2017 InfoZine

Page 6

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The Bible is a BIG deal

Jesus is the BIGGEST deal

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Everything contained in the Bible has a purpose, and it tells the story of God’s love for humanity. The entirety of the Bible tells the story of God’s redemptive plan for us, revealing how we can have a right relationship with Him through His son, Jesus. It’s a guide to discover and live God’s best for our lives, lives that are filled with joy and purpose.

Because we believe the Bible to be God’s truth, what it says about Jesus matters. Everything in the Bible points towards Jesus. We believe His claim that He is the way, He is the truth, He is the way to life, and that He is the only way to God the Father. We believe that if we have a right understanding of who Jesus is, choose to trust Him for salvation, and obediently follow His commands, we are able to experience and know God’s best for our lives.

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