Summer 2011 - Revive This Nation

Page 32

The Tale of Two Mexicos:

Following God’s call

Story By

Rebecca Carter Matthew Miller

Photography By

Soon after his conversion in 2009, Les Cox saw his life in South Carolina stretching out before him toward a predictable and respectable conclusion.

Mo., where God further affirmed his ministry calling. Cox followed God’s leading in sermon delivery, knocking on doors in the neighborhood, and sharing his faith at the

However, when Cox sensed a call to ministry

local mall. Despite balancing the pressures of

during a winter mission trip to Mexico, he knew

schoolwork as well as sermon preparation to

his path would drastically change once he

wrap up his first full year of college, he resolved

returned to the States.

in his heart to give it his all, even though he

“I saw my life go either in the left lane with my dad’s business, or in the right lane with

Where: Mexico, MO

[God], but having no clue where that’s going

Littleby Baptist Church

to take me,” Cox says. He obediently replied, “Whatever you want, Lord. I’m listening.”


had only preached four sermons in his entire life before stepping behind Littleby Baptist Church’s pulpit. David Rice, Littleby Baptist’s pastor, currently battles advanced stage prostate cancer and

In 2010, God’s calling led Cox from the

has exceeded his doctors’ predicted life

mission field in Mexico to Fort Worth to

expectancy. Still, he devotes the time God gives

pursue a bachelor’s degree in the College at

him to traveling on mission trips to India and

Southwestern. This spring, he participated in

the Philippines, caring for his wife, and serving

Revive This Nation, which sent him to Mexico,

his congregation. Rice prayed specifically for

SouthwesternNews SUMMER 2011 |

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