CFA USA Early Registration Processes With Numerous Benefits

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What is CFA USA? CFA stands for Chartered Financial Analyst. The CFA Institute, which is American-based, offers this credential to professionals in investment and finance. The CFA USA course has a wide range of topics to study. The person who completes the course is given the name “CFA Charter” or “CFA charter holder”. More than 150,000 people completed this course in more than 165 countries around the world. Some top employers of CFA are UBS, Royal Bank of Canada, Blackrock, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. The first exam took place in 1963 in United States and Canada. But gradually it spread across countries in Europe, Asia and Australia. By 2003, there were less US based candidates and more from Asia and Europe. And with each passing year, the number of chart holder is increasing. CFA USA course The CFA USA course is very precise and organized. It is based on Candidate Body of Knowledge. It will take a student around two years to complete the full course. They divided this course into three levels. The three exams test the academics and ethics of a student. But there are small differences among the three. The first is Level 1. This level introduces a student to classes of asset, equity, financial management, fixed income and portfolio management techniques. It teaches quants, economics, etc. to the students in detail. Let us look at the topics included in level 1. It contains 15% ethics, 10% quantitative methods, 10% economics, 15% financial reporting and analysis, 10% corporate finance, 11% equity investments, 6% of derivatives and alternative investments each and 6% portfolio management. The second level deals with a different set of topics. It includes a higher level of assets valuation and the tolls involved in the process. To be precise, this level

contains 10-15% of professional and ethical standards, 5-10% of quantitative methods, 5-10% economics, 10-15% of financial reporting and analysis, 5-10% corporate finance, 10-15% equity investments, 10-15% fixed income, 5-10% alternative investments and 5-15% portfolio management. The third level is the last. This level deals with portfolio management in detail. CFA gives more than 50% weightage to this topic and wealth planning. This level includes 10-15% of professional and ethical standards, 5-10% economics, 10-15% equity investments, 15-20% fixed income, 5-10% derivatives, 5-10% alternative investments and 35-40% portfolio management. Students receive the curriculum directly from CFA institute when they register for the exams. But if any student fails the exams and appears for it again in the same year, the CFA Institute will not provide the curriculum again. But if the student fails and decides to appear the exam again in any year succeeding that year, they will receive the curriculum again. Because sometimes, the syllabus pattern changes. Sources say that the exam pattern will change from 2019 and they will add questions from other topics too. One such topic is artificial intelligence. There are two sessions each for all three levels. And the duration for each is three hours. Both the sessions in Level one have 120 questions each of MCQ type. Level two has 60 questions each, that they base on 10 case studies. And the third level has essay and MCQ questions based on case studies. In 2018, the pass percentage of Level one, two and three were 43%, 45% and 56% respectively. The enrollment process for CFA To apply for the CFA USA program, the students have to follow a few eligibility criteria. The students need to have their passport. The students also need to fulfill one of the four conditions1. The students need to have a U.S Bachelors or any equivalent degree. 2. They need to be in the final year of the bachelor’s program they are pursuing. 3. They should have four years of professional work experience. 4. They should have at least four years of a combination of work and college experience. If the student fulfills any one of the above mentioned four conditions, he/she is eligible for the CFA USA program. Another point to keep in mind is that the student can only give the exam in English. They do not allow any other language. Students residing in Cuba, North Korea and Crimea in Ukraine cannot participate in the CFA USA program. If they register, their registration will be invalid. The students also need to submit a professional conduct statement form where they need to disclose any information about complaints or misconduct. They can submit this form every time during their exam registration. Here is the link to register for the CFA program

Another window will open 6-d796430d-28d7-4367-9eaf-84687728eea9&GUID=&SMAUTHREASON=0&ME THOD=GET&SMAGENTNAME=8zmTjkjpZ7KMI6pHaXg2yunYEcIMtDlJdl9tFD5kn sMcmkd9oRHYZ09OOZWvgrN2&TARGET=-SM-HTTPS%3a%2f%2fspproxy%2e cfainstitute%2eorg%2faffwebservices%2fpublic%2fwsfeddispatcher%3fwa%3d wsignin1%2e0%26wtrealm%3durn-%3aprodlive%26wctx%3dhttps-%3a-%2f%2fwww%2ecfainstitute%2eorg-%2fprograms-%2fcfaprogram-%2fregister-% 2fregistration-%2f_layouts-%2fAuthenticate%2easpx-%3fSource-%3d-%252Fp rograms-%252Fcfaprogram-%252Fregister-%252Fregistration-%252FPages-% 252Findex-%252Easpx%26wreply%3dhttps-%3a-%2f-%2fwww%2ecfainstitut e%2eorg-%2f_trust-%2fdefault%2easpx In this window, they will ask the student to log in, and new users can create an account to apply for the program. Usually, students prefer a major city or a metropolitan area as the test centre. The management assigns the test centre according to the preference of the student. They also consider the strength at a centre and availability. The exam takes place in June every year. Students can appear for the level 1 exam in December too. Early CFA registration The CFA registration process for a year usually begins a few months before the actual exam date. The standard deadline for filing of CFA 2020 is February 12, 2020. The final deadline for CFA registration 2020 is March 11, 2020. Students get one month to register for the program and prepare for the registration process. But for students who like to be one step ahead, early registration date is also available. And there are quite a lot of benefits for the students who register early. The early registration deadline for CFA exams in June 2020 is October 2, 2019. The admission tickets for the exam will be available from May 2020. The announced exam dates are June 6 and June 7 in 2020. Benefits of early CFA registration Firstly, the CFA USA course is not a very cheap one. It includes a massive amount of expenditure, and not everyone can afford it. The exam has three parts that consist of a lot of subjects and topics. Hence the cost is also high. Some might think of the CFA registration fees for the exam, but they do not consider the additional expenses that come along with it. Spending money for this course is a substantial investment towards someone’s career. But if a person completes the course, they will feel that the entire expenditure was worth it. It will ensure a high salary and more significant career opportunities. CFA certification means more respect in society. And that is why people feel it is okay to spend money on it. Apart from the expenses spent on the exam, we need to keep in mind that the exam is not easy to crack. So there is an additional expense for preparing for the

