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能、发现价值,在内容、场地、组织形式方面均比 15 届进一步提升和优化,并增 设多个分主题、特别展示单元及高品质的配套活动,为观众呈现富有艺术价值及 收藏价值的艺术精品,为来自全球的优质展商提供一个开放、实效的交易和展示 平台。 With the theme of “To embrace the color of the world”, GIAF2011 will keep giving prominence to the transaction and discovery value of Guangzhou Art Fair. With further improved content, enlarged place and better organization, it has set more secondary themes, special shows and high-quality supporting activities, to present the exquisite artworks with artistic and collector's value to the visitors, and provide an efficient open transacting and exhibiting platform for the best exhibitors all over the world.

1、 展区规划 Plan of Exhibition Zone (1) 精品画廊展区(二层) Delicate Gallery Exhibition Zone (2F) 1、油画雕塑:集中展示国内外油画、雕塑精品; Painting and sculpture: exhibit delicate painting and sculpture from home and abroad. 2、国画书法:集中展示国内外国画、书法精品; Traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy: exhibit delicate painting and handwriting from home and abroad. (2) 特邀推荐展区(一层) Specially Invited and Recommended Zone 1、 美协/美院联展:集中展示各地美协、美院绘画、书法、雕塑精品; Artist Association and Academies of Fine Arts: exhibit painting, calligraphy and sculpture of artist association and academies of fine art from various regions. 2、 艺术部落联展:集中展示各地艺术群落绘画、书法、雕塑精品; Artists Colony: exhibit painting, calligraphy and sculpture of art tribe in different places.


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