Bay Area Women Magazine - Jessica Aguirre

Page 25

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Shar on pur chas ed herf i r s thome i n 2016 and r eal i z ed how di f f i cul tt he home buyi ng pr oces scanbe.T hi sexper i ence i ns pi r ed herear nherr eal es t at el i cens et o ens ur et hatot heri ndi vi dual sar es af eguar ded agai ns t t hes echal l enges .Shar oni saper s onofi nt egr i t yandi scommi t t edt ocr eat i nganEXT RAvagantexper i encef orhomebuyer sands el l er saswel lcommer ci alr eales t at ei nves t or si nt he Eas tSan Fr anci s co BayAr ea.T hi si ncl udes ,buti snotl i mi t edt o,chauf f er edbuyer ' st our s ,t hemedopenhous es , decor at i onanddes i gns uppor tf orbuyer saf t ercl os eofes cr ow,excl us i ve i nt r oduct i onandacces st os ubj ectmat t erexper t s ,andexqui s i t enegot i at i ont act i cs .Whi l enoneoft hes et hi ngsar eexpect ed,t heycer t ai nl ymake t heent i r epr oces sal otmor eenj oyabl e.Af t eral l ,whys et t l ef orbas i c,when youcanhaveEXT RA?™

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