course. If any student fails the exam the first time, they will again have to spend tons of hours studying for it. Moreover, they will have to pay the registration fees again. The thought of the time involved and the money that we need to spend can be stressful. So if we can reduce the money we can pay for a small amount, why shouldn’t we? The early bird CFA registration allows the students to take advantage of that fact. It is a chance to reduce overall expenditure, an excellent opportunity to grab. Comparison of the fee structure according to the time of CFA registration When we compare the fee structure for the CFA program according to the time of booking, we can see that there is a vast difference. The fee for standard CFA registration time is a lot higher than the costs that we need to pay during the early registration period. So to save money, it is better to register as early as possible. The deadline for CFA USA early registration for the June 2020 CFA exams is 2 October 2019. The registration fee for the CFA exam during standard registration duration is $930. However, if we register for the exams during the early registration period before October 2 2019, we need to pay only $650. There is a difference of $280 and it’s not less. It is a significant difference. Why pay $930 when we can appear for the same exam by paying only $650? Here is another piece of information. If someone forgets to register for the CFA exam both during the early registration period and standard registration period, they will have to pay an additional amount of money. The late registration fee for the CFA exam is $1380. Also, a student has to pay an enrolment fee of $450 to apply for the CFA exam. After a student passes all the three levels of exams, they need to pay the annual dues. The regular contributions are $275 per year. There are some additional expenses in this program too. Firstly, if any student fails, they will have to pay extra money to sit for the exam again. Secondly, the CFA has exam centres in major metropolitan cities. So, if a student lives in an area which is not an exam centre, they will have to spend extra money for travelling. Thirdly, many students use other sources to prepare for the exam. In that case, they have to spend some extra cash. So, if any student knows how to save money and does everything at minimal cost, they will have to spend a minimum of $2650 on the entire course. The price can go up to $4800. FAQ regarding CFA program Here are some frequently asked questions concerning the CFA program1. What is the registration fee for the CFA USA program? -The registration fees for the CFA exam is $930 for each level during the standard registration period. It is $650 for each tier during the early CFA registration period.

2. Can a student bring his/her mobile phone inside the test room? - No. A student cannot bring any electronic device inside the testing room. If the student carries any automated device, the management will confiscate it. 3. Is the CFA designation recognized everywhere? - Yes. Every country around the world acknowledges this designation. 4. What is the format for level 1 exams? - The level 1 exam will have 240 MCQs. The duration will be 3 hours for two sessions each. 5. How much time does a student need to invest in studying for the exam? - A rough duration of 300 hours is enough to crack the exam. But it varies from student to student. 6. How long does a person take to complete the CFA USA course? - Usually, it takes a person two years to complete the course. But some people need 3-4 years. 7. What is the benefit of pursuing the CFA USA course?  Almost every country around the world recognizes this degree.  People with CFA certification can get jobs at top investment firms.  People will gain exposure to different roles in finance.  The charter holders have an excellent ethical understanding.  The charter holders will have greater access to a variety of career opportunities. 8. What are the job opportunities for CFAs in India?  CFAs have a good chance in the stock market industry in India.  They also make useful wealth planners. The Wealth Management Industry is a growing industry in India with a lot of scopes.  The charter holders can opt for the job of relationship manager in big firms.  They can also get the position of consultant, portfolio manager or research analyst in reputed companies. 9. What is the standard salary for a Chartered Financial Analyst? -The average salary of a financial analyst is Rs 623k. However, the average salary for a Chartered Financial Analyst is Rs 673k and can go up to Rs 906k or even more in some cases. Conclusion The certification of the Chartered Financial Analyst is very prestigious. This certification allows a student to get exposure to a large number of career opportunities that other degrees cannot. They will get the chance to opt for new roles in reputed firms and to go into different career fields. The process is strict, and a student will have to work hard, but it is worth it. The salary, the respect and the chances, the list goes on. So start studying today and prepare to grab this golden opportunity.

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