Hostess packet with recruit info

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HOSTESS PARTY PLANNER Happy starts here SAVE THE DATE _______________ _______________ YOUR STYLE MENTOR __________________ __________________

Social brainstorm: Write down 8-10 names in each social circle. Invite friends from near and far! All of our parties include online shopping so if your friend can’t make it to the party they can order online! Tip: Invite 30-40+ people for an average of 10 -12 guests to your party. The best way to invite is to use Facebook, personal e-mails, text messages, mailing and phone calls. The more your share, the more rewards you will earn.

I will also be sending you an invitation, you can use to attach to an e-mail, use as a Facebook event photo or give you verbiage for an e-vite!

As a hostess Your jewelry box will thank you! Remember time with friends is time well-spent. Now it’s also time well-adorned!

As a Style Mentor Your jewelry box will LOVE you! For the girl who wants it ALL! adornable.u Style Mentors make 25% to 30% of their sales paid biweekly. Our show average is $600…. Which equals $180 a night! Your paycheck could look like: Weekly Shows

Weekly Check

Monthly Check

Annual Salary*













*Based on a 10 month calendar year (need to leave room for vacations)

Have two of your friends come along with you and you’ll start receiving an added bonus of 2% on what they sell. And doing something with your friends is always more fun!

YOUR PARTY CHECKLIST MONTHLY PROMOTIONS __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

MAKE YOUR GUEST LIST Invite 30 to 40 friends for an average of 10-12 guests. Encourage friends to bring friends, the more the merrier. Use the Social Brainstorm to help you create your guest list.

READY, SET, INVITE Share your invitations using e-mail, Facebook, e-vites, texting, phone calls, whatever is easiest for you to use to invite your guests. Also be sure to send out a personal e-mail or text message the day before your event as a reminder.

CREATE YOUR WISH LIST Choose the items that you would like to earn with your adornable.u hostess rewards. Remember wishing is FREE so dream big!

CLEAR A SPACE & PUT OUT SNACKS Please keep it simple. With all of the jewelry to try on, people want their hands free to shop. It’s best if I can use your kitchen table or any area where there is a lot of light.

BEFORE & AFTER THE PARTY Don’t worry if a friend can’t make it to your adornable.u party. Your friends can shop online before and up to the closing day of your party. Have your outside orders ready to go at the start of the party. All orders are always shipped directly to your friends for only $5.95.


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