is reached. HOSTED BY:



National Grandparent Movement 9

“Whfirfi pfiopfi havfi os conidfincfi churchfis havfi racurfid. Wfi don’ wan ha.”

Seeking to restate the Christian doctrine of marriage was “unremarkable”: Archbishop Raffel addresses General Synod.

Russell Powell Archbishop Kanishka Raffel clarify the situation, Archbishop the Marriage Act have both legal whom the outcomes of these

says he is concerned for the future of the Anglican Church of Australia after the vote at General Synod in May, where t h re e vo te s i n t he H o u s e of Bishops prevente d the Synod from passing a motion expressing support for marriage according to Scripture. The statement was blocked despite indications it had strong backing in Synod generally. The motion was in response to an opinion in 2020 by the Appellate Tribunal, a church legal body, that the blessing of same-sex marriages was not incon sistent with the Fundamental Declarations of the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia. But it made the point that it was up to General Synod to determine Church practice and to express its view about the blessings of same-sex marriages. In moving the motion to 10

Kanishka Raffel thanked the Appellate Tribunal for its work and noted that, in its report, it said “we are not expressing any opinion as to whether marriage between persons of the same sex is consistent with or contrary to the Scriptures”. Quoting Matthew 19, Archbishop Raffel said, “Jesus teaches that marriage is a lifelong, mutual and exclusive commitment between a man and a woman. For Christians, these words of Jesus are authoritative, trustworthy and good, and involve the implication that God’s gift of sexual intimacy is part of the lifelong, covenantal relationship of marriage. “Sexual differentiation is essential for marriage, and therefore same-sex marriages do not come within a Christian understanding of marriage. “Of course, we acknowledge that same-sex marriages under

validity and their own internal integrity, bringing to those who are party to them meaning, companionship and comfort. But Christians must continue to say that God has designed human sexuality to be expressed in the context of marriage between a man and woman who have co mmi tte d t he m s e l ve s to each other exclusively and p ermanently. W henever the Bible addresses sexual expression outside of marriage, whether that is heterosexual or homosexual expression, its assessment is negative.” The Rev Natalie Rosner, who seconded the motion, said: “As I stand here to speak in support of Statement 1, my heart aches with the difficulty of these issues. I have faces of people I love in my mind. People for whom these questions of Christian faith and human sexuality are very personal. For

questions are a daily reality. “These questions are complicated, challenging and painful in many ways. We must come to them with deep humility, with a desire to understand and uphold Scripture and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.” The Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn, Mark Short, called the statement “not an ending but a beginning”. Bishop Short said the work of pastoral accompaniment of the statement would happen when Synod delegates returned to their dioceses, which he described as “the work of engaging our diverse world with the love of Jesus. That work of pastoral accompaniment will take place with open bibles and bowed heads.”. The Primate, Geoffrey Smith, said he appreciated the way the debate had been conducted. “We have disagreed well,” he said. SouthernCross

July–August 2022

Archbishop speaks on implications of General Synod vote.

THE VOTE AND SUBSEQUENT PETITION Earlier amendments were strongly defeated, showing the motion would have had overall support, but a move by opponents of the motion to take a vote by houses meant that despite the support of the majority of laypeople and clergy, it narrowly failed to get support in the smaller House of Bishops. Sydney’s regional bishops voted for the statement, as did several other country diocesan bishops. The voting was : House of Laity 63 yes, 47 no; House of Clergy 70 yes, 39 no;

House of Bishops 10 yes, 12 no. Archbishop Raffel had earlier described the restatement of Christian doctrine on marriage as “unremarkable” and said something would be “fundamentally awry” if it were not supported. “ Fa ili n g to m a ke t he s e affirmations has left us in a perilous position and no one should be mistaken about that,” he said immediately after the vote. The next day, in a rare move, Synod was petitioned by the majority of its delegates, expressing regret that the House of Bishops had failed to clearly

affirm the teaching of Christ on would clearly affirm and be united marriage. in their support for the teaching of Clergy, laity and several Christ concerning marriage and the bishops signed a petition, which principles of marriage reflected in read: the Book of Common Prayer. Noting with regret that on 11 May The petition was presented 2022, despite clear support from by the Rev Canon Phil Colgan the majority of General Synod from Sydney, and Melbourne (including majorities in the Houses lay delegate Fiona McLean. The of Laity and Clergy), the majority motion to receive it passed easily, of the House of Bishops voted meaning it became part of the against Motion 20.3 “Statements record of the Synod. as to the Faith, Ritual, Ceremonial The events of the Synod do or Discipline of this Church made not mean Church doctrine has under Section 4 of the Constitution”, changed. The last Synod, in 2017, the petitioners humbly pray that twice supported statements Synod commits to praying that all affirming marriage as between Members of the House of Bishops a man and a woman. SC

MORE DETAIL FROM THE ARCHBISHOP Archbishop Rafiel, in an interview after the Synod vote, explained his comments on the floor of Synod and expressed fear that the church may fracture, as has happened overseas. Then, what about the unity of the Australian church?

Can you explain what you meant when you told Synod that the refusal of the House of Bishops to pass the statement on marriage leaves the church in a perilous position? W h a t w e h a d a t t h e s e i o n w a s a c le a r a r m t i o n f r o m t h e m a j o r i t y of p e o l i n t h e r o m t h a t h ey c o n t i u e t o h o l d t o t h e b i l c a an d hi s t o r c al y A n glic a p o s i t n o n m ar i g e . T h e house of L ait y and Clergy exprs ed tha evr y strongly and yb a s m a l m a r g i n t h e H o u s e o f B i s h o p f a i l e d t o d o i t . T h a t le v a s u s i n a p o s i t n w h e r i t i s u n c le a r t h a t h e le a d r s h i p of t h e c h u r i s u n i t e d a r o u n d a c o m n u n d e r s t a n d i g of Scriptue and Anglica formulaies.

Our Consti u on has gievn us a lo se natio l struc e. It is alre dy lo se. The Gen ral Synod can pas legis aton, and it s’ u p t o e a c h d i o c e s t h e n t o c n s i d e r i t a n d a o p t i f t h ey c h o s e . So, it s’ be n a evr y exibl struc e and tha has alowed us t o c o n t i u e , d e s p i t h v a i n g a v a r i e t y of v i e w s o n a v a r i e t y of s u b j e c t s . B u t I t h i n k t h e r i s a s e n t h a t h i s p a r t i c u l a r m at e r is pret y fundamet l . So, it is hard to imagne what evn more l o s e n i g w o u l d l o k l i e k . I d o ’n t k n o w t h e a n s w e r t o t h e s q u e s t i o n . B u t I a m ev r y c o n e r d b e c a u s I t h i n k t h e r i s a great work being done yb the Anglica Church natio ly and I w a n t t o s e t h a wo r k u n i t e d a ro u n d a c o m n p ro c l a m t i o n of t h e lo r d s h i p of J e s u a n d b r i n g t o t h e A u s t r a l i n c o m u n i t y n a t i o l y t h e g o d n e w s o f h i s g r a c e a n d m .e r c y So it would be a evr y hig price to pya for tha to be weakn d. T h e p o i n t t h a I m a d e i n ym s p e c h w a s t h a i n o t h e r jurisdc tions – in Canad , in America, in Brazil and Scotland, i n N e w Ze a l n d – t h i s i s t h e i s u e a t w h i c p o i n t A n g l i c a Christan heva found thems lv syaing, “I can liev with t h e d i ev r s t y o f v i e w s a r o u n d a v a r i e t y o f m a t e r s . B u t I a m c o vn i t e d t h a t h e r i s c le a r t e a c h i n g i n t h e B i b le t h a h a s b e n e x p r s e d c o n s i t e n ly i n A n g l i c a l i t u r g e s a n d p r a c t i e f o r h u n d r e s o f ey a r s , a n d i f t h e c h u r t u r n s i t s b a c k o n t h a t h e n I c a ’n t b e a s o c i a t e d w i t h i t a y n . m o r e ”

T h a t s ’ p e r i l o u s f o r a c h u r . o T h ev a t h a k i n d o f a m b i g u o s p i c t u r e of w h e r i t s l e a d r s h i p i s a t , i s t h e r s t s e n i n w h i c it is perilous. Sec,ondly what we’v se n eovr the past 20 eyars o r s o, m o s t l y i n e W s t r n c h u r e s , i s t h a w h e r p e o l h ev a lo s t c o n d e i n t h e g o d n e s a n d t r u s w o r t h i n e s of G o d s ’ wo r d a s i t h a s b e n e x p r s e d i n A n g l i c a l i t u r g y a n d p r a c t i e f o r 5 0 e y a r s – w h e r p e o l h ev a l o s t c o n d e i n t h a – t h o s e c h u r e s h ev a f r a c t u e d . e W d o ’ n t w a n t t h a . B u t t h a i s w h a t h a s h a p e n d i n m a yn c o u n t r i e s .

Some peol heva come to tha con lusi , and so in those j u r i s d c t i o n s t h a I m e nt i o d , n ew p a r l e A n g l i c a c h u r e s h ev a c o m e i n t o e x i s t n c e . T h e y a r e g e n u i l y A n g l i c a c h u r e s b e c a u s t h ey a r e c o n t i u g t o a r m t h e A n g l i c a p at e r n a n d b i l c a t e a c h i n g .

How likely is it that the church in Australia will fracture?

How will the Sydney Diocese react?

Anglica s liek to sya tha we are synodicaly geovrn d and episco aly led. So thes kinds of decison heva in the past be n made yb the peol of the chur , the synod . So it is i m p o s b le t o p r e d i c t w h a t i t w o u l d m e a n o r w h a t i t w o u l d lo k l ie k . B u t I t h i n k c e r t a i n l y t h e r i s a g r e a t d e a l of g r i e f a r o u n d t h e f a i l u r e o f t h e b i s h o p t o g i ev t h e s t r o n g a r m t i o n t h a w a s m a d e yb c l e r g y a n d l a i , t y a c l e a r a r m t i o n o f A n g l i c a d o c t r in e .

T h e r w i l b e a g r e a t d e a l o f f e l i n g a b o u t t h i s a n d a ev r y g r e a t d e a l of d i s a p o n t m e w i t h w h a t h a s h a p e n d b u t w e a r e ev r y r m l y c o m i t e d t o t h e c o n s t i u o n a l u n d e r s t a n d i g of the Anglica Church. ou Y mya heva heard ref nc s t o t h e f u n d a m e t l d e c l a r t i o n s a n d t h e r u l i n g p r i n c le s . T h ey d e n o u r u n d e r s t a n d i g of A n g l i c a s m a n d w e a r e thorugly comit ed to them. So we think it s’ other peol w h o h ev a d e p a r t e d .


