Sundaville® - 20th anniversary magazine

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20 years of gardening happiness About Sun’tory man’daville®


Sundaville® MNP / Suntory


Weteringweg 3-A 2155 MV Leimuiderbrug, the Netherlands

Contact +31 (0) 172 506 700


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Sundaville MNP / Suntory


Sundaville MNP / Suntory


Copyright © 2022 MNP / Suntory, Leimuiderbrug, the Netherlands


MNP / Suntory


Erwin Giezen


Visions Photography

Thomas van Schaik Photography

GAB fotografie


Erwin Giezen


Erwin Giezen

Francesca Lanzillotta

Pull Position



The information in this magazine is based on results obtained from trials carried out on test locations of MNP / Suntory. However, this magazine is compiled with great effort, MNP / Suntory cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies, advice given and/or incomplete information obtained in this magazine.

First edition, 2022

No part of this brochure may be reproduced without permission.

Intellectual propperty

Since 1989 MNP / Suntory have managed the European rights and is the master licensor for all genetics from Suntory® Flowers Ltd. (Japan). MNP / Suntory and Suntory® Flowers Ltd. varieties are protected by plant variety rights. Sundaville® and Sun Parasol® are brands and registered trademarks of Mandevilla hybrids and sole property of breeder Suntory® Flowers Ltd.

COLOPHON 02 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Could you imagine!!!

20 years ago this was world’s first real “red mandevilla” ever! Sundaville® Red was also the first Sundavile® variety on the market.

20 years later the Sundaville® collection is the biggest in the world helding all sorts of varieties and colours of the rainbow! Step into the happy world of sundaville®

04 - 05 CONTENTS 08 - 09 THANK YOU Partners 06 - 07 PREFACE Celebrate 14 - 15 SUSTAINABILITY Working on the future 20 - 23 INTERVIEW Best of both worlds 16 - 19 TIMELINE Strong roots 10 - 11 PROUD FAMILY From the pioneers 12 - 13 WHY WE GET UP Mission statement 30 - 33 INTERVIEWS Employees about Sundaville® 26 - 27 20 REASONS WHY Sundaville® advantages 28 - 29 BREEDING The ongoing process 24 - 25 BOHEMIAN The lifestyle CONTENTS 04 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary
OOOOPS..... 36 - 39 FASHION Collection 34 - 35 COLLECTION Our treasures are yours 40 - 43 UP Collection 62 - 67 BEAUTY Collection 44 - 61 CLASSICS Collection 76 - 77 TECHNICAL INFO Cultivation information 80 - 83 AMBASSADORS About Sundaville® 78 - 79 AVAILABILITY Young & finished plants 74 - 75 ORDERING INFO Endless possibilities 86 - 87 CONTACT Get in touch 84 - 85 DATABASE Your media tool 68 - 73 GRAND Collection SUNDAVILLE® 05
CELEBRATE 06 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary
It’s been already 20 years since Sundaville® started spreading love, joy & happiness to the world. Let’s

We turned the world of bedding plants with Surfinia® more than 30 years ago. You can’t do this twice people said…

Now, already 20 years ago we did the same thing over with Sundaville®. Everything was devoted to cultivating and growing the ideal Mandevilla / Dipladenia. If we look back at the last twenty years, we can see the care, dedication,

continuous learning and improvements done through innovation and product development by everyone in the whole supply chain.

This magazine highlights the first steps we take in creating the perfect Mandevilla 20 years ago, creating the first and number one trademark known worldwide. After all these years, our willingness to learn and create

more and more varieties for todays market has never finished. In fact, in this magazine, you will also find all the novelties from this and next year. We are already planning new milestones in the near future together. Now it’s also time to take a further step in the Sundaville® story, making it even more known and recognizable to the end consumer. So let’s get the job done together and let every consumer in the world have the opportunity to enjoy an amazing Sundaville® in their own garden.

THANK YOU 08 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary
We are grateful
“Our business partners are the heart and soul of the Sundaville® brand. Without you we could not bring any gardening happiness”.

It’s been already 20 years since Sundaville® started spreading love, happiness, and joy with its bright varieties, shapes, and colours. The world's first true Red Mandevilla / Dipladenia (Sundaville® Red) variety was introduced already 20 years ago. How incredible is it?! How far we have come together to create this success story. An achievement for which we are grateful to so many people.

From the beginning we believed in the uniqueness of our “Power Flower” Sundaville®, but thanks to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in this story, Sundaville® has become the world's most famous one. If we look back at the last twenty years, we can see the care, dedication, and continuous learning and improvements done through innovation and product development by everyone in the whole supply chain. That's why we want to say: Thank you for being part of this amazing story!

Let’s celebrate, together!

FROM THE PIONEERS 10 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

The centrepiece of a proud family

We create new markets instead of supplementing existing ones.

Sundaville® is the result of the work of multiple actors involved in the process of producing, disseminating and selling a high quality product like the first Red Mandevilla / Dipladenia. Sundaville® was born in a stimulating and innovative context that is the beating organ of the MNP / Suntory company. Here, the skilful Japanese art of breeding is combined with the wisdom and professionalism from the specialists of MNP in the Netherlands, who select and

test the best varieties to be offered to the market through a skilful and effective transformation of these into successful brands.

The successful story of Sundaville® joins the oldest one of the Surfinia® brand, but also the exciting one of Princettia®, Senetti®, MillionBells® and all the other names that make up the house of brands from MNP / Suntory.

At MNP / Suntory the main focus is breeding, selection and effective brand marketing. The central challenge is therefore to conquer the market with a small team of passionate professionals as effectively and originally as possible. And by being the first, a sophisticated marketing vision and a professional dealer network of healthy cuttings, passionate growers making ultimate quality finished plants and wide sales channels.

If you’re curious about how and when it all started, the next pages are right up your street!

MISSION STATEMENT 12 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Why we get up every morning?

Why we get up every morning?

We bring you happiness! Sundaville® is more than just a plant brand. It's a feeling. A lifestyle. A passion that we engage in daily. We want to create a care-free place, where people can enjoy, relax and dream of endless summers. Sundaville® is a bringer of joy! We bring love and sun in your heart and summer in your mind.

