Newsletter Faculty of Science_Issue6_April 2022

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PSU.SCI Notes Issue 06 April 2022

Key Facts at a Glance The Faculty of Science cooperated with the University of Novi Sad to organize International Bioscience Conference (IBSC) (25-26 November 2021) and the dean joined to be one of the plenary speakers .

Two times in a row, our lecturers were named to the Future list by Blue Mango Publishing, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phuvadol Thanakiatkrai in 2021 and for this year Assoc. Prof. Dr. Warakorn Limbut from the Division of Health and Applied Sciences. This ranking was created by Blue Mango Publishing. People who are named for this award are from diverse professions that stand out and are worth keeping eyes on. It can motivate excellent people to children and adolescents who are interested in science. Dr Warakorn changes the perspective in science teaching. from boring and difficult to a lot more fun.

Associate Professor Dr. Anchana Prathep spoke during a special lecture on Seagrass Biodiversity and Conservation for Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study from Thailand together with 3 plenary speakers.

Alumni - Say Hi!

If you are looking to kick start your postgraduate career, PSU is a great university. You will get to study under world-class laboratories and get to be supervised by experts in your field, in a friendly and supportive university. I always treasure the opportunity I had to study at PSU. During my time I met scholars from different countries - which gave me an opportunity to learn and appreciate different cultures. The choice to study at PSU is one which I will never regret as it turned out to be more than I expected - I would recommend PSU to anyone any day and anytime! Imakando Christopher (Ph.D.) Graduated from PSU in 2014 with M.Sc. in Biology, Graduated from the University of Greenwich, UK in 2022 with Ph.D. Now lecturer in the Department of Zoology and Aquatic Sciences, Copperbelt University, Zambia

My time at PSU looked shorter than it was because I felt home away from home. The lecturers and other students helped me to easily settle in the university. I would like to specifically thank my supervisors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chutamas Satasook, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sara Bumrungsri and Dr. Paul J. J. Bates, for their invaluable academic support during my MSc studies at PSU. I always miss PSU and look forward to visiting the university. I would be failing if I end without commenting on Thai food - the diversity was amazing and the food was delicious.

International and Public Relations

+66 74 28 8008


PSU.SCI Notes Issue 06 April 2022


Thiti Ungcharoenk B.Sc. Physics

He was just like any other student who thought physics was a difficult subject to understand. What caused him to shift his viewpoint and focus on physics is his teacher who taught in high school. Before that, he had a bad attitude with Physics but this teacher gradually changed his perspective to a more positive one, and finally he fell in love with it. He also mentioned that studying in the Faculty of Science, PSU is a study that emphasizes self-study. This self-study causes him to be eager to find new knowledge. His mother is also one of the major people who motivates him to participate in this program. The HGS-HIRe Summer Student Program at GSI is organized by the collaborations between the Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research (HGS-HIRe), and the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research (GSI). This scholarship provides unique research opportunities in the fields of hadronic and nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, atomic, laser, and plasma physics, materials science, and biophysics. Mr. Thiti Ungcharoen will participate in the project during 25 July and 15 September 2022.

Top 5 outstanding news in 2021

“The fun of physics is solving the doubt”

Thiti Ungcharoenk—from a highschool student who does not like physics to a participant in the prestigious “HGS-HIRe Summer Student Program at GSI” in Germany.

International and Public Relations

1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charan Leeratiwong from the division of Biological Science and his research team discovered 10 new species of the climber genus Friesodielsia (Annonaceae) in the flora of Thailand. 2. The Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, together with the Narcotic Crops Survey and Monitoring Institute and the Thai Kratom Academic Network, organized The 1st Thailand Kratom Conference "Past, Present, Future of Kratom" online via the website 3. Four Researchers ranked Top 2% Worldwide in Research Citations by Standford University, 2021. Prof. Dr. Vatcharin Rukachaisirikul, Chemistry Prof. Dr. Souwalak Phongpaichit, Medicinal & Biomolecular Chemistry Assoc. Professor Dr. Sumetha Suwanboon, Materials Science Assoc. Professor Dr. Anukorn Phuruangrat, Materials Science 4. Winner of FameLab Thailand 2021 and Winner of People’s Choice Award 2021: Dr. Sirawit Ittisoponpisan for his presentation on “The power of prediction amid the pandemic”. 5. Students created the pumpkin building on Minecraft for welcoming freshmen to PSU Hatyai campus. Mr. Alongkot Yaemsuwan and Mr. Theeranun Petsuk, 2nd-year students from the Faculty of Science created the pumpkin building, our lecture hall, on Minecraft for welcoming freshmen to PSU Hat Yai campus.

+66 74 28 8008


PSU.SCI Notes Issue 06 April 2022

Achievements: 7 Awards for

9 Questions with

Students’ Innovations

Kanyanat Kaewutai (Bogie)

2021 B.Sc. graduate in Biology, received a national award of Young Rising Stars in Science 2021 1. What is your background? I graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the Department of Biology, Division of Biological Science in the Faculty of Science, PSU. 2. What impact did the PSU/Faculty of Science have on your life? I got so many experiences from the Department of Biology. I have learned and seen many new things. Importantly, I was surrounded by many kind people here. It was nice.

National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) collaborated with public and private research networks in Thailand to organize The 16th Thailand Research Expo 2021 under the theme "Research for Thailand's Security, Wealth, and Sustainability". Our lecturer and students have made a significant contribution by winning seven awards for their three innovations.

