Taiwan Project 6th B

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TAIWAN Name: Abel Ramos Alfonso Course: 6è B Date: November 2012

INDEX - Map of Taiwan in the world......................................................................................3 - Map of Taiwan.........................................................................................................4 - Flag.........................................................................................................................5

- General information............................................................................................6 - 8 * Location....................................................................................................6 * Total area................................................................................................6 * Number of people.....................................................................................6 * Capital city...............................................................................................6 * Languages...............................................................................................6 * Religions..................................................................................................6 * Official Money (currency)........................................................................6 * Important cities...................................................................................7 - 8

- Geography........................................................................................................9 - 11 * Mountains................................................................................................9 * Rivers.............................................................................................10 - 11

- Animals...........................................................................................................12 - 14

- Famous people...............................................................................................15 - 16 - Cultural facts..........................................................................................................17 - Bibliography....................................................................................................18


Map of Taiwan in the world


Map of Taiwan




General information - Location: Eastern Asia, islands bordering the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China - Total area: Area 35,980 km ² - Number of people: Population 23,046,177 inhabitants. (2009) - Capital city: TaipÊi

- Languages: The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese, but because many Taiwanese are of southern Fujianese descent, Min-nan (the Southern Min dialect, or Holo) is also widely spoken. The smaller groups of Hakka people and aborigines have also preserved their own languages. Many elderly people can also speak some Japanese, as they were subjected to Japanese education before Taiwan was returned to Chinese rule in 1945 after the Japanese occupation which lasted for half a century. The most popular foreign language in Taiwan is English, which is part of the regular school curriculum.

- Religions: mixture of Buddhist and Taoist 93%, Christian 4.5%, other 2.5% - Official money (currency): New Taiwan dollar

New Taiwan dollar


- Important cities:

Population 1

New Taipei City


Special municipality


New Taipei City


Kaohsiung City


Special municipality

Kaohsiung City




Taichung City

臺中市 (台中市) Special municipality


Taichung City


Taipei City

臺北市 (台北市)

Special municipality


臺南市 (台南市) Special municipality


Taipei City


Tainan City

Tainan City


Geography Mountains:


Yushan from the North Peak. Elevation

3,952 m (12,966 ft)


3,952 m (12,966 ft)

Nanhu Mountain 南湖大山

Nanhu at dusk from Hsueshan, winter Elevation

3,740 m (12,270 ft)




Wu river

Da-an river

Hualien river


Animals Mammals

Formosan Black Bear

Formosan Serow


Formosan Blue Magpie

Plumbeous Water Redstart 12


Taiwan Beauty Snake


Asiatic Salamanders

True frogs



Formosan Landlocked Salmon

Paradise Fish


Famous People

Chi Ling Lin Since 2004 Chi Ling's image has swept across Asia. She is Taiwan's Top Model taking up the role of spokesmodel from major cosmetics lines and businesses, headlining fashion shows, working in publishing, advertising and even holding the focus of the entire media of Taiwan when she had an accident while on horseback. Experience: Magazines - ELLE Taiwan, VOGUE Taiwan, Marie Claire Taiwan, FIGARO Taiwan. BAZAAR Taiwan, GQ Taiwan, Beauty Taiwan, Cosmopolitan Taiwan, Spring Taiwan. Spokeperson – Cosmetics, Shampoo, Face Washing Foam, Bathe Foam, Shopping Mall, Jeans, Cellphone, Yogurt, Porridge, Cars, Charities, Costume etc. TV – in Taiwan, Japan, China and Hong Kong. Print – Digital Camera, Films, Shoes, Hair Rinse Fashion shows - Gucci, Chanel, Christian Dior, Tiffany,Agnes b,Tencel, Cartier, Toppy, Anna Sui, D & G, Swarovski, Celine, Chloe,Mokomoto Jewelry, Regent Galleria, TFDA Local Designers, Swatch,T.D.C. Fashion Week Hong Kong… Anchor – AZIO TV, CTS, TVBS, Golden Horse Award, Golden Melody Award etc. Punlishing - Books “The Way to Super Model” 2004, “To Share 2005”, “Yokoso Japan”, Personal Stamps, etc. Chi Ling is with the CATWALK Agency.



