Quinnipiac River State Park

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Quinnipiac River State Park A Photographic Study by Susan McCaslin

41째 24.0078N

72째 51.9596W

Quinnipiac River State Park is an anomaly, a Connecticut State Park with an unusual past. As late as 1976, it was Banton Street, a community of forty homes along a winding, lazy river. By the 60s and 70s, due to overbuilding and poor highway engineering, Banton Street was experiencing frequent, severe flooding. To address this dangerous situation, the Quinnipiac River Restoration Project was formed by Connecticut State Senator DiNardis. Its goal was to help Banton Street homeowners relocate from this floodplain to homes of equal value in North Haven. Authorities were aware and saddened that this also meant forcing Banton Street residents to abandon their close-knit riparian neighborhood. Presently, the Banton Street entrance to the park is tucked behind a rest stop off the Wilbur Cross Parkway, another reminder that this park had an unusual beginning. Within the park are many clues to the whereabouts of lost homes and past lives — rusty twisted fences, pavement hidden by creeping vines, objects left to decay. Spending time on this land is a spiritual experience. This is a living, breathing space that has transformed itself from manicured lawns to wilderness. Ever changing, each visit offers new discoveries and more clues to the past and a rare opportunity to witness nature’s power to renew.

1934 Aerial Map


M a r c h 5 4, 11째9 3244 . 0 0 7 8 N

72째 51.9596W

1934 Aerial Map

41°23’58” N

72°51’0” W

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72°51’40” W

3/2012 Google Earth 41°23’56” N 72°51’51” W

©2014 Susan McCaslin GLSP Art 624: Connecticut State Parks P ro fe s s o r M a r i o n B e l a n g e r , We s leya n U n i ve rs i t y , 2 0 1 4 Acknowledgements: North Haven Historical Society C o 4n1n°e c2 t4i.c0u0 t7 8SNt a t e7 2L°i b5 r1 a. 9r5y9, 6AWe r i a l P h o t o g r a p h s o f C o n n e c t i c u t Wa l t e r M a n n , E xe c u t i ve D i re c t o r , N o r t h H a ve n C o m m u n i t y T V ( N H T V ) H ow a rd L . L u p p i : A Wa l k t h ro u g h N o r t h H a ve n , B a n t o n S t re e t R e m e m b e re d

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