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Please review the following Bio’s of the Candidates for the Secretary and Board of Directors (Listed in Alphabetical Order)

Secretary Chris Cain, PGA Jamey Lewis, PGA

Board of Directors Matt Anzalone, PGA Mark Black, PGA Tim Eberlein, PGA David Engram, PGA

May, 2013

Dear Southwest Section PGA Members and Apprentices, I would like to take this opportunity to formally announce my candidacy for Secretary of the Southwest Section PGA. I have been blessed to be a member of the PGA of America for the past fifteen years. In this time, I have benefitted from numerous interactions with altruistic mentors within the golf industry. These interactions have lead to unique work experiences including the honor to serve the membership of the Southwest Section PGA over the past nine years. During my service, I have experienced the challenges associated with leading a large Chapter in a highly competitive and politically charged environment. As being the spokesperson for our Association as ambassadors to the game, these challenges also extended to the efforts of harmonizing missions of our allied associations in a climate of shrinking resources and market demand. While on the surface this may seem a bit overwhelming, I take comfort in knowing that our Association’s position must remain as the leaders in the promotion of the game. Through my service within the Southern Nevada Chapter of the Southwest Section PGA, I developed a broad industry perspective from comprehensive service to the Board of Directors for: The Southwest Section; The Southern Nevada Chapter; The Southern Nevada Golf Association (amateur body); The First Tee of Southern Nevada (junior body); and The Nevada Golf Course Owners’ Association. Through these experiences, I established a framework for increased capacity of information and knowledge enabling a thoughtful decision making process to benefit the mutual interests of our membership and allied associations. I encourage you to review my biography and video message to gain greater perspective on how my experiences have provided the preparation to serve as your Secretary of the Southwest Section PGA. Further, it is these experiences that will enable the capitalization of the underutilized and unrealized potential of the Southern Nevada (Las Vegas) Chapter network that can benefit the health of the Southwest Section PGA. The Southwest Section PGA has benefitted from high levels of committed service from its membership. This service has directly impacted the reputation of our Section, which embodies the spirit of leadership and quality. However, through the past few years our Section has also gone through some tough times. The challenges of dealing with an uncertain financial liability, and decreasing market demand due to the country’s economic recession, has weathered even the most resilient golf professionals. Through the committed efforts of our Section leaders, the uncertainty of financial liability is behind us and the promise of improved market conditions lies ahead. The Section is now poised to enter a new chapter of service; a chapter that will benefit from the success and challenges of the past; a chapter with a conviction of being a leader of sections within our Association. It is time for us to get our swagger back, and enter this new chapter in or Section’s history with a fresh perspective and commitment of established goals for the future.

Nearly one hundred years ago our founding members decided on organizational objectives that would serve the best interests of our profession. These objectives are timeless, and today still guide the direction of our national and section initiatives. These noted objectives are important to all members and apprentices of the PGA of America and include the: • • • • • •

Promotion of the interest in the game of golf Elevation of the standards of the golf professional's vocation Protection of the mutual interest of its members Facilitation of meetings and tournaments for the benefit of members Assisting deserving unemployed members to obtain positions Establishment of a relief fund for deserving members, and charities

Over the next four to six years, I wish to engage our Section members and apprentices in a very meaningful exercise; an exercise that will allow our Section to identify its strengths and opportunities for improvement through a comparative analysis of our Association’s forty-one sections. This member lead initiative will provide many of you interested in giving back to our Section to become agents of change and seize the opportunity to make a lasting impact. We will discover practices other sections employ to meet these objectives and we will prioritize these objectives in a way that best serves our membership within our Section. This comprehensive effort will position our Section with necessary resources and practices to support the most important objectives based on the feedback of our Section members. One might ask how we define the best section. Is it the section with the most money? The section that gives most to charity? The section hosting the most tournaments? The section having the greatest amount of educational opportunities? The section having the lowest unemployment rate? The section having the most ambitious player development programs? While these questions aim to define a method of evaluation; I would simply define the best section as the one that best serves its membership. With this in mind I ask for your vote. A vote that will ensure a person that is: committed to excellence; experienced; energized; passionate; and positioned to serve your Section as an Officer for the next eight years. I respectfully ask each person reading this letter to prioritize the time to attend our annual meeting Monday, June 10. Your attendance is important, not for the primary reason of this election, but for the many benefits you will receive as a member who is engaged in the development of your Section. Respectfully,