With Sundaville® you can create your own sunshine. Whatever the situation, wherever you are in the world, Sundaville® will make you happy! Its unique growth and flowering power continues to amaze us every day.

Sundaville® will continue to surprise, inspire and connect people in the future. Every day we are working on the day of tomorrow. We create new opportunities and follow the trends closely.

Sundaville® is future proof!


Sustainable Sundaville® working on the future

As a breeder, MNP / Suntory is at the beginning of the chain. We are expected to continuously think ten steps ahead. The choices we make sometimes have an impact years later.

This applies to colours, trends and application, but also to sustainability and respect for people, nature and the environment. As pioneers, at MNP / Suntory we take our responsibility, now and in the future.

The modern consumer is looking for convenience and wants value for money. At the same time, the modern consumer is very aware of her surroundings and the impact we have on nature and the environment. These issues also play an important role when buying plants. People are looking for a product with a small footprint on the environment and want to know more about the origin of the product.

Sundaville® is the answer to all questions. She continues to grow and bloom well into autumn, without requiring too much attention. Heat, drought, storms and prolonged rain; Sundaville® is up against all weather conditions. In view of climate change, this is a welcome feature.

During the selection process of new Sundaville® varieties, we assess on many levels whether the variety is future proof. Here we look at the plant technical properties, but also disease resistance, water use and heat and cold resistance. Our requirements for a sustainable plant are continuously increased. Sustainability is never finished.

SUSTAINABILITY 14 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary
“Sundaville® wants to help people to create more green spaces for a sustainable planet.”

Sundaville® benefits:


Sunpa 201 Ready to share:

During the selection process we collect a lot of data on the sustainable benefits of Sundaville®. This is not classified information! Instead, we plan to share them with all our partners (licensees, growers, exorters and (online) retailers), so everyone can profit equally.

Even less required care by consumers: focus on convenience and enjoyment! More resistant to rain; More resistant against diseases and plagues; Less use of chemicals during the complete cyclus; More resistant against heat and less watering; Stimulate the use of more sustainable labels, pots and packaging; Investment in growth on lower temperatures.


The strong roots of the power flower

It’s been already 20 years since Sundaville® started spreading love, joy & happiness around the world. Since then, Sundaville´® varieties become best sellers and an indispensable part of the floricultural market.


‘Best of both worlds.’

The first visit to Suntory (Japan) and a look at what would later spark a revolution, the world's very first Petunia from cuttings. The rest is history… After this success, a contract was signed in 1989, which made Suntory Flowers Europe (Suntory and Moerheim) master licensee for EMEA till the present day.


‘135 years of pioneering & guts.’

MNP / Suntory history goes back to (15 march) 1888, the year in which the first generation of the Ruys family started their own horticultural company "Royal Nursery Moerheim” in Dedemsvaart, the Netherlands…


‘The revolution in floriculture.’ The official introduction of the first, most-famous and iconic Surfinia® Purple. From this point on Surfinia® (trailing) Petunias will be creating iconic images everywhere in Europe, hanging from bridges, lampposts, facades & balconies. The Petunia market will grow to a sales market of +/160 million plants per year in Europe alone.

TIMELINE 16 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary


‘Gamechangers: seed versus cuttings.’

By introducing Petunias, Verbenas and other varieties only grown from cuttings, MNP / Suntory sets the tone and unleashes an unmatched revolution in floriculture. Where plants were always grown from seed, now almost all are grown from cuttings. As a result, clean starting material became the standard and quality continued to improve.


“The ultimate spring flower.” With Senetti® we brought you the strongest early flowering (bedding) plant with the longest shelf life on the market. Its collection of bright colours and its garden performance is unmatched. It is a great alternative for the more fragile Viola, Pansy and Primula. Its re-blooming ability gives people even more value for money and happiness.


‘Innovation after innovation.’ Introducing the world's first Calibrachoa called Million Bells® was another great milestone in floriculture. Today Calibrachoa is the market leader within (bedding) plants and responsible for sales of +/-180 million plants per year in Europe alone.



‘Creating value for good.’

The birth of the one and only Princettia® brand. The first early flowering and compact (bright pink & all white) Euphorbia (Poinsettia). With its early flowering and bright colours we created new markets beyond the Christmas period and extended the existing sales window of Poinsettias.


‘We are Mandevilla (Dipladenia).’

In 2002 “the plant pioneers” released another true revolution with Sundaville® Red, the first truly red Mandevilla. Ever since this day the market grew to big heights with now yearly over +/- 40 million plants sold within Europe. Sundaville® is still the market leader & world’s no.1 Mandevilla (Dipladenia) brand.


‘Set a new benchmark in quality.’

With Surdiva® Scaevola, MNP / Suntory set the next benchmark in bedding plants when it comes to quality, innovation and heat tolerance. The big steps made in breeding make this “the bedding plant of the future”. With a deep knowledge of the market, you can “mark our words” on this.

TIMELINE 18 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary


‘The plant pioneers.’

After more than 35 years of close cooperation, the merging of both company names (MNP / Suntory) came out to create a strong “house of brands” for the future. Through this new positioning, the company support the entire chain and connect supply & demand in order to grow and become even more relevant in the future, so MNP / Suntory can make consumers happy and the world a bit greener.


Big, bigger, biggest!

A new brand come to life and it was a big success from the beginning! Granvia® was new, fresh and giant with her coloured crunchy paper flowers! The same year it was introduced, Granvia® won the 1st prize during the IPM competition in the category of bedding & balcony plants.

Surfinia® 30th anniversary

In 2020 we had the honour to celebrate an amazing milestone with our beloved Surfinia® which celebrated 30 years! Through the Surfinia® brand, petunias were introduced into the European market and changed the city landscapes with their colourful flowers. We have been working hard on developing even stronger, more exhaustive long-lasting trailing Surfinia®.


