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ANOTHER SEASON DAWNS! This year has had a slightly shorter off season than normal but was nevertheless both restful and productive...

David Boote

I spent a lot of time in the gym and escaped some of the bad weather with a trip back to California and Hawaii where I caught up with some of my Stanford team mates. The Seibel coaching facility seems to get better every year and I really appreciate being able to use it for winter preparation. My season got away this February in a new country for me – South Africa. The Challenge and Sunshine Tours combined to co-sanction three events with larger than normal (190 player) fields, and was a good chance to get in some tournament reps ahead of the main season start in early May. It was also great to experience new


conditions such as playing at altitude and the on different grasses as well as in decent weather conditions – if you ignore the wind! The first competition in Limpopo, 150 miles north of Johannesburg, was at 6,000ft above sea level and the altitude had a big effect on ball distance which took some getting used to. The tournament was held at two courses, Koro Creek and Euphoria which were about 30 miles apart, so there was a lot of prep to do before the Thursday start. I had arranged for an experienced Sunshine Tour caddy to help with this! Limpopo is an area in South Africa


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