July–August 2022


Chief of the Defence Force coem nds im nistry in Nav y, Army and Air Force.

Dchshchncch chapstains “via st”

The value of Defence chaplaincy: Navy chaplain the Rev Cath Wynn Jones speaks to General Synod. photo: James Levingston

The ministry of chaplains to

the Australian Defence Force was front and centre on day four of General Synod as the Bishop of the Defence Force, Grant Dibden, addressed members, and Sydney Navy chaplain Cath Wynn Jones introduced a video highlighting the work of Army, Navy and Air Force chaplains. The video featured a warm commendation of chaplaincy from the Chief of the Defence Force, General Angus Campbell, who described the work as nurturing of “character, moral strength and resilience”. The General said Defence chaplains supported the moral decision making of individual sailors, soldiers, aviators and commanders as they made lifeand-death decisions. “They walk side by side with 12

“When some of my people were killed by troops they had been training – an ‘insider attack’ as it was known – it was the work of our chaplains that brought together the team in shock and grief and helped them understand a pathway forward. [It was] incredibly powerful and utterly vital to continuing our mission. I’m deeply appreciative of their service.” The Synod then affirmed the Chaplains nurture “moral strength”: General Angus Campbell. importance of Anglican defence chaplaincy as a critical element our people in the toughest of General Campbell spoke highly of the Church’s ministry and times and harder situations you of chaplaincy work in the field encouraged each diocese to can imagine,” he said. “We need of conflict. “In Afghanistan, work with the Bishop to the chaplains to stand with them our chaplains were critical to Defence Force to recruit men in their darkest moments, to sustaining the resilience, the and women for chaplaincy. It provide pastoral care and to help strength and the commitment also commended churches to them heal the moral injury and of the force, particularly under mark Defence Sunday – the spiritual wounds that service some extraordinarily difficult Sunday before Remembrance can inflict.” circumstances. Day. SC SouthernCross

July–August 2022

A special coim ssion takes work on DV forward.

Acchion on shamisty viost n c do“ s noch nd h r ” After hearing the results of the resolution and the first

the National Anglican Family Violence Project, the General Syno d has resourced a new Families and Culture Commission to make further recommendations on the issue. In several resolutions, the Synod was reminded of research, re l e a s e d e a r li e r , s how i n g similar levels of family violence in Anglican churches when compared to the community nationally. It found: • the prevalence of Intimate Par tner Violence (IPV) among Anglicans was the same or higher than in the wider Australian community; • women were much more likely than men to have experienced IPV; • most Anglican victims of IPV did not seek help from Anglican churches, but for those that did most reported that it positively changed the situation or helped them feel supported. The Rev Tracy Lauersen from Melbourne, convener of the Fa mi l y V iol e n c e w o r k i n g group, was joined by the Dean of Sydney, Sandy Grant, and Dr Karin Sowada from Sydney in presenting the resolutions. Ms Lauers en note d th at

commitment “lament s the v iol e n c e w h i ch h a s b e e n s u ffe re d by s o m e o f o u r members and repents of the part we have played in allowing an environment where violence went unaddressed”. There were nine other commitment s – includin g Resolutions on DV: Dr Karin Sowada and the Rev Tracy Lauersen. a ple dge th at the Chu rch “supports cultural change in our research demonstrates that Culture Commission to continue communities by communicating there are positives in how we examining the issue of family effectively to our members” as have handled family violence.” violence and to bring further well as training for “leaders, Dr Sowada added that the recommendations. pastoral staff and parish councils A n g l i c an C h u rch h a s t he “We need to take this process of to understand and be equipped opp ortunit y to not simply change forward in the Anglican to respond in ways that prevent continue a s a par t of the Church and this commission is and address domestic and family problem but to help lead the how that might be done,” Dr violence”. way in changing church cultures Sowada said. “It has a big job “Domestic violence is wrong broadly, as well as Australia’s to do and it is essential that this and the Bible should never be culture, in relation to this issue. research and the work of the interpreted to justify or excuse Synod then voted to ratify working group does not just end any form of violence,” Dr and resource the Families and here.” SC Sowada said. “We need to face [the fact] that the Bible has been used to justify violence in the Whether you want to prepare home. “The current national for pastoral ministry conversation on violence against or cross-cultural women shows this is a problem mission, or simply that reaches deep right across want to know God society. It is a sad fact that the Anglican Church of Australia and his word better, has decades of experience come to the SMBC dealing with people who have Info Morning and been abused. We have not always done that well but the learn about your

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July–August 2022



Singchshnshss honourabchsh, says Gshnshrach Synod

“Significant” moment in ministry to single Christians: the Rev Dr Dani Treweek and the Rev Dr Rhys Bezzant.

Russell Powell Despite the House of Bishops Dr Dani Treweek from Sydney because I stand before you sees the possibility of a lifetime

failing to affirm marriage as between a man and a woman, General Synod did reaffirm the Faithfulness in Service standard for clergy and church workers as chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. In doing so, the Syno d made a landmark affirmation of singleness. Faithfulness in Service was adopted by the General Synod in 2004 as the national code for personal behaviour and the practice of pastoral ministry by clergy and lay church workers. It upholds biblical teaching on sexual absintence in singleness. Two single clergy, the Rev 14

and the Rev Dr Rhys Bezzant from Melbourne, backed a three-clause resolution that notes Faithfulness in Service and “affirms that singleness is, like marriage, an honourable state for God’s people, in which the fullness of God’s blessings may be enjoyed”. Dr Treweek, the founder of Single Minded and author of a book on singleness, told the Synod: “I believe my moving of this motion is one of the most personally significant things I’ll ever do as part of my ministry to, amongst and for single Christians. “Why do I say that? Well,

today, the General Synod of the denomination of which I’ve been a member my entire life, into which I have been ordained, whose members I serve and which I love, asking us to not merely affirm and honour singleness, but to affirm, honour and encourage our single brothers and sisters in Christ. All of them.” D r Tre w e e k w e nt o n to explain where the Bible highly commends and honours singleness, then asked: “But is it as highly commended and honoured in our life together? The evidence suggests it is not.” She added that the world

without sex as “unthinkable… even cruel, [but] to put it more personally, chastity is not a cruel suppression of my sexuality as a single Christian. Instead, it is my active and godly expression of the sexuality God has given me as a single Christian.” Before the motion passed, Dr Treweek posed this question to the House: “In 2004 we as a church called the single Christian to value their chastity. “In 2022, the essential question before us is whether we, as a church, will resolve to value those chaste single Christians themselves.” SC SouthernCross

July–August 2022

A nager of nobleat esor outil ns orf m eht Anglica oatin lan t.enparlim



Seevral delgat s spoek in sup or t of a motin caling for ac tion on climate change. The motin, recognis Gods’ seovrign and go d superint de c of his creation and a c k n o w l e d g i n h u m a n r e s p o n i b l t y f o r o u r s t e w a r d h i p of i t , l a m e n t d “ t h e s u 1 e r i n g a l re d y b e i n g e n d u r a c ro s t h e w o r l d yb c o m u n i t e s f a c i n g d r o u g h t , w a t e r i n s u 0 c i e , n y los of arble lands, destruc iev 2re evnts, cylones, 4oods a n d r i s n g s e a lev s , a n d t h e i n c r e a s i n g c h a l e n g s c a u s e d yb r i s n g g l o b a t e m p r a t u e s , a i r p o l u t i n a n d l o s o f b i o d ev r s i , t y w h i c w i l b e b o r n e d i s p r o t i o n a e l y y b t h e p o r e s t of t h e w o r l d s ’ p o . r ”

Gen ral Synod, in t wo separt motins on the 1rst , dya caled upon st ae and ter i o y geovrnm ts to t aek a s e r i of a c t i o n s t o w a r d s g a m b l i n r e f o m , i n c l u d g a b a n on al spor ts gamblin adevr tisng on TV, radio and onlie, s t o p i n g c re d i t c a r d g a m b l i n a n d c re at i n g $ 1 b e t l i m t s o n a l p oekr m a c h i n e s . Put for wad yb the Dean of Sy,dney Sandy Grant and theolgian the Rev Dr Michael Bird from Melbourne, the motins note tha Australi has the worlds’ worst rate of gamblin los e . Noting tha the Bible reminds rule s to “ S p e a k u p a n d j u d g e f a i r l y ; d e f n t h e r i g h t s of t h e p o r a n d ne dy ” P ( reov bs 3),1:9 the tex of the resolutins wil be for wade to fed ral , st ae and ter i o y geovrnm ts.

Synod caled on the Australin Geovrnm t , the comunit y and al peol of faith to sup or t Paci2c and Aborignal and Tores Strait Islander comunites in their cal for urgent reduc tions in emis on of gre nhouse gase . Sup or ted yb Indigenous delgat s, the Geovrnm t was asekd to provide 2nancil sup or t to as i t a1ec t d Paci2c and Aborignal and Tores Strait Islander comunites to adpt to protec t h e i r l a n d s , i s l a n d , l i ev s a n d f u t r e s .

OCCA SIONS MARKED Gen ral Synod 18 marekd the 1nal Synod for t wo Sydney delgat s – forme Justice Peter oung Y and Dr Bar y Newman. Both men heva be n prominet in the natio l synod for more than 30 eyars, with Justice oung Y in c o n t i u s m e b r s h i p s i n c e 198 5 .

THE GRETA COMISSION The Dean of Sydney Sandy G r a nt (lef )t c o n f e s d t h a of t h e s ev r a l m o t i n s h e was ivonled in, he was m o s t p a s io n t e ab o u t e n c o ur a gin Synod t o re c o m i t t o t h e G r e a t C o m i s o n of Jesu to go and maek d i s c p l e of a l n a t i o s .