Sundaville® 20 years

Here comes our new big pride of the year, Sundaville® 20th anniversary has arrived after two difficult years due to Corona's situation. But right now we have a lot to celebrate with all the actors involved in this Mandavilla successful story. Sundaville® is beloved by consumers around Europe, that’s why we would them to enjoy all the varieties they already know, but also new ones, now available for propagators and growers: Sundaville® Flamingo Pink, Gold and Carmine XXL. You never get tired of Sundaville®!

The SURFINIA® REVOLUTION Peter Seabrook Gardening editor The Sun About Surfinia® Tips & tricks Discover Your favorite combinations 20 16 26 win a camera Put your surfinia® in the spotlight C OLO U R Y O U R G A R D E N


BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 20 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Managing Director MNP


Executive General Manager of International Business Division

Best of both worlds

You don't reach a twenty-year anniversary overnight. It takes a lot of passion, guts and sometimes a bit of luck. Jeroen F. Egtberts (MNP) and Yasuyuki Murakami (Suntory) stood together at the cradle of the discovery and introduction of Sundaville®.

Best of both worlds, that is the collaboration between the Dutch company MNP and the Japanese company Suntory Flowers Ltd. Yasuyuki Murakami has worked for Suntory Flowers for almost 46 years and has a passion for plant breeding.

Jeroen F. Egtberts started 40 years ago at Moerheim, which later became (Moerheim New Plant) MNP. With his valuable knowledge and experience he introduced many unique products to the European market.

You both made a major contribution in the discovery of Sundaville, how did this happen?

Yasuyuki: Over 30 years ago, during our field trip in South America, we came across a Mandevilla, which was not known for in horticulture. It grew in trees and along high cliffs, not the easiest plant to discover. We started investigate about this special species with a local researcher. We quickly discovered that we could add some special potential to our breeding. Through much research, breeding and a bit of luck we invented the red Mandevilla.

Jeroen: During my annual visit to the greenhouses of Suntory Flowers in Japan in 1999, my eye fell on a greenhouse with ascending plants with beautifully colored flowers. What struck me most was the mandevilla with red flowers. I had never seen that before! I knew this was something unique, and therefore immediately asked Suntory Flowers if I could take a number of these cuttings to the Netherlands to further research. Fortunately, that was allowed. And it turned out that the red mandevilla did perfectly in the European climate.

And then?

Jeroen: The red flower was so unique, I immediately believed that this would be a great success. For a good introduction to the market and protection of the product, it was very important to establish a trademark. I suggested Sundaville, a combination of mandevilla and Suntory.

Yasuyuki: Breeding, crossing and selecting strength varieties takes a lot of time. We believed in the success of mandevilla from the

beginning, but of course it was great that the plant also did so well in the European climate. That certainly gave us confidence to put all our effort into discovering new varieties of Sundaville.

“I immediately believed that this would be a great success.”

Jeroen: After the introduction of the red Sundaville, other varieties quickly followed in order to have a complete color palette. Sundaville started as a small product, but we have really set a trend and created innovation.We are very proud of this.

BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 22 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

A collaboration between a Dutch and Japanese company sounds quite unique, how has this contributed to the success of Sundaville?

Jeroen: Suntory Flowers is strong in breeding and crossing and discovering new varieties or improvements. At MNP / Suntory we love pioneering, it gives us a kick to bring new products to the market and step outside the box.

Yasuyuki: The cooperation between our companies is very pleasant. It gives us the opportunity to test novelties on the European market. We get valuable feedback back, which allows us to create even better and more beautiful products. We bring out the best in each other because we keep challenging each other.

Yasuyuki: “There is still so much beauty to come.”

Jeroen: With the result that twenty years after the introduction of Sundaville we still continue to surprise with new colors, applications and shapes. We are far from finished!

What makes Sundaville so special?

Yasuyuki: Sundaville is the most rewarding plant I know. She continues to grow andbloom until the first frost. Because she requires little care, Sundaville is suitable for various climates. That is unique!

Jeroen: Consumers who have bought Sundaville, continue to buy the plant every year. They are surprised by the strength of the

product and become true Sundaville ambassadors. That's really nice to see and hear.

How do you see the future of Sundaville?

Yasuyuki: Very bright! We are still fully committed to discovering new varieties of Sundaville. There is still so much beauty to come.

Jeroen: The market for Sundaville is still growing, every year the demand and the popularity of the plant increases. Sundaville is going to have a wonderful future. On to the 40th anniversary!

"Let us live like flowers wild and beautiful and drenched in sun."
BOHEMIAN 24 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary
Come, be inspired to be a bohemian

Long summer evenings, together with your loved ones. Days spent in the sun. Living your life in freedom. Live your life in full bloom and enjoy. The appearance of the Sundaville® brand is designed around the bohemian style. This style of life fits perfectly with what Sundaville® radiates: cheerful, warm and full of happiness. Enjoy Sundaville® during unique moments with friends and family in a sunny garden. Let’s make some memories!

"Oh happy day!"

Available in many pot sizes and application forms, like hanging baskets, pyramids, towers and big pots.

Sustainable garden plant; needs little water and is resistant to climate change (cold and heat)

Sundaville® has many advantages! 20 reasons why we love it so much. 1
New varieties keep on coming and coming! 10 Low
4 Biggest collection of
2 Largest colour palette within Mandevilla 7 Most innovative breeding programme 9 Excellent branching 8 Rich flowering 5 Highly adaptable 3 6
20 REASONS 26 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Bright and beautiful colours

Easy to transport in the dark over multiple days

Very cold and rain resistant

Easy peasy; You can easily go on holiday for weeks without worrying about your Sundaville.

World’s no 1 Mandevilla / Dipladenia brand.

The flowers keep their colour until the first frost

Best garden performance of all Mandevilla 11
Value for
Sundaville keeps on growing and flowering until autumn
Big flowers
Exclusive and recognizable branding

The ongoing process

The breeding and selection is always an ongoing process. Every year we breed, test and select and introduce new varieties.

The breeding process is always an ongoing process. Every year we breed, test and select and introduce new varieties. With the experience we get out of this and the way the market evolves we go back to the breeding part with all the information, feedback and performances to

make our product each time the better, always trying to do the best work. Our work never stops, the challenge we have as a company is to make the work better every time and to make our product different and unique from the others.

