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Ian Chapman
Mischke Family
At Sundance® Spas, we are delighted to help families reconnect, recover the body, and restore the spirit. Through our Good Cause Spas™ movement, we’re dedicated to partnering with worthy organizations that are helping our neighbors, heroes, and humanitarians experience the healing power of hydrotherapy. We believe in giving back to those who have given so much to their community and their country, and we’re proud to show our appreciation for their selfless service and spirit of giving.
Feel Good Moments Whether helping generations of families come together or giving back to those who give so much, supporting good causes in our communities simply feels like the perfect fit. Please join Sundance® Spas and the Good Cause Spas® movement in our support of the many worthy organizations that strive to help our neighbors, heroes, and champions.
Total amount donated to worthy causes since 2016:
Number of spas donated since December 2016:
Sundance® Spas donates a spa to WISH for OUR HEROES for every 100 Sundance® spas sold at each participating dealer location in a single calendar year. Please join us in celebrating the dealers that helped contribute to this worthy cause.
A-1 Pools
All Seasons Pools and Spas
LeDipping Parlor Spas
All Seasons Spas Allstate Home Leisure Aqua Paradise Arctic Home Living Atlanta Hot Tub Center Backyards in Style Backyards of America Carefree Spas of Indianapolis
New England Spas Omaha Hot Tub Company Pacific Spas & Sauna Performance Pool & Spa Pool City Red Rock Spas Royal Pools & Spas Spa Palace Sundance Spas of NH
Desert Oasis Spas & Pools
Sundance Spas of Twin Ports
Emerald Swimming Pools of Oregon
Superior Hearth & Home
Great Bay Spa & Sauna Hydro-Spa Factory Outlet Inside Out Home
Take A Break Spas & Billiards The Great Escape The Spa & Sauna Co. 5
Pain Relief
Ian Chapman
Ian Chapman served as a fort observer for the Army which is classified as one of the most physically demanding positions to hold in the military. Routinely carrying equipment of up to 150 pounds, debilitating pain and injury became persistent. So, a regimen of medication and hospital visits was part of Ian Chapman’s weekly routine. But now with daily use of a Sundance® spa — sometimes multiple times per day — he has not only reduced his medication and eliminated frequent trips to the hospital, but has also improved his quality of life.
With the convenience of it at our house I am able to just go outside and sit in it. I can sit it in as long as I need to and it helps relieve the muscle spasms and strains in my back and body. - Ian Chapman 6
When he has flare-ups in his back, his muscles contract. He realized when he starts to have that contraction and the nerves start to flare up, if he goes and sits in hot water then he can maintain some mobility. With the spa I don’t think we’ve been to the hospital because we’ve been able to stay proactive. - Sarah Stein 7
Family Time
Mischke Family
Darren Mischke not only battles the physical aftermath of two tours in Iraq on a daily basis, but also values the much-missed family together time with his wife and children. Several months of soaking in a Sundance® spa after deployment has greatly improved Mischke’s disposition while helping reduce his pain levels.
“It’ll help my back out and my legs. The spa feels good on a busy day or when you’re tense it will help me with my muscles,” - Darren Mischke 8
“The spa has brought us closer together because the kids are choosing to hang out in the spa versus play video games so that’s a huge benefit to us,” - Teresa Mischke 9
Connection and Renewal Hinton Family With 21 years of military wear and tear on his body, daily morning body aches was Fred Hinton’s way of life. A Sundance® spa not only has helped this veteran renew his body, but also helps strengthen the Hinton family’s bond.
Being in the military for 21 years, your body takes a beating. You wear a lot of gear—sometimes it’s double your body weight. The spa has allowed me to take a little bit of the pressure off. My back feels good! - Fred Hinton 11
Learn how Sundance® Spas supports good causes in the community by visiting:
#GoodCauseSpas ©2 0 2 2 S u n d a nc e S p a s, I nc . All r i g h t s reser v ed . Sundance ® i s a re gi s t e re d t ra de m a r k o f S und a nc e S p a s, I nc . All o t h er b ra nd s, p ro d uc t na mes, com pany n a m e s , t ra de n a m e s a n d t ra d ema r ks used a re t h e p ro p ert y o f t h ei r resp ec t i v e o wners. Sundance m a y a dd t o c h a n ge or re m o v e a ny p a rt o f t h ese mat er i a ls at a ny t i me, wi t h o ut no t i c e. Re produ c t i on i n w h ol e or i n p a rt wi t h o ut wr i tt en p er mi ssi o n i s p ro h i b i t ed .