pantheon// 'avontuur'

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central land control, local officials were able to exploit the profits of construction projects, easing interpretations of land protection laws that date back to 1988. Specifically, the press has reported fraud and corruption at the local levels, where officials have bent the law while receiving bribes from project developers and such. The corruption has not passed without, at least in certain cases, serious consequences. In 2006, the head of Urban Planning in Marbella was charged with accepting bribes to issue building permits. In another town Catral, the former mayor JosĂŠ Manual Rodriquez who oversaw the building of 1,000 recently proclaimed illegal homes during his 12 years in office, was forced to step down. Now the new authorities have announced demolition orders for over 150 of these homes. A consumer protection agency, operating at the European Union level, is currently investigating the financial operations of one responsible Helen. Prior watching, distraught, as her retirement home is being torn down. Her husband Len has a heart condition, and collapsed when the bull dozers arrived that morning. He was released from hospital after a check-up.

construction company; a company that owned by Maria RodrĂ­guez Leal, the sister of the former mayor. Timing Politics is complex game. In brief, the new Socialist government in Spain, which took power in April 2004, has decided to enforce the much neglected 1988 laws concerning what constitutes the public

Simlutaneously, the Spanish housing market has undergone vast


changes in the last decade. Vacation homes along the Mediterranean Coast have become increasingly popular, causing housing prices

Also within the Socialist agenda, environmental agencies have seen

in Spain to rise. Demand has nonetheless remained abundant,

their calling, and have stepped up their own pressure. This was clearly

thus sparking steady growth in the housing market during the late

expressed in Environment Ministry's coastal department director JosĂŠ

1990's, causing increases in property value, drawing investments and

Fernandez statement this year regarding Spain's coastal protection:

stimulating more market growth.

"We're taking the law seriously. Previous governments didn't think it was important, while we have made it a priority."

The healthy growth in the housing market proved a strong influence on Economic prosperity in the country during the early years of 2000.

The Builder's Dilemma

To give an indication of the growth, housing prices almost doubled,

Environment a priority? If this is true, it illustrates a change in the Ethics

on average, between 1998 and 2006. The coastal towns in Spain are

of recent Spanish political culture.

amongst Europe's most popular. A change in political culture, symbolizing a larger ethical goal, yet also accounting for the widespread demolition of perfectly well constructed

A change in political culture, symbolizing a larger ethical goal also accounts for the widespread demolition of perfectly well constructed vacation homes.

vacation homes. Is this to par with our morality? As contributors to the built environment, certainly we feel addressed.

Unfortunately, the this is where the opportunity for individuals

As Architects should we accept the (possibly unethical) current Political

involved in building to draw profits arose. Because of the weakened

policies that 'correct' the previous (certainly unethical) policies, by >> stylos // avontuur // algemeen

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18-6-2008 14:50:14

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