OHIO Ecohouse Residential Guide

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Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide purchased at any major appliance store. The Energy Star appliances in the Ecohouse are the refrigerator, the dishwasher, the clothing washer, and the dehumidifier. Refrigerator

The refrigerator uses 1000 watts, which is approximately 40% of the output of the solar

panels. One aspect of its design that lends to its efficiency is that the freezer is on the bottom. Since heat rises, having the freezer closer to the floor means that the freezer must use less energy to stay cold. Dishwasher

The European-­‐designed dishwasher is smaller than a standard dishwasher because the

Ecohouse has a small number of residents. The smaller size is more efficient because when it is used to wash the dishes in the house it is more likely to be full. Washing Machine

The Staber washing machine is an Energy Star certified appliance that uses significantly less

water than a regular washing machine. It was manufactured by Staber Industries of Groveport, Ohio, and ordered through Dovetail. In a large load, it uses about 16 gallons; a standard washer would use about 35 gallons. The machine is able to use significantly less water because it works like a front load washer where the clothes are spun through the water in the way that a dryer tumbles clothes. The washer does not need to fill up as much because the clothes all pass through the water constantly. The washer is not front load; there is a cage in the unit that can be opened from the top and locked in place. Although it is not energy efficient, the dryer was also purchased from Staber Industries because it is a local product. the dryer is mostly used during the winter when the clothesline is difficult to use. Dehumidifier Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs

Using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) can be the easiest way to save energy in the

home. They can be purchased anywhere that sells light bulbs, and although they have a higher up front cost, they save much more in energy costs and replacement costs over their lifetimes. A CFL uses about 2/3 less energy than a standard incandescent one and it can last from five to nine years.

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