Kiattisak Promsuwan1,2 Jenjira Saichanapan1

3. What are you supposed to do that you aren’t doing? I am supposed to learn and practice English early because it has been more important in my life since I started at university. 4 How do you motivate yourself to keep going once you are down? I think the best way to motivate myself when I fall down is crying because it can release something in my head and release my emotions and it will make me feel better. If it is a small thing, I do not want to talk with anyone because I can handle it by myself. If it is hard to handle, I will talk to someone about it, and try to figure it out and tell myself that everything is going to be fine. 5. How do you define success? I never define “success” because I have so many goals in my life. f I can achieve the many goals I have, then it makes me and my parents proud and happy. So, I would say those could be my success. 6. What’s a dream you want to pursue? For me, it is to get rich, healthy, and make myself and my family happy because I don’t want them to worry about me and disappoint me. 7. Your quote/motto of life: I do not have a quote, but rather a sentence that I often tell myself. When I have many things to do, I always tell myself not to put too much pressure on myself, to take it slow, and believe in myself that I can do it. 8. What will you never give up on? I will never give up on anything that I have to do or I would like to do, even though it takes a long time or sometimes it is stuck. I just try to find a way to do it and start over again because I wanna try to do everything with my best.

Asamee Soleh1,3

Kasrin Saisahas1

3 Krittipas Kaewnu2,3 Supatinee Kongkaew

Suparat Cotchim3 Kamonchanok Torrarit3 Yudtapum Thipwimonmas3

1 Wireless electrochemical device for monitoring hazardous substances in cosmetics and dietary supplements- received proposal project writing awards and won medals at graduate level in public health, health and medical technology field. Inventors: Kiattisak Promsuwan, Jenjira Saichanapan, Asamee Soleh, and Kasrin Saisahas Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proespichaya Kanatharana, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Panote Thavarungkul, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Warakorn Limbut 2 Saliva Alcohol Test Kit received a proposal project writing award and Innovation Award of Higher Education, also won a medal at graduate level in public health, health and medical technology field. Inventors: Krittapas Kaewnu and Kiattisak Promsuwan Supervisors: Asst. Prof. Adul Thiangchanya, Asst. Prof. Dr. Apichai Phonchai, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Warakorn Limbut 3 Innovation for determination of free chlorine in swimming pool using the flow injection amperometric system received the Innovation Award of Higher Education and won a medal at graduate level in Energy, Environment and BCG Economy Model field. Inventors: Supatinee Kongkaew, Suparat Cotchim, Asamee Soleh, Kamonchanok Torrarit, Yudtapum Thipwimonmas, and Krittapas Kaewnu Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proespichaya Kanatharana, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Panote Thavarungkul, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Warakorn Limbut

9. If you could visit one place on earth, where would you go? To be honest, I would like to travel around the world. If I have to choose only one place, I would like to go to England because it’s the first country on my list where that I always wanted to visit, yet I missed the opportunity to go there once.

International and Public Relations

+66 74 28 8008


Research Network presented

Issue 06 April 2022

International and Public Relations

+66 74 28 8008 4

PSU.SCI Notes Issue 06 April 2022

SCiZN Graduate Studies In Science PSU Event 2022 On two days International Relations introduced video material and fact sheets about the four divisions of the Faculty of Science to students, researchers and professors from Asia. The meeting also shared funding grants and other opportunities to students. Erasmus+ Visit of Head of International Relations Ms. Gordana Vlahovic and Prof. Slobodanka Stankovic From 6 - 16 February 2022 the Faculty of Science, PSU was happy to receive two guests from the Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad in Serbia. The visit was supported under the Erasmus+ staff mobility funding. The faculty has been a loyal partner for many years and therefore, our International Relations team was glad to receive Ms. Gordana who gave valuable input and advice in terms of internationalization, funding and research support. Prof. Slobodanka Stankovic from the Department of Ecology gave lectures in Physiology and accompanied Ms. Gordana in meetings and seminars throughout the week.

Outstanding Cooperation with Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

In September 2021 International Relations initiated collaborations with the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University in mutual interest fields of both faculties. After first conversations with partners from AU, teams from Quantum Computing, Neuroscience, Microbiology and Biodiversity started to plan joint projects. Just recently, the “Winter School in Bioinformatics for Microbiology Students” from 8th Dec 2021 until 9th Mar 2022 was closed. The school provided 14 courses for students to follow weekly meetings on diverse topics in Microbiology taught by a team of lecturers from PSU and AU.

Upcoming Join us in:


To all graduates from 2020/21,

for your future we wish you being successfull on all your paths.

ICON-SMART 3 - 4 June 2022 We hope to see you at the graduation ceremony: 8 May rehearsal at the Faculty of Science, 9 May rehearsal at the ICC Hat Yai, 11 May graduation ceremony at the in Bali ICC Hat Yai.

Issue 6 has arrived !!! Hello guys, we are interns at International Relations. This time it us to share news, updates, and upcoming events of the Faculty of Science and hope that this might make you consider studying, collaborating, or working with our faculty. Through these tumulting times, we hope that you stay safe and healthy. Take good care. :) International and Public Relations

+66 74 28 8008

Editorial Note

Teerasak Tawan (Retour)

Juthamas In-arporn (Kookkai)


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