Jin Fong Chen Jin Fong Chen, became Taiwan’s first player to go to “the show”, playing for the L.A. Dogers from 2002 ~ 2005. Chen played in the Dodgers minor leagues from 1999 to 2002. In December of ’05 Chen returned to Taiwan to play for the “La New Bears”, lured back by a 6 year contract and a cool NT$30,000,000 annual salary.


Cultural facts Food Taiwanese culture has heavily influenced the West: Pearl milk tea (also known as bubble tea or boba) is a popular tea drink available in many parts of the world. A notable Japanese influence exists due to the period when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. Taiwanese cuisine itself is often associated with influences from mid to southern provinces of China, most notably from the province of Fujian (Hokkien), but influences from all of China can easily be found due to the large number of Chinese who immigrated to Taiwan at end of the Chinese Civil War and when Taiwan was under Chinese rule (ROC). In the process, Taiwan developed a distinct style of cuisine.

Taiwan Culture Reflects the customs and traditions of Taiwanese people. It is in fact a perfect combination of Confucianist Han Chinese cultures and European, Japanese, American, global, and local traditions. There is no doubt in the fact that the culture of Taiwan merges and blends modernity with traditionalism. The economic, social, political and other important aspects affecting the people of Taiwan get reflected through the Taiwan Culture. Taiwan's culture has been largely formed by the processes of imperialism and colonization. In 1895, before the Qing Empire ceded Taiwan to Japan, Taiwan Culture was shaped by Qing frontier societies of Han farmers and highland Aborigines. With the course of time as political scenario of the country changed, the culture of Taiwan also keeps on changing. Since the last few decades the Taiwanese culture underwent a thorough alteration. It always keeps on symbolizing the present condition of the nation.


BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.google.es/imgres?q=map+of+taiwan+in+th+world&hl=es&client=safari&tbo=d& rls=en&biw=1066&bih=566&tbm=isch&tbnid=cufBgn0Tz_8AiM:&imgrefurl= http://geology.com/world/taiwan-satellite-image.shtml&docid=AGdiwTknVBUOlM&imgurl= http://geology.com/world/map/map-oftaiwan.gif&w=375&h=200&ei=50CyUKzCKIW1hAfruYGAAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=38&v py=298&dur=1&hovh=160&hovw=300&tx=140&ty=89&sig=112827440090332819209&pa ge=2&tbnh=150&tbnw=290&start=16&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0,i:130 http://www.google.es/imgres?q=map+of+taiwan&hl=es&client=safari&sa=X&tbo=d&rls=en &biw=1280&bih=680&tbm=isch&tbnid=JyLS6V7WiPMi7M:&imgrefurl=http://www.wireddestinations.com/hotels/Taiwan/guide.php%3Fpath%3Dintro&docid=PUNonLmMUXS8JM &imgurl=http://www.wireddestinations.com/images/guides/taiwan/maps/taiwan.gif&w=470&h=370&ei=91ayUJL1JdS ChQeAtoAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=294&vpy=247&dur=726&hovh=199&hovw=253&tx=1 34&ty=109&sig=112827440090332819209&page=3&tbnh=145&tbnw=184&start=72&ndsp =43&ved=1t:429,r:74,s:0,i:311 http://www.google.es/search?q=flag+taiwan&num=10&hl=es&client=safari&tbo=d&rls=en& biw=1280&bih=680&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=wFiyULPDOoqZhQfFloGoCA&sqi=2&pjf=1&v ed=0CAMQ_AUoAA http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Money/New-Taiwan-dollar-183.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Taiwan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mountains_in_Taiwan http://www.google.es/imgres?q=rivers+in+taiwan&hl=es&client=safari&sa=X&tbo=d&rls=e n&biw=1280&bih=680&tbm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_protected_species_in_Taiwan http://www.tealit.com/article_categories.php?section=culture&article=taiwan-celebrities http://www.mapsofworld.com/taiwan/society/food.html http://www.mapsofworld.com/taiwan/society/culture.html


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