Leadership Botswana - Volume 01/01 2015

Page 49

Leadership | VOL. 1, ISSUE 1 2015


Read Anyone. “One of the keys is eliminating

important in a healthy company. In terms

the politics of personalities to create

of leadership, he says: “Humility attracts

harmonious working relationships,” says

us to somebody, while the ego repels as it

Lieberman. “The point is when there is a lot of

implies arrogance. People assume humility is

strife and conflict in the workplace, everything

weakness, but it isn’t. Instead, if a leader is

can come to a grinding halt. People land up

humble, they recognise their strengths and

impairing the company’s larger objective. So

talents as a gift to be grateful for, rather than

it is essential to get it to a happy and more

believing that the world owes them because

productive space – what is the alternative?”

they are wonderful. Can you see how believing the world owes you will set you up

He explains that everybody wants to be

for lousy relationships?”

appreciated and acknowledged for the good work they do. “All anyone wants is to feel

Lieberman says a great leader is a visionary

needed, recognised and appreciated and,

who is clear about their objectives. They need

in fact, money is low on the totem pole of

to be flexible but unwavering in their vision.


“They also need to be realistic and have a clear strategy that they can communicate

Lieberman says that executives constantly go

well. But, whatever you do, don’t make

for money as the cure-all to fix any problem

promises you can’t keep, because it

with staff, but it doesn’t really work.

undermines your trust and the staff’s faith in you.”

“Employees want a voice – nobody wants to feel like a drop in the bucket. Nobody

But, he says, don’t shy away from making

wants to feel like their ideas aren’t being

mistakes – he believes failure is a prerequisite

considered or their issues addressed. So,

for greatness.

the most important thing a leader can do is empower employees in their area, give them

Lieberman uses Nelson Mandela as an

responsibility and some degree of freedom to

example of a true leader and visionary who

make decisions.”

didn’t rule out of fear but understood that the country was more important than his own

Lieberman explains that acknowledgement

ego. “He had every reason to be angry at the

goes a long way. He cites those seemingly

establishment but he chose a different path

trite photographs of employee of the month

and, because of that, the entire country was

on the walls of retail stores as being very

better off.”

valuable. “They work wonders because they make people feel valued for our efforts. We

Ego, Lieberman says, is so often at the

all want this – it starts from getting stars

bottom of conflict between people.

in grade school. This acknowledgement is

Employees want a voice – nobody wants to feel like a drop in the bucket.”

worth more than any raise, because money

“When you are talking to people, you always

does not increase loyalty,” says Lieberman.

need to look at their ego. So, if you assuage

“If a person thinks that they have traction in

their ego then you have dealt with most of

their company, that they are effective and

the problem,” says Lieberman. “Nobody likes

acknowledged for this by their superiors,

feeling hurt, so if you ride roughshod over

they are just going to want to work harder.

someone’s feelings, they believe you are

If their effort is ignored time and time again,

disrespectful and it will cause a breach in the

any incentive – financial or otherwise – is

relationship. They could also be envious, and

undermined and they feel ignored.”

this is a different cause with a similar solution.

He says as long as the person does not really

“So, you have to rise above your own ego

need that extra money, the offer of money

and make nice. In very simplistic terms, you

won’t keep them in a company in which they

need to say, ‘I am sorry. I was wrong and you

are unhappy.

are great.’ But you really have to mean it. The people who can put their egos aside are the

Any company’s personality stems from its

ones who get ahead.” However, in business,

leadership, and strong leadership is hugely

conflict arises. Sometimes it is internal and


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