Respawn: Activating the bedroom generation by gamifying public spaces

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How Based on the golden circle, we start from why we do it, and then how we do it, and in the end, what we do. Why, as I already mentioned above, is that I want to activate the bedroom generation. How, though, is by “gamifying� public spaces. Because I believe games can make the world a better place, I think designing gamiied public spaces can be a good way to go. I have observed and interviewed many gamers, and I deeply understand their struggles and pains. This is because I used to be one of them: staying indoors, diving into the gaming world, imagining myself to be a super cool guy, scoring high kill points, being respected by others. In actuality, I was getting fat, lazy, hurting my back, damaging my neck, and spending my time staring at a screen, laughing and screaming stupidly. I was, in effect, losing my grip on reality. Gamifying public spaces will motivate gamers to go outdoors to do more physical activities, so their bodies can stay healthy. As well, by meeting other gamers, they can build a real social network, rather than an imaginary one.


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