2 minute read

From the President

It has been an intense time of fires in Australia. At the time of writing on January 6th 2020, 24 people are confirmed dead ,10+ are unaccounted for, 1600+ homes have been destroyed in NSW with another 700 homes severely damaged, and a conservative estimate of 500+ million of God’s creatures perished in these infernos. It’s not over and we have yet to enter the warmest time of our summer!

It has truly been a difficult time for us as Australians. What will the future hold for our great south land?


For Seventh-day Adventists and Christians in general, the Bible gives us clarity and purpose in the wonderful hope that it articulates. The Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:1 says “But mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days.” Clearly the end of time will be difficult, not only because people will be lovers of self, but with spreading pestilence (like the recent tragic measles outbreak) and the earth crying out in its pain as a result of sin coming to its ultimate conclusion. Make no mistake, Satan is hard at work.

I thank God for Paul and the counsel he gives in 2 Timothy 4:14-16 on what to do as we await the coming of the Lord:

“But as for you, members of the Greater Sydney Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy (in the faith) you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus! All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the people of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

There are several items in that Biblical pericope that we need to identify:

1. Continue in what you’ve learned and accepted! Don’t deviate simply because it’s no longer convenient to do so.

2. Don’t forget those stalwarts of Godly faith who shared the truth with you and honour them for what they testified about. How about you and I doing the same for someone else whom God will place in our lives in 2020?

3. Continue to study the Scriptures regularly because it gives you wisdom by faith during a time lacking in rational thinking. As the word of God, it gives life and trains us in being righteous people...not by our own works, but by Faith!

4. We need to be involved in doing good works. Not to be saved nor for pats on the back, but because we are the hands and feet of Jesus and have been instructed to do this work on behalf of His kingdom. We haven’t been granted permission to drop out of society and support ourselves. God forbid!

Yes, these days are terrible and tragic indeed. But light can shine in them. Take opportunities to share the good news of hope. Care and serve wherever and whenever you can to alleviate the suffering of people and nature. Empathise. That’s life changing wisdom for the last days straight from the Word.

Terry Johnson