Chris Cain, PGA


Past President Southern Nevada Chapter PGA _____________________________________________

Chris Cain, PGA ______________________________

Secretary Candidate Southwest Section

Past Member Board of Directors Southwest Section PGA _____________________________________________

Southwest Section PGA Golf Professional of the Year

Biography Cain, a member of the PGA of America since 1999, is a graduate of the Penn State PGA Golf Management (PGM) University (B.S. '98) and Recreation and Tourism Management Programs (M.S. '04). He started his professional career as an Assistant Golf Professional for Pocono Farms Country Club in Pennsylvania, later joining the management team at the Tournament Players Club in Las Vegas. Cain relocated to Penn State to serve as the PGA Head Golf Professional from 1999-2002, transitioning to a PGA Teaching Professional while completing his Master's degree from 2002-2004. Cain's graduate studies included work with the Penn State PGM Program and instructing for the Departments of Kinesiology, Turfgrass Management, and Exercise and Sports Science. Cain's thesis explored the relationship between golfer practice and performance within Penn State Player Development Program. Cain relocated to Las Vegas in 2004 to direct the UNLV PGA Golf Management University Program. While serving as the Program Director, Cain began serving the PGA of America at the local, regional, and national levels. Cain's service started as a member of the Board of Directors for the Southwest Section Southern Nevada Chapter in 2005, and served as the Chapter's Secretary, Vice President, and President from 2006-2011. Cain served the Southwest Section as a member of the Board of Directors and Committee Chair of Membership Education from 20092011, and also served terms as an appointed member of the Board of Directors for the PGA's Allied Associations including The First Tee of Southern Nevada and the Southern Nevada Golf Association, and the National Advisory Board to Reed Exhibitions focused on development of the PGA Fall Expo. Cain completed his honorary term as President of the Southern Nevada Chapter in 2013 and currently serves on the Southwest Section and Southern Nevada Chapter Award Committees. Cain has served the PGA of America as an Adjunct Faculty Member since 2006 and recently accepted a four-year appointment to the PGA of America Golf Management University

Accreditation Team. Cain currently serves on the National Advisory Board to PGA Magazine, the PGA of America National Committee of Membership Education, the Nevada Golf Course Owners' Association Board of Directors, the Ad Hoc Committee for vision planning for The First Tee of Southern Nevada, and Secretary of the PGA Golf Management University Program Executive Association. Cain has completed Ph.D. course work in Higher Education Administration with emphasis on Educational Leadership, and is nearing the end of completing his dissertation, which examines student, program, and institutional characteristics of PGA Golf Management Programs that relate to students’ intent to persist. Cain is published in the Journal of Recreation and Leisure Education, and has research interests in golf and hospitality management, and persistence within education. Cain currently teaches learning objectives related to the game, people, and business practices within the golf and hospitality management industry. Cain has been recognized for the following awards: National: PGA Magazine Top 5 Best Practices in Player Development, 2012 PGA President’s Council on Growing the Game, 2005, 2008, 2010 Pennsylvania State University PGA PGM Alumnus Golf Professional of the Year, 2007 Regional: PGA Southwest Section Golf Professional of the Year, 2011 PGA Southwest Section Horton Smith Award for Educational Impact, 2009 Local: PGA Southwest Section Southern Nevada Chapter Golf Professional of the Year, 2010 PGA Southwest Section Southern Nevada Chapter Horton Smith Award for Educational Impact, 2007, 2011 PGA Southwest Section Southern Nevada Chapter Bill Strausbaugh Award for Outstanding Mentorship, 2006 Facility Recognition: Penn State Golf Courses, Merchandiser of the Year for Philadelphia Section PGA (General Manager, Doug Wert; Merchandiser, Burch Wilkes; Head Golf Professional, Chris Cain), 1999, 2000, and 2001. Penn State Golf Courses, America's Best 100 Golf Shops (General Manager, Doug Wert; Merchandiser, Burch Wilkes; Head Golf Professional, Chris Cain), 1999, 2000, and 2001. Penn State White Course share of course record at 63 in 2001

To see a youtube video from Chris Cain, PGA click the link below: video url:

