21 Financial Wisdom Keys

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***************21 Wisdom Keys To Recession Proof Your Life***************

WISDOM KEY #19 TURN OVER YOUR OWNERSHIP You must always remember that God has given you stewardship over the financial resources you currently have at your disposal. The definition of a “steward” is someone who manages property for someone else. Just hold your horses Shaun, if I earned this money wouldn’t that make ME the owner? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I can remember many times while I was a manager at my prior job, that customers would often come in making demands, asking for special treatment, and requesting I “bend” the rules. My typical response to them was usually, “I’m sorry and I wish I could help you but you see I am only the manager. I will need to check with the owner before I do that.” This is the same attitude we should have when it comes to our finances.

God owns everything on the earth and in the heavens because He alone is the original creator. He simply places us in charge over it to manage. A manager of a company doesn’t own the assets he is in charge of; instead he is given the responsibility of managing those assets by the owner of the company. If he does a good job of managing those assets then chances are great he will get a promotion and more assets to manage. If he mismanages those assets then he will lose responsibility as well as the assets he was entrusted with to manage. (Matthew 25:14-29 / Luke 12:42-44)

How well are you currently managing the assets that God has entrusted you with? Are you wasting your money and spending it frivolously or are you saving it and investing it wisely? Let’s say you have a friend or family member who needs your help financially. Pretend for a moment that they needed $100 and you had it to give to them. Now let’s say that after you gave it to them, they immediately went to the bathroom and flushed it down the toilet.

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