Benefits of Risk Management

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Have you ever thought why is it necessary to do risk assessments at workplace?

It is A legal requirement. But Once you get to know its benefits and reasons for doing it. It helps you to understand and actually encourages you to do it.

*5 Benefits of disaster risk management.

* 1. Helps to know and control dangerous hazards in your workplace.

* 2. Create consciousness in employees – and use it as a training tool as well.

* 3. Set risk management standards, based on acceptable safe practices and legal requirements.

* 4. Reduce accidents and negative incidents in workplace.

* 5. Reduce costs and makes employees more proactive instead of reactive.

* Efficient management will increase the standard of your workplace health and safety!

Following measures should be take care of for risk management. 1. Proper Training 2. Regular Inspections 5. Employee Fitness 5. Required maintenance of equipment and structures 6. necessary and capable supervision

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