Midnight days myth

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Dreams, we all have them. Some of us understand them and some don't. Sometimes we'd never like to wake up so we can follow the dream, and sometimes we just wish to open our eyes and stop. And just for once, ask yourself: Are we humans because we dream, or we dream because we are humans? There was a time in which humans surprised gods so much that we even teached things to them... -We found life, We found it!- said Aprecio, god of beauty, guardian of surprise.Somewhere I can be adored. -And they are way weaker than us, even if they can contain such a powerful thing like life, we can take over their world easilywhispered Concious, guardian of calm. There were thousands of gods in Life Dimension (Vidanna) but only Aprecio and Concious saw humans for the very first time. Gods decided to travel to Tierra, the planet which took care from humans, sons of life. Then Aprecio discovered interdimensional travels would take a lot of time, even if he wanted to see humans he needed to stay there and take care of Vidanna, so he send Concious and Onirique, she was a forgotten guardian, young and with nothing to protect, at least she was well recieved by gods and had a pure heart. But she had no idea about guardians' intention with humans. When she and Concious arrived to Tierra, they inmediatly started watching humans' culture, but Concious only wanted to see their weakness, while Onirique observed every single detail, they had families, friends and feelings, but they didn´t had a clear vision about life. Their eyes were lost in infinity and they were all equal, making, writing, building, creating the same way. They needed inspiration but how could they get it? Onirique started walking to the streets and she founded a girl looking through the window. Her eyes were looking nowhere and she was in a wool desk drawing, she had the pencil in her hand but she didn´t write or painted anything. She was looking at the sky like trying to find something but she couldn't make it. So Onirique tried to talk to her but at the moment she tried to touch the girl´s arm her hand passed through it like if se was a ghost. Then Onirique talked to the girl but it was like she didn´t hear her, like if she wasn't there. The guardian runned to Concious while he was looking at a human weapon,

both of them were scared, Concious already knew what Onirique was abou to say to him. Onirique explained Concious that she learned humans never believe in anything they couldn't see. When they returned to Vidanna Concious gave the bad news to Aprecio who thaught “if they din´t believe in gods how can they conquer them and make them slaves?” They discuss it, then they decided to destroy humans, no being who posses life and doesn´t obey gods would have the permission and right of life. But Onirique heard the plan and he just couldn't let it happen, there were so many families living there, and she trusted humans one day would be even more powerfull than gods, they just needed time. She inmediatly tried to run away to Tierra, but when she heard Aprecio shouting “stop her! Guards! We have an enemy! Stop the unpure guardian!” She knew there wont be time to walk through the portal, so once she was there, she destroyed it instead so gods would never touch Tierra again. Then Onirique grabbed an extrange ornament in his neckless and enchanted it, and she inmediatly disapeared just in front of guards and Aprecio who shouted so hard that the walls started to brake. Onirique apeared in a lake, the Moon looked so big and bright that night, then Onirique thaught that there was nothing like that in Vidanna, humans were so lucky to be able to see such a show each and every night. She went to the house of the girl she saw last day, where she finally heard her name: Rebecca. She was asleep and then Onirique had an idea. She grabbed a candle and a glass full of water and put them into Rebecca's head, and the objects, just like Onirique's hand last time, passed trough her head, then a sparkle lighted the girl's face and after that she smiled while she was sleeping. Onirique made that to every single human that night. When Rebecca woke up next morning she took her pencil and started drawing, but this time, she was drawing someone, a face... Dreams are the portal Onirique crated for us so we can reach the inspiraton we need, and also the window that she uses to watch us and protect us. If the dream catcher was the object that transported Onirique to our world, Why do you think some of us feel more secure or protected with those things in our rooms while we sleep? Onirique then became a villian for the gods, a partner for the starts and a bond between what we call fantasy and reallity, but must important she became guardian of humans and goddess of dreams...

The End

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