Synod sup or ted the motin, second yb Bishop Rick L e w r s , t h a “ l a m e n t s t h e l a c k o f a t e n i o w e h ev a g i ev n i n t h e o r d e i n g of o u r b u s i n e t o w a r d s e n c o u r a g i n ev a n g l i s m a n d d i s c p le - m .a k i n ”g It com end Anglican organisto and chapl ins m a d e p re a c h i n g a n d p ro c l a i m n g t h e g o s p e l their mis on . But , Synod agre d, “ the of o b e d i n c t o C h r i s t ’ G r e a t C o m i s o n l i e s c o m i s o n , a g e n c i s o r s y n o d b u t w i t h lo c a c h u r e s . So as me b rs of the same, we p e r s o n al f ai t h a n d o b e di n c t o t h e L o rd v a r i e d p a r t s w e c a n p l y a i n ev a n g l i s m a n d d i s c p le - m .a k i n ”g

who c e nt r a l t o p r im a y c ar i g e n ot w i t h r e d i c a t e o u r s e lv i n Jesu for the


July–August 2022

The Synod noted Justice ousn’g Y various roles as chairmn of comit e s, me b r of the Churc L aw Comis on, his chairmnship of the National Churc Consti u on Comis on, and ser vice 1rstly as a me b r and then as the presid nt of the Appel at Tribunal . A motin of thanks was marekd with a st andig ovatin. The Rev Nigel For tsecu then led a tribu e to Dr Newman, n o t i g h i s p“ a s i o n t e a p r o c h t o t h e b u s i n e of t h e Gen ral Synod, par ticulary in pursing faithulnes in mis on, the sacrments and theolgica thi.nk ”g Also noted was Dr Newmsa’n r“emakbl cap it y to speak w i t h o u n o t e s i n a s t r u c e d a n d i n f o r m a t ev m a n e r withou becoming loquaci s or evrb.os” The motin p a s e d w i t h a c l m tio n . Also marekd was the 60th anievrsa y of Anglican Su,per with a motin thankig the fund “ for re0ec ting our Anglican u n d e r s t a n d i g i n i t s e t h i c a l i ev n s t m p r a c t i e s , n o t a b l y a g i n s t g a m b l i n , s l ev a r y a n d h u m a n t r a 2 c . k i n ” g Moving the motin, Brisbane lya delgat Allan Thoms n s aid , A “ s a direc to of the Long Ser vice Leva uFnd I heva s e n h ow d i 2 c u lt i t i s f o r a f a i t h f u n d t o h o l d f a s t t o e t h i c a l ievnstm s. That Anglican Super has done tha for 60 ey a r s i s t r u l y i m p r e s i v – a n d f o r a s u p e r f u n d t o c o n t i u e t o o p e r a t af t e r s i x d e c a s i s w o r t y h o f c o n g r a t u l i o n ” s .


The servant Queen Kanishka Raffel


ast month we rejoiced and gave thanks to Almighty

God for the 70-year reign of Her Majesty, Elizabeth II – by the grace of God, Queen of Australia, her other realms and territories, Head of the Commonwealth – and marked the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee with a special service of celebration and thanks at St Andrew’s Cathedral. February 6 was the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s accession. It is a singular and remarkable milestone on its own, but it is all the more so because of the qualities of Her Majesty’s reign. Grace, wisdom, kindness, generosity, perseverance, humility and faith are words that spring readily to mind. We do not give thanks only for the extraordinary longevity of Her Majesty’s reign but for the beauty of it. Whether republican or monarchist, I think we’re all “Elizabethans”. Monarch is not a position to which one can aspire or for which one can apply. It is thrust upon one, in the most unhappy of circumstances. And there is no retirement age. Writer Mark McGinness relates that when Her Majesty’s father became King, her sister Princess Margaret asked her, “Does that mean you will have to be the next Queen?” – to which the 11-year-old Princess Elizabeth replied, “Yes, someday”. “Poor you,” said Princess Margaret. Her Majesty’s biographers say she prayed every night for a brother. The Cathedral’s Platinum Jubilee service fell on Pentecost Sunday, for which the recommended readings included Joshua 1, and its context of leadership transition. The great and first leader of Israel, Moses, has gone to be with his forefathers and Joshua, his aide, is commissioned by God to succeed his mentor. Three times the Lord exhorts Joshua: be strong and courageous – I will be with you and never leave you; be strong and courageous – be careful to obey all the laws my servant Moses gave you; be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you. Princess Elizabeth was 25 years old and on tour in Kenya, on her way to Australia, when she learnt the tragic news of the early death of her father, George VI. King George had acceded to the throne only after the unprecedented abdication of his brother Edward VIII. This had shaken the nation, and its impact on her father, the royal family and the kingdom is undoubtedly part of the background to Her Majesty’s unswerving devotion to her role. Her uncle’s reign was the shortest of any British monarch. Her Majesty’s eclipsed that of her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, more than six years ago. 16

In her first Christmas broadcast in 1952, still six months before her coronation, Her Majesty said: I want to ask you all, whatever your religion may be, to pray for me on that day – to pray that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making and that I may faithfully serve him, and you, all the days of my life. It is a beautifully simple but profoundly faith-filled request. Though she is the sovereign, Her Majesty does not hesitate to seek the prayers of her people. She is conscious of the weight of the promises she will make at her coronation, and she asks for God’s blessing of wisdom and strength. She understands her role as Queen to be one of service – service of God and service of the people, and her intention, desire and commitment are to be faithful to that calling for her whole life. The Lord exhorts Joshua to be strong and courageous, for “[I] will be with you wherever you go”. And the Lord says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it” (Joshua 1:8). Her Majesty’s coronation service in Westminster Abbey in June 1953 was attended by more than 8000 people and lasted three hours. It was watched on television by an estimated 25 million. It began with solemn oaths. Her Majesty was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if she would govern the peoples of her realms according to their laws; if she would temper justice with mercy in all her decisions and if she would “to the utmost of her power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel”. To each she replied, “I will”. And then she was presented with a Bible. Before she received the crown, the orb, the sceptre and the rod, the first item presented to the Queen immediately following her oaths was the Bible. The Archbishop of Canterbury, accompanied by the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, gave it to her, saying: Our gracious Queen ... we present you with this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is Wisdom; This is the royal Law; These are the lively Oracles of God. In her annual Christmas broadcasts, Her Majesty has regularly referred to Scripture and the teaching of Jesus, and she has frequently chosen to speak in a personal and gentle way about her faith. In 2016 she said, “Billions of people now follow Christ’s SouthernCross

July–August 2022

Archbishop writes.

teaching and find in him the guiding light for their lives. I am one of them because Christ’s example helps me see the value of doing small things with great love, whoever does them and whatever they themselves believe”. It would be possible but quite mistaken to think that Her Majesty is merely fulfilling her role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England when she speaks in this way. Although the Queen has met with every British PM and US President, and most Australian PMs, her discretion is legendary. She has never expressed an opinion about them. But in her annual Christmas messages she has chosen to speak with warmth and affection of the many “ordinary people” whom she has met who quietly go about doing good work, whatever their background or faith may be; and she has often chosen to offer a personal reflection on the life of Jesus. In 2014 she said, “for me, the life of Jesus Christ... is an inspiration and an anchor in my life”, and on another occasion she said, “it is my prayer that… we might all find room in our lives for the message of the angels and for the love of God through Christ our Lord”. Perhaps no single word better encapsulates the character of Her Majesty’s reign than the word “service”. The second reading from our Jubilee service captured Jesus’ words to his disciples when they were embroiled in a dispute as to which of them was the greatest. Jesus said, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them… But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves… I am among you as one who serves” (Luke 22:25-27.) Her Majesty quoted these words of Jesus in her Christmas message from her Diamond Jubilee in 2012: She said: “This is the time of year when we remember that God sent his only son ‘to serve, not to be served’. He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ”. The service that Jesus offers the world is his life of perfect obedience and his death for our sins. He lives the life we owe to the God who gave us life; in death, he willingly suffers the penalty that our sins deserve. The Queen reflected on the unique ministry of Jesus in his life and death in this way, in her Christmas message of 2011: Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves – from our recklessness or our greed. God sent into the world a unique person – neither a philosopher SouthernCross

July–August 2022

nor a general, important thought they are, but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith… It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love. In Philippians 2, the apostle Paul says of the Lord Jesus that although he was “in very nature God, [he] did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage” but humbled himself, even to death on a cross. It is precisely the death of the man who was God, on the Cross for our sakes, that inverted the ancient world’s adulation of power and glory and made the way of humility and service a virtue in Western culture. Her Majesty’s commitment to service as her vocation preceded her accession to the throne, and it has characterised her entire reign. In a broadcast to the Empire made on her 21st birthday she pledged: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong”. Over the past 70 years, Her Majesty has met weekly with each of the 14 British prime ministers who have served during her reign, and until recently she dealt with government papers on a daily basis. She has visited Australia 16 times (along with many other nations) and is patron to more than 600 charitable organisations across the Commonwealth, spanning diverse areas of endeavour including agriculture, children and youth, health, faith, animal welfare, the environment, science and industry, sport, the arts and education. Yet, she has regularly commended the service of those who quietly go about improving the lives of others. To this day, as we are all too grimly aware, there are rulers who “lord it” over their people – tyrants, dictators and despots who exploit privilege and position for self-interest and self-exaltation. They are the antithesis of the pattern of Jesus the servant King and, we might respectfully add, the Queen who serves him. In the foreword to The Servant Queen, a book published to commemorate Her Majesty’s 90th birthday, she said of the past 90 years that “we have witnessed triumphs and tragedies. Our world has enjoyed great advances… but it has also endured war, conflict and terrible suffering... In my first Christmas broadcast, I asked the people of the Commonwealth and Empire to pray for me as I prepared to dedicate myself to their service at my Coronation. I have been – and remain – very grateful to you for your prayers, and to God for his steadfast love. I have indeed seen His faithfulness. With gladness and reverence, we give thanks for the 70-year reign of our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth. SC 17

Freedom and joy


The treasures of heaven and eternal life should produce in us a deep, abiding joy that all can see, writes M ARK T HO m PSON .



s p eo k t o c u l d n o t b e s u r t h a t h e y w r t h e o b j e c t s o f G d ’ s

i m n s te r w h o , u p n a r i v n g i h s n e w p a r i s h o m e t i n te h i n u c r o y , d f t h a e w s l i j o y n t h a ch u r a n d t e r m n d o u s l a c k o f a s u r n c e . T h p e o l h e

