1.5 Year Testimonial, September, 2015 by Emma Thorpe

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My 1.5 Year Testimonial By Emma Thorpe Almost two years ago now I left England to begin my travels as a backpacker in South East Asia. Little did I know that I would still be here 1.5 years later working for Super English in such a wonderful and welcoming school in Surat Thani. It became real as soon as I received the ‘ok’ from Peter via Skype whilst backpacking through Hong Kong. I guess that’s when my holiday started to became my new home. Setting up here, it took time to adapt, to the smells, the sights, the tastes, even the heat. Now I’m more so worried about how I’m supposed to transition back from that? It’s been 7 months since I wrote my first testimonial for Super English and K3 Children’s Day, January 2015. everything I said still holds spot-on, with 2015. even more positive things to say about SE and my time here.

First week training with Super English, May 2014. I can’t say enough good things about Thida. The smiling faces that surface the moment you step off your motorcycle. The very loud, highpitched, ‘good morning teacher’ you’re greeted with several times a day. The endless amount of love you receive from your students. The amount of creative freedom you’re trusted with. And the realization that you’re

really making a difference here. My time here hasn’t just been a uniform experience. I’ve really been able to fully focus on enjoying teaching and building relationships with these kids whilst developing my teaching skills and becoming a better teacher. Thida and Super English have given me the flexibility and freedom I needed to discover my own path in teaching. It’s been a luxury and an extremely valuable learning experience. I have Peter to thank for this. Over the years Peter has built up and maintains a great relationship with Thida and everyone inside to ensure it continues to be a pleasant and welcoming place for us to teach. The heart of my experience P1 Class Party, September 2015. here since day 1 has been Thida and the students that I teach. Their passion to learn and eagerness to interact with you is comforting. Thida is like a second home for me here in Surat and inside there, everyone will always make you feel welcome.

P1 Class Photo, September 2015.

I see my time with Super English as a turning point in my life and in my career. I came to Thailand to pass time between graduation and further education and to avoid falling into the dreaded day-to-day Monday-Friday routine of waitressing. Having always pondered about a career in teaching, this was my time to give it a shot. Having taught at Thida and with Super English for 1.5 years now, I think now’s a good a time as ever to realize I’ll be a teacher for life. Returning home to the UK wasn’t an easy decision to make but one I had to based on my future career choices. With a clear goal about my career, I’ll always keep my time spent here in Thialand very close to me. This is where everything fell into place for me and where my choices were made clear. The positive opportunities presented to me here by Peter have been truly irreplaceable. I have grown immensely, not only as a teacher, but also as a leader, and a teammate. I’ve found a confidence within myself I’d never known and I now feel ready and excited to tackle any teaching situation back home. P2 IEP Class Photo, September 2015.

Even 1.5 years on, Thailand still continues to be a great place to live, work and travel. I’ve had a truly great experience here and I’ll certainly never forget it. I’ve travelled 7 countries total in South East Asia, and although that may not seem a lot, I’ve had an absolute blast! Now, I have 6 days before I leave Thailand to fly home to the UK to begin volunteering in a UK school before starting my PGCE teaching training course next year. 2 more days at school and a short trip down to Khanom before saying my goodbyes to this place. I feel extremely lucky to have experienced what I have and I will definitely miss so much about working Valentine’s Day, February 2015. and living here. Thank you Peter, it’s been a fantastic journey! Written: September 2015.

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