BREEDING PROCES 28 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Breeding strategy

Firstly a breeder draws the breeding strategy to create completely new genetics /varieties.


Breeder and his team pollinate flowers in our greenhouse according to a breeder’s schedule.

Sowing seeds

Breeder collects seeds from seed pods, we sow the seeds in the appropriate season, usually in winter.

Smart scale propagation

For selected seedlings, breeders start small scale propagation and grow those to organize further selection works.

Seed pots

The genetic backgrounds of material is quite

After a few months, we find seed pods on pollinated plants, when succeeded. However, in many cases, the crossing is not successful and we find lots of unmatured pods beside. To improve the successful ratio of crossing, the breeder spent lots of effort to find what is key for success.

First selection

We see the first flower of seedling plants next summer. We start the first selection work for flowered seedlings. We have to spend lots of effort on these crossing and early selection works. So we use our three breeding stations in Japan, Vietnam and Australia, depending on purpose and season for this kind of work.

Tissue culture

Also, the propagators initiate a tissue culture line to establish an elite material of each selected plant. Such works are usually repeated several times, and spend a few years. So we easily spend about five years or more to select a desirable variety from pollination! And a desirable variety could be selected from thousands of seedlings.

9. 8. 7. 6.
1. 2. 3.
Cultivation specialist
“I check all our plants every day extensively”

"I have been working in the MNP / Suntory nursery for 16 years. That means that I have taken care of thousands of plants, selected hundreds of varieties and experienced dozens of product introductions. No day is the same and that is what makes my job so enjoyable. An important part of my job is taking care of Sundaville® and the selection process of new varieties. Sundaville® has been around since I worked at MNP / Suntory, so I have experienced the entire development and growth of the product."

Everything by feeling "I work entirely on the basis of feeling and experience. Every day I make a round through the nursery and look at and assess each plant. Which plant needs water, should we use biological control agents? There is no manual for this, everything we do is based on our passion to make the best products. It gives a kick every time we select new special varieties and bring them to the market together."

My favorite variety “Sundaville® Red”

INTERVIEWS 30 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary
Head of marketing, communications & trade
“Sundaville® is the strongest brand within the mandevilla/dipladenia family.”

"From my role as Head of marketing, communications & trade, I am most proud of our Sundaville® brand. In twenty years, the brand has developed from a special plant to the no.1 brand in Mandevilla. Sundaville® has become a consumer brand, which is recognizable by retailers all across Europe. Also online, we are working hard on the road. Sundaville® has over 10,000 followers on Instagram and since last year a online platform for consumers. Because the genetics of Sundaville® continue to develop, the communication around the brand also continues to develop. It's cool to be in charge of that.

Ready for the future

"Sundaville® is the patio plant of the future. Every consumer can take care of a Sundaville®, even if you have no green thumb. She continues to bloom and grow well into autumn and needs very little water. I see the future for Sundaville® very positive. There are good and ambitious growers who will put the product on the map.

I also have much admiration for Beauty Plants, which has a well-run consumer webshop for years, These collaborations, in combination with our special genetics, ensure that Sundaville® has a bright future!"

My favorite variety

“Sundaville® Flamingo Pink”

Sales & license manager
“I like to surprise our customers with new varieties.”

"In my role as Sales & License Manager, I am in contact with all the propagators and breeders of Sundaville®. It is my job to keep them informed of developments in genetics and to introduce new varieties to them. I find this one of the most enjoyable things about my job. Because of the many discussions with growers, I have a good idea of the market and specific customer needs. It is very cool to see that we can respond so well to this with Sundaville."

Continue to develop

"When we had the first Sundaville® genetics in our hands twenty years ago, we knew immediately that it was something special. A compact, red Mandevilla: that was really something new. Since then, the range has continued to develop and in twenty years, a beautiful brand has emerged. MNP / Suntory is still the market leader in Mandevilla®. That's because we keep innovating and surprising. We add new varieties, shapes and colours, and we are far from finished. In recent years, there has been a lot of competition in the market. That is not a bad thing; it is how we keep each other on our toes. I am curious what the future will bring us, I have every faith in it!"

My favorite variety Sundaville® Red

INTERVIEWS 32 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary


Contract & license administration manager
“Sundaville® is embraced by growers from all over Europe.”

"Every year, hundreds of thousands of consumers buy a beautiful Sundaville® in a garden centre near them. These plants are grown with love and passion by growers from all over Europe, but also from North Africa and the Middle East. At MNP / Suntory, I keep track of which growers are involved and process this in our system. I do this for our entire range, which is quite an administration.”

Protection of unique genetics

"MNP / Suntory has a wide range of unique bedding plants, which we protect by means of licences. This protection is important because it enables us to keep track of where our products are grown. We also use the licences to develop and promote our power brands. Sundaville® is one of our biggest brands and now consists of dozens of varieties. These are all protected in our licensing system."

My favorite variety

“Not commercial yet - coming soon!”

COLLECTION 34 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary
“We are proud to show you the exclusive Sundaville® collections: prepare yourself to meet the brightest colours you have ever seen.”

Our treasures are getting bigger and better Sundaville® is always improving. You surely know yet the most famous hits: the Classics Red, the Pink or the Cream Pink. But there is always room for improvement and new varieties. So we design this magazine also to show you all the novelties that are going to enlarge the Sundaville® family for the upcoming years. Curious to meet them? Each of them has its own story to tell you!

36 - 39 FASHION Collection 40 - 43 UP Collection 44 - 61 CLASSICS Collection 62 - 67 BEAUTY Collection 68 - 73 GRAND Collection
Our treasures are yours SUNDAVILLE® 35


FASHION 36 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Fashion shape, brightest colours

Early flowering, compact growing and the typical bright Mandevilla / Dipladenia colours. This is the Sundaville® Fashion collection, ideal for growers and retailers for their growth without any support and their short production time. Small pots, brilliant colours! The Fashion collection will steal your heart with its new shades.


