Sarafina's Water Dance

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Sarafina’ sWater Dance

Georgia LeFlore



I dedicate this book to my beautiful daughter, Bella. You are so amazing. Thanks for always encouraging mommy, like only you can in that sweet little voice. I’m so proud to be your mother. My dear son, Carter. Mommy loves you and thank you, for always keeping me on my toes with all that energy you have. My hope is that one day you both will do the same and let your light shine bright and do great things on this earth. To my Mother, for always listening to all my ideas and believing in me; no matter how many times a day I call you. Even when you were sick and tired, you were always there, so, I honor you for that.

Sarafina’s Water Dance

Copyright 2017 by Georgia LeFlore

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law.

Loud Light Publishing

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Printed in the United States of America

Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication Data

LeFlore, Georgia. Sarafina’s Water Dance / Georgia LeFlore. p. cm. ISBN 978-1-7322697-0-5

1. Children’s Books. 2. Inspirational. 3. Picture Books.

First Edition

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Georgia LeFlore


was on the inside of her, but radiated on the outside.

Everyone she came in contact with always had a great time laughing, playing, singing and dancing. Whatever talent they had inside of them just seemed to come alive when Sarafina was around.

She carried something so special on the inside of her that even she couldn’t explain. Sarafina had many gifts and talents, but her most extraordinary gift was Soul Dancing. She was a radiant, and exquisite dancer.

All who watched her dance were in awe of what they saw. It was as if heaven opened up and shined a Light on her as she danced with such elegance and mystery that no one had ever seen before.

Her dance moves spoke to the core of your soul, echoing secret messages through and through everyone who watched her.

One day, on her way home from school, Sarafina noticed that someone was following her. It was a little boy. He would laugh and hide every time she looked back. It was as if he were playing peek-a-boo with her.

Sarafina finally caught the little boy and asked, “Why are you following me little boy?”

He replied, “My name is Cornelius, and I am from Peek-A-Boo Hill. My PaPa has sent me here to find you.”

“Find me, but why?” she replied?

“Oh Sarafina, you are the Chosen One,” said Cornelius. “Our ancestors spoke of this day. They said one day this dark cloud would take over our town, and all the love would be wiped out, and the families would suffer greatly.”

Sarafina looked at Cornelius with a puzzled look and replied, “How can I help? I’m just a little girl.”

“They said a mighty warrior child that carried a Light on the inside of her would come and save us from this evil dark cloud.”

Sarafina’s Grandmother popped up from her position in the rocking chair so fast at the sound of her name being bellowed from the gate, that her reading glasses were now resting in a crooked slant on her nose.

“Oh, my child, you startled me!”

I have something to tell you.”

“Okay, okay, calm down Sarafina and take a deep breath. Slowly explain what all the excitement is about; but first, who is your friend?” her Grandmother asked.

“Oh, this is Cornelius…” And she began to pour her heart out with all that Cornelius had told her.

Sarafina’s Grandmother sat quietly for a few minutes, and then looked at Sarafina and said, “My sweet child, what does your heart tell you?”

Sarafina replied with a shout, “I HAVE TO HELP THEM GRANDMOTHER. I just know that I have to!”


Sarafina’s grandmother looked at Cornelius and gave him specific instructions:

“Son, go and tell your PaPa we have accepted the invitation, and will be there in three days’ time. First, he must put together a show for the Town’s people to begin at sunset just when the sun is setting. We will meet you there.”

“Now hurry and go tell your PaPa what I have said.”


You see, Sarafina’s Grandmother was a very wise woman. She had a gift of knowing things others didn’t know. She knew of the Power that was within Sarafina because she too carries that Power, and that one day, Sarafina would have to use that Power to help others.

So, from the day Sarafina was born until now, her Grandmother waited for the time when the Power that was on the inside of Sarafina would be needed to help others.



During the night before Sarafina was to perform, she couldn’t sleep and her nerves began to unravel. She was so nervous and restless that she ran into her Grandmother’s room and cried, “Oh Grandmother, Oh Grandmother, what if they don’t like me and are mean to me; like they are to each other?”

Her Grandmother looked at her with the biggest loving smile that only a Grandmother can, and said, “Oh, my sweet child, have I ever told you what your name means?” Sarafina answered, “No Grandmother, what does it mean?”


The Power that is inside of you will guide you in all things, and will cause you to do things that even you thought were impossible. Baby Girl, what you carry on the inside of you is far greater than you know. So, you don’t have to do a thing, but to follow the leading of the Light within you; and flow with it.”

She gave Sarafina a big hug and a kiss on the forehead, led her back to her room, and put her back to bed.

“Sarafina, your name means: BRIGHT STAR!


In the morning, Sarafina arose with such peace and confidence in her heart, and with great excitement.

She looked in the mirror after brushing her teeth and washing her face, and said with a LOUD voice, “Sarafina, you got this. Today, the Power that’s inside of you will change that Town.”

She believed this with all her heart.


As she approached the Town with her Grandmother

by her side, her Light got brighter and brighter. She knew that something amazing was going to happen. She was anxious, but filled with such excitement.

As the sun started to set, the sky looked like FIRE, but soon, the DARKNESS of the evil cloud took over.


As Sarafina prepared to step onto the stage,

suddenly, a loud horn sounded from above. A quiet hush came over all who were there and they sat in total amazement and awe!

At the same time as her foot touched the stage, a layer of water appeared on the stage sparkling like diamonds. It was an amazing sight to see. Each and every step Sarafina took, turned into beautiful bright and shimmering colors.



As Sarafina danced, the beautiful, shimmering water arose and took the shape of her body, wrapping around her like a ribbon. As Sarafina leaped in the air and spun around, so did the water. It was the most fascinating and beautiful sight this Town had ever seen. The children and adults were speechless, and could do nothing but cry tears of joy. There was something very mystical happening as Sarafina danced – it seemed to change the atmosphere and everyone around her for good. It was truly a mystery.



When the show was over, Sarafina allowed the children to join her on the stage to dance along with her. The children started to rejoice with such a freedom they had never shown or felt before. They danced and sang with such glee and delight.

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After that day, the town’s children were visibly different. The dark cloud that once covered the town of Peek-A-Boo Hill disappeared, restoring Love, Joy and Order.

Now, the Light that Sarafina brought to the Town on that day remained forever.

Believe in Your Special Light

It is my desire and hope that every child and parent who reads this book will understand that there’s a Light in this dark world. Each of us has been given the opportunity to receive and use this special gift within us, and to remove the bad things wherever we go, if we only BELIEVE, just like Sarafina did.

My children and I also carry this special Light. Just like Sarafina was led by this Light to save the town of Peek-A-Boo Hill, the same is for each and every one of us. Become that shining bright star in your school, in your neighborhood, or wherever you feel the need for a little joy, love and laughter.

A simple kind word, a smile, or just a hug can change a person’s heart.

Creativity is already within you, just become creative and express your feelings, it’s OK! Don’t be afraid to do something you have never done before because that just might be the thing that changes your life forever.

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