W h e n v r ep ar h c d , w e av t r h e p a r c d , t h e y s m e d dnletyhmaousrcbw o t b e . n E v h i a p u e tr s i n J u a w d e o h r t b e s i p m l y o n e m r t h i n g t he y u m s d o . T he C r i s t a n l e i f w a s , ye ht r w uob a s d e t c nup , mos d b r h f l y e a C rw h s i t n . o d m F c , a j y s e xreipomthc.nyfalsw n g i e b f o s i u e J o t m c o h w es t f u r i p c s ’ e l b B h t Y e f rd a n l s e d , o f h v a i n g e b u d r s t l i f , n w e g i v l f ed.lnjoyufth “ T h e k i n g d o m o f h e a v n , ” J e s u o n c e s a i d , “ i s l i e k t er a s u e h n i d a l , w h i c e o ud n m a r p v . f T 18

e r c y n tl b e n e r a d i n g t h e a c o u n t f o a C h r i s t a n

joy, eh og es dna lse la tha eh has dna buys tha ueld” wetha(M 13:4). Once oy u’ev noticed this eaftur of the Christan leif as sueJ esbircd ,ti oy u nigeb ot es ti .erhwyv efiL rednu ’sueJ r u l e s i e t h t ba n u d e l i f ( J o h n 0 : ) 1 . e T h a i t u h l f s t e na r v s e r t n otin “eth joyof [hsi] maesrt” ta(M 25:3). e W ear ocen ueadrg ot ask in Jesu’ e,amn t“ha your joyyma be l”uf (John 6:24).1 ulaP ot ld eth Ronmas tha e“th okingd m of God si not a ertma of tineag dna drinkg but of eroight uesn dna peac eth Holy Sprit” (Romnas 14:7). “Toh ugh oy u ehva not sen him, oy u loev him”, erPt owr e.t o“Th ugh oy u od not now se him, oy u b e l iv i n h i m a nd rejoice with joytha is inexpsrbl and ulled with glory, obtaing teh ouotc me of oy ur aitfh, teh slatvoi n of oy ur souls” (1 erPt 1:8-9).

n i is h

and joyin

ASTONISHING GOODNESS T he gos p e l of J e s u is a s tonis h n g l y go od . H is k i n g dom h a s edariv dna eryvthing tha ost od ainstg us has ben ltead with of er.v He evag fhimsel as a nasor m of r He oecr ledcin us SouthernCross

July–August 2022

legCo.rmM tfnsihlbcaB

othisaer.F T cuser ha ben silcd – “ethris wno Jesu8:1).(Rom”tChrin aw fontiemdc eotkhbrdnsfa geutndrslifa one Gd’s er.v o nfldrhic

o t u s ” ( R o m 8 : 1 ) . S o , w e d n ’ t e o t b e d ar g w o n y b t eh t r i pu h l m a s c e o f t h s e w o p s e C h r i t , s d o w a n h i p e o l , n o r y b t h e a r t b e k i n g a f i l u e r s i n w o rd a n e d y b e r a w W t . p i h s e dl n a r C h t i w s u e r w o h m s e p s uo r vit c nh ga ,w f e ts uj v h a d n ,ro f it g w eryvthinog. S o , s i c n e w l a y r do e h v b t r o s y – a b u t e l i f w n o a s e rf ayd l e w t h a s dlro e t’n u h – e fi l a s w a n d e l r y j o u f ? A p r e C h i s t a n e f rd o m j y , a r i s n g o f m r t he o gs p l rat he n s o m e a n uc t f r d e x p r i nc e , s i n t s e f l w o m . I t s d n a i r k t o c el h a y f i u n e d r t h e a f ç ed o f e l n i g h t e d p o r g e s a n d l i b e r a t o n f o r m e r a f l w e h t r o f n c a , e v o l b t y a e r v o l ws a t I . n i ro s c o f t h e o t h e r t h a i s n o t s i p m l y s o m e t h i n g t h a s e r v o u r wo n est.rin d n u o r a l w e h t n i u o b a l p m c d u o e w t l a ui q s e r h T u s a n d e v i n t h e c u hr e s . B u t h e c a l e n g I h e a v f l t i s o t y l e m r p u s t i o n t d a r o y s e t b h n gi l e t o a r n e c a icur ,s oe thg yl p f r ca h l t ne vi ca r d n a e r i s e n L o d r . H e f r s u fo rm u n c e t a i y a n d l e g i s m b u t a l s o . e c i n l d u ar s - f , e t p i o h f n s i t c a r o s y u l i e h t m r f H e , u r o w l f nd y i s t e h a r o n w y t h a e g r A n l i c tu g s r , d n a r o h t u e G “ f i w d l c , r e m n a C o hs T p i b c r A l o ev r o f p e a c , i n k n o w l e d g o f w h o m s t a n d o u r e t r n a l i e f , om”.edswhrvitfcp

E e v n t h e s u m o n s o t e r p n t a c e a n d f i t h i s n o t a b u re d n . T he s t i n g s e a r g i v n e o b r f t h y e a r d m n . T he S p i r t o f G o d e n a b l s u s to e r p n t a n d b e l i v . S o w h y , e v n o f r s o m e C h r is t an p e o l , d s C h r i t an d s c p l e h i s m e l i k o n g onestri?cda gfbl . e c a r g p h t o n s i I G . d f e c a r g h t m o f se i r a y j n t h C a i d n t o s a p e l r h vk y m t o n s d I t u o b a n e r lteadboucsinrhJ.tfeosnprh ewithGos.Tlfdnarujyc aonsgplyimtcefhadorugtbenvhaw e a l i f d , s t y h u gr w c n p o k edus.voawhnytrbi e T h r i s a n op r e t c l a b e w ho e a r i n C h s t , o p u o a a n d o t p u o n , t l i e v o u t h e l i f o t h s e r d m a t s u hc t re m n d o u s c o s t . B u t p re c i s e l y b e c a u s e o f a l t h a h a s b e n en,s.thiblorTgvdwuaf C h r i s t a n l i e f , a n d l i e f n t h e f l wo s h i p o f C h r i s t ’ p e o l , i s a joyus aaair – joy evn i the imdst of suaering ad strugle. l.eaotr ui dfnoghsaetEv A l o f t h i s i s w e l a n d go d , a n d I a s u m e t h a m o s t o f u s enoughitqs ruw ia dsthe makong op ipublrecTht. nstiaChreofl ehsaua cr easthonfYm.,rg ed p s r a l uf co t e b n m g i t o c a e w u b d s m r f e o c “ o w n go a l s ” by C h r i s t a n l e a d rs a n d co m e n t a o rs o ve r t h e pastewfyrhaev d uflotehpre.lakTofigrus efdormjust n elf-srving wedontuse hafdorm esponribly. I n t h e mi d s t o f t h e s e x u a l i t y de b a t e s , B r i t s h C h r i s t i a n h c i p t a s r y G l n H a r i s o e t w b o k t e i nl d G o d , S e x a n d H u m F l o u r i s hn g . b e s t h i n g a o u t si e h l . I t a w s e r i d n o m ( t l a s ) t he r a n p i g o b a u t w h s n r i e o l d w e h a v t e o p r t u n i y o t pe r s n a b e t r s o y t h a n e o n t h a is b e n gl d o y t m a f o u p r e t n c i s . T h o p g e l p s i t a e r u d n o a se h t i u l h g o r t e s a p n . h t i w e d sp tieayrdhnI le.otdwihnays

t h a mo e d rf yn t h i c a f s t rhC ni e v a w mo d rf e hT


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A B e t r o yS : I t i s a ge r t b o k b u t o n e f t h e

R E A L FR E D O M e d y c n a r o b l t g s i f h j u y . G l ti d n a s h e m a n d e f a r a s u l t u s i n t h e u q i e t m o e n t s b e yo n d t h e r a c h o f p u b l i c o m e t n a r y , b u t he s a r s o w en d r uf l y a t w i h y b


stChriofnce g thdnaoiecsur th, e

Introduction to the Bible

e i n . v o a d h m F r f t s g b r i n je o y v w h u c i r u m s t a n e r o p e s i .v H w o a m z i n g t i s o eh a r o f t eh joyulfaith Crsian uaeringudopsevimr n v a r oi u s p a r t s o f t h e w o r l d , o f t h s e w o ea r s t i l a b e o t jr i c e ea c is np d t g f l y w h b r ,o ea i p s rpn eioth on.tiualsc i t s l c a e r n u h t o – s i m p e b u l h t o n ca i s r C P l o y a n - i s h e n s b u t i n t h e k n w o l e d g t h a ad y i s o c m n g w e h n r v y o g w il b e r g h t d a n w e t h o n w e s d v a 0-1).nipals2:(PhdofeLr,tw lbnusi ewk,nWoiulPa’sdrth“esuaeringsofthpern e ld a v r b o t s i h a r l g y e t w n p m o c r h t e a m i SouthernCross July–August 2022


Church under a mango tree

Joy in the Lord:

Tim Swan


Tim Swna hwit eht ohc ir hat lsevatr hwit a oism n eamt orf m nia’szT Roayr oDi ces.


n e n o f o u ro y l w e n e d t n l p a , s e h c u r u ro n o i s m m e a t

0 8 6 s e d i t p a b f o y a t H e l n S p o h s i B d a ” , y n t l us e mo c dlu hs Y“ .ai n z T o D ec s raj mi l K t nuo M o n e o f u r im s o n . u ’ l Y b e a m z d a n o y u c l d help with a b ptising. It gets tiring with so many! I had just touched down at Mt Kilimanjaro Airport and Bishop Hotay was giving me an update about his diocese. Between 2019 and 20 1, their teams had reached 2 3 households with the gosp el: 12,85 p eople had given their lives to Jesus, 3501 were a b ptised and 402 churches planted. They had also given food aid to 30 poor families. eH reported that eb fore he was elected ib shop, the diocese had neglected reaching the tribal p eoples in the remote parts of his diocese, so they had started sending mission teams. eW found SouthernCross

July–August 2022

eTh lengshac of ngshari eht gosple ni oemr et parts of rica.Af

eTh gosple goes out:

(clowkise omrf pot t)fle hcur erdun a etr ni eht Dioces fo Mt njo,limaKr Tania;z Tim Swna hwit a tenpmlovd o1icer ni Sohut

