How to handle email abuse in the workplace

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Please be informed that these are the measures that will be taken against improper email abuse on company time. Be advised these guidelines will be followed Soft Warning The first instance of inappropriate email use, if not an extremely serious offense, can often be dealt with by a verbal warning and re-education about the company's email and Internet policies.

Written Warning Often it's necessary to issue a written warning to an employee who has defied company regulations by sending inappropriate emails. This usually follows a soft warning, but can be used in the first incident of abuse if the offense is substantial or is accompanied by other inappropriate behavior

Probation Workers who abuse the workplace email rules several times or who've committed an egregious transgression can be put on probation.

Suspension Suspensions are usually effective in illustrating to an employee the graveness of her actions regarding the misuse of email. Take this measure only in cases that escalate above simple infractions

Demotion Another serious disciplinary tool is to demote the employee. This puts the worker in a position of lower stature, which might include a decrease in wages or hours

Termination There are times when terminating an employee for inappropriate emails is the only choice for your organization. For instance, if the employee sends pornographic pictures or text in electronic mailings to other workers, it may be necessary to end that employee's tenure with the company

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