Bay Area Women Magazine - Lynn North

Page 14 510-725-7422

Photo credit: Thomas Kuoh

Q: Can you share with us why you decided to have a career in Real Estate? ET: Taking a “road less traveled,” I came to real estate as a career-change when I realized it was already my lifestyle. I was the corporate-relocated spouse, moving my family coast-to-coast and back again, through 7 states and 15 homes. It was on the 5th re-launch of my former career – as a journalist, then a marketing-PR executive – (also the purchase of the 12th home) that I realized I knew more about making the real estate deal than most of the agents I hired. It dawned on me that having lived through so many moves – some happy, some traumatic; some profitable, some not – with kids and pets in tow, that my personal experience could be of enormous help to people. I wanted to put down roots – I saw the deep connection to the community that comes with deep market knowledge. I realized I could make a difference in people’s lives in a meaningful way.

they work with the Eileen Townsend & Team? ET: The agents who joined my team share that foremost commitment to the client’s goals, and we really work on educating and leading our clients through the process. Our team right now is all women, each with a different strength. I’m the content-focused communicator – I want to know everything and be able to explain everything involved in a transaction. Sharon is a MBA scientist – formerly in pharma sales – she’s details-driven and goes the extra mile. Janna is a born advocate; she is going to push her clients’ objectives to the finish line. Megan is a natural leader, fearless and willing to tackle any challenge. Backing us up is our team admin, Sarah, a former teacher. Together we follow systems and procedures designed to ensure nothing is overlooked, and that we have the expert resources to draw in whenever needed.

Q: What do you think are the ingredients that keep you as a top Realtor year after year? ET: It’s really one main ingredient, supported by hundreds of details: Succeeding in each real estate challenge is enormously personal for me. It is deeply fulfilling to me to get it right for my clients – I think it’s quite like the urgency I felt when I was trying to make each move right for my children. Resonating with the dreams people hold about real estate … understanding how huge the financial stake is … knowing how to solve each of the property-finance-legal-negotiation-and human dilemmas along the way … and finally, helping people create “home” in their new space … it is just important to me that it be done well. This commitment to excellence – and to caring – is a common thread among my team.

Q: How do you help buyers come to a decision? ET: By respecting that the decision is, in fact, theirs to make. My job is to understand their goals and their capabilities, then to provide them with the resources to move ahead and opportunities to do so. I see my job as to keep them “safe” along their way. I use the expression, “eyes wide open.” While it is easy to get wrapped up in the dream, and to feel pushed by the pace and competition in our market, I lay out for my buyers the facts about condition, about comparative values, about how the market is behaving … and when they make the decision that “this is the one,” I help them put their best foot forward.

Q: Can you share with our audience what Buyers & Sellers can expect when

Q: If we interviewed all your past clients… what is one common word that comes up when they describe working with you? ET: “Real.” Working with me, people sense my commitment, and know I see each

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