Jamey Lewis, PGA Candidate for Secretary of the Southwest Section PGA I am the General Manager/Director of Golf at Wickenburg Country Club and also a Golf Operations Consultant. I have been a club professional for over 20 years with 18 of those spent here in the Southwest Section. I am a green grass professional who knows and shares the same day-to-day challenges that most of my fellow PGA Members and apprentices face. I am very proud to be a PGA Member and especially one in the Southwest Section. Three years ago, I was elected by you to serve as a member of the board of directors. I haven’t taken this responsibility lightly as I currently chair the Apprentice, Awards, and Communications Committees while also contributing to the Employment and Golf Pass Committees. Prior to my role as a board member, I served nine years as the Northern Arizona Director for the SWSPGA Antigua Junior Tour. The first time I ran for the board, my passion was to improve the employment opportunities for us all and elevate the image of our section. Today, my mission is no different. We need to do everything we can as a section to promote the skills and talent that our professionals have to offer. As an active participant in PGA Golf Day and the Arizona Special Olympics Golf Championship, I believe in not only how programs like these benefit the golfers, but also what it does for our professionals and the image of our Section. I’m a firm believer in name branding and it’s something that I emphasize to every apprentice that attends our apprentice orientations. What we do as individual PGA Members and as a group of professionals in this Section is a reflection on each and every one of us. Our programs and actions are crucial so that we are recognized as compassionate leaders and experts in the golf industry and at our facilities. I also think that we can impact our communities in non-golf related ways too, which again only elevates our status a Southwest Section PGA Professional. I will also continue to support the efforts of our section junior golf programs and member tournaments by developing sponsor relationships that are beneficial to both the sponsor and our members. As your Secretary, I will represent you to the best of my ability with the highest integrity always keeping you, the Member in mind. I am a resident of Anthem and close to the Section office so I will play a very active role as Secretary. I will do everything I can to make your membership an invaluable one at the section level and represent us accurately and effectively at the national level. And I am confident that I will be able to show you the answer to one of the most common questions asked over the years: “What do I get for my dues”? We have a dedicated and talented group of professionals and staff steering this section and I would love nothing more that to be a part of that team as your next Secretary. I have always and will continue to make myself available to the membership and invite you to contact me directly at my office at (928) 684-2011 ext. 101. I am honored to have served you as a board member and I would greatly appreciate your vote for Secretary of the Southwest Section PGA. I look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting on June 10th.

Matt Anzalone, PGA My name is Matt Anzalone and I am a class “A” PGA professional and member of the Southwest Section of the PGA of America. I was born in 1986 in Racine, WI, and my family moved to Scottsdale, AZ where I graduated from Desert Mountain high school in 2005. In high school I played three years of varsity golf finishing 2nd all three years as a team in state and placing 12th individually my senior year. I was offered a scholarship to play collegiate golf at Loyola in Chicago. Having such a strong passion for the game I wanted to pursue a career in the golf industry. I attend Arizona State University graduating in 2009 with a degree in Agribusiness and Professional Golf Management. I have been a class “A” PGA member since 2009 and have worked within the Wisconsin and Southwest sections since 2005. I am currently employed as the Head Golf Professional at Gainey Ranch Golf Club. Gainey Ranch is a 27 hole private facility that is owned and managed by Club Corp of America and has a resort component. I am in my second year as Head Golf Professional, sixth season at Gainey Ranch and just recently received a National Club Corp Award of “Rising Star”. The Rising Star award recognizes Club Corp employees who have been with his or her property for less than 18 months or are less than 18 months in a new role. They are employees who, despite their brief tenure, have already demonstrated a passion for building relationships and enriching lives of his or her fellow employee partners, members, and/or guests.

I would like to be considered for a board position with the Southwest Section of the PGA to impact the game of golf and the Southwest Section in several ways. I feel that I can assist building enthusiasm for juniors and upcoming women golfers. As a former participant and current coordinator of annual junior events such as the AJGA Junior All-Star event and the Thunderbird High School Classic which are held at Gainey Ranch Golf Club, I bring a unique perspective. I am also working with The National Women’s Golf Alliance to promote, engage and grow women’s golf. I was invited by the NWGA to speak to golf course owners and managers on this topic in October. I understand the time commitments as a Southwest Section board member and have full support from my general manager, Jim Murphy a past president. I am willing to dedicate myself as much as needed and I am excited to learn more about the Southwest Section, its history, current challenges and future opportunities. If elected a goal of mine will be to contribute as much as possible to make the Southwest Section the strongest section in the PGA in order to have a bright, prosperous future for apprentices and current members. Thank you for your consideration, Matt Anzalone Head Golf Professional, PGA Gainey Ranch Golf Club

