Drugs and Addiction Magazine

Page 49

\\\\\ School/Work>> not completing assignments, homework or studying

being defensive or having an angry attitude

skipping class to use, avoid being caught or to sleep

toward teachers

slipping grades

poor attitude toward school in general

failing classes

little motivation to participate in school

suspension from school

little motivation to look for a job

expulsion from school

difficulty finding a job

dropping out of school

being fired from a job

attending an “Alternative” school program difficulty concentrating; distraction poor memory skills feeling “dumb” difficulty learning withdrawing from school activities (sports, clubs, etc.)


Family>> experiencing increased conflict with parents

feeling fear of being caught by family members

or siblings

neglecting household chores

withdrawing from family members (i.e. not wanting to

avoiding family outings

be around them)

exposing your family to negative people by using the

breaking the family rules (e.g. curfew)

home to use or deal drugs

lying to family members

feeling different from your family

increasing secrecy from family (e.g. hiding drugs,

running away from home

money, etc.)

being kicked out of the house

making secret phone calls feeling guilt over hurting or disappointing family members breaking trust with family members


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