Susan Highsmith Dissertation

Page 147

Choices (Theme 3) and Identifying Resources (Theme 4) could be distilled from her comments. I asked if she wanted to add anything before drawing a picture of her ideal birth, to which she replied, I have no concept of giving birth. I’ve just seen the videos and I haven’t really talked to many women or anything like that even though I did take the prenatal class. I was very quiet, [laughing] just taking it all in. Much of what Barbara took in seemed to increase her anxiety, rather than reduce it. Her apprehensive admission that she had “no concept of giving birth” appeared to qualify for the category I was identifying as Theme 5, Questioning and Doubting. As she drew her picture she commented, For my husband the most important thing is the safety of the kid; so definitely the hospital business and every instrument that they can use to help, and, I’m very cautious too, because I’ve never had a kid. I do have a—my sister-in-law lost her baby at seven months so we’re a little bit kind of more concerned than we would have been, but, to me, I just want it to be a nice smelling room, and quiet music, and couple of pictures [of the birth], and to have a good memory. Barbara and her husband were identifying those elements that would increase their sense of security (Theme 4: Identifying Resources and Gathering Support) and were also making choices (Theme 3) based on their belief that all precautions should be taken to insure the safe birth of their child. Drawing Barbara’s drawing (Appendix E) shows two figures standing behind a baby in a bassinette all framed by yellow curtains. She seemed to need encouragement to describe her picture. When I remarked that “those look like bright yellow curtains.” she replied, “Yeah. I don’t think there are any windows in the hospital. To me the less work the better, and the quicker, the faster, and I don’t want to feel any pain!” Her voice rose as she emphasized that she did not want to feel pain. Indicating she was finished she added,


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