Mark Black, PGA I am interested in being a member of the SWSPGA Board of Directors. I bring nearly 25 years of experience as a green grass professional, 15 years as a member of the PGA of America Adjunct faculty in their education program and have had significant tournament playing experience. I am interested in supporting Section Education, increasing the networking among our members and working to better promote the PGA professional in our market. I am currently the Head Golf Professional at Encanterra Country Club and have the following pertinent experience. Section and Chapter Governance Experience  Michigan Section PGA Board Member  Central Chapter PGA (Michigan) Tournament Chairman-3 times  Central Chapter PGA (Michigan) Vice President  Central Chapter PGA (Michigan) President PGA of America involvement and Awards  PGA Master Professional, Certified in General Management  Member PGA adjunct faculty member and Item Writer for PGA Education  Subject matter expert in People and Business courses for PGA Apprentice Education  Instructor PGA member workshops  PGA Strausbaugh- Michigan Section PGA for contributions to PGA members 2006  PGA Horton Smith –Southwest Section PGA for education 2011  PGA Horton Smith- Michigan Section PGA for education 2005 Golf Coach Experience  2001 Michigan High School Athletic Association Regional Coach of the Year 2001, 2002, 2005  Tri-Valley Conference Champions 1999-2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007 Competitive Experience  Central Michigan University Golf Team 4 Years; MAC‐Long drive champion 1977  Buick Open Contestant‐PGA Tour 1988 and 2005  2006 PGA Champions Tour School, Metro West, Orlando, Florida  2006 PGA Champions Tour School and 2007 PGA Champions Finals  National Club Professional Championship 1988‐1989‐1992‐2007‐2008  National Senior Club Professional Championship 2007

Tim Eberlein, PGA Master Professional Golf Academy of America - Phoenix Mr. Eberlein, a PGA Master Professional, became a PGA of America member in 1994. He currently serves as the Campus Director for the Golf Academy of America – Phoenix since 2003. He worked previously for the Golf Academy of America – San Diego as the Campus Director from 1998-2003. Mr. Eberlein has received the Horton Smith Award for Excellence in Education from the Southwest PGA Section in 2010 and San Diego Chapter in 1998. He was recognized as one of the top teachers in the country by T & L Golf and has written numerous articles for golf magazines. He received his MBA from the University of Phoenix and his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Gannon University. He also served in the United States Peace Corp (1987, Gambia, Africa). He is a Master Club Fitter and TPI Certified Instructor. He also has an extensive background in tournament operations and golf management. He has volunteered his time for the last 2-years serving on the SWPGA Section Board as the Education Chairperson, Board of Directors for “Tee Time Magazine” and AIA Advisory Board for High School Golf.

David Engram, PGA

Objective: To become a Southwest PGA Board member and utilize my prior Board of Director experiences in previous sections (Northern Ohio and Georgia) to help the Southwest PGA achieve its’ goals as a section. Work Experiences     

Mirabel, Head Professional, 2010 – Present (Scottsdale, AZ) Barrington Golf Club, Head Professional, 2001 – 2010 (Cleveland, OH) Atlanta Country Club, Assistant Professional, 1998 – 2001 (Marietta, GA) Canterbury Golf Club, Assistant Professional, 1997 – 1998 (Cleveland, OH) East Lake Golf Club, Assistant Professional, 1996 – 1997 (Atlanta, GA)

Education  

Georgia State University, Bachelor of Science, graduated 1995 PGA Member, elected 1999

Tournament Highlights     

Northern Ohio Section Champion (2007) Northern Ohio PNC Champion (2007) Northern Ohio Assistants’ Champion (1997) Northern Ohio Assistant Player of the Year (1997) Winner of many section events in Georgia & Northern Ohio Section

Professional Highlights      

Member, SWPGA Tournament Committee (present) Northern Ohio PGA Board of Directors (2005 – 2007) Northern Ohio PGA Bill Strausbaugh Award (2009) Northern Ohio PGA Merchandiser of the Year (2004) Georgia PGA Board of Directors (1999 – 2000) Georgia PGA Assistant Professional of the Year (2000)

Personal 

Married to Erin and have two children, Andrew (6) and Ellie (4).

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