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49 . The real place where the Heavens are made, is within man . 50 . The soul is the ray of the Sun, which is the infinite Spirit . 51 . The soul is the action of the heavenly Sun . It manifests and returns , as man exhales and inhales . 52 . God is Love : so God is beyond the Law . Love is above the Law .

If we come to any solution of our everrising questions, it is never by studying the Law that we find satisfaction, but by diving deep into Love, and letting Love inspire us .

53 .

Cf . Aph . 346 .

54 . If one has learned while on earth how to create joy and happiness for oneself .and others, in the other world that joy and happiness surround one : and if one has sown the seeds of poison , one must reap those fruits there : and thus one sees that justice is the nature of life .

55 . The Judgment Day is every day, and one knows it as one's sight becomes more keen . Every hour, every moment in life has its judgment .

56 . What connection has the soul, which has passed from the Earth, with those still on this plane? The connection of the heart still keeps intact, and it remains unbroken as long as the link of sympathy is there . 57 . To create happiness for oneself and others is the whole philosophy of religion .

58 . What is Sufism? It is wisdom . To learn wisdom, at every step on the path of life, is the only work of the Sufi .

59 . The one who is the slave of conventionality, is a captive ; the one who is the master of conventionality, is the possessor of that kingdom which is mentioned in the Bible : "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the kingdom of the Earth . "

60 . As soon as a person begins to regard the pleasure and displeasure of God in the feelings of every person he meets, he can only be refined, whatever his position in life .

61 . The human soul is by nature perfect , but the life of limitation on Earth brings imperfection to it . 221

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