Sun;ad onsati lebrc at a wne hcur ni o,dnliL ernhot Tania.z

many ogr ups who had ervn env edhar about God or Jesu. So ew tenw dna edhacpr eth og spel ot em”.th I h a v e re c n t l y re t u n e d f ro m m e t i n g w i t h 2 3 A n g l i c a n ibshops and a dozen Bible oc leg princ als acor s DR Conog , South Sudan and Tanz ia. As we travel d from dio ce s to dio ces acor s thes oc utnries – ther of the po orest on earth – this was teh ost ry aign and aign: ishob ps of r whom o‘g and emak sidcple’ si etrih lutanr puilmse, dna leaidng etrih people in smielnagv si as obovi us ot emth as ineagdr eth Bible si ot us. Twice a motnh Bishop Musa amoY , the new isbhop of Rorya Doi ces in nortehn anzTi, etask a ogr up of avnelgist and paost sr ot a vilaeg with no hcur and, over of ur ayds, tehy og od or ot od or ot eshar eth og spel dna yapr with people. yehT oh dl ngiev sngitem htiw a ohc ,ri sngie rc of eht ulm dna eyrap of r eth sick dna emod n-posed. eyTh apbtsie people dna enth on Suyadn eyth star a h,cur perhas erdun a onmag Sicen eh ebcam oshib p 12 mothsn oag shi eamt has ya de r l e d h c a r 2 , e s a g l v i e d t n a l p 0 1 w e n e s h c u r d n a s e d i t p a b 120 wen Chnstia.r C A L E D T O S H I N E T H L I G H T O F C H R I TS Sharing eth og spel in eths emor et places sin’t easy. Oen siohb p , e d n xi a l p n I “ e h t e s i t c e r h t e r a y n a m t n e p d i e s h c u r t h a heacpr a opr sperity og spel. oY u nca etg hric yb staring a hcur dna ehaicnprg opr sperity. But none of eths ehscur ear og ing ot eth ” es.algvi B y co nt ra s t , i t is t he A n g li c an Ch u rch t h a h a s ch u rche s in thous and of v il a ge s acros Afri ca. Condit on s are tough of r pasot sr, who aer gievn some land ot afrm but lite money. Hoer,vw as one Bible oc elg tesnud said ot me, e“W ear claed ot hcaet eht ,htur ot enihs eht thgil of Chtsir ot oht se ni e.snkrad e W liw og ohtiw ,tu tub siht si thwa ew era eldac ot od as elspicd of Ch” st.ri oJ nhos n Choyni on’g ,el eht ohsiB p of Sh,angyi si a oism rany ibshop who is og ing without. He letf a sal ried p ositon in the capitl ot og ot this new dio ces of 07 isolated vilaegs – and with baerly any or ads, no power and no phone signal, many of esht esaglvi era omla ts oc yletpm tuc ot orf m eht ouedits ow .dlr ohsiB p Choyni o’ng el si ngvirse erh ,seuacb eh ,sya s’tI“ our tuyd ot heacr esth people with eth og spel of Chst”.ri ehT og psle si ngihac esvil ni siht oid .esc tI si a egral aer luf“ SouthernCross

July–August 2022


of pangs”. W hile this isn’t a ow dr I’m acoust med ot using, teh oshib p xedainpl tha one of eth eslnghac in sthi latrib ogr up si eth inlgk of inolba people. eyTh evibl tha if oy u etg a ysilhcap part of eth body of na inolba psoer n, oy u lwi tacr moer esrihc in ingm dna oestivl ck. e“W se tha this [behvaoi ur] can be educr or elitnmad yb nihgcaerp eht og ps,le suecab s’ti thwa onafsrt smr poe s’elp e”,svil eh said. I oc uld se tha praye was eyk of r thes bor thesr in Christ. Archibs op Samuel Peni Enosa for m South Sudan mentioned ot me in pasing tha tehir hcur has a 24/7 payer lcey with uid tner esirnad nigkat pesor tily nbs of r a yad dna thgin of eht ewk. On eth trst Fryaid of eth mothn etyh ast,f etnh tea idner ot egthr and pray tohr ugh the night. The Aihcrsbop said tha tshi si eth poerw behdin nya suce eyth e.hva I ertla of dun out eh has ben od ing sthi of r eth past 14 s.eary GROWTH AND THE FUTURE Anglicans in Sydney haev had a long and fruit l erlationship with An gli can chu r es in Afri ca. oF r deca s we h ave sent oism eirsan orht hgu CMS ot evsr our orb sreht dna sreti .erht Thor ugh the egnor sity of Sydney Christan , Anglica Aid is also playing a or le, sup orting many hcur por jects. Due ot eth ogr wth in eth oDi ces of arM ew ear oc tinug ot estvin in upgradin acfiltes at Bunad Bible Colleg. In uJne, the oc leg h o s t e d t h e c o u n t r y ’ s l a r eg s t B i b l e c o l e g g r a d u t i o n i n l i v n g ome r,y htiw 04 tsnedu nigtuadr orf m nevs oid ecs. rehtO col egs we sup or t acor s Afri ca aer also gradu ting ercord sbernum of tsenud ot esrv esth estharv telds. Anglica Aid sponsosr moer than 50 ufl-time Bible oc leg tensud in nazi,T DR Conog dna South Sunad loa en, dna ew want this to ex pand. I ertu n d to Sydney car ying ger tings t o b ro t h e r s a n d s i t e r s h e r f ro m f u l a n d g ro w i n g A n g l i c a n es.hcur Whta a preivlg ot be in parshiten with hsuc people, dna ot know tha yb our sponsohipsr of bleBi ingart in Africa, osim n si og ing of d.arw SC

eTh vRe Canon Tim Swna is CEO of eht ohbiscrA p of Sydney’s Anglica Aid. 21

Real weakness, real strength “I was tired, and I was angry.”: the Rev Matt Fuller (left) discusses his experience of burnout with the Rev Dominic Steele on The Pastor’s Heart.

Matt Fuller


eakness is good for you. That’s a

challenging thing to say but, really, I don’t think it’s news to anyone who’s a Christian. We know it’s true. It’s the way you become a Christian. You say, “I need Jesus. I can’t achieve heaven”. Weakness is the way, but we need to relearn this truth over and over. In the past year I’ve relearned it in a significant way – and perhaps my experience can inform and protect you, or your church, now and into the future. Around Easter time last year, I completely hit the wall. There were three main things that fed into that: 1 our church in London was planted 20 years ago, but I’d never really got out of the “start-up” pattern of ministry and busy-ness. As the church had grown, this was no longer sustainable; 2 I was my mother’s primary support for the final period of her life, particularly the last six months before her death in October 2020; 3 the isolation that came as a result of COVID hit me hard; it also made managing our staff team more difficult. In March last year I said to our senior elders, “I’m in trouble, and I just need to let you know that”. I didn’t provide too much explanation, so I think they just thought, “Well, none of us are 22

doing particularly well in COVID times! He’ll be fine”. Fortunately, my two key staff lieutenants then went to the elders and told them they’d never seen me like this before. I needed help. In the end, our senior elder, who’s a managing partner in a law firm, said to me: “Twice in my career I’ve had to take three months off because I hit the wall and burnt out. That is you right now. If you don’t take some time off, I’m resigning. You need to take me seriously”. He was right. I was tired, and I was angry. Not at anything, and certainly not with God, but my daily experience was one of relentless irritability. I was also depressed. For some people depression manifests in passivity, for some it’s anxiety and for some, like me, it comes out in anger. So, in May I stood up in front of our church family via livestream, told them I wasn’t coping and that I had to step away from my role for a time. At our church we’ve always pushed pretty hard against polite Christianity. I’m not interested in pretence. So it was very important for me to say exactly what was happening – because if the senior pastor stands up and says, “I can’t cope”, that helps create a willingness among the congregation to push boundaries and be a little bit more honest themselves. And there was a wonderful response. People were incredibly supportive. I took two months off, pretty much completely, and had a SouthernCross

July–August 2022

How burnout changed one pastor’s life for the better.

phased return after that. At the time I just couldn’t cope with people, even though I’m an extrovert, and when I stopped [work] the depression was fairly obvious. I just wanted to quit. There were long walks with two senior elders to tell them that I couldn’t envisage recovering my enthusiasm. They were very wise: they listened, they didn’t panic and they didn’t judge, and they gave me the space I needed to recover. The rhythm to my days is different now. I’ve relearned the importance of accepting limitations, and include such things as a greater amount of rest – so, some weeks I take a day and a half off rather than just Saturday. LEARN FROM THE WORD Theologically I spent the most time during my recovery in 2 Corinthians. Chapter 12 is a particularly rich text and there are some important things in it that I needed to relearn. When Paul says, “I was given a thorn in my flesh” (12:7) that’s such a challenge. These moments of weakness, of suffering, are a gift. I think the thing that struck me most when submerging myself in this again is that Paul says: Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take [the thorn] away from me, but he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (12:8-9). So, relief comes, not always from the thorn being withdrawn, but from more grace. Now, there are physical things to burnout. There’s a stupidity to ignoring that – my own stupidity as well – but rather than thinking ‘This has got to end’, we need to look to God to give us the grace we need. That’s how relief comes, that’s how sustaining power comes, not necessarily in the thorn being completely withdrawn. Maybe I’ll never have the same energy I did as a 30-year-old, but that’s okay! Paul goes on to say that for Christ’s sake he delights in weaknesses. Do we do that? Do I really believe that weakness is good? Being limited is good? Not being able to do everything I want is good? Yes. It’s got to be good. This weakness, this thorn, is a gift. It’s good. I can delight in it. It’s something you relearn and, as you relearn it, you learn it more deeply. As a Christian family, we learn that: • if we only share strengths it can lead to competition and resentment, but • if we share weaknesses it really builds the community. It’s collaboration; it draws people together. It’s much more encouraging, because life is hard.

Daniel Grace Funerals As God is my judge, Jesus Christ is my redeemer.

Partnering with your family and church community in saying thank you. Servicing the southern, western and greater western suburbs.

THE ENEMY OF THE GOSPEL There may be people at your church who others look at and see nothing but a perfect, gleaming life. Perhaps you think this, too? Everything seems gilded for them. We sometimes feel the need to put on our best front because we don’t want to be embarrassed, or we think we should have it together, or we want people to think that you become a Christian and life is “better”. But self-sufficiency is the enemy of the gospel. It’s why so many people in our neighbourhoods say they don’t need Jesus because they’re fine. At our church we’ve found that sharing weaknesses is really helpful. It’s not complicated. It’s not new. But it’s so valuable. Yes, there’s a balance to be struck. You can’t cry every week in the pulpit! But we need to think seriously about how to encourage honesty and vulnerability, because this authenticity connects with people. And for some, to discover that they’re not alone in their struggles and uncertainties is a tremendous relief. When I’m going through a hard time, sometimes I think, what would Satan not want me to do? What would he least like? When we’re going through suffering, Satan wants to isolate us: you’re the only one, they’re all fine, look at them – and your life is miserable, you should give up on the Lord, or indulge in sin, or just withdraw from people and have a pity party on your own. And that’s disaster, isn’t it? So don’t do what Satan wants you to do. That’s the great thing about a culture where you’re sharing your weaknesses and struggles. You’re going towards people and they’re coming towards you. You’re not getting isolated. We can all grow. And we can do it together, supporting each other as the people of God. SC Adapted from an interview on The Pastor’s Heart with the Rev Matt Fuller, senior minister of Christ Church, Mayfair in London.