Fashion Red

“Brighter and brighter”

Does someone say brightness? Fashion Red, we answer! Our Sundaville® Fashion Red is ready to show you all her potential, with medium size flowers and sparkling red petals with a yellow heart. When you see it in your garden, your heart will beat to the rhythm of summer!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 316’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) high (branching) 50 cm (height) compact (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) very early (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 4 weeks (rooting time) mounding (growth habit) 14 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) FASHION 38 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Fashion Pink

“Bright and Bubbly” Pink is the colour of spring and summer, that’s why we bought it also for our Fashion. Here we are to present the Sundaville® Fashion Pink. Her colour is bright and bubbly, ready to refresh your garden table or your aired balcony. She is a pink lady: a sun worshipper which doesn’t call for a lot of water.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 4411’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
7 cm ( ower size) high (branching) 50 cm (height) compact (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) early (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 4 weeks (rooting time) mounding (growth habit) 14 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 39
UP 40 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Up collection touches lightly the sky

Sundaville® Up collection is luxuriant and blooming decored with peculiar star-shaped flowers. She is a particular Mandevilla / Dipladenia, cause she is characterized by upright bunches of flowers on one single stem. Her strength is in reproducing flowers with which she enriches the space between the earth and the sky. Let’s discover her new shiny colours!


Up Apricot

"The summer flavour."

This Sundaville® variety has delicate 7 cm star shaped flowers with long and thin oval leaves. Her bright heart makes the pale flowers pop. The apricot colour gets us in the mood for summer and fresh fruits. Our Sundaville® Up Apricot Up grows fiercely upwards and as you’ll notice: the sky’s the limit!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 572’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8,5 cm ( ower size) high (branching) 60 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) ≈ 5 weeks (rooting time) upright (growth habit) 15 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) UP 42 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Up Scarlet

"It's Scarlet, darling."

Sundaville® Up Scarlet has elegant star-shaped scarlet flowers. Her leaves are long and almost oval-shaped. She blooms very early, has good branching and has a strong upward growth habit. Sundaville® Up Scarlet is suited for 12 cm pots with minimal support. Its branches can be trained in a spiral through plant supports when grown in bigger pots. This variety is a hungry one and requires slightly more fertilizer, don’t be stingy and feed this precious Scarlet!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpamis’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
7,5 cm ( ower size) medium (branching) 80 cm (height) vigoroust (vigour) 12 to 17 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) early (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 5 weeks (rooting time) upright (growth habit) 15 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 43


CLASSICS 44 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

The watchword is Elegance

You recognize a masterpiece when you see it. This is the only original and classic Sundaville® range. If you are used to superior and innovative branching and compact growth, you have to see all the new shades of colours available for the upcoming years.


Big White

“Big, bigger, biggest.”

The classic Big White will conquer you with her amazing pure and candid colour white. Elegance and simplicity are her strong points, the high contrast between flower colours and leaves is inestimable and very attractive.

Flowers up to 7 cm large and fast flowering make up the perfect picture of a Sundaville® Classic!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 4571’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
7/8 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 14 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 4 / 5 weeks (rooting time) mounding (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) CLASSICS 46 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

White (impr.)

“More? It’s improved!”

Superior and innovative branching are synonyms of Classic collection, but if we talk about colours, the Improved White is the variety which will surprise you with her new improved white colour and flower shape. This Sundaville® Classic White improved are strong and healthy plants, suitable for almost every climate and can be used as a patio plant, in balcony boxes, in hanging baskets and as bedding plants.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination “Sunparamakuho’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8,5 cm ( ower size) medium (branching) 80 cm (height) compact (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 6 / 8 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 47


“Lemon & limes.”

A new yellow addition to our classic Sundaville® collection. She won’t give you lemons, but she’ll shower you with plenty of flowers. And although sour might be in her name, she is just the sweetest. Adding her to your collection of garden plants will create the ultimate summer vibe.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 4132’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
7 cm ( ower size) medium (branching) 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 15 to 17 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 14 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) CLASSICS 48 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary


"She is golden!"

We can assure you have ever seen a yellow like this! The newest Classic Gold has a unique colour in Mandevilla / Dipladenia segment. Bright and shining like the sun at midday, she will light even the darkest of gardens. She grows compact with lots of flowers and her peculiarity, further her special colour, is that her hearts has different colours shades, from deep orange to bright red. She is a very special one!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 0931’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
7 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 6 / 8 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 49


"Apricots & oranges."

Here it is! The biggest revolution in the world of Mandevilla since we introduced the Sundaville® brand. We are talking about the first Sundaville® with a beautiful and exciting new bright orange colour, the Sundaville® Apricot!

Sundaville® Apricot has the same distinctive characteristics as the Sundaville® varieties from the Classic range. It has large, very long-lasting, 9 cm apricot coloured flowers with a darker, orange-yellow heart. It boasts a good branching habit, blooms very early and flowers continuously. Sundaville® Apricot plants are best grown in 15 and 17 cm pots with support.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpapri’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8,5 cm ( ower size) high (branching) 60 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 15 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) CLASSICS 50 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Cream Pink

"Delicate & sweet."

The Cream Pink variety, as its name suggests, is reminiscent of the taste of ice cream: sweet and invitingly coloured! Its petals are made unique by their double shade of pink, ideal for those looking for a colour spot that is not too intense but still striking. What is also special about this variety is that it adapts to any type of pot: from the smallest to the largest and to hanging baskets!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparapibra’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8,5 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 51
CLASSICS 52 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Flamingo Pink

“Do the Flamingo this summer.”

The Sundaville® Flamingo Pink is new on the market since 2021. The plant has special pink colored flowers and flowers optimally until the first frost. Sundaville® is a very grateful plant and requires almost no care. This variety is (almost) nowhere else available.

The Flamingo Pink is unique because of the beautiful drawing on the flower. The edges of the flower are flamed light pink. It resembles the feathers of a flamingo, which is also why this species gets its name. Furthermore, the flower has dark pink speckles.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 386’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8,5 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) early (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 18 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 53

Rose Star

"Sparkling like a star."

