Learning On-page SEO

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Learning On Page SEO All actions that can be taken directly within the website to improve its position in the search rankings are referred to as on-page optimization. It includes optimizations to visible content and the HTML source code. Google looks at the content of your page to see if it's a good match for the search query. Searching for keywords is a part of this process. Every part of on-page SEO is completely up to you; that's why it's critical and you have to do it correctly. On-page SEO is pure ranking on keywords, Where, Off-page SEO refers to external sources. Off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through content creation and earning backlinks from other websites, whereas on-page SEO focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are under your control.

How to optimize your content • Include your keyword in the title. Page titles usually get wrapped in an H1 tag. • Use short, descriptive URLs. • Optimize your title tag. • Create a captivating meta description. • Make sure your images are optimized. • Internal and external links should be included. Learning On-page SEO is a really important part of SEO Optimization. This is where you construct your website pages and implement certain techniques to improve your search engine ranks as possible on search engine result pages (SERPs), as well your website will get more traffic’s. Keyword research, URL optimization, Meta tags, Header tags, keyword placement in content, and image optimization are all examples of on-page SEO. Meta Tags is the most important factor of On Page SEO. It has four fundamental components: Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, and Meta Robots Tag.

Benefits of on-page SEO: • • • • •

Rank higher in the SERPs Improved local search Boosting organic traffic Increases conversion rate Improves Click Through Rate (CTR)

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