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July–August 2022

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The good fight of faith

All for the gospel:

eht vRe vidDa Short speak at AFCG ON’s lemJrusa cocenrf ni 2018.

The Rev David Short was born in Tanzania to CMS missionary parents, grew up in Sydney and attended Moore College. He and his wife Bronwyn moved to a V ncouver in the early 190s, where he became rector of the large and strategic church of St John’s. In 20, a doctrinal decision by their bishop tore the fabric of the Anglican Communion, caused a global realignment and took its toll on them and many others. But the Lord has continued to honour his servants. They talk toSIMON







July–August 2022

vDiad, what led oy u to go to cVona uevr? Did oy u evr imange it ow ldu be hsuc a long dna major y?nistrm Bron and I came to Vancouver ofr two years. Ou r aim, after completing a ThM with Jim Pacekr at Regent Col eg, wa s to urnet ot Auialstr or f shpari striny.m Near eth den of tha e,tim t h e p a r i s h w h e r I w a s w o r k i n g p a r t t i m e b e a g n s e a ch r i n g o r f a n e w e r c to a n d , de s p i t o r i g n a l o p s i t o n f o r m t h e i b s h o p , I a s w . ed t n pi a o e W ed t i m o c es v l u r o r o f n e v s o t 0 1 ,s rae y tub oudnf ew ewr not efr ot evla in 2002 ude ot eth nasigeh of the dio ces . The “cris ” in globa Angli cansm, whi c was precip ta e d by ev nt s in Vancouver, to k much lon ger th an we thoug t to be ersolvd. The sub eq nt build ng of a new Anglican body (the Anglican Network in Cand, or ANiC) and the erbuildng of St John’s meant stialb y was vital ot lief and wthogr ta la els.v elT us about Hary Robinson – your perdcsor at St John’s – dna oh w oy u came to be ector r. Har y a w s n a ly ari n d o xt e e tiv a cr or, i unt c a m dfrien d n a ortmen ot me. eUrnd his inmstry St John’s becam p erhas teh estglar Anglicna hcur in Can.d The oidces id not tnaw na l i e a c n g v o t w o l f r a H , y t e y e h t t n e m p a i o o e s c r p a sw r e y v hucm gueid yb teh eignsrov hdan of God. Afetr a nearly yearlong sehcar orf a new oerct we ecdi it was best ot stay and e s r v i n t h s i p a r s i h . e W e w r b u ls i y f e u a n w r o f e t h s o i un t a in eth erwid Aniglnca hcCur of a.ndC sI St oJ s’nh ekil otreh lacignev uaspihg ora dnu eht ow dlr or si it uiteq tid tenr dna ? ectivnsd Our txe noc si etuiq 1 id tner morf escalp hcus as nodL dna New ork. Y Vaervoucn is a hucm slmear city, dan in many yaws emor leik the west ocast of America in culter than the east ocast of adnC dna eht regib eistc fo Tootnr dna .laertnoM Thsi nasem it si a eryv sue-i led city in itlpcao e.tas Vaervoucn si ervy buetailf dna adwrs peol woh ear eplyd etdimoc ot leis,ur pleasur dan olntvmeari isue. Pepole w o n k w o h o t y a l p d rh a e r h – u o y n a c l i sa r o m i w s n i e h t ,n gi r o m play golf in the afterno n and ski at night under light s. It is b o t h e pd l y s e c u l a r a n d s p i r t u l a y h u n g r y – t e h l w e o s t h c u r etancd anywehr in North America, but teh saecdr has not d i s a p e r d , i t i s s i pm l y p u sr e d i n n a t u e r a n d o u sr e l v . e W evha ne kat no na lamro fni pihsreald elor ni ,adnC nigart dna cinegsour eroth es.hcur In 20 , Vancouver’s synod of lowed the bishop’s lead to bles xes-ma olitaer ;spihn a rebmun of sehirap ekil( oy )sru deklaw out dna yleavtnu of rmed a new Anglica liagnmet. iTsh was na pyunha isue to dnast nstagi but ywh was it so impot?nar In many dio ces in the esWtrn world, veanglic s had ben r i d c u l e d n a h e u l ti d a m y b e t r i h l i b a e r e n v ( e t i r h l c ) a s i p o h , b yet the ba si of belon gi and par ti c patin g in the An gli can hcCur edmainr eth 39 Artilesc dna eth odetrinc of eth h.cCur Thta la edhnagc in 2002 – eth blesing of e-sam xse onsiu aws edarg yb oidcensa serlad as na phbleaimcun hunma rights .eusi e W erw ecdro f otni a ”eugolaid“ oecsrp ro f 0ve sraey tha e p k t oc n s e r v a t i s a t t h e t a b l e , b u t u l t i m a e y m a ed c l e a r t h a s a m e - s x e o u n i s , da n t e h n m a r i e , g a w s t e h t i p o f t e h i c e b g : r i t d e p n d o n a d i f e r n t v i e w o f t h e og s p e l , o f t h e c o r s , o f SouthernCross

July–August 2022

teh elvtaoir n of God, of slatvoi n and teh ow rk of teh Spirt, of pecrtna dna eth Chrsitna e.lif Jim eraPck owr et a ow uelrfdn eysa ledca “Wyh I ed”lka W tha si lew ow rth ineag.dr The tecnr bok adnCiorkNetwAglcTh gousacir dnha on ish peol dna eht blekamr iplowshef dna gorpse fo eht ANi,C tub tahw erw emos fo eht stoc fo eht dnats ouy dna ershot tok? nuigDr eht raey-01 oc un itc ew xedcpnir eht luf oh tilys of eht oid ces t(a la els),v as lew as eth Caanid emiad dna soem in our oc oitagern .n tsvicA oj edni our oc oitagern n ot eta rc ohac s dna oc nuitc dna eth bodar of estru ltead with teagr estr dna tnancil risk. It meatn working with Anglicas aocr s Canad, neht eht SU ,A neht olg ylab ot tnd a yaw of .draw sihT ot ok pu ot e rht syad a kew of r em htiw tneuq rf .levart ynaM eshcur dna ygrelc ol ts rieht poneis ns dna liaedcm oc eagrv ohtiw( tu )ngiraw and ewr pseor lnay etanhrd yb tehir ishob ps. Teh tuarm of losing opr p ertis and tnacnil aset built up over engtaroi ns, of erlo cating, of the oc urts upholding so cial policy rathe than eth law, aws xuhsetinag. Noen of us erw ysilhpca edtack as hapens ot servibl in oterh parts of eth ow rld, but eth oc tnsa theras and bulying ot ok a ot l. It has ben a long eorc evry of r most of us.

set out God’s

,norB tahw ptrous aws gnlikca as uoy thguo f siht ogd 1gth dna what psuort was ed?provi How id J.I. Packer (a d,rienf lowef m n i s t e r m n i s t e r a n d c o n g e r a t i m e b r ) l e hp h t r o u g i h ts ? time Conservati s in the Canadi House of Bishops wer lareg y unwil ng to stand of r and por tec Bible- liev ng clergy and co n g re at io n s a s t he li b e ral m a j o r i t y of bis hop s g rew m o re p e rs c u to r y to w a r d e v a n g l i c a s . I n t h e e a r l y y e a rs w e w e r isolated becaus ther wa s no perc dnt of r us in afcing this e,nagstr oh lesti smilaber boem ied yb Chhcur s.erlad tI asw reyv dhra nigeb os ra f yaw orf m ylima f ni ailrtsuA tub ti eamd a eamvis hid ecnr nehw og yld ohsib sp orf m erhwsl edrac of r .su retP ,nesJ luaP ,tenraB ecal W neB dna nirafcA dna nAsia oshib ps dna estprima ecam ot vsit, oc unsel dna dnsta with us ta teagr oc st. sThi aws part of eth of otirma n of AFCG ON. AFCG ON evag us enormous garce, esp cilay eharing about teh hus ngire of otreh nislacgA ora dnu eht ow ,dlr dna a yaw of draw aws emad of r Caand dna eth USA. ehT ow ediwlr sreyap dna pusort of oG s’d poe elp eldban su ot .eurdn enO Suyadn os oem en edvira htiw a tfig orf m a hcur in Chai,n erwh reith opast r had ben psroim end of r of ur s.eayr tI aws a serv orf m 2 omiT yht ni lufitaeb Chesni tpircs ni:gaedr la“ ohw erisd ot evil a og yld efil ni Chtsir sueJ liw eb .”edtucspr The chur tha maed it watned us ot know they wer praying of r us. miJ re kcaP aws a taerg pleh posre ,ylan oapts ,ylar oeht ol yligac dna spriutly.a e W emad no signttcna eocsid ns with whic eh asw on t ni 01 pre tnec .tnem rag nvgiaH miJ o“ n our ”edis tnaem it aws erhda of r einms ot wriet us oh as canrks, or not leyar tahW aw s e h t l ot no uo y h tob d n a wo h di no ita r se eka t ? lpeca Atfer the oc urt case (marekd yb alfse and p esronal at cks on e),vDa eth etivaulcm estr of 01 seary dna grief ofr m eth owh le 25

avoidable mess nally took its toll and Dae v suered a total and rp ofound cola l sp e and rb eakdown. e H was h p ysicaly l , emotionaly l and mentally incapacitated. The hole he e f l into was deep, the recovery was o l ng and we were unsure if he would ever return to ministry. He was on stress leave o f r a year but, with a great deal of care, rest and counsel, he slowly returned to work. During this time the parish was app ealing the court decision and we had to move out of the rectory. h T e diocese also came after us personaly l o f r costs in the case. It was a e v ry diicult time. Losing our home meant we had to enter the skyrocketing a V ncouver rental market. e W moved three times in o f ur years and this took its toll on me h p ysically and mentally. So, e v years after Dae v had his breakdown I had my own, entering a time of anguish, anger and three years of recovery. Through all this God was at work, restoring o b th of us – a p rticularly our hearts o f ro G d himself and o f r ministry. e H restored our sense of rest in him, our o j y, and removed ib tterness and regrets that had u b rdened us o b th. None of those who were a p rt of the a b ttle came out unscathed, u b t it has also pruned the church and united the ANiC deeply in the partnership in the o g spel. It claried the urgent need to return to ib ibl cal teaching.