The perfect pot table Sundaville® has a name, and it is Sundaville® Classic Rose Star! She is a two-tone shading with a unique yellow heart. She flowers early and can gift you with flowers from spring to the first frost. Particularly suitable for medium pots and espalier. Like all the Classic collections she is very adaptable and userfriendly.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpararosta’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) 80 cm (height) very compact (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 6 / 8 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) CLASSICS 54 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

"Watch me, I'm stunning!"

The Sundaville® Classic Pink is the most eye-catching variety in this collection. You can recognize her from far distances due to her pink colour which is attractive and bright… you can not keep your eyes on her! She is suitable for small and big pots but also hanging baskets due to her extreme adaptability and long branching ability.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunmandecripi’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 2 / 3 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 55

Fuchsia Pink

"Pink today, pinker tomorrow."

Flowering in fuchsia. Sundaville® Fuchsia Pink is an outstanding eye-catching pink variety. It has a similar earliness, vigour and flower size to others from the Classic collection. The plant is easy to propagate and to grow. It’s disease resistant and has good outdoor performance. Don't put her in a small pot, she needs space to stand out!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 386’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8,5 cm ( ower size) high (branching) 60 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) early (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 18 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) CLASSICS 56 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Early Scarlet

"Open your eyes and see."

The unmissable one. The Early Scarlet is the growers' favourite because when she is fully bloomed she is really satisfying. Her attractive red is the brightest and she is not going to lose it during the warmest season and stays glossy all summer long!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparaclare’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) high (branching) > 100 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) early (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 6 / 8 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 57

Velvet Red

"The velvet Sundaville®."

Get ready for early and intense red coloured flowers. The Classic velvet red will surprise you with lots of flowers and her versable behaviour which makes her totally suitable for many different baskets.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparasure’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) medium (branching) 80 cm (height) very compact (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 6 / 8 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) CLASSICS 58 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

"The classic among classics."

She was the first variety introduced on the market 20 years ago. Classic Red is a variety that does not go unnoticed and above all never gets tired, even after 20 years of a long and successful history! She was the opener and a masterpiece in Europe for years because of her special red colour and her versatility.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunmadecrim’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) compact (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 2 / 3 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 59

Carmine XXL

“Sweet velvet.”

We’re so excited to share the new Carmine XXL with you. She’s a twist on our classics as her big red flowers have a velvety feel, which is almost fabric like. It makes her look very lush and luxurious. Her big flowers can get as big as 8,5 centimetres and with continuous flowering… the WOW effect is assured!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpa 2015’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8,5 cm ( ower size) high (branching) 60 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 16 weeks (growing time) moderate (growth regulator) CLASSICS 60 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary


"Inebrieting as wine."

As the name suggests, this Sundaville variety has the typical burgundy colour, a deep and intense red difficult to forget. This plant is very valuable for her special adaptability to every kind of pot and her extreme early blooming.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparacore’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) medium (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 2 / 3 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 61


BEAUTY 62 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

The real beauties

Beauty collection stands for lovely colours and vigorous branching. The Sundaville® Beauty collection is a range of perfectly branched Mandevilla / Dipladenia variety that produces beautiful large flowers and can be grown in 10-13 pots and hanging baskets.

Every collection has its own details and what characterized the Beauty one is diversity: in fact, it has two different varieties, the early bloomers and the later ones. Growing both of them, you can cover the entire spring and summer market.


Beauty White

“Elegance in white.”

If you are looking for a perfect ornment for your white theme party, the Sundaville® Beauty White is what you are looking for. Her flowers convey freshness and cleanliness, donating an elegant atmosphere even at late night. Her lushly growing flowers reach an average height without any support due to her attitude to climb.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparapreho’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 3 / 4 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) BEAUTY 64 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Beauty Rose

“Rose is the dress code.”

Keep patience and a big pot to get prepared for this beauty: Sundaville® Beauty Rose takes some time to show her kindness but waiting for her blooming definitely worth it. She grows vigorous with high branches and big pink flowers 7 cm big, coloured soft pink with an orange heart. A late-blooming for an outstanding exhibition!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparaprero’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
7,5 cm ( ower size) high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) from 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 2 / 3 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 65

Beauty Bright Red

"Bright & shine."

Large flowers and a high personality, that's what defines Sundaville® Beauty Bright Red. Her name does not lie, her brilliance will conquer every space available on your patio and will make you travel to an exotic destination.

Sundaville® Beuty Bright Red has a medium blooming, with high branching and vigorous body. Let her shine and bright all summer long.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunpara 3043’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
8 cm ( ower size) high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 2 / 3 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) BEAUTY 66 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Beauty Vermillion

“Passion & pride.”

Imagine yourself on a summer evening dancing a passionate tango on a beach, around you the pyramids of Sundaville® Beauty Vermillion give a passionate and elegant atmosphere. This variety grows vigorous with high branches and more than one bloom per stem. The flowers are a little long in coming, but once they bloom the show is guaranteed!

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparaoriaka’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
7,5 cm ( ower size) high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 2 / 3 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 67


GRAND 68 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Think really big

“Every family needs a big sister to watch back to the littles.” Large flowers and tropical appeal make consumers go wow in front of the Sundaville® Grand range. This collection is a series of Mandevilla / Dipladenia hybrids perfect to be grown on a trellis and in 12 cm pots or hanging baskets. They will design the perfect landscape for your projects conferring a tropical atmosphere.


Grand White

"The new eye-catching."

Big, white and intense. These are the main characteristics of the Sundaville® Grand Big White, with her intense white large flowers will capture your attention and she will surprise you by getting bigger and bigger day after day.

Grand Big White is the perfect ornamental plant to being put at the entrance of big palaces or infrastructures to catch everybody attention and welcome people in.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparaosiro’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
9 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 4 / 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) GRAND 70 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Grand Rose

"Happy Pinkie mood."

Sundaville® Grand Rose looks like an endless summer spent in Greece. She is an early-flowering beauty rich in large flowers coloured with an intense pink so eye-catching. The high contrast of the pink flowers with the deep green of leaves makes the plant even more astonishing.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparaoros’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
9 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) medium (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 4 / 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) SUNDAVILLE® 71

Grand Red

"Gentle & longlasting."

This red variety will make you wait a little longer than the others to see the result of your work… but the show will be worth the wait! Her red flowers are very large and therefore visible from afar. The Grand Red is a plant that needs a little bit of maintenance in the growing phase, but once the flowers have bloomed, you will just have to watch it glow bright red all day long.

Available for retailers now Use the QR code for more pictures and information about this variety Denomination ‘Sunparare 15’ PBR Propagation is stricktly prohibited! Protected by plant breeders rights
9 cm ( ower size) very high (branching) > 80 cm (height) vigorous (vigour) 9 to 15 cm (advised pot size) 1x (pinching) late (earliness) 20 °C (growth temp.) 4 / 5 weeks (rooting time) climbing (growth habit) 12 weeks (growing time) low (growth regulator) GRAND 72 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

With one variety, endless possibilities

Product variation to the max. See when to order your desired finished product (large quantities) in order to re-sell it in shop in the right week! Check the guidelines below!

ORDERING INFORMATION 74 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Cultivation information

Sundaville® Mandevilla makes an ideal conservatory and outdoor summer patio plant.

Sundaville® varieties can be planted in tubs, window boxes or hanging baskets.

Mandevilla is the name of a genus which is also known as Dipladenia. It stands for a climbing plant which is classified as a tender perennial, so it will require frost protection in temperate climates.

Mandevilla are native to Central and South America and are tolerant to heat as well as cool northern European conditions.

CULTIVATION 76 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Growing instructions - plant care

After purchasing your plug plants, carefully remove any packaging and allow the plants to acclimatise for 24 hours by placing them in a light position but out of direct sunlight. Check whether they need watering. They are likely to need some water before potting (never pot up a dry plant). You can water from underneath the plant or overhead, but ensure that the whole root ball is moist. After 24 hours, transfer the plant into a 9 – 10 cm pot (maximum size), using any universal or standard potting mix. Avoid loam-based compost as the mix needs to be free draining. First, fill the pot with compost to the top. Then, make a hole in the centre with your fingers and insert the plug. The top of the plug needs to be at the same level as the top of the compost. Don’t bury parts of the stem or foliage as they may rot.

Water plants thoroughly after potting, then place them in a nice bright position – window, conservatory, greenhouse, etc. Allow the root ball to dry out between watering for the first 2-3 weeks. They can be kept moister once the roots have run to the edge of the pot. Feed after 2-3 weeks with a standard feed, such as Baby Bio®, Phostrogen, etc. After about 7-10 weeks transfer the plant into a larger pot.

Potting on

Always pot on into a pot which is up to 5 cm larger than the previous one. This is usually necessary once a year, in the spring. Use a free-draining potting compost. You can add a slow-release fertiliser such as Osmocote® to provide long-lasting feed levels. We recommend that Sundaville® is kept in a container as this allows you to move the plant indoors for protection against severe weath- er and low temperatures. After potting on the plant will need a support system, either bamboo canes or a trellis of some type - all of which will be available from your local garden centre - or you can opt for a trailing habit by using a hanging basket. Again, ensure that the plant is moist before potting on. Water immediately after potting on, then allow to dry out between watering for the first 2-3 weeks.


Sundaville® plants can be grown in full sun or partial shade. When grown indoors, they will thrive if they are given as much natural light as possible. Light levels are important to repeat

flowering in the following year. In the United Kingdom for example, the plants will flower until Christmas if they are given the correct indoor conditions. If your plant is outside, please bring it indoors before the first frosts and place in a well lit, frost-free area. A heated greenhouse, protected porch, or conservatory (cold or heated) is ideal.

Height control

If you want to control the height of your Sundaville® plants, pinching them to acquire the correct shape is recommended. Be aware that if you pinch hard at every shoot you will remove the flower buds which appear at the leaf joints at approx. every 2-5 pairs of leaves. Always identify the flower buds first before pinching! To support the climbing shoots, you can train them up a trellis or similar support system.

Watering & winter care

Sundaville® plants are tolerant of wet or dry conditions in the summer and can safely go without water for a week or more if necessary. Regular watering in the summer, allowing the root ball to dry out between watering, is ideal. Feed at least once a week with tomato feed, for example, if you have not added a slow-release fertiliser to the compost. It’s really important to avoid overwatering! From early November onwards, dry the root ball out completely, especially if it is being overwintered in a cold environment. Water lightly about once a month until the weather and light conditions improve in the spring, around late February to early March. By then, the compost should be so dry that it appears dusty. Plants overwintered this way very rarely wilt. Move your Sundaville® plants outside as soon as the danger of frost has passed. Make sure to harden the plants off and gradually adapt them to a full sunny spot either on your terrace, balcony or patio. Pot on into a larger container if required.


The information above has been compiled with maximum care and is based on our current knowledge. MNP / Suntory is not responsible for the consequences of use or misuse of the above information. When using crop protection products or growth regulators, always comply with applicable laws and regulations in your country.


Sundaville® Cuttings (young plants) Availability

We are very proud to collaborate with innovative and professional partners throughout the EAME area. We work with only the best biotech laboratories*, propagators and growers in Europe.

Cuttings (young plants)

Looking for un-rooted (URC) or rooted cuttings (RC / young plants)? Check out the list of official licensees below.


- Selecta Klemm GMbH & Co. KG


- Gruppo Padana Ortofloricoltura

- Lazzeri Società Agricola

- Azienda Agricola Sentier

The Netherlands

- Beekenkamp Plants B.V.

- Florensis B.V.

- M. van Veen B.V. unrooted cuttings rooted cuttings

*Tissue culture: For questions & availability of clean tissue culture (in vitro) please contact MNP / Suntory (

AVAILABILITY 78 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

(Half ) finished plants

Looking for (half ) finished Sundaville® plants?

Check out the list of official licensees below.