“It was a e v ry diicult time”:

David and Bronwyn Short.

adults that teaches the af ith, puts in a pl ce habits of devotion and enables young p eople to think critically about what they believe and why. People have been radically catechised y b daily immersion in a deeply secular and paa g n culture. The basic u f rniture to build a Christian lie f and make doctrinal and ethical decisions has been eroded. eW are committed to strengthening and resourcing other churches – our children’s ministry curriculum is being used y b 145 churches, and our adult curriculum is also shared with churches seeking to equip their members more deeply.

How did your boys cope with the unfolding battle? Did you try to protect or involve them in the proces? Our boys were teens to young men during the crisis. Through this time Dae v was e v ry absorbed and often physically absent, having to travel seeking solutions to the crisis. Through this time, we talked through the issues with our boys. Although there was much humour in our conversations, being part of St John’s and having us as their a p rents was relationaly l costly o f r them. When Dae v had his breakdown the boys stepp ed up to carry and care o f r him wonderfuy l .h T ey certainly saw church e l aders e b“ having a b dly” u b t also rg eat courage and sacrice on e b half of the peope l of St John’s, aV ncouver.

a D iv d, what encouragements have e b en evident that h s ould a c use the wider h c urch to rejoice? N A iC is small 57( churches across a C nada) u b t we rejoice in what God is doing. There are a growing number of church plants, and the Lord continues to send us young p eople who want to serve him u f l time. sA a diocese we are committed to u b ilding ib ilb caly l af ithfu,l o g spes-l haring n A ilg can churches. eW are in the rp ocess of creating a seminary (Packer Colee g ) and we have o g dly and wise leaders.

rF om the o b ok I was ts ruck to diso c ev r that in the ,s0691 a C nadian h c ildren and youth were eb ing taught a ev ry liberal and unhelpful u c rriculum l( eading to o c nfused adults at the 20 o v te). How has St John’s been laying a better foundation? Jim a P cker’s intentional lea g cy is a call o f r the return to esihcat [teaching and o f rmation in Christian belief and behaviour]. He rightly diagnosed the anaemic state of gosp el clarity among conservative churches in the eW st as the result of the a f ilure to set deep o g spel o f undations through catechesis. eW have spent the a p st 51 years at tS o J hn’s creating curricula o f r children, youth and

Bron, what would be your key message to Sydney as you reect on the past 30 years? e W are both e v ry grateful to Go d o f r all we have received and continue to receive from Sydney. Dae v e f lt uniquely equipped o f r the crisis because of the friends and o f rmation he had in Sydney. e W want to thank Sydney Angli cans o f r standing with us so af ithfuly and praying so urgently o f r us over so many years. eW would encourage the Diocese to continue to support clergy and parishes in other dioceses that are now a f cing the same sort of circumstances. SC

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Chaplaincy care: The Rev Paul McFarlane (centre) collects frozen meals from Jewish charity Our Big Kitchen earlier this year to to support Lismore paramedics badly affected by the floods.

Following a decade as senior

chaplain to NSW Ambulance, the Rev Paul McFarlane has become principal chaplain at Converge International, a provider of health and wellbeing services to industries as diverse as mining, banking, aviation and government through the Employee Assistance Program. “I will be responsible for heading up any of the programs Converge runs where they have people onsite at your workplace – usually a chaplain, but it might be a psychologist or counsellor,” Mr McFarlane says. “Converge wants me to grow chaplaincy in the workplace again, so I got excited when I heard that!” During his 10 years at NSW Ambulance the team of volunteer chaplains more than doubled, and moved into a range of specialist areas such as helicopter operations and the Triple 0 control centre to support frontline workers more fully. “Chaplaincy at Ambulance certainly became a preferred support mechanism because staff saw the chaplains regularly and they trusted them because they were confidential and caring,” Mr McFarlane says. 28

“[Staff] would often talk to the chaplain about a whole range of work and personal challenges they were facing, and the chaplains were able to support them in that or connect them with other support and care as they needed it.” Mr McFarlane moved from a parish in the Armidale Diocese to this typ e of chaplaincy b e c au s e he b e l i eve s i n a workplace mission model. “I really felt Go d moving increasingly in the workplace,” he explains. “If you want to connect with people and bring spiritual conversations to them you need to be where they are, and the place you’ll find them most often is their workplace. “The thing with faith-based support is that it’s not about the faith of the person receiving the care, it’s about the faith of the person providing it: the mindset that comes with that and the caring heart. As we’re motivated by the love of Jesus, we share that love and caring heart with the community. “You don’t have to have faith to access a chaplain – often people who access a chaplain have no defined faith – but they know the chaplain cares for them,

loves them and genuinely listens to them. Those things are really valuable. “From a kingdom point of view, it also means that staff have access to people who can have those deeper spiritual co nve rs a t i o n s a b o u t l i fe , purpose and meaning – to explore faith if they invite that conversation.” At Converge (which some may recognise by its former name of Inter-church Trade and Industry Mission, or ITIM), Mr McFarlane wants to increase the reach of workplace chaplaincy by encouraging Bible college students to consider the ministry opportunities of such roles. He will also work on models of care that serve different industries and seek to influence conversations around training and accreditation standards so secular industries are confident in a chaplain’s expertise. “We can say we know what we’re doing, but if they don’t understand it then we’re not doing our job properly!” he says. “I’m excited about the possibilities and hope that God’s timing and provision will make this a national missional opportunity.”

After 11 years on the team at Village Church Annandale, nine of which were spent as the assistant minister for maturity and ministry, the Rev Jon Kwan became rector of Forestville on May 3. The Rev Grant de Villiers – who came to Greenacre as assistant minister under the Rev John Bales in 2018, and ran the parish under acting rector the Rev Jarrod Booker after Mr Bales’ retirement in 2019 – was made rector on May 22. Rector of Drummoyne for the past seven years, the Rev Matt Stedman, will become rector of St John’s, Camden on July 21.

VACANT PARISHES List of parishes and provisional parishes, vacant or becoming vacant, as at June 20, 2022: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ashbury** • Menangle Berowra • Mona Vale** Cherrybrook • Northbridge Corrimal • Panania Cronulla • PeakhurstMortdale Drummoyne • Regents Park* Eagle Vale • Rooty Hill Guildford* • Rosemeadow* Kingswood • St James’, King Lavender Bay Street Lawson • Ulladulla Lidcombe • West Lithgow Wollongong Liverpool South Longueville * denotes provisional parishes or Archbishop’s appointments ** right of nomination suspended/on hold


July–August 2022


The Rev Dr B. Ward Powers died on May 7, aged 91. Born Hal Beaumont Rikard Bell on September 20, 1930, his surname changed in 1936 when his mother married Andrew Powers, who officially adopted him. Young Ward Powers gave his life to Jesus at a crusade in 1948, subsequently becoming a lay preacher and Christian Endeavour leader while working as an accountant. He met his wife Valerie at an outreach meeting, and they married in 1956 before he began his studies at Moore College. Ordained in 1959, Mr Powers spent the next five years as rector of Riverwo o d with Narwee – during which time he also received a Diploma of Religious Education (Melbourne College of Divinity) a Bachelor of Divinity with first-class honours (London), plus a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of NSW and an accounting qualification. In 1964 Mr Powers joined the staff at Moore College as Secretar y for External Studies, where he oversaw the development of the Preliminary Theological Certificate. At his funeral in St Andrew’s Cathedral his son David said that during this time his father also “found his calling as a teacher, writer and publisher of books written to guide young Christian s, layp eople and newly ordained ministers”. His numerous books cover issues SouthernCross

July–August 2022

as diverse as marriage, divorce and remarriage, preparing for missionary service, sacraments in the early church, Bible commentaries, The Christian and his Church, The Christian and his Salvation and his highly regarded work Learn to Read the Greek New Testament. W h i l e he w a s re c to r o f Newtown (1967-1974), Mr Powers took a leave of absence to co mp l e te a P h D and a Masters in Linguistics in the UK, where he also spent two years as curate of St Saviour’s, Ruskin Park. After 1974 he became a “theologian at large”, concentrating on his writing, and preaching at a number of churches around Sydney. In 1978 Dr Powers began a 12-year stint as a lecturer at Sydney Missionary and Bible College, in addition to running private Greek classes for theology students. In the academic break before the 1982 college year also he travelled to Africa to help the Evangelical Churches of West Africa set up a seminary. He “retired” in 1989, a year after his wife’s death, but continued to write books and teach Greek – and in the mid1990s helped form Tyndale College in Sydney, spending the following 20 years as the correspondence college’s director of studies and Dean of New Testament and Ethics. Dr Powers remarried, to Colleen, in 2005, and was a member of the Cathedral’s morning congregation until his death. Mo o re C oll e ge p r i nc i p al the Rev Canon Dr Mark Thompson said that “Ward’s long-standing commitment to theological education and the faithful teaching of the Bible, not to mention his highly significant contribution to the development of Moore College’s correspondence course, are all gifts for which we give great thanks to God”.