- BVBA DeCock Plants

- V.D. Plant BVBA


- Topfpflanzen Hannen

- Gartenbau Marc Peters

- Emsflower GmbH

Czech Republic

TU-Flor s.r.o.


- SCA Bury

- Earl Berjou J.P. Horticulture

- Eyraud Productions.

- EARL Haberschill

- SAS Lannes et Fils


- Marigold Plants SA


finished plants

- Cameflor Floricoltura.

- Eurosa

- Prestige Plants Società Agricola a.r.l.

- Planta S.S AGR

The Netherlands

- Beauty Plants

- Berhard Young Plants BV.

- Van Neerven Kuipplanten.

- Patio Nova

- Patio Plants Vof


- Horticulura Ruiz SA / Cultivation Quality Plants

- Vivero Las Fresas SL

- Vivero Naturplant Almeria SL

- Viveros La Pacheca

- Semilleros Laimund SL

- Solisplant SL

- Posadas Y Domenech SL


- Plantpol Spotka z.o.o.


What the proffessionals say about Sundaville®!

Sundaville® ‘Brings you happiness’ and we do not do this alone. Sundaville® has been a success for twenty years, partly because we work with different partners. We call them our ambassadors. What makes Sundaville so special for them?

AMBASSADORS 80 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

"The cooperation between Florensis and MNP / Suntory is unique and very valuable for both companies. We sell Sundaville® to growers all over Europe. The branding of Sundaville® matches perfectly with the sunny and cheerful look of the product. It gives the product just that little bit extra. In collaboration with MNP / Suntory, we created last year an own label within the existing Sundaville® branding. With this, we give our growers a little extra service. In this way, we give the product extra value in the chain and we ensure recognition among consumers.

Sunny future

"The Mandevilla product has a bright future ahead of it. A 20th anniversary is a great milestone, but the product has much more potential. From Florensis, we hope to continue working with Sundaville® for many years to come. The product continues to develop, more and more new varieties are added so that it continues to surprise. Sundaville® fits into any climate and needs little care. These are requirements that future-proof plants must meet. Sundaville® has it all!


International Product Marketeer


"In 2016 we started growing Sundaville. At the time we were looking for a product that we could grow in the spring and a product that was not too easy to grow. Sundaville fits our company perfectly, we are very happy that we have chosen this product. We have also very consciously chosen the mandevillas from Sundaville. Beautiful colours, beautiful collections and in MNP / Suntory we quickly found a pleasant cooperation partner. We test varieties, use the cultivation advice and of course the marketing and promotion around the brand Sundaville®. Last year we introduced Sundaville® Flamingo Pink together. A real hit! "

Considerable fan base

"The popularity of Sundaville® is growing every year. Tim, Nol and Stef notice that sales through their own webshop ''. Here they sell their complete range of Sundaville® directly to European consumers. Many customers come back to Mandevillashop every year because their purchases are so good. "On our platform we also offer care tips and inspiration, which gives the consumer extra confidence." Through the webshop, Beautyplant gets a lot of insight into the consumer behaviour around Sundaville®. "It's really nice to see what species are doing well and what the consumer needs. The webshop is growing every year and we owe that in part to the success of Sundaville®."

Owners Beauty Plants &

“As Category Manager at GRS Retail, I have a lot of insight into the needs of the Dutch and Belgian garden centre market. We buy plants for 150 different garden centres and it is important that we always keep the consumer's wishes in mind. The consumer of today is often looking for a beautiful visual product, but also looks at how the plant should be cared for. Sundaville® has the combination of both qualities and is, therefore, a very important spring product for GRS Retail.”

Essential product

“In recent years, Sundaville® has become an indispensable product for garden centres. Sundaville® is often used by garden centres as a promotional item to attract consumers to the shop. The Sundaville® brand has become a household name, both among retailers and consumers. They no longer ask for Mandevilla, but specifically Sundaville®. Through the many positive experiences and proven quality, the demand continues to grow every season. Sundaville® is a must-have for the shop floor!”

Category Manager


Your media tool

As pioneers and trendsetters in breeding, selecting, marketing and licensing innovative and superior quality (bedding) plants, we aim to present our brands in a 360° Marketing manner.

We believe that if we do so, product recognizability, product appreciation, price steadiness throughout the chain and therefore brand-lifetime increases. So good use of all resources will provide benefits. With images, stock photos, logos, artwork, colour guides, texts, labels, POS materials etc. this library provides you with an easy way to boost your sales.

Everything you read and see in this magazine you can find in the media center as well. So, if you’re a propagator, grower, wholesaler, exporter, retailer, influencer or journalist here you’ll find all the things you need to compose your communication or POS materials.

Terms and conditions

Certain rules and conditions apply to the use of the database. You can find these on the login page.

Scan to download media MEDIA CENTER 84 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

How to use

1) Search by group

You can search by group using categories, with or without a keyword combination. For example, the keyword “Sundaville” and category “new”. Or the category “collection” in combination with the type of photo as “close-up”.

2) Search by keyword

You can search with one or more keywords at the same time, for example, “Sundaville cream pink”. Then you only get photos that actually include that variety and colour. Don't forget to reset the filters before starting a new search.

3) Download formats

There are three web-based aspect ratios available for download. From small, medium to large.

4) My selections

Click on the chosen picture to include it in your personal ‘my selections’ tool. And easily download multiple files or share it with a colleague.


Get in touch with the Sundaville® team

At MNP / Suntory we are happy to guide, advise and provide our business partners with all the support they need. get in touch with our team of highly qualified professionals.

CONTACT 86 | Sundaville® 20th anniversary

Jeroen F. Egtberts Managing Director

M 0031 (0) 653 23 80 36

T 0031 (0) 172 506 700


Willem Mulder Contract & License Adm.

M 0031 (0) 612 12 68 85

T 0031 (0) 172 506 700


Cultivation Specialist

T 0031 (0) 172 506 700


Let’s get social MNP / Suntory Weteringweg 3-A, 2155 MV Leimuiderbrug, the Netherlands +31 (0) 172 506 700 Sundaville Sundaville SundavilleMandevilla Sundaville_ Sundaville

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