The Rev Neil Prott died on April 16, aged 84. Born Neil Edmund Prott on June 2, 1937, he became a Christian while undertaking National Service with the RAAF in the 1950s, and entered Moore College a few years later. Ordained in 1963, Mr Prott was curate at Caringbah and Albion Park before spending four years as rector of Oak Flats. In 1972 he was invited to become the rector of Kurrajong – a position he held for 26 years, and through which he changed the lives of many. At his memorial service at Lower Mountains Anglican Church, the Rev Bruce Bennett re c al l e d ge tt i n g to k n ow “Protty” during his early years at Kurrajong, when the cool motorbike-riding minister with the mutton-chop sideburns taught Scripture at local high schools. “‘What does the Bible say?’ is what he taught us all to ask,” Mr Bennett recalled, adding: “There are many here today, and many who couldn’t be here today, who would not know Christ, if it wasn’t for Neil standing solidly on the Bible and preaching the gospel to us. “Neil was completely committed to e n co u r a g i n g t h e n e x t generation of pastors, so when I decided to go to Moore College Neil was there, assuring me that I could do it and helping me connect with the people I needed to talk to, to make it

happen. There are a few of us here today who were once young men learning the ropes in ministry, and every one of us is thankful for the encouragement and advice he gave us along the way.” In the early 1980s Mr Prott was instrumental in the establishment of the Kuyper Christian Scho ol in North Richmond, served for 30 years on the Moore College council (including many years on the candidate selection committee) and, after leaving Kurrajong in 1998, spent the following decade supporting clergy in regional and rural NSW through the Country Serve initiative. “His 10 years in the bush were about absolute practical help, yet practical help that gave him the opportunity to talk about Jesus,” said family friend Howard Whitehouse at the memorial service. “Neil recounted to me his utter enjoyment at being out in the bush, being able to use lifelong skills to help when help was needed, or just talk with farmers when all they needed was a listening ear... To encourage pastors, often working remotely with little or no support.” Mr Prott’s wife June said of her husband that “there are no buildings with his name on it, no books written about him, no photos on walls, but there are lives changed because he put people first and before any praise for himself. “How many people over the years did he point to Jesus? How many now have the name of Jesus written on their heart? How many [people] working in different parts of the world now proclaim Jesus? God only knows! “I know he is standing in the presence of his Lord and Saviour Jesus and has heard him say, ‘Well done you good and faithful servant’. And I know that he now enjoys his everlasting inheritance.” 29

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a n i m a te d f i l m s a re s o

ol l y w o od - b a s e d

i b l . I t h a i l s f o r m R u s i a ( w h e r , p e r s u m a b l y , f i l m a e k rs c a n e t a c r o w k n d e c a t hw i o u t s b c i r n g o t P u ’ s edpar),oinlmwhUktyscuf ot e r i n g s f o r m D i s n e y , P i x a r o D e r a m w o k s , i t h a s n a ï ev , er.ovnmlywuadtgshk- f A s t e h o r y p e n s , p a tr o i e a f o t i n e h p l a c o r f ht 61 – a r b B s e c n i P o f r atp y d h i b n s aumh d t o b r h i w es u a c B ? t o b r W y . h e s c u o t n g i e h d a o t n u r a g i h s x d n a t e v i o s l hw d re n i g a s ,h j lE k e t awithobrldngpae ,orkshwinme Wthgs. ptesinkrughmo,yaftdenksw f i n e s d h . t a D ,c f r v l o p e n – w h i c ew wkno on’tbeagwdhi. B a r b s i n ’ t o hl e d p r t c o f h s e n i l a b . S eh ’ s m o r fc u e d o n t eh l a s b o k h i g l t n eh o u c ar g a nd s k i l o f e h r b l d v P i c n e E w a , r d i s f u e t a r y b h ybedtafrusloiSh. te alwrscinmofgh e n s , t i w ov h c r k g ’ ( a l m p ) on.tiadu efvohsmt I n t h e m e a n t i m e , a s n a k y p o s t a l c l e r k n a m e d B u n d y er a d s B a r b a ’ s m o s t re c n t l o v e l e t r f ro m E d w a r , d e l i v r s i t t o eh r a n d t s o e l t h k i n g . W eh t k i n g s e t h l e r d n a o , s i t c u r y l m f n e ig s h t d m a o g r f s i y d n u B , a w s– erovcidh ougesdity–inlofsegvruam.Tht k i n g e f a r u l y e s r o h i m a n y t h i g n e x ch a n g o r f i t , a n d t h a t u r n s o u t o b e B a r b . S e n s i b l y , s h e s c a p e s i o nt h e n a r y b 30

al - p e r va s i t h a m o v i e f o r m e l s w h r a i s e c u r o i s t y , s i p m l b e c au s i t o r g i n ate s b o y n d t he U S ho t u s e .

My Swe t oMnsetr

c e r t a i ln y f i t s t h a

forest, hoping to make it to Edward’s city on the other side. n I the forest we find Bogey, the fearsome, powerful monster of the title h ( is name is u B ka in the original Russian, which translates as boogieman). He scorns Barbara’s title and her claim to own the forest, when he has been emp owered by Mother Nature herself to protect the woodland and all that is in it. In the forest, it is Barbara who is the intruder. eW know from the title that the rp incess has a change of heart, u b t too much detail would spoil where the story takes us. eB cause while My Swet oM ernst does have echoes of other tales we know well, esp ecially Beauty and the Beast , there are plenty of twists viewers won’t expect. There is a clutch of songs usually short, pretty forgettable and (sadly) not always entirely in tune. eW ’ve become so used to rip-snorting soundtracks with our animated films that this is uq ite a rp oblem. n E glish has also eb en dubeb d over the original Russian, which does take some getting used to and doubtless makes the songs clunkier. Yet even with these shortcomings, My Swet oM nesrt actually grew on me the longer I watched it. Its u q irky simplicity is a refreshing change from the knowing, worldly style of animated film with which we have eb come so familiar. tI ’s a little like hearing an folk tale y b the fireside with your European grandma. The film asks u q estions about our care of the earth and each other, the meaning of true friendship and love, plus the value of family, and of sacrifice. tI also tackles the end result of uninhibited greed. As King Elijah puts it: If you keep asking for more and more, we’ll all be doomed. With any luck Putin will watch this with the grandkids and get the message. SC SouthernCross

July–August 2022

A new book for Christian teens.

Discover freedom in God’s goodness Graham Thomas A N we r e F d o m yb eMik Snwdon (Anglica Pres Aus)trali



e w o d h , b l u s n o ei t q h b y a m g u o t l A ? s k


d o w e g e t o u r et n a g sr ot r e a d g o d C h r i s t a n

opientckgsuabrCh Wm ed n a , r s u t o h v i l a r t s o f h i n g u c a s e r t w d o w n t h e t h e o l g i c a l r i c h n e s , o r go i n n u t s w i t h co u n t l e s e n o c a t ds i u l , r g b o k s t n e m h r a 0 1 0etypgarl. swih I ’ m t h a n k f u l t h a M i e k S n ow d ’ s b o k o n C h r i s t a n e t h i c s , A New om,edrF s r e ag n t o f n e t i r w s o b k h t a e c f r p e h t n i s u l e t k i M

egis.taornyfh d

d o r G g w s ’ i elb B ht a o s “ :d ni m a o wt h ivldnoutgera scp o“tdnarl”,wshi f

G o d ’ s g o d n e s ” . H d o e s t h a y b e d i c ta n g eh s tr d i o f New Fer dom onse”.i eronftiasukbghlTM om.edwfrsnkuthi a A t h e s t a r o f e a ch p r a c t i e s io n ch a p t e r h e s t a e : “ w e t o na w k y h e s o m t i n g d o r a b , n s e l f y o t n a w e us r ,g ik l fo d n s’tI . i ce kam o t e rf o u tg h r e l i f w s k . n W d te h r i g u p q m n t a b r i g s e fi l o n s t d c e h a vgi n su ple h o t y a biB e h l r t go ces)”.dinuar( T h e s i x p r a c t i e s io n ch a p t e s r o c v w r k / s t u d y , m o n e y , o t hgia r s p elb o i tI .y n d a x s e , c l o v i n r g us t oh s e c a p r dn k i t e h o r y , b u t e M i k n o s h a t i w l e.ingcuplarvst o W r i t n g a b o k r f e t s na g i h c l a e n g d o t r v e ny e g t s i r g h t . T e s t rn g h o f o f t h e m a s i t t h e y o u n g r e a d r t o ke p r e a d i n g a n d , m o r e orld.wea inthgGp’sly,korma e M ’ i s k x p l a nt o i f w ho e t i c s a n d G o ’ s p l a n o f s la tv i n


ot h e o r y , a n d t h e r s t o w h a t h e c a l s “ p r a c t i e

A New eFrdom

ae r m n y a d l

eTh vRe ahm Gr oTh mas is otecr r of eht parish of Robertson ni eht NSW Souernht ds.Highlna

from page 32

they serve first with SIM, then with oW rld Vision. oY u will be hard pressed not to weep at the devastation (and I don’t use that word lightly) of the s0891 famine in iN ger. Families wrenched apart, lives lost, gut-twisting deprivation, growing crowds of desp erate p eople outside the comp ound where the Rinaudos lived. Tony regularly cried out to the Lord, seeking direction, asking for relief for iN ger and a way forward. n A d God answered his prayers beyond what he could have imagined. He writes: my doubts adef with the exp rince of seing God at SouthernCross

from Genesis to Revelation fit together is excellent. His grasp of ib lb ical theology in rp actice would no doubt impress his old oM ore College lecturers. His use of diagrams doesn’t distract and is a great tool in understanding the ib g picture. A N e w eFr d o m is also very real and p ersonal. oY u’re not left wondering whether the author really understands what he’s writing about. P ersonal ex p eriences shared in the Suffering practice session are relatable, empathetic and very moving. Another strength is Mike’s use of short videos via QR codes located at various points throughout the bo ok. Communicating through video is certainly something young p eople are used to t( hink TikTok, Instagram and oY uTube), so teaching through this medium is a good call. The videos themselves work well as a rb eak in the reading but also help to reinforce what’s being read. a H ving said that, the videos may not eb for everyone. oS me are absolutely brilliant (for example, a M rriage Story on page 186 and Centre on a p ge )13 u b t some are so u q irky ’I m not sure how useful they are although maybe that’s just me! A Nwe erodF m is an excellent resource but it’s probably more for the older, switched on, ib blically literate teen. I couldn’t help laughing out loud at the start of the sex chapter when he said: eW ’re talking about sex. If you don’t know what that is, stop reading and go ask your parents! As Mike suggests at one point, this could be a bo ok you read with some friends or in a small group Bible study. With a ib t of help from oY uthworks and Christian Education Publications it could also be made into an outstanding resource for senior Christian studies classes in our Anglican schools. fI you’re a youth leader there aren’t many ob oks you must read, but I reckon this is one of them.

July–August 2022

work. The God who does care, who does answer prayer and who does use very ordinary people to do extraordinary things. eH is a God who has replaced despair, rb okenness and tragedy with hope and hope through, of all things, trees! SC The estor F d:oun gre U pHoe or f a etnapl in sicr is available through ISCAST ( in book/ebook form through Koorong, Amazon, Fishpond, Booktopia etc. For more information about FMNR see . 31


Regreening the world

Judy Adamson


Hands on:

Initially, it was about planting saplings to try and replace the millions of trees lost to the country, in the hop e of reversing negative impacts on the water table, soil stability, temperature and more. A eureka moment made Rinaudo realise that the stumps of native trees in iN ger were waiting to u b rst a b ck into life, and thus eb gan the Farmer a M naged a N tural Regeneration F( R NM ) rp oject a simple, inexpensive, grassroots rp ogram that has since spread to dozens of countries and regenerated more than 81 million hectares of land. He writes:

While the success of the FMNR program is an amazing tale in itself, what really gives its soul is the stories it contains, as well as the heart Tony and Liz have for the people continued on page 31

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